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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!


Maybe I should've bought RE5 instead of 6 because I'm not having much fun with it. Leon's campaign is garbage, especially all of chapter 3. I can't believe I used to think it was the best of the three campaigns. The Ustanak fight has been the only really enjoyable moment. Now I'm fighting Tiger Simmons on the train. Then I gotta fight the T-Rex, then the rhino, then the fly. Fuck.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Leon's campaign has always been my least favorite personally, it has its moments and I do like the zombie enemies and some of their variants, but Leon's campaign has a few moments it really drags and the worst finale in my opinion. I like Chapter 1, and even most of Chapter 2, but I think Chapter 3 is kind of a slog, I actually like Chapter 4 until the boss fight at the end, and then his chapter 5 I think is the worst of the 'final bosses' in the game (outside of Ada's).


Maybe I should've bought RE5 instead of 6 because I'm not having much fun with it. Leon's campaign is garbage, especially all of chapter 3. I can't believe I used to think it was the best of the three campaigns. The Ustanak fight has been the only really enjoyable moment. Now I'm fighting Tiger Simmons on the train. Then I gotta fight the T-Rex, then the rhino, then the fly. Fuck.
Having just replayed the there main campaigns, Leon's might actually be my favorite now that 1) I know how to play the game, thanks to mastering Mercs, and 2) they patched the game so Simmons is no longer a colossal bullet sponge. His dinosaur form still lasts a while but it's fun now, running up to him when he shrinks back to human form and pummeling the shit out of him in a QTE.

I also just really enjoy fighting the zombies. Blast into them with 2-3 shots each and most dissolve on the spot. Very satisfying seeing their head roll off as they continue to shamble toward me, lol. Love the way they melt into sticky black tar. Also love pulling out the axes lodged in their body and using it against them, or shooting the oxygen tanks on the backs of firefighters to blow up an entire crowd.

Leon's campaign has lots of downtime between the set-pieces, too, and the set-pieces for the most part are focused and fun, like the mirror and bell puzzles in the cathedral, figuring out door combinations in the lab, manipulating traps in the catacombs, negotiating the bridges in the caves, and searching for keycards in the market with those monsters that divide and multiply. For the most part the gameplay deviates little from the core mechanics.

The only thing I still don't like about Leon's campaign are the two moments in Ch. 1 where you're completely blindsided by a runaway vehicle. First it's the train in the metro, and then it's the ambulance that crashes into the gas station. In both cases a zombie had grabbed me, so I was instantly killed in the split-second they give you to dodge the vehicle. Also, this is a small nitpick but I don't get how Leon and Helena survived the gas attack at the campus, cathedral, and airplane.

At any rate, if you're not enjoying the campaign, try diving into Mercs. I especially enjoy No Mercy since it's easier to keep the combo going with so many enemies around. (Plus it just looks fucking awesome with so much action onscreen. I recommend Requiem for War and starting a chain reaction with those exploding hornworm j'avo!)
Blast into them with 2-3 shots each and most dissolve on the spot. Very satisfying seeing their head roll off as they continue to shamble toward me, lol. Love the way they melt into sticky black tar.

Now wait a second...I can overlook the underwhelming hit reaction that many people complain about, because the melee setups in this game are less about locational damage like they were in the previous games. But actually killing enemies with guns has the most unsatisfying reaction possible. Zombies often just dissolve during whatever animation they were doing, no other reaction to your hit.

Leon Chapter 3 is one of my favorites btw, because most of it is simply shooting zombies that constantly come towards you from both sides, without any huge cutscene interruption or too many other gimmick sections. Only thing to keep in mind for a good time: You see a guy with dynamite, or a lantern, don't even think about using melee.
I beat REmake 3 times since we got it on Plus and I'm on my Real Survivor playthrough with Jill's RE3 costume. This game is timeless. If RE7 is basically this, but first person I'll be very happy.
Now wait a second...I can overlook the underwhelming hit reaction that many people complain about, because the melee setups in this game are less about locational damage like they were in the previous games. But actually killing enemies with guns has the most unsatisfying reaction possible. Zombies often just dissolve during whatever animation they were doing, no other reaction to your hit.

Leon Chapter 3 is one of my favorites btw, because most of it is simply shooting zombies that constantly come towards you from both sides, without any huge cutscene interruption or too many other gimmick sections. Only thing to keep in mind for a good time: You see a guy with dynamite, or a lantern, don't even think about using melee.

Yeah, it's one of the biggest issues with the combat. In their shift to more Melee/Counter based combat, they deemphasized hitstun and enemy animations to guide you to using the more satisfying Melee counter system. Which wouldn't be an issue if they also didn't give you robust movement and gunplay options which makes you want to engage in gunplay but whenever you do you get very unsatisfying feedback. Compared to Leon's shotgun in RE 4 or Chris/Sheva's shotgun in RE 5, RE 6's shotguns may as well be airguns. You could get zombies to group up in RE 4 and then blast a group of six or seven and get such a satisfied feeling as they'd all fly back. Same with the handguns which quite often has enemies giving you no reaction to being shot with at all unless you are making headshots. I've unloaded entire clips into zombies and only when they disintegrate do they give a reaction. RE 5 feels just as satisfying as RE 4 in gunplay, but the Melee felt just as powerful as well. In order to make the shift to more kinetic gameplay, however, not only did they deemphasize the hitstun and enemy reaction to gunplay, they also dialed down how powerful the melee felt as well since you have to keep moving from enemy to enemy.

It's a different focus of gameplay as Jawmuncher and others have pointed out before and why I prefer RE 5 Mercenaries. RE 6 is still a great time in Mercs and Leon's campaign just for how batshit it gets with the action, but RE 4 and 5 feel so much more satisfying from a gunplay standpoint and RE 5 from a Melee standpoint. I hope one of these day's they'll combine the pacing/encounters/variety/feedback loop of RE 4 with the Melee/gunplay of RE 5 and the Countering of RE 6. Would be fucking amazing!


Well it kind of makes sense for zombies not to react much from your shots. It's not like they had much of a reaction in the older games. I don't remember how the J'avo react though.
Well it kind of makes sense for zombies not to react much from your shots. It's not like they had much of a reaction in the older games. I don't remember how the J'avo react though.

It's not like they started flailing about, but enemies most certainly did react in RE 4 and especially in RE 5.


I don't know what you guys mean by a lack of reaction. Your bullets literally punch holes in the zombies and cause them to fall apart shortly thereafter. Shoot them in the shoulder and they'll spin around. Shoot them in the legs and they topple over. They shudder and convulse with the impact. Their heads and limbs can pop off. And then there's the dissolving effect where they melt into tar. There's plenty of visual feedback conveying the impact of bullets chewing up their bodies. And yes, this includes stun animations.


I don't know what you guys mean by a lack of reaction. Your bullets literally punch holes in the zombies and cause them to fall apart shortly thereafter. Shoot them in the shoulder and they'll spin around. Shoot them in the legs and they topple over. They shudder and convulse with the impact. Their heads and limbs can pop off. And then there's the dissolving effect where they melt into tar. There's plenty of visual feedback conveying the impact of bullets chewing up their bodies. And yes, this includes stun animations.

People really want zombies to grab their leg in pain apparently


That's why I specifically said zombies. RE4 and 5 enemies have actual reactions because they're not mindless zombies that probably don't feel pain. The zombie hit reaction in 6 is fine, though I'm not a fan of the melting. What I'm trying to remember is if the J'avo react similarly to the enemies in 4 and 5. Some of the zombies do feel bullet spongy for some weird reason. There were a couple of zombies that crawl in the ground I unloaded a clip each to and they didn't die. I gave up and just stomped on their heads. It was weird.


That's why I specifically said zombies. RE4 and 5 enemies have actual reactions because they're not mindless zombies that probably don't feel pain. The zombie hit reaction in 6 is fine, though I'm not a fan of the melting. What I'm trying to remember is if the J'avo react similarly to the enemies in 4 and 5. Some of the zombies do feel bullet spongy for some weird reason. There were a couple of zombies that crawl in the ground I unloaded a clip each to and they didn't die. I gave up and just stomped on their heads. It was weird.

Jack react it's just not as exaggerated
RE4 and 5's enemies aren't zombies though.

Neither are RE 6 "zombies", except maybe in Chapter 3 where they are literally reanimated corpses from the virus. Technically there never have been zombies in Resident Evil.

I don't know what you guys mean by a lack of reaction. Your bullets literally punch holes in the zombies and cause them to fall apart shortly thereafter. Shoot them in the shoulder and they'll spin around. Shoot them in the legs and they topple over. They shudder and convulse with the impact. Their heads and limbs can pop off. And then there's the dissolving effect where they melt into tar. There's plenty of visual feedback conveying the impact of bullets chewing up their bodies. And yes, this includes stun animations.

People really want zombies to grab their leg in pain apparently

We actually had a similar conversation in the DMC 4 SE thread about the differences between the feeling of Devil May Cry 3 and 4. Basically it came down to the distortion effect that Devil May Cry 3 had that Devil May Cry 4 was missing, the muted effects on charging the guns, and the nerfs they added to Dante. While at first it didn't see to make a difference, in action it subconsciously makes your attacks feel that much more powerful like during charge shot. That, plus they nerfed the shit out of the Gunslinger Style and Trickster style due to being able to use all styles at once. All of that added together made Devil May Cry 4 Dante's attacks feel so much weaker despite having access to a crap ton more moves and abilities at once. I think that Resident Evil 6 suffers from the same issue. Yes the effects that are there are nice and I'm sure they cost a pretty penny to animate, but when a "zombie" continues to shamble forward and you are a distance away, the effects are much less noticeable and therefore much less noticeable. Quite often I don't notice the "holes" in zombies because I'm focusing on headshots to get the Melee and have to keep moving.


That's why I specifically said zombies. RE4 and 5 enemies have actual reactions because they're not mindless zombies that probably don't feel pain. The zombie hit reaction in 6 is fine, though I'm not a fan of the melting. What I'm trying to remember is if the J'avo react similarly to the enemies in 4 and 5. Some of the zombies do feel bullet spongy for some weird reason. There were a couple of zombies that crawl in the ground I unloaded a clip each to and they didn't die. I gave up and just stomped on their heads. It was weird.
The j'avo can be stunned just like ganado and majini. If you want to quickly test it, jump into Mercs on a map with j'avo, run up to one and tap L2 + R2. The "quick shot" puts them into a guaranteed stun state. Alternatively, kick them twice with R2. Or simply shoot them once in the head, legs or arms, as per series tradition. You can also just lay into them with bullets and kill them in 2-3 shots.

HOWEVER... if they transform, they gain extra resilience. Depending on the mutation, they may even have a degree of super-armor. For example, the j'avo with the huge sinewy arms is understandably resilient, since he uses his arms like shields. You have to target the non-mutated bits to be effective here. This is perhaps most evident in the mutation with the grasshopper legs — shoot the mutated lower torso and they won't even flinch, but shoot the human upper torso and they die instantly.

So it's pretty great. The way the j'avo mutate and stack their mutations mean that their weak points are always changing, requiring you to exercise the full range of mobility to move around them and target their weak points. It makes even the most basic of enemies a more tactical experience.

Some of the j'avo are so satisfying to defeat. My favorite being the hornworm mutation — shoot the worms and it shrugs off your bullets, but shoot the legs and it'll fall to its knees and EXPLODE. Do it near other hornworm j'avo and it'll create a chain reaction of bloody explosions. So good!

I also like how the j'avo spin around when shot (or trip to the ground while running) and then fizzle into a spray of sparks. It looks so cool. Great kinetic feedback.
For what it's worth, RE2 had more satisfying zombie hit reactions than RE6.

There were a couple of zombies that crawl in the ground I unloaded a clip each to and they didn't die. I gave up and just stomped on their heads. It was weird.

RE6 tinkers around with the enemy's health values throughout the campaigns. Generally speaking, if the developers deemed that guns are the best or only solution for your current situation, the enemies have noticably less health then they normally do. When you notice that enemies got buffed instead, you want to try melee at all cost.


For what it's worth, RE2 had more satisfying zombie hit reactions than RE6.
I'm perfectly satisfied with the hit reactions in RE6. Apples and oranges, though. I'll agree the RE2 reactions are fantastic. Superior to REmake, that's for sure.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised by how RE2 is pretty much an action game. Not scary at all. Very fast and arcade-y action.
I'm perfectly satisfied with the hit reactions in RE6. Apples and oranges, though.

I mean, like I said, it's mainly the death animations that I find unsatisfying, on both the zombies and J'avo. The lack of hit reactions in general I can overlook because locational damage isn't really the best way to set up for melee in this game, except for headshots. It's quickshots, sliding and your nifty elbow attack.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised by how RE2 is pretty much an action game. Not scary at all. Very fast and arcade-y action.

The first game starts out slower and the overall style seems less action-y, but I wouldn't say it's all that removed from RE2's arcade feeling. Especially with the Director's Cut's Arranged Mode that adds boatloads of enemies to the game and gives your handgun a nice critical headshot ability. And RE3 is pretty much all out action.

The REmake just dialed it back a bit.


Putting aside the hit reaction talk for the moment, I just wanna say this series is the best.

Whatever happens with RE7, I'll always love REmake, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5, RE6, Rev 1 and Rev 2.

(Still need to give the original RE1 and CVX a fair shake, and spend more time with Zero.)


Junior Member
I don't know what you guys mean by a lack of reaction. Your bullets literally punch holes in the zombies and cause them to fall apart shortly thereafter. Shoot them in the shoulder and they'll spin around. Shoot them in the legs and they topple over. They shudder and convulse with the impact. Their heads and limbs can pop off. And then there's the dissolving effect where they melt into tar. There's plenty of visual feedback conveying the impact of bullets chewing up their bodies. And yes, this includes stun animations.

yeah i see this complaint often and don't get it at all.

The first game is like what, 5 bucks on PSN? (Don't buy from the US network though! Bad replacement soundtrack!)

actually 10 for some reason. most expensive of classic games.
Putting aside the hit reaction talk for the moment, I just wanna say this series is the best.

Whatever happens with RE7, I'll always love REmake, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE5, RE6, Rev 1 and Rev 2.

(Still need to give the original RE1 and CVX a fair shake, and spend more time with Zero.)

Definitely. I haven't even gotten to the classic trilogy, REmake, Code Veronica, or 0 yet and I feel that way. My issues with RE 6's combat system are in relation to previous entries, not gaming at large. RE 6 has a damn fun combat system compared to many TPS, and when I'm in the zone of gun-fu break dancing and zombie wrasslin' with all the characters, the hit reaction issue kind of fades away. I just wish the rest of the game supported it. Going back to a comparison I made before: If RE 4 is Devil May Cry and RE 5 is Devil May Cry 3, then RE 6 is Devil May Cry 4. It's a game with an amazing combat system that is seriously held back by the overall design. Stealth sections, vehicle sections, overabundance of QTEs, walk and talk sections, sections that pull away camera control, the intro, not teaching the player the ropes of the combat system, visibility gimmicks, and so on.



I like CrimsonCrescendo's description of "gun-fu break dancing and zombie wrasslin'"

I henceforth declare action RE to be neither survival horror, nor TPS, but rather the new genre of Gun-Fu Breakdancing Zombie Wrasslin'

I hope Capcom continues to make RE titles in the GFBZW genre


It bothers me that the only mainline RE I haven't played is CVX and I probably never will now that I don't have a PS3 anymore. I guess I haven't played 0 either but I don't really want to.
I first played CVX on PS3 but didn't really like it enough to finish it. I watched a lot of it's cutscenes though. They're really cheesy, especially the VA, but imo not in the usual "So bad it's good" way. It was more annoying than anything else.


I first played CVX on PS3 but didn't really like it enough to finish it. I watched a lot of it's cutscenes though. They're really cheesy, especially the VA, but imo not in the usual "So bad it's good" way. It was more annoying than anything else.
I've only played the beginning of CVX (I picked it up this year for PS3), and one thing I really like is the lighting, which is apparently new to this version. The lighter you carry casts a warm glow, which is essential since the shadows are DARK. Which is refreshing, actually — darkness is usually understated in videogames.

But the initial encounters in the graveyard are already a pain in the ass. I am intrigued by the scenario, though, having really enjoyed the CVX half of Darkside Chronicles.


Junior Member
I first played CVX on PS3 but didn't really like it enough to finish it. I watched a lot of it's cutscenes though. They're really cheesy, especially the VA, but imo not in the usual "So bad it's good" way. It was more annoying than anything else.

Steve was the worst thing to happen to the franchise.
Steve was the worst thing to happen to the franchise.

"I need to find my brother Chris!"

"He'll just let you down, you can't depend on anyone. FAAAAATHER!". *Empties a clip in the wall for impotent dramatic effect.*

"You need these guns to open a door? Heh, no way, they're just too cool for you!".


The name Steve just irritates me when used for a fictional character.

I mean, it's not like "Chris" is any less generic, but still...


You don't really want to play CVX either tbh.

I first played CVX on PS3 but didn't really like it enough to finish it. I watched a lot of it's cutscenes though. They're really cheesy, especially the VA, but imo not in the usual "So bad it's good" way. It was more annoying than anything else.

Yeah I've heard some bad things about the game from GAF. I still wanted to play it but it was too expensive.

On another note, I wish Leon was as funny in 6 as he is in 4. He's super corny in 4 but it's still pretty funny. The delivery helped a lot too. Everyone's performance in 4 was pretty great actually. Saddler was hilarious. I loved how he would laugh at Leon's in a "Oh shit he got me lol" kind of way.


Having just finished CVX, I love the scenario, and Claire's still my favourite RE Protagonist, but MAAAAN that game is a slog to get through.

RE0 is almost as bad, but at least it's really pretty. Especially the HD remake. It's funny how CVX looks pretty terrible, when you consider how good the Silent Hill games looked on essentially the same hardware.
"You'll soon harbor an awesome power!"

We know a lot of the series' cheese early on wasn't intentional. That being said, from time to time they try to go for intentionally cheesy dialogue and I feel like RE4 is the only time where it really worked.


Chris is a cool guy.


Except in RE6, where he and Piers where the most unlikable protagonists.
Really? I'd say Leon was the most unlikable protagonist. A joyless husk of his RE4 self.

Chris and Piers had a nice arc, IMO. Chris starts out drowning his sorrows in some hole-in-the-wall bar. He's depressed over losing his men back in Edonia. This is a nice touch since it shows how much he cares for his men, and that even a superhero like him has a breaking point.

Then Piers arrives and tries to bring him back to the real world. What follows is a "Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick" revenge tale where Chris is recklessly pursuing Ada and Piers has to be the voice of reason constantly keeping him in check. You can tell despite their tense exchanges that they love each other deeply (not in the Rule 34 way you see on the Internet, although maybe!), and it all culminates in Piers' selfless sacrifice at the end. Along the way, Chris learns to control his feelings for the sake of the common good. I liked it.

The part that is laughably ridiculous is his meeting with Jake in the Neo-Umbrella lab.

C: "I can see your father in you."

J: "What did you say?"

*clearly irritated even though he never knew his dad*

*J pulls a gun on C*

J: "Did you kill him?"

C: "Yes."

J: "Was it personal, or were you just following orders?"

C: "...both."

*J screams and shoots wall*

Seriously, what even happened here, lol


Wario64 pointed out that the Resident Evil 7 Deluxe Version (One with the season pass) is still the original price. It didn't get bumped up the $10 bucks like it should have. So if anyone hasn't gotten it yet and was going to go digital anyway, i'd suggest jumping on that.

Personally still waiting for the RE7 CE for NA. There HAS to be one.....I hope.
I dunno, they just fill this generic, rough military man roll that I'm not fond off. The part that always gets me is when Piers flips out for Jake's harmless "Sorry, you jarheads all look the same to me" comment. You wanna be tough guy, grow a thicker skin first.

I agree that Leon is too serious, but at least he completly wrecked a cop car after only 10 seconds of driving. That was very true to his character.


I dunno, they just fill this generic, rough military man roll that I'm not fond off. The part that always gets me is when Piers flips out for Jake's harmless "Sorry, you jarheads all look the same to me" comment. You wanna be tough guy, grow a thicker skin first.
But they're not generic and rough. If anything they're emotionally vulnerable, with Chris battling depression and Piers desperately trying to keep him grounded. I thought their arc worked well because their emotional core was so convincing. I'd actually rank them among the better developed depictions in the entire series, simply because Chris' driving emotion felt so genuine, and Piers' concern for him felt so real.

Jake and Sherry are my favorite pair, though. The bad boy with the heart of gold, and the good girl with the tough love. It's also neat how they're both the children of madmen.

Charlouie Jonesman said:
I agree that Leon is too serious, but at least he completly wrecked a cop car after only 10 seconds of driving. That was very true to his character.
Ha, I didn't pick up on this RE2 parallel

EDIT: Come to think of it, the cop car that drove him to the scene in RE4 was also doomed


"You'll soon harbor an awesome power!"

We know a lot of the series' cheese early on wasn't intentional. That being said, from time to time they try to go for intentionally cheesy dialogue and I feel like RE4 is the only time where it really worked.

Every single line of dialogue from Wesker in RE5 is gold.


Yeah Leon's kinda boring in 6. By far his best line in all of RE came from 4:

"Monsters. I guess after this there'll be one less to worry about."

Eh, Wesker's RE5 cheese never really worked for me.

Yeah Leon's kinda boring in 6. By far his best line in all of RE came from 4:

"Monsters. I guess after this there'll be one less to worry about."


This however is a great, really underappreciated line. It's right up there with "You're small-time." as the two most endearingly inept comebacks.


Junior Member
Chris is a cool guy.


Except in RE6, where he and Piers where the most unlikable protagonists.

I thought Piers and Chris had the best chemistry besides Jake and Sherry. I love all the melodrama. "ADAAAAAAAAAA!" "Captain snap out of it!" "SHE KILLED MARCO!" But fuck man if Chris isn't the worst captain of all time. Literally gets everyone in his squad in killed. Knew something bad would happen when he said Piers should take over for him after they finished the mission.
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