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Report: Xbox owners are deserting Microsoft consoles for the PlayStation 4

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Are there any similar reports from the start of the last generation?
It would be interesting to see how they compare especially with the "Wii60" talk of the time.

Exactly, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, TV, DOG



Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

I don't think either console is worth buying right now (games lineup more than anything) so I sure as hell wouldn't be buying both if I wanted to go next gen. I'm quite happy enough to play South Park and Dark Souls 2 on my ps3 and Ultra Street Fighter IV on my 360 when it releases.

But as a PS360 gamer I would mos def go with the PS4, especially when I already have Titanfall on my PC. (Not that I can play it ffs since I get massive headaches after 10 mins, played Quake/UT all the time while younger and never had those issues)


And to think that they still haven't released it in the netherlands after now almost 5 months is disgusting. Treating a lot of country's as second tier no wonder game sales have been plummeting here because a lot of gamers need a new console now yes you can buy it in germany but you can't bring it back if it's broken , not that i am going to buy a Xbone since that decision was made even after the 180's. I will purchase a PS4 when i have the money for it but Microsoft just fucked it up big time.

Not going to pay 500 euro's with a mandatory Kinect,i never even owned it on my 360 why in the world would i have it on xbone? I just don't care about that stuff give me options don't push everything in my throat as a mandatory.


Interesting US survey, but it would be better if they linked back to their methodology (for example, an online only survey without any demographic pre-vetting would be a waste of time) and Alonso the weighting system they used. That 44% number for multi-console ownership against the whole universe of console owners seems really high to me - not that I know too much about the overall US landscape, so you know, comment from my arse and all that.

Still, not bad news for MS if they can get the price down those buying intentions suggest lots of 360 owners will upgrade, but I suspect their near 100% lead in unit sales in NA is gone for good.

A couple of amusingly confused posts on this thread too.
The power difference is a strange one? Especially when MS knew that with the inclusion of Kinect taking resources they would have to be more powerful than the PS4 to break even!

But I suppose having a couple of MS execs spend 6 months spreading FUD online obfuscating about power differences was a lot cheaper.


Because not everyone wants to drop $1000+ on consoles?

You don't necessarily have to buy everything day one...

Personally, it seems kinda weird to me when people say "I will never buy X" considering how early it is in the generation. We don't know what will be released/how you taste might change in five+ years.


I wonder how many of the "deserters" had jumped from PS2 to 360 last gen and are now returning to Playstation.


You don't necessarily have to buy everything day one...

Personally, it seems kinda weird to me when people say "I will never buy X" considering how early it is in the generation. We don't know what will be released/how you taste might change in five+ years.

Well for some people there is just too much to change that it would be pretty much impossible. It would be like creating a whole new console.
PS+ swung it me last gen.

This, and the fact Sony had a better run-in games-wise at the end of the gen than Microsoft. It seems to me in these threads people forget about this.

No one was playing a GOTY from MS last year in the run-up to the XB1's launch; they were playing TLoU.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
The One will be aight when they drop the mandatory Kinect SKU, do a reasonable price cut and get some more exclusives high budget and hyped-up games

I'm considering jumping in for the infamous Platinum exclusive. Platinum games are always a good reason to jump in
I wonder how many of the "deserters" had jumped from PS2 to 360 last gen and are now returning to Playstation.

Probably quite a few. Their friends bought a 360 and convinced them to buy one during the PS3's absence. This time the consoles launched at the same time, the PS4 was cheaper, and has better tech. It's a no-brainer.

Game Guru

When last gen I owned a Wii and a 360, this gen I will own a 3DS and a PS4. Both Microsoft and Nintendo have just failed at making compelling consoles, but Nintendo has made a compelling handheld which will have Smash Bros now in addition to Mario, Mario Kart, Sonic, Zelda, and Animal Crossing as well as Pokemon, all I need for my Nintendo fix now is a 3DS. As for PS4, PlayStation and Xbox are pretty interchangeable as brands for me, especially if there is a lack of backwards compatibility. I did own a PS1 and PS2 in the past, so this is just me returning to Team Sony after Sony made an unappealing console with the PS3. To be clear, this is all my opinion and that other people may have different tastes, but for me, getting a 3DS and a PS4 would be the best option.
All MSTF needs to do is to reach price parity with PS4 while keeping Kinect in the box.

The majority of potential customers don't want kinect....

Funny how their statics/analysts thought because more people were streaming media than playing games, it meant people wanted a jack of all trades master of none console....

Yet, at the same time they completely ignored the fact that only 1/3 of the 360 user base bought kinect and the fact that the motion control fad had passed when Wii sales plummeted....

This is coming from an xb1 owner too haha. Will pick up a ps4 in the fall when I return to work.


Gold Member
I don't doubt it.

In my focus group of one, I was a 360 first last gen. It had great exclusives and was cheaper but roughly as powerful as PS3, and usually got the best versions of third party games.

Now I am PS4 first this gen. It has great exclusives in the pipeline, is cheaper and considerably more powerful than Xbox One, and almost certainly will get always the best versions of third party games.

It's such a simple formula, really.


Way to many brand loyalists even on GAF. People who don't own a, let's say, Nintendo or Microsoft system, miss out on so many great games.

One thing I'll say about this. Only owning one of the systems isn't necessarily brand loyalty. I've generally been a multiplatform owner and had all 3 consoles and both handhelds last generation. But after selling both the Wii, DS, 360 and PSP over the last two years, I suddenly find myself weirdly owning only Playstation platforms. Well for now at least.

I keep planning on picking up a 3DS, but I've still not finished my PSP and Vita backlog yet, so even if I had a 3DS I wouldn't be playing it. There's quite a few Wii U games I want, but I don't have the time for them now. Heck I still haven't really played a single game on my launch PS4 since I'm still busy with PS3 games, with several more to come this year. It's not a question of game library, unfounded loyalty or price. I just don't have the free time to be playing all the good games on every system. Buying new systems to play more games wouldn't make sense when I haven't gotten around to playing the games I want on the systems I already own. I'll get to them eventually, but it's a mstter of time more than anything else

Rebel Leader

Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

Well with a mix of real life gaming friends and the online community I belong to. Those who had both opted to get the PS4. Seem at the later part of the last gen cycle many converted and decided to stay with Sony as a primary.

I for one bought both. Yet the friends I have on my friends list not to only three show moved up to the xbox one.


Well for some people there is just too much to change that it would be pretty much impossible. It would be like creating a whole new console.

That's fair. There isn't anything announced for PS4/XBO that I'm even interested in. After the 360 of all places became this home to Japanese action games, though, I kinda feel like anything is possible.


I bought both but if I was restricted to one of them it would have likely been the PS4. I buy consoles based on the games I want to play though and while most of my purchases will likely be for the PS4 this gen (opposite of last gen), the XB1 already has a nice collection of exclusive titles and is currently getting far more of my time.
I went 360>PS3>PS4

360 had a good run between 2006-2008 with great and varied list of exclusives, then it just stopped and reverted to Halo/Gears/Forza trio.
I don't doubt it, but is a poll on Yahoo really a "report?"

From a site that considers Thief a "stellar addition" to the games coming out right now?

Right now, Microsoft is beating the crap out of Sony in the exclusives department, with a stronger launch line up, a stronger selection of developers (nobody at Sony can touch Remedy or Insomniac--nobody), and more announced games, with more to come.

Sony, weirdly, is completely failing to deliver.

And heck, it's actually performing better on a few multiplatform games (wtf).

I'm unsure as to whether this is a joke post but by the end of this year Sony still have inFAMOUS, MLB, The Order: 1886, Planetside 2, DriveClub out the door. That doesn't even include The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4 that will probably release soon.

They have exclusive arrangements (full game, timed exclusive to DLC exclusive) deals with Final Fantasy XIV, Watchdogs, Destiny etc.

Then you have to throw in the indies that are either exclusive to the PS4 or timed exclusives for the PS4 such as The Witness, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Rime, Octodad, Transistor, Secret Ponchos, Volume etc.

We must also consider that the vast, vast majority of multiplatform games are better on PS4.

I'd say the outlook is tipped in Sony's favour once the Titanfall hype has died down. Microsoft are releasing a game Sony and many other publishers turned down (Sunset Overdrive), Forza Horizon 2, Quantum Break, Halo re-releases etc. They of course will have a few others.

I would say Sony have more in the tank too. Still haven't seen games from Sony Bend, Guerillas new IP, Santa Monica, Studio London, Polyphony Digital and most of SCEJ's new projects.

On a second party front we haven't seen what's coming from Firesprite, Quantic Dream, Tarsier Studios, Giant Sparrow, Supermassive games etc.

Both systems have games, and good games at that, that are releasing soon. Writing off Sony though is rather foolish given the sheer amount of games they released last gen on much tougher hardware to program for. Should be easier for them now.
Im not talking about the people who cant afford it. Im talking about the people who can yet they dont. And im not talking about multiplats games, im obviously talking about exclusives. I mean, sticking yourself with xbox wont let you experience a beautiful game like TLOU. Sticking yourself with playstation wont let you experience a beautiful game like Halo. Not to forget Nintendo's amazing platform games.

I can afford Xbone but Im not gonna buy an Xbone at that price because I dont think it is worth that much and it doesn't have any exclusive game I want. I will however buy it when it is ~200 euro, by that time it surely will have some games I'd like to try.


Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

Because people want the best looking performing versions and won't settle for less.

It's normal.


You don't necessarily have to buy everything day one...

Personally, it seems kinda weird to me when people say "I will never buy X" considering how early it is in the generation. We don't know what will be released/how you taste might change in five+ years.
It's still going to cost you a shit load when you factor in online for both, games, extra controllers, random shit like chargers and ps4 camera's. It's never going to be cheap to own them all this go round.


I had the 360 as the primary last gen. I bought every third-party game for that system. This gen that will switch with me buying the third-party games for the PS4 and only exclusives for the One. I've been a multi console owner since the N64/PSone gen. I was one of very few who actually owned both systems. And after that I haven't looked back. Way to many brand loyalists even on GAF. People who don't own a, let's say, Nintendo or Microsoft system, miss out on so many great games.

I would say not everyone only owns one console out of brand loyalty, It's often about a perceived value for money and thanks to multiplatform titles any 2nd console will clearly have a lower value proposition as the increase in games available is limited to exclusives only.

To use myself as an Example now that I have a PS4 and I'm looking at other consoles, the XB1 and Wii U no longer have Watchdogs as a selling point as I already will have access to a better version of it on PS4. So the only things that add to the Value for a second console are the exclusives.

Right now if I didn't have a PS4 the XB1 would have a better value proposition to me than a Wii U due to the Multiplatform games, However because I do have a PS4, now the Wii U is the better value proposition due to the exclusives and of course not wanting to pay for XBLG and PS+ together.


Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.
Besides the bad will Microsoft earned from what they wanted to pull, I'm pretty sure a lot of people pick one console first, then go with the other later. Let the exclusives pile up, especially as right now owning both can be pretty redundant if you weren't really REALLY excited for some of the exclusives.

EDIT: And this isn't even just can/can't afford. Sure, you CAN afford it now, but why the hell bother with a redundant purchase? Wait for the other to get cheaper or at least have enough you gotta play. Having loads of money =/= some bizarre obligation to buy all platforms. You can always just hold on to the money, spend it on something else, or whatever.


I was PS3/360/Wii last gen but only doing PS4 this gen. No need to have two consoles, especially one with an unsightly camera on top of my TV. PS4 multiplats are better and the Xbox exclusives are hackneyed shooters for the most part.


I wonder how many of the "deserters" had jumped from PS2 to 360 last gen and are now returning to Playstation.

thats me.

I honestly dont give a fuck about brands. I liked what 360 offered me so I got that. And I enjoyed it a lot, but the later years have been shit for MS and I like what PS4 offers me.
This is definitely the best idea if a person is able to afford it.

Yeah, that route is definitely not for everyone, but it's a good one if you can take it. You never miss out on any games and you rarely have to concern yourself with trying to convince yourself you don't want a certain game...

It can also start to annoy a little as you can see your consoles often just collecting dust, but that's just one of the risks of being an avid gamer.

For example, my 3DS XL hadn't been used for weeks until last night when I had a sudden urge to play Dark Moon and boy was I happy I had to hand.


The power difference is a strange one? Especially when MS knew that with the inclusion of Kinect taking resources they would have to be more powerful than the PS4 to break even!

But I suppose having a couple of MS execs spend 6 months spreading FUD online obfuscating about power differences was a lot cheaper.

To be fair for a long time the industry expectation was for the PS4 to have 4GB of fast RAM and MS must have figured their design with 8GB slower RAM plus eSRAM would be enough of a match (and it probably would have been).

Then Sony jumped to 8GB fast RAM late in the day and MS got caught out.


Why? Why doesn't everybody just enjoy every console exclusive games? People are wasting a lot of good experiences due to fanboyism. I wont "switch" im keeping them all.

I only finish 3-4 console titles a year; keeping two or three boxes around for that seems wasteful, plus it junks up your house.
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