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Republican Debate 10 [CNN] Super Tuesday Bros. Melee

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Yeah, Trump has had worse debates and went up in the polls.

Trump's secret is simple: He always acts as if he knows what he's talking about, even when he doesn't.

He can say any bullshit and as long as he says it confidently without skipping a beat, he comes out on top.

Exactly, which is why even with more of the GOP focusing its message against him, and Fox really trying to push anyone but Trump, this debate is unlikely to shake his numbers.
Why don't they enforce strict moderation during these debates? This makes the whole American political process look like a sham. I mean seriously, you're having a series of debates to elect the future representative of your party to represent you in the general election. Nothing any of these clowns said had any sort of basis in reality. How the fuck would you remove the IRS?


You are in denial. That's what most of the coverage says. Trump was exposed as a shallow blowhard tonight. It won't make a difference to his irrational retarded supporters, but impartial people who were on the fence will take notice.


As a Trump supporter, I'm outraged.

Can you imagine what would happen if I call sanders or clinton supporters "irrational retarded"?

If that post is not a bannable offense, I dont know anymore



Democrats watching the Republican Debate tonight.
I don't think you'll need to worry... but the polls over the next couple of days should be telling. Trump was gaining there before dismantling Cruz tonight.

Tomorrow is my last opportunity to do early voting. I'll be in Houston starting on Sunday and through the 1st. So I have to decide quick!


Any time someone tries to convince me that a specific event will erode Trump's support, I reply with some version of this:

You're talking about voters who are supporting a candidate who mocked John McCain for being captured, who called for a total ban on all Muslims entering the United States, and who spoke approvingly of shooting Muslims with bullets dipped in pig's blood.

You must be crazy if you think any of these people are going to give up on Trump based on debate performances, flip-flopping positions, tax returns, or anything else. He's their guy and they're there to stay.
Why don't they enforce strict moderation during these debates? This makes the whole American political process look like a sham. I mean seriously, you're having a series of debates to elect the future representative of your party to represent you in the general election. Nothing any of these clowns said had any sort of basis in reality. How the fuck would you remove the IRS?

Agreed. Terrible non existent moderation
That's what Trump supporters do: they conduct raids to spread their propaganda, cover over and minimize Trump's faults and meltdowns, deny they ever happen, and chant his slogans in the hope that people won't notice how worthless Trump is. They repeat lies over and over again until people start believing them. Trump supporters are fundamentally dishonest people, even worse than Cruz.

Cruz firmly believes in a lot of horrible and harmful stuff. As do his supporters. That he honestly believes all that horrendous and damaging nonsense isn't a positive. Because he'll burn this country to the ground before he budges his position on anything.

His supporters want that, because they too have an evangelical belief in those same positions.

Again, I'll take the bellwether buffoon over the wolf in wolf's clothing.

El Aleph

Trump has a pretty clear policy

- Build the wall
- Re-negotiate all trade agreements
- Univerisal Healthcare Coverage from the government

I said from the beginning that all three proposals were wildly impractical and I'm glad tonight this was finally made clear.

For example: healthcare. What are the details of his plan and how will he get congressional support for it? Republicans are likely to oppose universal healthcare out of principle while many Democrats will refuse to grant Trump legitimacy and oppose it as well. If Obama struggled with healthcare as a Democrat, Trump will fare even worse.
Why don't they enforce strict moderation during these debates? This makes the whole American political process look like a sham. I mean seriously, you're having a series of debates to elect the future representative of your party to represent you in the general election. Nothing any of these clowns said had any sort of basis in reality. How the fuck would you remove the IRS?

I said it earlier. But if they wanted actual control (at least over talking over each other), they'd control the mics.

I don't think they want control. They want fireworks.


The media doesn't understand, the more they rebel against Trump, the more people will get behind him. Voting for Trump is an act of rebellion against the "system", and the media only fuels it.
Trump's secret is simple: He always acts as if he knows what he's talking about, even when he doesn't.

He can say any bullshit and as long as he says it confidently without skipping a beat, he comes out on top.

It was especially impressive tonight where he managed to keep talking consistently even as he was double-teamed and constantly interrupted by Rubio and Cruz.

My boy Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich spew BS and say it confidently as well.
What are people going to say when Trump destroys Rubio in Florida?

They won't need to say anything, the primary will be over if and when that happens. There will no hope of anyone else winning, just desperation to stop Trump from getting an outright majority of delegates which won't work either.


I said from the beginning that all three proposals were wildly impractical and I'm glad tonight this was finally made clear.

For example: healthcare. What are the details of his plan and how will he get congressional support for it? Republicans are likely to oppose universal healthcare out of principle while many Democrats will refuse to grant Trump legitimacy and oppose it as well. If Obama struggled with healthcare as a Democrat, Trump will fare even worse.


As a Trump supporter, I'm outraged.

Can you imagine what would happen if I call sanders or clinton supporters "irrational retarded"?

If that post is not a bannable offense, I dont know anymore

There's actual Trump supporters on GAF?

Wow. I mean, I figured but still. Kinda crazy.


The media doesn't understand, the more they rebel against Trump, the more people will get behind him. Voting for Trump is an act of rebellion against the "system", and the media only fuels it.
Yep, MSNBC can't cut away fast enough to get to his interviews.


Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.

Trump's random non-republican policies are actually all subtle and extremely calculated. People vastly underrate how tapped in he is to his main white working class base.

He knows they don't give a shit about Israel, he knows they don't give a shit about demonizing Planned Parenthood outside of abortion, he knows that secretly they would be for universal healthcare if you dress it up in ways the GOP hasn't demonized and he knows most hated the Iraq war and hate war in general.


What is with the fascination with asking Trump for his tax returns? The spin room questioning is awful. This isn't an issue the general public cares about.


Best case scenario tonight. Trump exposed for what he is, for his lack of actual plans and for just spouting grandiose bullshit. But it won't matter to the people already voting for him and the GOP is still fucked in November.
Trump had some legitimately bad moments in this debate. The problem with arguing that those bad moments are going to cost him support is that it ignores the reality of the exact opposite being true so far. Trump has always given uneven debate performances, where he sometimes defends non-republican positions, gets stuck repeating nonsense, has insults that land flat. Yet through it all, his support rises and he actually wins primaries! We just can't say that bad debates = loss of support when it comes to Trump. He defies the conventional laws of politics.

Right. Go read the comments on a Politico or National Review piece that criticizes Trump via factual evidence. The Trump fans GIVE ZERO FUCKS. They see every attack as unfair or a strawman. Did he turn off a number of voters who will vote in the primary? Sure! But he didn't lose any support, and the folks who are undecided that break for Rubio, Cruz, or Kasich are not going to be enough to beat him on Super Tuesday in a huge slew of states.


Cool Facts: Game of War has been a hit since July 2013

As a Trump supporter, I'm outraged.

Can you imagine what would happen if I call sanders or clinton supporters "irrational retarded"?

If that post is not a bannable offense, I dont know anymore
We need a Republican mod. I hear Jeb recently freed up his schedule, maybe we could use him.


My boy Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich spew BS and say it confidently as well.
You call Rubio's whining tonight confidence?

That's what Trump has over the rest: He just keeps talking without blinking. Even when insulting the competition, he keeps the same confident tone. And it works.


What is with the fascination with asking Trump for his tax returns? The spin room questioning is awful. This isn't an issue the general public cares about.

The only thing interesting about it is that Trump hasn't told them to just pound sand -- nobody gives a shit. It was funny because Hewitt assumed that was going to be his answer and accused Trump of going back on his word right after Trump said he would release them


Trump has a very solid base that's about 30-35% of republican voters.

No matter how bad he does in a debate he won't go too much below 30%, because his support base has proven to be extremely loyal to him.

As long as both Rubio and Cruz are in, Trump has the nomination locked.


I don't think you'll need to worry... but the polls over the next couple of days should be telling. Trump was gaining there before dismantling Cruz tonight.

I think Cruz takes Texas but it is a proportional state so he not only has to win but he has to win big.


They want to see someone talking passionately about something, never mind the details. Republican voters care less about facts, and more about morals and religious values.

Good point. I think what is most disturbing to me is what they are willing to believe. Like the whole thing regarding Obama's birth certificate. I witnessed genuinely intelligent people buy into that that, I couldn't believe it.
It won't make a difference to his irrational retarded supporters, but impartial people who were on the fence will take notice.

Wow, it's not often I see people come out and call other GAFfers "irrational retards." Hell, the word "retard" isn't looked on kindly here in general, let alone when it's directed at other people.


No Scrubs
Trump's random non-republican policies are actually all subtle and extremely calculated. People vastly underrate how tapped in he is to his main white working class base.

He knows they don't give a shit about Israel, he knows they don't give a shit about demonizing Planned Parenthood outside of abortion, he knows that secretly they would be for universal healthcare if you dress it up in ways the GOP hasn't demonized and he knows most hated the Iraq war and hate war in general.

Yep. Trump knows how to read an audience, that's how he's winning. His problems are going to come in the general, but before that he'll just continue to steamroll.


Best case scenario tonight. Trump exposed for what he is, but it won't matter to the people already voting for him.

Oh yeah. His voters continue in their quest to stick it to "the establishment," and the the Democrats bring all of this shit out for the general electorate - who are much more likely to be affected by such topics being brought-up.
I said from the beginning that all three proposals were wildly impractical and I'm glad tonight this was finally made clear.

For example: healthcare. What are the details of his plan and how will he get congressional support for it? Republicans are likely to oppose universal healthcare out of principle while many Democrats will refuse to grant Trump legitimacy and oppose it as well. If Obama struggled with healthcare as a Democrat, Trump will fare even worse.
Dude, he's still gonna get the nomination. Cruz is a basket case and Rubio is a choke artist.
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