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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


Does his best thinking in the flying car
So does anyone here "Really Like" the RE7 demo? I can understand being intrigued, but can't really understand anyone really liking it. Since it's more or less just a promise of things to come.

I don't, not really. I'm ok that it's short & that it is just a mood piece, but not hiding anything interesting was a dick move. Amazed they did it a second time.

I haven't tried it yet, despite RE being my favorite series. But I did watch some snippets of other people's gameplay. Mainly a guy walking around a kitchen rifling through cabinets.

Like Jawmuncher said, might as well hold out for the third release if you made it this long.

RE: Piers returning, I'm deeply conflicted about that. It felt like the Chris campaign was the only one that had any real weight to it, and unfortunately Piers's presumed death is part of that weight. I miss the character, but I don't know if I'd want to ameliorate his sacrifice--he's the real hero of RE6.

Man, so far I've always played RE6 with the classic laser aim, because that's what people recommended, but I gotta say, I switched to the default crosshair now and while it looks ugly, it's much better to hit far away objects. The heart of those giants in Chris Chapter 1 and the dudes on the helicopter in Chris 3 were always a pain to hit with the laser aim. I don't think RE4 and RE5 made it as difficult to hit distant enemies.

I've always been team laser, but making those shots against the giants has always seemed trickier than it ought to be. Maybe I'll switch to crosshair next time


Finished Darkside Chronicles today. Wrote my feelings on it awhile back but summed up.

Good presentation & story, brought down by some dumb gameplay decisions.


Man, so far I've always played RE6 with the classic laser aim, because that's what people recommended, but I gotta say, I switched to the default crosshair now and while it looks ugly, it's much better to hit far away objects.

I used to be team classic but when I got used to default it was much better and also way better for Leon's dual pistols.


I still use the classic laser sight when it's available, but I also appreciate the new crosshairs. RER1 forces you to use the new crosshairs, and over the course of that game I came to appreciate them.


Someone asked to see my RE6 waifu gallery — well here you go: https://www.flickr.com/photos/144228726@N08

Mainly Sherry and Helena at the moment. A few Carla shots, too.

I'll add Ada when I revisit her campaign. For great justice.



I know it's a stupid complaint but running around learning a map before actually killing anything is annoying as hell. I've always hated that about Mercs.


I know it's a stupid complaint but running around learning a map before actually killing anything is annoying as hell. I've always hated that about Mercs.
So you're complaining that you're not a master of an unknown level on your first attempt? It's a score attack game. Of course you'll have to learn the ins and outs of a level before you can optimize your approach.

Next time I play, I want to learn Creature Workshop. It's a cool-looking map but I don't know where the time bonuses are located.


So you're complaining that you're not a master of an unknown level on your first attempt? It's a score attack game. Of course you'll have to learn the ins and outs of a level before you can optimize your approach.

Next time I play, I want to learn Creature Workshop. It's a cool-looking map but I don't know where the time bonuses are located.

I just don't like running around hitting hourglasses for the first couple of minutes every time. I always forget one too.


I just don't like running around hitting hourglasses for the first couple of minutes every time. I always forget one too.
Well, you can get them as you go. You don't need to hit them all at the start. I've seen plenty of runs where people spaced them out from start to finish.
I just don't like running around hitting hourglasses for the first couple of minutes every time. I always forget one too.

You can always nab them as you move about the map killing enemies. That pretty much required for high scores, but can do it however you're playing.
Someone please make a thread if there isn't one.

This sucks.

All VR exclusives are hurting VR from going much bigger than it is. The time to convinve people of it is now and locking down games to certain VR sets just hurts the general sales. They need to offer the few VR titles we have to every platform. I really think Capcom could have earnt a lot of sales from releasing this on Oculus and Vive too, I think the PC market would really enjoy it and Capcom's PC releases have been quite good in the recent years.


Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.


Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.

What platforms are open to you?

But really you'd be fine just going to 4 and going from there if all you have is a PS4 and you want to wait for remakes.
Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.

Not particularily, no. The story in these games doesn't matter all that much and as far as the main series goes, RE4 is pretty much isolated from the rest, plotwise.

I guess one could make the argument that you'd want to play the games in order to experience how the series progressed gameplaywise, but then you already started with the REmake which is pretty much the pinnacle of the old school RE formula and one of the last in the series. The original and the remake are pretty different games in a lot of ways, even if they share the same story and a similiar level layout.

...so with that said, you might as well go for RE2, even if a Remake is coming.


Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.
I'd recommend RE4 next. That way, between REmake and RE4, you will have played the starting point for both the "classic style" (RE1-3 and CVX) and the "action style" (RE4-6 and Revelations 1-2), respectively.

Also, RE4 is literally my favorite game of all time.

That being said, I can vouch for RE2 and RE3 as being truly great. I played them for the first time this year, via PSOne Classics on my PS3. They held up great, and I say this as someone with no nostalgia for them.
I'd recommend RE4 next. That way, between REmake and RE4, you will have played the starting point for both the "classic style" (RE1-3 and CVX) and the "action style" (RE4-6 and Revelations 1-2), respectively.

Also, RE4 is literally my favorite game of all time.

That being said, I can vouch for RE2 and RE3 as being truly great. I played them for the first time this year, via PSOne Classics on my PS3. They held up great, and I say this as someone with no nostalgia for them.

For all your RE love, you have yet to play the Original RE1 though, you big, old buffoon.
Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.

I'd go with doing the trilogy from the PS1 days. RE2 then RE3.

If you want the complete same style, and lovely 1080p backdrops for your PS4 then you could go for RE:0, it too was ported from the Gamecube like REmake, only with the orginal backgrounds properly rerendered. Very alike artstyle, controls and feeling, though the story is trash.


Thanks for the recommendation guys! Just bit the bullet and purchased 4. Super excited.

Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.


Thanks for the recommendation guys! Just bit the bullet and purchased 4. Super excited.

Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.
As someone who got into the series a bit late, 3 remains my favorite along with REmake. Didn't enjoy 2 nearly as much.


Thanks for the recommendation guys! Just bit the bullet and purchased 4. Super excited.

Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.

Because people don't realize how great it truly is and like CVX more for some reason.


Does his best thinking in the flying car
^^^i think 3 comes up here pretty frequently, though less often on gaming side

General consensus here seems good, more consistently positive than RE0 or CVX

Why isn't it mentioned more on gaming side? Probably fatigue over classic style


Thanks for the recommendation guys! Just bit the bullet and purchased 4. Super excited.

Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.
I love RE3. I like it more than REmake and RE2. You can read my impressions here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1196175

Lots of other people in that thread chime in with their love for it, too.
I should play RE1, the way I keep rewatching the live-action cutscenes. The gift that keeps on giving!



Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.

It's a good game and does have a bunch of improvements over the previous games, but it's often shoved aside, even back when it released, for retreading RE2's Raccoon City setting.


Replaying some of Revelations 2 story mode. I really hope they bring Moira back. She's awesome.
I've been itching to replay Rev 2's campaign. A perfectly paced journey with lovable characters, an atmospheric setting, fucked-up monsters, cool scenarios, and a healthy pinch of puzzle-solving and zapping systems.
I've been itching to replay Rev 2's campaign. A perfectly paced journey with lovable characters, an atmospheric setting, fucked-up monsters, cool scenarios, and a healthy pinch of puzzle-solving and zapping systems.

My biggest issue with it is that you can tell that they simply didn't have the budget to do the ideas they had justice. The crafting system is rather simplistic, the whole "one campaign affects the other" is only shown in maybe two or three ways (puss on the ground, opened containers, and some story moments), Natalia's abilities are really underutilized, upgrading really didn't seem to have much implementation outside of Raid Mode (it's still there, but not much), and so on. On the cosmetic side, some of the textures are laughably bad (the grass the follows the movement of the camera for the most part) and a lot of the characters are really Uncanny Valley. I would love to see what the team could do with an actual budget (not mainline, but a full AA budget). However the characters and story have that great RE cheese, I like the atmosphere, the OST is pretty good, and what's there gameplay wise is pretty good overall.


My biggest issue with it is that you can tell that they simply didn't have the budget to do the ideas they had justice. The crafting system is rather simplistic, the whole "one campaign affects the other" is only shown in maybe two or three ways (puss on the ground, opened containers, and some story moments), Natalia's abilities are really underutilized, upgrading really didn't seem to have much implementation outside of Raid Mode (it's still there, but not much), and so on. On the cosmetic side, some of the textures are laughably bad (the grass the follows the movement of the camera for the most part) and a lot of the characters are really Uncanny Valley. I would love to see what the team could do with an actual budget (not mainline, but a full AA budget). However the characters and story have that great RE cheese, I like the atmosphere, the OST is pretty good, and what's there gameplay wise is pretty good overall.
The zapping system is used more extensively than that. There are several pathways you can open or close in Claire's campaign that will affect the route Barry takes. And if you defeat Mutant Pedro as Claire, instead of running away, Barry won't have to defeat him and instead will gain access to hidden areas.

Visually, the game looks about as good as the mainline installments. (The texture work actually holds up better than RE6, on the whole, although RE6 has better lighting.) And the main characters look fantastic, so I really don't get your uncanny valley complaint.

And the crafting system? How is it limited in any way? It has similar complexity and range to the one in TLoU, which was an obvious inspiration. How would you have wanted it to be more involving? It seemed perfectly balanced.

I don't doubt that RER2 had a much smaller budget, but I also don't see how the budget limited the game's potential in any way. The game has a more intimate scope and delivers fully within it.


RER2 is in my opinion the best RE game since 4. My only complaint is the slightly slipper feel if the controls like in RE6. There's just something off about them. They don't feel as tight as in 4. Or maybe I just like tank controls.


RER2 is in my opinion the best RE game since 4. My only complaint is the slightly slipper feel if the controls like in RE6. There's just something off about them. They don't feel as tight as in 4. Or maybe I just like tank controls.
I think you just prefer tank controls. RER2 and RE6 both feel great by dual-analog standards. I like both styles.


not me
RER2 is in my opinion the best RE game since 4. My only complaint is the slightly slipper feel if the controls like in RE6. There's just something off about them. They don't feel as tight as in 4. Or maybe I just like tank controls.

It's probably the strafing. Being able to strafe changes the gameplay and feel, and does make it feel "slippier".

Thanks for the recommendation guys! Just bit the bullet and purchased 4. Super excited.

Just curious a question, but why does no one really talk about 3? Casually clicking on RE threads these last few years people talk about how much they love the old ones and it's always 1, 2, and 4, with 5/6 being fairly decisive/hated. Talk about 3 always seems so quite.

3 was kind of overshadowed by Code: Veronica at the time, mainly due to Dreamcast graphics and CV being this long game with big production values. Over time RE3 has become more appreciated than CV due to superior level design and controls. RE3's dodge/shove mechanics are so damn needed, and its absence is always something I keenly feel in other old RE games. I'm also a fan of the gunpowder mixing, it introduced Mercs to the series, and it has the coolest secret weapons (Western custom shotgun git sum).

And of course, it has Nemesis. I'm playing Alien: Isolation now (6 chapters in, keeps vascillating between being a terrible and great game) and it's giving me that Nemesis feeling. But Nemesis was so great because he kept breaking RE rules of safety (monsters don't follow you across rooms, etc) while having that creepy music in the background.

Anyway, I still prefer 2 because it's what I grew up on. REmake is probably a technically superior game but I don't like the mansion as much as the police station or 3's traversal across Raccoon City.


It's probably the strafing. Being able to strafe changes the gameplay and feel, and does make it feel "slippier".

That might be it. Maybe I'm just backwards as fuck lol. I really need to replay RE2 and 3. I never really "mastered" them like I did REmake. The fastest I beat REmake was 2 hours which I know isn't amazing but I'm happy with it. I never gave 2 and 3 the same amount of attention even though I love 2 and really like 3.
I guess tank controls don't work for every kind of game, (But you never know, who would've thought a 3D brawler with behind-the-shoulder view, tank controls and absolutely no camera control could actually work before God Hand came along?) but I'm always bafffled at the amount of hate tank controls get and how they're actually considered hard to use.

Now it's the same with left stick aiming in RE4. It makes sense since you're locked in place anyway, but supposedly it's actually really horrible and unintuitive and you even saw people who refused to play the games because of it?

I guess it doesn't really matter anymore, because both RE4 and RE5's recent releases default to a "modern" control scheme but still...


Hi guys!

I just started and finished Resident Evil 1 HD on PS4 (took me 11hours). It was my first Resident Evil game ever and I have absolutely fallen in love. It was so incredible.

I'm eyeing off 4 next. Is there a recommended order to play these games? I want to play 2 next, but want to wait for the remake first.

Play 4, then go back and play whatever one you like but not 5 or 6, keeps those for last so you don't get a bad taste from the start of your exploring journey.
The zapping system is used more extensively than that. There are several pathways you can open or close in Claire's campaign that will affect the route Barry takes. And if you defeat Mutant Pedro as Claire, instead of running away, Barry won't have to defeat him and instead will gain access to hidden areas.

Visually, the game looks about as good as the mainline installments. (The texture work actually holds up better than RE6, on the whole, although RE6 has better lighting.) And the main characters look fantastic, so I really don't get your uncanny valley complaint.

And the crafting system? How is it limited in any way? It has similar complexity and range to the one in TLoU, which was an obvious inspiration. How would you have wanted it to be more involving? It seemed perfectly balanced.

I don't doubt that RER2 had a much smaller budget, but I also don't see how the budget limited the game's potential in any way. The game has a more intimate scope and delivers fully within it.

I was just never impressed by it. There were times where I totally saw the potential like in Episode 4 and opening the dam to change the path Barry and Natalia take or having more or less hazards depending on your actions, it just never felt like a fully fleshed out and complete feature. It's a nice addition, but nothing game changing like it could be if they had more time to work with it.

Visually I give RE 6 more of a pass since it covers 20 to 25 hours of campaign across basically every horror environment you can think of (college campus, several cities, subway, underground lair, underwater lair, cemetery, catacombs, "center of the Earth", skyscrapers, streets, cabins, caves, mountains, and so on) plus Coop, multiple multiplayer modes, and Mercs. It's actually rather impressive how much Capcom put in content wise. Revelations 2 has no where near that kind of scope with the first half of Barry's episode being a repeat of Claire and Moira's for Episodes 1 - 3 (the design necessitates this, but it's not like Barry and Natalia get a ton of content for themselves outside of Episode 4). And even so, the character models most certainly don't hold a candle to RE 5 or 6. It's certainly a cosmetic issue and not a make or break issue, though.

I meant the Item Upgrade Custom Parts. It just really doesn't feel needed in the main campaign. In Raid Mode it's awesome and rather in depth with what you can do with it. Honestly, Raid Mode seems like it had a lot of effort put into it and outside of a few balance issues (Weapons Master breaks the shit out of the difficulty curve, especially the Shotgun Mastery) I'm rather impressed with it.

I'm not saying I don't like the game. The puzzles are fun, the atmosphere is great, and the characters are fun as well. I just feel the game could have been much more fully realized. I'm hoping Revelations 3 takes these ideas and expands on them.
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