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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later

Unfortunately battefront is in the hands of EA, im already accepting the fact it wont be a real battlefront game, and yet it will sell millions and be even more successful then before despite being a less game. Sigh
EA earning their reputation here


They'll lose that creative freedom too eventually

EA will try their best but since Respawn isn't owned by them they can't do shit. Seriously though, Zampella is fucking cursed, I might not be a fan of his games but I really feel sorry for the guy, he's always getting screwed by these dipshit publishers.


EA will try their best but since Respawn isn't owned by them they can't do shit. Seriously though, Zampella is fucking cursed, I might not be a fan of his games but I really feel sorry for the guy.

How does this move harm him tho?
Can Respawn say fu to EA for Titanfall2? Honest question?

There's a good chance, which is partly why it's a risky move on EA's part to piss them off. Respawn could go running to Take Two for the sequel if they wanted. This is unless EA have tied them into a two game deal or have first refusal on a sequel, which is definitely a possibility.
This is kind of funny after so many people said that it had to come to PS4 specficially because EA is publisher.

Ironic, somewhat, even.

For sure, which is partly why it's a risky move on EA's part to piss them off. Respawn could go running to Take Two for the sequel if they wanted. This is unless EA have tied them into a two game deal or have first refusal on a sequel, which is definitely a possibility.

I seriously, seriously doubt that their deal with EA is for a single title.
Gotta laugh at how Respawn focused on creative freedom to avoid what happened to them with Activision and got screwed by EA in a different way. I bet their next contract will also focus on letting them chose the platforms.

It's a harsh lesson about the world, really. You might be creative and have some wonderful ideas (as a team or as an individual) but you can't make it a reality without taking someone else's money to do it.

I'll leave the dramatics of capitalism out of this. Most of us know the score there. The idea is just that eventually, people come for their pound of flesh in one way or another. Facebook didn't really want to go public, for example.

I guess Vince just has to work out at what point are his personal values compromised.
How do you know developers want their games exclusive?

I'm sure some very passionate Capcom developers are upset that Deep Down is not coming to more platforms.

Just because one guy is vocal about it does not make it a different scenario.

Respawn didn't go to MS, Sony, or Nintendo for an exclusivity deal. They went to EA, a third party publisher, for a multiplatform deal. EA's pulling the rug from under them because MS is looking to moneyhat an exclusive at the last minute because they have to save their trainwreck of a launch. If Respawn weren't getting screwed on this deal Vince wouldn't be lamenting it on twitter.
If you see what Microsoft did to talent they hired like Rare, it really isn't the same.

I agree with that. That is why you see companies like Insomniac trying to secure their own ip's now. They can make a game like Sunset Overdrive on the XBox One but they are not confined to making Ratchet games on the Playstation. I imagine that's why Bungie left, they got sick of being a slave to Halo.

Even studios like Quantic Dream don't have total freedom as we found out with Heavy Rain and the DLC all of the sudden put on hold in favor of the Playstation Move support. Some studios need someone like Sony though to fund the project and market it.

What is apparent is Microsoft likes to try and partner with less risky projects (as opposed to someone like Sony who have a more marketable game brand worldwide) and they know a game like TitanFall can not only help sell systems but also XBox Live memberships.


For sure, which is partly why it's a risky move on EA's part to piss them off. Respawn could go running to Take Two for the sequel if they wanted. This is unless EA have tied them into a two game deal or have first refusal on a sequel, which is definitely a possibility.

Yeah we don't know the details but Respawn definitely owns the IP.


Saint Titanfall
So can we except Titanfall 1 to come over, Mass Effect 1 style?

Probably not since that was down to EA who probably actually wanted it to come over to the PS3 but Biowares contract with Microsoft was still running. In this casr it's EA's contract with Microsoft which clearly they agreed to and wanted to it's less likely they'll go out of their way to find loop holes,


For sure, which is partly why it's a risky move on EA's part to piss them off. Respawn could go running to Take Two for the sequel if they wanted. This is unless EA have tied them into a two game deal or have first refusal on a sequel, which is definitely a possibility.
EA only think of short term like morons.


EA will try their best but since Respawn isn't owned by them they can't do shit. Seriously though, Zampella is fucking cursed, I might not be a fan of his games but I really feel sorry for the guy, he's always getting screwed by these dipshit publishers.
It's a shitty situation, but let's not go too far. He's exceptionally wealthy, and is the head of the team that defined multiplayer for the generation, and is producing the most critically hyped next-gen release. He's not sucking dick for crack.


EA is one of the best publishers bringing fantastic games to this generation each and every year.
Yeah, well, you know, that's just like uh, your opinion, man. Personally, I haven't bought a single EA game since Mass Effect 3 (and I massively regretted handing over money for that in hindsight).


Gotta laugh at how Respawn focused on creative freedom to avoid what happened to them with Activision and got screwed by EA in a different way. I bet their next contract will also focus on letting them chose the platforms.

Well they originally agreed to it being a timed exclusive in the first place. So it's hard to say if they really feel screwed over or just disappointed. He might even just feel bad since he originally did say that it is likely timed only and has now let people down. There's a pretty big difference between disappointment and anger at being screwed over. I don't really see Microsoft or EA screwing Respawn here. They're in a really damn good position to be in and I'm guessing they have had creative freedom with the title. It's entirely possible he's just sad that he has let people down.


Is anyone reading into it the way I am?

It's like MS had a timed deal... then GAF and others completely rip apart anything MS has done (deservedly so on some parts)... and XB1 has all this negative buzz going into launch... which MS sees and causes them to shore up and lock in TItanfall as an exclusive.

Nonetheless, a great coup for the XB1, title looks amazing.


I didn't see anyone post this last week:
IGN News - PS4: EA Has Unannounced 'Tactical Programmes With Sony'

I wonder how EA is gonna make it up to Sony for all the exclusives their giving MS.
I just hope third parties and even Sony try to cash in with mech games of their own. Titanfall will be big enough to spawn a mech game craze across all systems, I'm sure. Mechs will be the new Nazi's/Zombies in my opinion.
whats the difference, functionally though?

The game in question wouldn't exist if not for the platform holder's investment. That's different from buying a monopoly on a game that was being developed for multiple competing platforms.

Imagine if Platinum was making Bayonetta 2 for Sega for all platforms, then Nintendo bought exclusivity for the Wii U.
Well, there you go. Everybody wins. Won't have the first Titanfall, but PS4 owners won't miss out on Titanfall altogether as a result, and if you absolutely can't stand to miss the first, there's PC.

*Group hug*
One of the benefits for Respawn in all of this is that MS will push this title. Hard. I mean they are going to market the fuck out of it, I could see them marketing it more than Halo 5. "From the makers of Modern Warfare, comes their new franchise, exclusive to Xbox One on next gen". That advert is going to run and run,

MS is the one getting screwed here when you think objectively about this. The are spending 10s of millions marketing promoting and hyping up this new franchise. All for what? They are never going to make thier money back if only the first game is exclusive.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
My original claim has been from day one Microsoft have more of a say in this then people think. The fact Titanfall 1 is now a permanent exclusive proves that.


I guess we're kind of just arguing semantics. I wouldn't consider paying EA to renegotiate is having say since that would imply MS could dictate platforms without EA at all.

Fucking exactly.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
If all of this true exclusivity happened without Respawn knowing, who's to say Respawn can choose the platforms for the sequel?

whats the difference, functionally though?


The function is that the games might not exist in the first place without investment by Sony (or Microsoft or Nintendo), while other titles become exclusive for reasons other than initial financing. This isn't a situation where Titanfall wouldn't exist without Microsoft, while that wouldn't be true of Deep Down for example, or Bayonetta 2 on the Wii U.

Obviously those lines can be muddled in some instances, but that's the gist of where I'd say there's a difference.


Neo Member
Why is it good news for Xbox fans? They were going to be able to play the game anyway.

Well, in my opinion it's good for XBone fans which fully identify with MS. They possibly believe that prospective PS4 clients may jump to the XBox One.

No offence, I'm just dwelling on thoughts. :)
One of the benefits for Respawn in all of this is that MS will push this title. Hard. I mean they are going to market the fuck out of it, I could see them marketing it more than Halo 5. "From the makers of Modern Warfare, comes their new franchise, exclusive to Xbox One on next gen". That advert is going to run and run,

Respawn will be fine in this deal. They will release TitanFall 2 in a couple of years and double their next gen sales. It's also a great deal for Microsoft because the Xbox One will be the only next gen console where you can play it. Further, they will be able to say things like, "Xbox One is the only place where you can play TitanFall, Halo, Call of Duty, Battlefield and Halo."
Half your post is completely abhorrent to me, specifically the EA and "nobody will care in a year" bits.

The biggest issuse with this being exclusive is the WHY, and the fact we had heard it'd be timed initially only for them to apparently strike a deal to make it a full on exclusive. If it were that way initially it'd be disappointing, if they were skipping on PS4 just to take full advantage of the XB1 or whatever that'd also have been alright to me, but to be a timed exclusive to a console that's looking worse and worse, and because of this Microsoft strikes a deal BEHIND THE DEVELOPER'S BACK to go full exclusive? It's strategically sound so I don't think I can blame them fully, but fuck them anyway, and EA doubly so for riding on with this garbage anyway.

What do you mean "why"?
Have you not seen all the exclusive deals signed by 3rd parties over the past year?

Sonic wii u exclusive 3 game deal
Wonderful 101 & Bayonetta 2 wii u
Lego city undercover wii u
Deep Down Ps4
TON'S of exclusive indies like Rime on the PS4

If anyone hates EA for this deal then they pretty much hate the entire industry since everyone does it.


I'd be in the dick
My original claim has been from day one Microsoft have more of a say in this then people think. The fact Titanfall 1 is now a permanent exclusive proves that.
I guess we're kind of just arguing semantics. I wouldn't consider paying EA to renegotiate is having say since that would imply MS could dictate platforms without EA at all. I'm just going to drop it. Not worth arguing about it since we're saying similar things just in a different way.


Hah, wow, so EA did it and they didn't even know. They spent all that effort getting away from Activision so they could do what they want just to be told what they are doing by EA instead.


Wow EA. That's just... DAMN

So this Titanfall stays exclusive, at the cost of a disillusioned developer. This doesn't sound like Ninja Gaiden II at all. I... I love this new gen!
Yeah we don't know the details but Respawn definitely owns the IP.

Yes, but that doesn't mean anything if they have sold first refusal on a sequel to EA as well. I'm not sure they would have, especially in the strong bargaining position they had when they went to EA. I am sure that EA will have demanded it, but who really knows what happened. That he is voicing his displeasure at this moves indicates that they have a good chance of getting away from EA, but EA making this move indicates they are sure they will be publishing at least one more entry into the franchise.
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