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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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S¡mon;104620170 said:
That's a Gaikai / PlayStation Now functionality.

So you think we'll see it when that comes out? It just seems to me Sony forgot about it, I haven't heard them mention it at all since they made the february announcement of PS4 (that honestly was the thing I was most excited about. As some one who isn't so great at games and sometimes gets stuck at a frustrating part it was a neat idea I could get a friend who was better to take over and get me through a frustrating part I wasn't enjoying so I could continue to enjoy the rest of the game).
MS must be in trouble , even when PS4 has no games and MS have all the exclusives and best games they are still getting outsold close to 2:1 worldwide. The system must be really appalling to gamers.

Where is this nonsense coming from that the PS4 has no games? Sure its lineup isn't the strongest right now, but it has some good titles. When you count in F2P games, I would say PS4 has the better lineup.

Sure, Titanfall may have tipped the balance in MS's favor, but Infamous:SS will at least maintain parity.
If the Xbox One was as powerful as the PS4 and launched at the same price without Kinect then the mass exodus would not be happening.

(Today, 02:09 AM)

Of course you analysis is 100% correct, IMHO.


Since this is a thread full of personal anecdotes, I thought I might as well add my own to the mix.

I was at GameStop here in Norway and the guy there told me that even though the PS3 started put slowly, it had really gained steam over the last few years of the generation. So the impression I got was that even though a lot of these people had both systems, they were primarily PS3 gamers by the time PS4/XB1 rolled out. So it makes sense that a lot of these people would go for the PS4 first.

I think a lot of people underestimate the power of the PlayStation brand. The PS3's unprecedented and monumental failure made a lot of PS2 owners jump to the XB360, but as Sony slashed the price of the PS3 and started to put out games that rivaled early Xbox exclusives like Gears, they really made headway in pulling some of these people back to the PlayStation brand. I thought last gen looked a bit like a Tour de France race where the guy in first thinks he has won too early, and then gets beat right on the finish line.
Yes, I know the Wii sold more than either
If anything, last gen showed us that it's not over until it's over. Also, after we got the NPD results for February I was hoping we'd go at least a week without a MS is dooooomed thread, but I guess not.


So you think we'll see it when that comes out? It just seems to me Sony forgot about it, I haven't heard them mention it at all since they made the february announcement of PS4 (that honestly was the thing I was most excited about. As some one who isn't so great at games and sometimes gets stuck at a frustrating part it was a neat idea I could get a friend who was better to take over and get me through a frustrating part I wasn't enjoying so I could continue to enjoy the rest of the game).

I'm wondering if that featured will ever come to fruition. Hope they didn't nix it and just replaced it with the very pared down interact option in live from ps4 and for example broadcast+ Mode in dead nation. I.e. Giving health boosts and what not.


Where is this nonsense coming from that the PS4 has no games? Sure its lineup isn't the strongest right now, but it has some good titles. When you count in F2P games, I would say PS4 has the better lineup.

Sure, Titanfall may have tipped the balance in MS's favor, but Infamous:SS will at least maintain parity.

He was just baiting you. Your reply was almost perfect for him, except that bit where you mention Titanfall may have tipped the balance in MS's favor. Let's see how he responds...


extra source of jiggaflops
I always check out Playstation Live for the latest releases.


So you think we'll see it when that comes out? It just seems to me Sony forgot about it, I haven't heard them mention it at all since they made the february announcement of PS4 (that honestly was the thing I was most excited about. As some one who isn't so great at games and sometimes gets stuck at a frustrating part it was a neat idea I could get a friend who was better to take over and get me through a frustrating part I wasn't enjoying so I could continue to enjoy the rest of the game).

Err, they're launch a beta of it this summer.


All of my friends were 360 instead of PS3 last gen and so was I.

All of them switched and so did I.

It's a no brainer. Better hardware, cheaper price point, and frankly the only reason I get a console is for the exclusives and Sony is offering a better range of exclusives lately.

Halo 4 pretty much finished my interest in the series (wasn't a terrible game, I just didn't feel like playing it after about 50 hours.) I don't like Gears. I don't like racing games so Forza holds no interest for me. All the rest of MS's proposed exclusives either have major question marks or revolve around Kinect. No thanks.

Titanfall isn't exclusive, I got it for my PC and it runs at 1080p and 60fps with zero dips.

The PS4 UI may be bare bones but the Xbone UI is an utterly jumbled mess.

The Xbone is one of the most unappealing pieces of hardware ever released IMO. I wouldn't even swap my WiiU for one, even if I didn't already have a PS4 and that is an easy choice because Nintendo's exclusives are far more valuable to me that MS's.


MS must be in trouble , even when PS4 has no games and MS have all the exclusives and best games they are still getting outsold close to 2:1 worldwide. The system must be really appalling to gamers.

the xbone exclusives arent such good games. Maybe if youre coming from solely a 360 but if you're used to really good exclusives (pc/gc/ps2/ps3) those xbone games are quite lackluster.


I'm wondering if that featured will ever come to fruition. Hope they didn't nix it and just replaced it with the very pared down interact option in live from ps4 and for example broadcast+ Mode in dead nation. I.e. Giving health boosts and what not.

Yeah, honestly I am feeling it's not at this point. Sony seems to have forgotten they even promised it and worse, no one else seems to remember it either (I barely ever see anyone asking for that when they wonder were features are). I think that latter part is really what means it won't ever come to fruition, it doesn't seem like anyone even cares that it's not there (Sony will probably focus more on what people care about rather than something they promised but no one seems to notice they never did).

Err, they're launch a beta of it this summer.

A beta of Playstation Now or of the specific feature I was talking about? I know they will of Playstation Now but as you can see, I'm skeptical I'll see the feauture that allows people to take over my game for me and play through parts for me.


Dude, while I agree with your point that PS3 was the better games system. Lets not be naive here.

Sony is NOT more in touch with gamers. They are in gaming for a buck just as much as MS is. The only difference is that Sony has been more ammenable to gamers lately because they have had to be, since they need to rebound from PS3. During the early PS3 days, their arrogance was legendary.

In the last few months I fear they have been slipping back into their old habits. The PS4's success has made their heads get big again.
Aaaaand... How? What on earth makes you say this? Or is it just sarcasm?


You didn't get Killzone?

Sorry yeah I got killzone and battlefield. Gave up on battlefield and played it on PC. Killzone multiplayer was kinda meh. Powering through single player now, had no real interest in the SP.

The free ps+ games have been good enough for now,

But I got an itching to play ryse, dead rising, pvz and even the kinect fitness thing.
It might seem dumb but their policies revealed last summer have just turned me away from the brand.
DRM policies, TV focus, lower hardware specs, higher price, forced Kinect, requiring Gold for even the most basic functionality, and microtransaction-laden launch titles.

Those combined meant that the Xbox went from a primary purchase to a "no buy".

But its not all said and done yet. MS can still turn this ship around, slowly, but they're weighed down with previous decisions baked into the hardware and services. And of course Sony is more than capable of fucking their own prospects up. But yeah, here at the start, it makes perfect sense for Sony to be reaping the rewards right now.

I just don't think I'll ever have both consoles with both subs active, and to the extent that I need both subs to be active I'll stick to just one platform.
MS must be in trouble , even when PS4 has no games and MS have all the exclusives and best games they are still getting outsold close to 2:1 worldwide. The system must be really appalling to gamers.

I keep hearing PS4 has no games and Microsoft has the best exclusives, but in all honestly PS4 and XBO have mostly the same games or shall I say, the better versions of the games the casual/mainstream gamers actually care about. Most of the exclusive content is not what is pushing systems. Games like Madden, COD, Battlefield, Assassin's Creed, etc are generally what people purchase the systems for. I don't think it's because Microsoft's system is unappealing to gamers or anything like that, but gamers can get a virtually identical experience on a more powerful machine for $100 less. I mean that fact alone can allow you to procure two additional games. Microsoft will need to drop the price sooner than later and acquire as many significant exclusives as they can to potentially sell systems.


extra source of jiggaflops
It's the 16th of March. That PS4s are found in the wild in some location in some Walmart is not the most unlikely thing in the world.

I admit that I've seen more dicks being sucked than PS4s in the wild, but I can understand that other people have the inverse experience.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
The Xbone is one of the most unappealing pieces of hardware ever released IMO. I wouldn't even swap my WiiU for one, even if I didn't already have a PS4 and that is an easy choice because Nintendo's exclusives are far more valuable to me that MS's.

Same here. And I'm regretting buying a Wii U and thinking of selling it. Still wouldn't trade it for an X1. The console just doesn't appeal to me, and like you I'm sick of their exclusives.


I wonder how many people stayed on xbox ecosystem due to having active live subscriptions. I could see that being a factor in combination with the friends thing in not wanting to make the move.


I was just at Walmart in central illinois. Ps4s fully in stock. No titanfall bundles. But regular versions were in stock. So it varies

One quick search of stock using an Illinois zip code shows that your experience is hardly representative, though.

Most stores are consistent with his picture in a 50 miles radius of a couple different zip codes I tried.
To me, Resogun is better by itself than all the Xbox One exclusives combined. Throw on the multi-plat situation and even "Go with the games!" points me to a PS4 over Xbox One.

The only One game I want more time with is Dead Rising 3, and I simply can't justify 560$ for one game.

and you'll probably see Dead Rising4 go multiplat. that's the problem with funding third party efforts, you don't have ultimate control of the franchise. sure it looks like MS has a huge exclusive lineup at the onset of a console generation but later on when you need to rely on your first party studios you'll be looking at the same problem the 360 had at the end of it's cycle. Halo, Forza, Gears and Fable. but hey if those are your games then by all means get an Xbox and enjoy what you like.

Im still huge on Gears so in two years when the next one is launched I'll take a hard look into getting an Xbone. hopefully it will be kinectless at $299


Let me know when PS4 has something that rivals Titanfall or Halo and maybe we'll talk.

In the grand scheme of things the power differences between PS4 and Xbone have been grossly exaggerated by people on the internet. It's funny how many fanboys became pixel counters and framerate fiends during the launch of this generation. You'd all be better serviced by a gaming PC if image quality is such a concern.

My goodness lol


"The PSx has no games" meme is really growing old, but even as a fan of Sony's games, I have to say that their offerings weren't that great on the PS1/2. WipEouts were the only games from them I bought back then (EDIT: + Siren and God of War, which I forgot). Things changed on the PS3, when they couldn't rely on the 3rd parties anymore, and had to provide more games of their own. Now they're one of the strongest publishers out there, and over a third of the PS3 games I own were published by them.

A few exclusive new IP, most with multiple sequels:

PS1: Crash Bandicoot, Twisted Metal, Jet Moto, Gran Turismo, Syphon Filter, Warhawk, Armored Core, Hot Shots Golf, Colony Wars, Destruction Derby, Gameday, Ape Escape, PaRappa

PS2: Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, Sly Cooper, God of War, Ico, Shadow of the Collosus

Probably lots I'm not thinking of.

PS has games. :)


Haven't stores been purposely holding back stock for Sundays so they could advertise in ads or something? Or has that practice ended. I know that best buy was doing that for awhile and you'd see lines of a few ppl on Sunday mornings.


Didn't say it was? Just said they had them in stock. That's why I said yours may vary

(The ps4 not the titanfall bundle)

Right, and all I did was point out that your anecdotal experience wasn't representative, building up on what the previous poster had said.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.


Sorry. I didn't know they were still hard to get. You can check online? Or even call and verify if you want. But they had them in the cabinet.

If I go back I'll take a picture. I went to get titanfall bundle actually haha.

you dont want to know what its like here in NW europe..


the xbone exclusives arent such good games. Maybe if youre coming from solely a 360 but if you're used to really good exclusives (pc/gc/ps2/ps3) those xbone games are quite lackluster.

360 exclusives were great for me early last gen, especially if you count non-first-party like Bioshock, Saints Row, The Outfit, Mass Effect, etc.

I'll say, I still preferred the first year of 360 exclusives compared to what's announced for the first year, but the Xbox One also has some solid titles.

I just don't feel it has any advantage over PS4 in terms of games for someone that doesn't have a PC like me. Since launch, I've loved many games - Resogun, Don't Starve, Towerfall, Dead Nation, Flower, etc. (haven't played Outlast yet) that often aren't mentioned but are quite good. And multiplats being better is also a plus, which was in the 360's favour last gen. InFamous is coming soon too. I do want a split-screen racing game (Forza 5, but that was somewhat botched. PGR5, without microtransactions and with more tracks would've been better) and Titanfall, but that's pretty much it for me. What are the real great Xbox One exclusives
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

500 million dollar money hats? If Microsoft is going to do that, they can fuck off.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.
That will not happen.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

How is it "good" to moneyhat something?

If you had at least mentioned they will have financed a new game...
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

The next Battlefield and COD as well, it's like May 20th again.
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.
I'd think far less of MS if they tried that. You're talking about paying to delay multiplatform content from releasing on your competitor's console.

Only MS would gain from a timed exclusive of GTA6, nobody else.

How about spending that money on exclusive games that take full advantage of the platform? Something that truly could only be done on the Xbox? That'd be good stuff.

BestBuy in Chicago - No PS4's, but stacks of XBO's.

Honestly, I think it needs more than a price drop to stay competitive. TitanFall looks great to the casual consumer, but when they realize it'll cost them $500, they get cold feet.

Problem is, I can't think of any retail XBO exclusive games coming out between now and holiday period / post-E3. Am I mistaken?

And Halo 5 will be 2015, which begs the question - what will people want to drop $500 on this year? Not a lot.

PS4 is in a similar situation, but riding off great social media chatter / word of mouth and a lower price point. It has a weak stream of exclusives, but stronger than XBO. Second Son this week, with a superior version of MGS. Then FFXIV, DW8, MLB2014 (the only baseball game this year exclusive to PlayStation platforms.)

But then there are heavily marketed multiplatform titles in favor of PS4, like Watch Dogs and Destiny. And forget marketing for a moment. In all likelihood, PS4 multiplatforms will run better. Reviewers mention things like that and forums go crazy about it. That will lead to stronger software sales on PS4, too.

Going to be a rough year for XBO. Give it time, a price drop, and a hard-hitting exclusive like Halo 5 or Gears, and they'll be fine.
I think your right about most all this but the Xbox One has a better line up on most fronts this year. My opinion of course. Actually until Sony announces more games their exclusive AAA lineup from launch till 2015 is lacking pretty bad. Most people have to assume they are holding back a lot for E3. I think that is a safe assumption. The idea that the XB1 doesn't have plenty of quality exclusives in 2014 is a false narrative either way.


bish gets all the credit :)
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

I love when they spend money solely to stop other consoles from getting games and not using that money to invest in first party titles.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

I don't like GTA.

And there are no true must play games for me. There are far more games I want to play than I have time for, so no biggie missing exclusives on platforms I don't own.

As for timed exclusives, I couldn't care less. I seldom buy games near launch anyway as I'd rather wait and get them cheap later.


Desperate Microsoft is good Microsoft. I wonder how all of you guys are gonna feel when Grand Theft Auto 6 is a timed exclusive for XB1? (Maybe a year or so). MS will probably money hat something major like that if they keep getting crushed in sales and mind share.

This reads more like wishful thinking or fan fiction. No publisher is going to turn on papa playstation now that it has established itself as the next gen leader. Those EA deals were finalized pre launch.


extra source of jiggaflops
The next Battlefield and COD as well, it's like May 20th again.
Don't forget FIFA. That was also in the running.

Paying a multiplatform publisher to not publish on multiple viable platforms is so awesome. Funding independent developers or first-party studios is for losers! Suck it Ponies!


Haven't stores been purposely holding back stock for Sundays so they could advertise in ads or something? Or has that practice ended. I know that best buy was doing that for awhile and you'd see lines of a few ppl on Sunday mornings.

It's certainly possible. For Sunday adverts, stores are required by law to have the the product in stock the day the flyer goes out. If a store receives a shipment of a hot-ticket item on a Friday/Saturday, they may hold some stock back for Sunday to comply with the law.
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