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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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This describes almost all of my irl friends. Most of them had a 360 and none of them want an Xbone. They plan to get a PS4 closer to when Destiny comes out.
I honestly don't think that they can't recover. I agree that releasing significantly underpowered hardware (Wii U) is hard to recover from, but the XBO isn't a huge downgrade in raw performance.

The huge price increase directly caused by the Kinect, along with the Kinect sucking up some processing power, is the biggest problem.

Xbox One could have been more powerful than the ps4 with no included kinect and the outcome would have been the same with a $500 price tag. $500 is $500.


And me owned a 360 the whole of last gen then picked up a PS3 last year and never looked back.

I'm kinda in this boat except I owned a PS3 since launch. It was a $500 bluray player with bluray players were $1000. But last year I started gaming on it and got PS+ when my Live Gold ran out and haven't looked back. 360 is now just my rock band machine.


I don't doubt it, but is a poll on Yahoo really a "report?"

From a site that considers Thief a "stellar addition" to the games coming out right now?

Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

Eh, I had both last gen and I have both this gen. Never really considered going exclusively PS4 or X1 as it would mean I'd miss out on certain games and that just doesn't sit right with me.

Hell, I bought a Wii U so I could play Zombi U and while it perhaps wasn't the best decision, the console has paid for itself with exclusives like W101, LC: Undercover, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, SM3D World, etc.


I've said this since the beginning. MS has set themselves up to make it a struggle just to hold on to the marketshare they had last gen while Sony has set themselves up to not lose any marketshare, only to gain marketshare. Because people will bail on 360 to get a PS4 but there's hardly anyone who's going to bail on PS3 to get an XBO. And the lack of BC on Microsoft's part ensures there are even less reasons to stick with their brand.

Couldn't agree more! It will be interesting to see MS's reaction over the next 12 months as the points you've made become more apparent, should be a win win for us gamers.

I'm fully paid up XBL until May 2016 so I hope to get to pick up another XBone (sold my launch unit) once the price the becomes more competitive.


Had all 3 consoles, played almost all multiplats on 360 until very late in the generation, when I played some multiplats on PS3 due to them having exclusive content. Now I have all three consoles, and I'll play all or almost all multiplats on PS4. So I guess it sounds about right in my case.


These consoles have been out for like what, less than 6 months? How many people owned both consoles that quickly last time round? Stupid article...


This describes almost all of my irl friends. Most of them had a 360 and none of them want an Xbone. They plan to get a PS4 closer to when Destiny comes out.
This is kinda the curiosity I was pondering earlier. If you're friends are anything like my friends (which they may or may not be, who knows), the 360 owners among them like Halo a lot. Why not pick the box that has both Halo and the next project from that same studio that originated the prior series? It's that specific demographic that I don't understand why they would make a switch, it's just surprising to me is all.


what's not supported?

When I picked up my launch unit(sold it after a month because it was sat dormant & gathering dust) none of the TV functionality worked at that point, if they've patched it and TV is fully functional in the UK now then great, but at the time that I had one it was just sat there gathering dust next to my Sky box.


So, there is still an active hardcore gamer base arround, who is willingly buying high priced products, if the hardware is powerful enough...

So it might be a good idea to release a powerful console in 2016 when the PS4 will be hopelessly outmatched by then even low-end PC tech, right Iwata...right?


eww, screw that
Xbox One could have been more powerful than the ps4 with no included kinect and the outcome would have been the same with a $500 price tag. $500 is $500.

Who said anything about XBO being or needing to be more powerful than PS4?

XBO doesn't need to be more powerful, but they need to price match the PS4 at $399. The only way this can be done is by dropping Kinect.

Asking people to pay more and get less is just not smart business.


This is kinda the curiosity I was pondering earlier. If you're friends are anything like my friends (which they may or may not be, who knows), the 360 owners among them like Halo a lot. Why not pick the box that has both Halo and the next project from that same studio that originated the prior series? It's that specific demographic that I don't understand why they would make a switch, it's just surprising to me is all.

Maybe they feel that Halo is just a name now that the creative talent that spawned the franchise is no longer involved and so new releases of that series are irrelevant to them? I always have a hard time with game IP's being handed to someone else. They always lose a bit of that magic that the passionate people who created the franchise brought to the table.


Yep, that's me and all of my real-life gaming buddies, for example.

- more powerful
- cheaper
- no Kinect

Easy decision.


This is kinda the curiosity I was pondering earlier. If you're friends are anything like my friends (which they may or may not be, who knows), the 360 owners among them like Halo a lot. Why not pick the box that has both Halo and the next project from that same studio that originated the prior series? It's that specific demographic that I don't understand why they would make a switch, it's just surprising to me is all.

Two of them like Halo a lot but they don't care much for the 343 games and would rather have the best version of Destiny. They also see all the advantages the PS4 has and have decided that it just isn't worth it to be stuck with crappy hardware just to play Halo (they are unlikely to own more than one system).

Basically they're a lot more mature than they were in 2005/2006 and can make more reasonable buying decisions.


Nothing! I said nothing!
Eh, I had both last gen and I have both this gen. Never really considered going exclusively PS4 or X1 as it would mean I'd miss out on certain games and that just doesn't sit right with me.

Hell, I bought a Wii U so I could play Zombi U and while it perhaps wasn't the best decision, the console has paid for itself with exclusives like W101, LC: Undercover, Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze, SM3D World, etc.

This is definitely the best idea if a person is able to afford it.


Yeah, this sounds about right, and it perfectly illustrates why continuing late-life support for last-gen consoles is so important. It shows that a customer's loyalty to their brand will be reciprocated in kind - that the company will stick by its fans, no matter what. Not doing so is a sign that the company can't be trusted, and may convince previous customers to jump off the sinking ship into the arms of more "loyal" companies.

Think about it - besides the odd new franchise attempt/exclusive hardcore game that US players had to launch a Twitter campaign to even get released, Nintendo pretty much left the Wii to lie fallow for its last couple of years, and look what's happening to the Wii U. Sega did it, too, with both the Saturn (in the West) and the Dreamcast, though their hand was kind of forced with that one. The same thing is happening to Microsoft now, though to a lesser extent; beside the odd hardcore-focused exclusive and tons of shitty Kinect shovelware, the 360 has seen some lacklustre support from MS over the past three years. Hell, Titanfall might well be MS' last 360 game (correct me if I'm wrong, I don't follow 360 news much these days), but it's clearly an afterthought, just like their recent 360 support has been - and fans might have taken notice.

Now look at Sony - although their support for PS3 is winding down now that PS4 is out, they and their 3rd parties are supporting the console in other ways, with interesting and artistically appealing indie games, niche Japanese RPGs and hardcore-focused exclusives, and, more importantly, continuing to do so until the console is no longer viable - and even beyond that. They did the same with PS2 and PS1 too, and have actually referred to both having "ten year lifespans" in the past - reassuring to customers who want to keep all their old games, even in the face of full backwards compatibility (though that doesn't count with the PS4, stupid Cell). Either way, it just seems like you can trust Sony (and their third parties) to keep up the support for as long as you need them to.

This is all just IMO of course, but maybe that is a contributing factor to the exodus of former 360 gamers to PS4, alongside other factors such as price and power differentials, privacy concerns, unnecessary peripherals (and the lack thereof), and upcoming game selection and potential.

Of course, you should buy all the available machines if you can afford it (in both time and money), but you can see why most people can't.


That describes me.

Me too. 360 was my most used platform last generation, but I expect One will be the least used in this. It's too expensive, seems underpowered, Xbox Live has no value to me anymore, I don't want Kinect and I want to see support for my consoles in the last half of a generation, just as much as the first. And I still remember their DRM scheme.

It made it very easy to make the PS4 my go to platform, even if the PC is where I spend most of my time these days. I'll get XO for the exclusives when it's finally released in Denmark, where I live, but everything else will be bought elsewhere.


Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).



Who said anything about XBO being or needing to be more powerful than PS4?

XBO doesn't need to be more powerful, but they need to price match the PS4 at $399. The only way this can be done is by dropping Kinect.

Asking people to pay more and get less is just not smart business.

So asking people to pay the same price but still get less is smart business?

I used to think they should drop Kinect but it's what makes the system unique. Get rid of that and you just have a less powerful PS4 with less first party support.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

In what weird alternate reality are Xbone games performing better than the PS4 versions?


When I picked up my launch unit(sold it after a month because it was sat dormant & gathering dust) none of the TV functionality worked at that point, if they've patched it and TV is fully functional in the UK now then great, but at the time that I had one it was just sat there gathering dust next to my Sky box.

The only thing that has been patched is that the HDMI pass through now switches down to 50hz when watching TV, so it doesn't drop every sixth frame. There's still no UK TV integration, and I suspect there never will be.

The Xbox One in the UK is still a considerably worse media box than the Xbox 360.


So what the hell are you playing then? It's not like MS has a ton of exclusives besides 3 franchises?

I'm the same as that guy, to be honest. Most of the games I own seem to be exclusives but not from first-party studios. Wartech: Senko no Ronde, Eschatos, Ginga Force, bunch of CAVE games, Earth Defence Force 2017, the first Dead Rising game. Stuff like Deadly Premonition, Bayonetta (might as well have been exclusive...), and Child of Eden all came out first on the 360 too. Not including XBLA either there.

PS3 a little less so as there is the odd first-party game I care about (Folklore, Tokyo Jungle, Team Ico). Even the majority of my Wii games aren't from Nintendo.
I owned both systems for a good part of last generation, but I primarily played on the 360 because that's where most of my friends were. However, Microsoft really rubbed me the wrong with that reveal last year. I felt that I was in the Twilight Zone, and I was just about ready to abandon modern console gaming for good had Sony implemented similar policies.

I can't see myself investing in both systems this generation mostly due to finances. With a family, house, business expenses and the like, I can't see myself paying for two online subscriptions to piss my days away lol. Most of the time that I'm gaming or posting here I should be working anyway. I'll stick with the PS4 & Steam until further notice.


It's a no brainer. More powerful and cheaper easy choice. Even if they were the price, PS4 still win. The console with the most better 3rd party games usually wins, only exception Wi. Thus, when people say drop kinect and lower the price, it might slow down the tide, but at same point, the dam is still going to break. At this point, Microsoft have find lightning in a bottle kinect game, ala Wii Sport, which can get all those casual gamers onboard or accept being probably a distant 2nd and plan their strategy accordingly. The later is way more likely so Microsoft should just make the best of bad situation and just ride it out until next time.

And, owning all, I was X360 > PS3 > PC > Wii. Now, I am PC > PS4 > X1 > Wii U.

Next time, console better not be so weak against the PC so I can go back to console #1.
only 1.7k i understand that bold claim if it was a survey of over 1mil. or something

but with that said. the ps4 is selling like hot cakes. the price per performance is above the xbox one

I don't think you understand how surveys work. You don't need a sample size of a million to show its compatability to a large group
All MSTF needs to do is to reach price parity with PS4 while keeping Kinect in the box.

Except that multiplatform games will still look and run better on the PS4, and PS4 exclusives will blow Xbone games out of the water technically, as we're seeing with Titanfall looking like a 360 game?

Having both consoles is the way to go. No need to worry about all this fanboy shit.

Yeah, PS4 / Wii U is definitely the way to go.


Yep, that's me and all of my real-life gaming buddies, for example.

- more powerful
- cheaper
- no Kinect

Easy decision.

Yup, I also had both consoles last gen. Not the whole time through but I had them. This gen I might just stick with the PS4. For the reasons you mentioned and I don#t want to pay for Live as well which is also a bad deal.

I am way more likely to build a gaming PC in like a year or two.


Damn, so a report published on Yahoo, which itself sourced from BGR.com, a mainly mobile smartphone based website, which sourced the report as conducted by DealNews which is a coupon/sale site, is being used as a legitimate source now? 1700+ random responders who claimed to own both consoles, 35% said they'd pick PS4, 23% said they'd pick Xbox One.
im going from all 3 last gen to probably just a ps4, i dont like MS's ideas for the future and refuse to support them...until maybe Quantum Break, as I looooved Alan Wake. but even then if i have to follow a tv show as well, no way hose a


Damn, so a report published on Yahoo, which itself sourced from BGR.com, a mainly mobile smartphone based website, which sourced the report as conducted by DealNews which is a coupon/sale site, is being used as a legitimate source now?

A legitimate source for what, the discussion we are having? This isn't a news site.


Microsoft ditched the 360 too early for some reason. They did everything right in the beginning and the middle of its life. But those last few years were terrible. Turns out all that PR bs about the ps3 hitting its stride was true. Why would any 360 owner be up for another year of gaming droughts?
i have a feeling this will probably be my last gen since i feel my love for gaming was weakened considerably the past 5-6 years, but i was mostly a PS360 gamer last gen and will most probably be XB1/PS4 this gen. PS4 for the better ports and sony exclusives and XB1 for its own 2nd/3rd party exclusives, similar to last gen. theres a few games on both consoles i MUST play!


Damn, so a report published on Yahoo, which itself sourced from BGR.com, a mainly mobile smartphone based website, which sourced the report as conducted by DealNews which is a coupon/sale site, is being used as a legitimate source now?

It's more of a confirmation of a known reality in the form of a specified data set. A website for furniture could have done the poll. In fact that makes it less likely to be skewed.


I had the 360 as the primary last gen. I bought every third-party game for that system. This gen that will switch with me buying the third-party games for the PS4 and only exclusives for the One. I've been a multi console owner since the N64/PSone gen. I was one of very few who actually owned both systems. And after that I haven't looked back. Way to many brand loyalists even on GAF. People who don't own a, let's say, Nintendo or Microsoft system, miss out on so many great games.


Why is a report necessary for this, just look at the shift in Market share in the US. Clearly more 360 owners are moving to PS4 than PS3 owners are moving to XB1.

But yes, of course this is due to price and better multiplats (people don't need to know the difference between 900p and 1080p, they just know PS4 has better multiplats.)
So asking people to pay the same price but still get less is smart business?

I never said that, although it certainly isn't as bad as the current situation.

The Kinect also isn't that bad, but it's expensive and a large percentage of gamers don't want it.

Selling the Kinect separately wouldn't magically stop the people who want one from buying one.
Had my 360 since launch, bought ps3 last year and will buy ps4 this year. No plans of ever buying xbox. bored of ms exclusives and ps4 is cheaper, better multiplats, better exclusives and online/ui seems to have caught up so no need to buy xbox anymore


The only thing that has been patched is that the HDMI pass through now switches down to 50hz when watching TV, so it doesn't drop every sixth frame. There's still no UK TV integration, and I suspect there never will be.

The Xbox One in the UK is still a considerably worse media box than the Xbox 360.

Ah ok, thanks. When the guy who quoted me questioned "what's not supported?" I thought I'd got it wrong, glad I didn't hang onto it waiting for the the TV integration now as that's what I considered when I realised I wouldn't be gaming on it much and at that time £600 was a lot of money for me to just leave sitting there.

I hopeful once it hits £300 in the UK I'll pick one up again, shouldn't be much longer I'd imagine.
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