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Resident Evil Community |OT2| Best Fans Ever!

Like I said, I can't really decide. Say what you want about RE6, but the dude's RE5 music videos aren't half as good as the ones he did for 6.

I always love when he uses Chris' "Thanks" as background instrument like in these two songs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Um7IYj3VFQ (The song doesn't start until 45 seconds in.)

And for all you Sherry and Jake lovers:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rNXQKbDyI0 (Actually, this might be the best of his videos.)


So does SikShadow like manipulate the mouth flaps somehow? He inserts soundbites from other parts of the game but they still match the lips perfectly, lol.

I'd also like to know the order in which he constructs these songs. They're simply amazing.


All I'd like to finally know is what your avatar is supposed to be. All I can make out is Doom guy.
Lol, it's actually Quint (one of the comic relief duo from Revelations, who said "That would be tits") holding a Carbink (from Pokemon), wearing a Cranky Kong beard, and a Chuck E. Cheese animatronic mask. Also bloom applied, a reference to Wind Waker HD. :)



That is pretty tits.
There was also a Luigi hat for the Year of Luigi, and a Wonder Mask (even though TW101 is too exhausting for me), but that was back when you could still see Quint's head. I found the animatronic irresistibly creepy!

Hey... That's what RE needs. Creepy animatronics! We kind of got that with the giant clockwork statue of Salazar. :p
There was also a Luigi hat for the Year of Luigi, and a Wonder Mask (even though TW101 is too exhausting for me), but that was back when you could still see Quint's head. I found the animatronic irresistibly creepy!

Hey... That's what RE needs. Creepy animatronics! We kind of got that with the giant clockwork statue of Salazar. :p



Leon has come a long way.
The funniest thing is that his in-game model doesn't look nearly as ugly.


Also if Sikshadow can't make a remix out of RE7 VA, it is a failure in my eyes.
Siksahdow alone really shows why I like the cheesy drama of RE.

Thanks is my favorite - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WOb2O3aJMs
With you killed my marco in second.
Also have a soft spot for ada wong.


Still hella curious what they're going to do with Jake. Considering the Ada ending on RE6 was a bit of a cliff hanger.
Jake starring in a new revelations game or new series would fit pretty well if they want to make it action. Consider he had the most mechanics out of anyone in RE6.
I really liked Jake. I hope I don't have to wait like 15 years to see him again.


Also if Sikshadow can't make a remix out of RE7 VA, it is a failure in my eyes. Siksahdow alone really shows why I like the cheesy drama of RE.

Thanks is my favorite - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WOb2O3aJMs

With you killed my marco in second. Also have a soft spot for ada wong.
That video perfectly encapsulates the joys of co-op. Doing silly stuff that looks goofy on your partner's screen is so much fun. :)

My friend and I are doing a splitscreen co-op run of RE5 right now and we keep rapidly tapping forward on the stick to make our characters look like they're shuffling without moving their legs, lol.


Since Resident Evil is basically a soap opera, we need a character who is basically a doctor with an eye-patch and strong case of amnesia. He should also never talk farther than five inches from a person's face. And every time he starts a conversation, he should dramatically grab the other person's arm and spin them around.
Since Resident Evil is basically a soap opera, we need a character who is basically a doctor with an eye-patch and strong case of amnesia. He should also never talk farther than five inches from a person's face. And every time he starts a conversation, he should dramatically grab the other person's arm and spin them around.

I want the Generalissimo to be the next RE's bad guy.




So this might be the final US and JPN box art. Personally I think the US box art will undergo the change to the JPN one soon. Since all the digital stores in the US have the JPN art work. You don't usually change the artwork on digital and physical. Every digital store is using the Japanese art.If anything I would expect bare minimum that the GameStop deluxe edition has the JPN box art.



So this might be the final US and JPN box art. Personally I think the US box art will undergo the change to the JPN one soon. Since all the digital stores in the US have the JPN art work. You don't usually change the artwork on digital and physical. Every digital store is using the Japanese art.If anything I would expect bare minimum that the GameStop deluxe edition has the JPN box art.
Honestly, I'd be thrilled with either of those. They both look great.


Hmm, it is a bit intrusive. I think I overlooked it because I momentarily forgot both versions come on the same disk.

I think the final box art would end up having a VR plug regardless of the art used, though.

It's apparently a Rorsach style psychology test art or something. Dusk Golem knows.

I can't tell what the Japanese one is supposed to be. It's a woman with some designs or something right?

Hopefully there's a reversible art.

I'm on mobile and reversed my responses. Not gonna fix it


Just beat Leon's campaign in 6. Simmons definitely got nerfed but it still dragged on for too long. I do like the design of his final form though.


I'm pretty much fine with either. Though I'd probably prefer JP, I'm used to the US kinda boxart. at this point.But yeah, really, fuck all that VR advertising stuff though.

Since Resident Evil is basically a soap opera, we need a character who is basically a doctor with an eye-patch and strong case of amnesia. He should also never talk farther than five inches from a person's face. And every time he starts a conversation, he should dramatically grab the other person's arm and spin them around.

Why can't I shake the feeling this was originally a character for RE in the planning stages or something? Lol


not me
I'm perfectly satisfied with the hit reactions in RE6. Apples and oranges, though. I'll agree the RE2 reactions are fantastic. Superior to REmake, that's for sure.

Actually, I'm kind of surprised by how RE2 is pretty much an action game. Not scary at all. Very fast and arcade-y action.

That first time you unload a shotgun aiming upwards into a zombie and they bust in half. /sogood

Then you get the custom shotgun, my god.


It's really too bad that Japan's CERO rating system outright neutered the gorier aspects of the series. Ever since Code Veronica, the series just hasn't been the same in that regard.


It's really too bad that Japan's CERO rating system outright neutered the gorier aspects of the series. Ever since Code Veronica, the series just hasn't been the same in that regard.

RE4 was pretty gory but then 5 went and censored decapitations and stuff. That was so disappointing.


I've begun updating the RE6 waifu gallery with Ada: https://www.flickr.com/photos/144228726@N08/

Only shots from Chapter 1 at the moment.

I'll never not be amused by the word "waifu."


Ada was so fucking hot in RE6.
She looks like she wants to bite someone's neck in that pic. I'm half-expecting her to smile wryly and reveal a set of fangs.

It's really too bad that Japan's CERO rating system outright neutered the gorier aspects of the series. Ever since Code Veronica, the series just hasn't been the same in that regard.

RE4 was pretty gory but then 5 went and censored decapitations and stuff. That was so disappointing.

4 they did multiple versions, 5 they took a break and just made a worldwide version

Yeah I remember international versions of 4 having the chainsaw beheadings getting toned down or just outright removed.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
It's really too bad that Japan's CERO rating system outright neutered the gorier aspects of the series. Ever since Code Veronica, the series just hasn't been the same in that regard.

RE4 was pretty gory but then 5 went and censored decapitations and stuff. That was so disappointing.

4 they did multiple versions, 5 they took a break and just made a worldwide version

Sounds like RE7 is finally going back to different versions and a chance for it to be gorier, however.


I really miss 4's head explosions. I think REmake's were the same. I prefer their runny diarrhea head explosions to the more chunky shit explosions in 6.


RE4 was pretty gory but then 5 went and censored decapitations and stuff. That was so disappointing.

Decapitation and impalement are pretty common aspects of the later games sure. But I was referring to the delimbing aspects of the earlier games. Like when you push a zombie away you'd sometimes take their arm off in the process. Or how the C. Shotgun in RE2 could cut enemies in half. We don't see this in later games.
Not to mention RE1 had a severed hand in it's opening and Richard had a very large snake bite on his torso. Both of which were removed in the REmake.
Oh and let's not forget the very brutal game over screens as well. Especially when a dog is shown mauling the hell out of your face before it explodes blood all over the screen. Or when William is shown beating the hell out of you with his pipe. They were very brutal times.


Hunters can't even decapitate you in REmake. One of the most frightening things about the original is that a jumping attack could mean instadeath if your health was on yellow or lower.


Hunters can't even decapitate you in REmake. One of the most frightening things about the original is that a jumping attack could mean instadeath if your health was on yellow or lower.
Wait, what? I could've swore Hunters insta-killed me with a decapitating strike in REmake.


Hunters can't even decapitate you in REmake. One of the most frightening things about the original is that a jumping attack could mean instadeath if your health was on yellow or lower.

I recall Hunters decapitating me. Maybe I'm not remembering correctly though. Man once the Hunters are introduced I get the strongest urge to save immediately. They ruined my no save run fucking twice. I had to cool off for a couple of days.
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