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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This. ESPECIALLY when he tweeted that MS has been a great partner.

??? why wouldn't MS be a great partner?

He would be mad at EA. Not MS.

He has no deal with MS. At all. Zero.

You are weird. Do you know how sad faces work


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Not saying it won't do really well, but there's a lot of assumptions being made about Titanfall being a guaranteed "home run" title.

This is no reflection on its qualities, its just that the state of Xbone and what the competition (Acti-Bungie particularly) will be doing is an unknown quantity at this point. Its worth considering that the 360 version will almost certainly be the top-selling SKU also, and if the quality of that isn't up to Respawn's standards, it may taint the brand somewhat as it will be most folks first experience of it.

The reality is that its not beyond possibility that one of these high-profile shooters (including the present champs CoD and Battlefield) will underperform. Its a hyper-competitive genre and with these two new heavyweight contenders entering the scene who knows whats going to happen.


Not necessarily. If Respawn wasn't given explicit permission to decide which platforms to release on, EA didn't break any agreement.

The only assumption I'm making is that this isn't turning out in Respawn's favor. You know, given all the incredibly obvious evidence. Your assumption is that everything is fine and dandy, because EA's under-the-table deals are totally in Respawn's best interest for some inexplicable reason, and that Vince not being happy with the news actually means he's happy they're MS exclusive and he's getting suitcases full of money.

Uh... if they weren't in the board room, and lose out on potential $, they will DEFINITELY go to court, and have a strong case.


Recently =/= Right Now

If the owner of the company only found out recently, how could CBOAT have know it before him?

Do people not know how to read? Is this some trolling or are "console-wars" getting to people's heads?

CBOAT said that he heard that Titanfall would be a timed exclusive. (1st deal)

Today(meaning now), EA/MS have said Titanfall is exclusive, period. While Respawn doesnt seem too happy. (new deal)

So the terms have changed, NOW. What was once true, is not anymore. (old deal thrown out for a new deal)


Presumably, the reason they wanted to go 3rd party was to get the install base/money of multiplatform sales.

Going to one platform eliminates this, but presumably MS's payment makes up the gap somewhat. MS also takes on risk here.
It makes sense, kind of.

He's saying Respawn want to be on everything because it makes the most money, but if MS comps the lost sales with a money hat, they'll make the same amount.

I strongly disagree, but it's a logical position.

Got it. But isn't the basis of this argument, and to be more specific that Respawn wanted multiplatform only for the money just an assumption? And even if true, wouldn't the moneyhat be a pretty crappy consolation prize especially since we don't know how much of it Repawn gets, if any?
The end result is only the same assuming that everything that happens before a console maker buys exclusivity works out the same. That requires an argument.

You can probably make a rational expectations argument that both approaches are at least pretty close, but probably this sort of exclusivity deal is sufficiently uncommon that it's hard for publishers to consider when making decisions about the number and kinds of games they want to fund. And publishers are going to be shouldering more of the risk this way too, since if a game isn't turning out well a console maker isn't going to spring for exclusivity. I expect that funding exclusive games, the way that first and second party games typically work, results in more games overall being made (relative to buying exclusivity for promising games that would have been released anyway).

There certainly is a grey area involved. I can only speak in generalities because I don't know enough specifics. I expect the typical argument would be that money MS is putting towards respawn entertainment's exclusivity could have been used to make a whole new game. Not really enough information to verify or deny that statement though.


Saint Titanfall
That probably wasn't the best analogy.

The best way I can explain my perception of it is:

While Sony invests a lot of both time and money so that their first party studios output quality titles, Microsoft shops around for the output of other publishers, and just dumps tons of money for other quality titles.

Short term, I could just think "hey, I'm getting great games either way, why should I care", right?

Well, by supporting this practice (i.e., buying said games), you are sending to publishers the message that they should do this. Long term, this means that the amount of third party exclusives grows to a point that games simply get published on the platform of the highest bidder.
In which case, if a manufacturer can't buy games for his platform, it dies (the term "exclusives" even becomes redundant then).

Finally, we are left with a monopoly. At which point, the spoils (control over the market) go to the platform holder who simply had the most money from the beginning.
And this is the worst bit: in order to compete, any other company who wishes to do so, must be able to outspend the current monopolist (barrier of entry). And as is common knowledge, not all companies currently in gaming are equally difficult to outspend...

Which is why I think full exclusivity money hats are a bad thing in general.
I do tolerate DLC exclusivity moneyhats, because they don't really make a big difference, and are a compromise that offers one platform value over another, without preventing anyone from playing a game.

Just my two cents.

TBF I don't quite see the danger of this scenario, quite frankly each gen appears to have significant less exclusives third party or otherwise (many games on the snes that shared the same name as their Sega equivalents weren't even the same game or made by the same developers), due to the rise in development costs devs are incentivised to go
multiplatform regardless of the benefits of a single platform.

I don't see how Microsoft money hatting on or two games will change this at all. As developments costs rise moneyhatting becomes less and less feasibly, which precisely why we see DLC exclusives because platform holders can't moneyhat the entire game. The only reason Microsoft can even do this with this game is because it's a launch game, and a new IP, both of which are massive gambles financially. Otherwise it'd be multiplat like almost all of EA's other games.

So really your "risks" are marginal at best as not even devs and publishers are inclined to go that route unless the titles is very risky in the first place.

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Don't count on it. While a sequel will show up on the PS4, don't expect it to be a year later (unless it is developed outside of Respawn)

You are looking at at least 18 months before the PS4 sees a Respawn title, and unless EA wants to pull a Call of Duty and annualize the franchise (Respawn is not putting out 2 games in one year), it will be at least 18 months before they see the franchise.

They can easily get a sequel out in a year, especially if it stays multi-only. The engine and everything is done. They just need some new weapons/maps. They won't be starting from scratch. Far from it actually.
If you are willing to throw money around, you better have started it sooner and spent some more money for a better GPU, MS.

I think going for solid exclusive games, which you know will run and look great on their platform is more important. Imagine if the Xbox One had a GPU equal to the PS4, but also didn't have the lineup of exclusive games that many who are excited about an Xbox One are so looking forward to?

A stronger GPU doesn't exactly make the Xbox One a better games console, as tempting as it may be to think it solves all problems. Microsoft may have had a set of strategies that involved television, Windows 8 cross compatibility, snap, Skype, Kinect etc, but they clearly also have a pretty serious games strategy also, and that games strategy so far is something I would take everytime over a better GPU.

Project Spark
Quantum Break
Killer Instinct
Dead Rising 3
Forza Motorsport 5
Sunset Overdrive
Crimson Dragon
Swery's Kinect title D4
Halo - Well of course :)
Whatever their new studio Black Tusk is making.

And that's just for starters

People will look at comparisons for the rest of this generation. They will cheer, boo or hiss depending on what they see happening on either platform, but at the end of the day, no matter how many missteps or mistakes Microsoft has made, they are doing exactly what they should be doing for a videogames console. They are going out of their way to secure games, and not all of it is big moneyhats. What they are doing with project spark looks pretty revolutionary so far. The decisions have already been made. We can't change the GPU, but looking at games like Ryse, and at launch no less, do they really have to?


Didn't Gies say in the last month or so that people he spoke to had pretty much assured him that Titanfall would never be on PS4?

God, it would be so shitty if Gies knew before Respawn...
??? why wouldn't MS be a great partner?

He would be mad at EA. Not MS.

He has no deal with MS. At all. Zero.

You are weird. Do you know how sad faces work

Respawn has always said that they were happy with MS. Even before E3, Respawn was singing the praises about MS.

If this deal has been reached between Respawn and MS directly, would anyone actually be surprised given the previous statements from Respawn about its relationship with MS?
Uh... if they weren't in the board room, and lose out on potential $, they will DEFINITELY go to court, and have a strong case.

So because he's not going to twitter and saying "EA YOU BASTARDS! I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT!" then it means Respawn got a good deal that was all this time kept secret from them?
You're hinging your arguments on even less: random assumptions Respawn isn't getting screwed on their game suddenly becoming an exclusive after their publisher completes a deal behind their back because reasons.

"Sad face" to me means he's not happy about this. What do you think it means?

I dunno, Vince needs better lawyers maybe. You would think that after his tussle w/ Activision that all deals would be highly scrutinized. My gut tells me that some time ago they had an unproven product and great pedigree, they made a deal that worked at the time, public reaction to the game has been much better than they even dreamed and he's now sad that they are unable to exploit the game across all platforms.

As a person interested in this game I would also hate to see a "rushed" sequel just to exploit the IP on the PS4.



Hey, the sadface could be viewed as being sad for that dude who wanted to play it on the PS4.

I'm not even saying you're wrong, he might be very upset about not being on PS4. What I am saying is theres no way he got cut out of losing a huge chunk of money from a potential PS4 sku without being notified- or at the very least, if he did, we'll know very soon because he will be in court soon.


Neo Member
Tales from my ass? Tales from my ass. I'm a lawyer, so I would know- my specialty isn't in IP or copyright, but I guaranteeee you that regardless of what a contract says, if someone is getting fucked, they will go to court and can win regardless of "clauses."
I don't doubt your credentials but newsflash EA made a exclusive publishing deal MS paid for EA to not publish a PS4 version it in no way impedes Respawn's ability to develop one thus they have no claim to any monies that EA received.


Respawn has always said that they were happy with MS. Even before E3, Respawn was singing the praises about MS.

If this deal has been reached between Respawn and MS directly, would anyone actually be surprised given the previous statements from Respawn about its relationship with MS?
What does that have to do with right now?


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Respawn has always said that they were happy with MS. Even before E3, Respawn was singing the praises about MS.

If this deal has been reached between Respawn and MS directly, would anyone actually be surprised given the previous statements from Respawn about its relationship with MS?
i'd be surprised because they kept hinting at PS4 but i wouldn't be shocked

but that didn't happen so

Hey, the sadface could be viewed as being sad for that dude who wanted to play it on the PS4.

I'm not even saying you're wrong, he might be very upset about not being on PS4. What I am saying is theres no way he got cut out of losing a huge chunk of money from a potential PS4 sku without being notified- or at the very least, if he did, we'll know very soon because he will be in court soon.

But you can't prove or demonstrate this at all and all we know is that EA already owned publishing rights to the game so I don't see why they would give him any more money unless there was a trigger clause in there for this purpose.


Well Vince Zampella doesn't look so happy.
So MS alienates Bungie, Epic Games, now Respawn (well, indirectlty through the publisher level).

I'm cool with MS having a big exclusive FPS, it's a staple that's expected for the platform, but they need to go about it in a better way. Like do something that makes Respawn WANT to put Titanfall 2 on it as well.
This makes sense. The exclusivity period for the first game would probably not end until 2015 anyways. By that time Respawn will be nearly a year into their next game, and thus making the first Titanfall for PS4 would only get in the way. Sucks for PS4 owners, but there is always PC and 360 for those that don't want to drop $500 just for this game.

It's Mass Effect all over again.


So MS alienates Bungie, Epic Games, now Respawn (well, indirectlty through the publisher level).

I'm cool with MS having a big exclusive FPS, it's a staple that's expected for the platform, but they need to go about it in a better way. Like do something that makes Respawn WANT to put Titanfall 2 on it as well.

Well Respawn did say MS had been a great partner. So..


Respawn has always said that they were happy with MS. Even before E3, Respawn was singing the praises about MS.

If this deal has been reached between Respawn and MS directly, would anyone actually be surprised given the previous statements from Respawn about its relationship with MS?

Do you mean would we be surprised if a deal could be done in the future? Depends on the install bases of the consoles.

If you mean would we be surprised if this current deal is between MS and Respawn, then yes, considering Respawn has already said EA did the deal, and Respawn apparently only recently found out about it.


I am Ok with it. Last gen if was much harder for me. I HAD TO buy a 360 just to play Mass Effect and Dead Rising (and it was worth it).

Multi Player is really not my cup of tea. If this is MS's biggest exclusive, it matter even less to me than Gears of War.


Hey, the sadface could be viewed as being sad for that dude who wanted to play it on the PS4.

I'm not even saying you're wrong, he might be very upset about not being on PS4. What I am saying is theres no way he got cut out of losing a huge chunk of money from a potential PS4 sku without being notified- or at the very least, if he did, we'll know very soon because he will be in court soon.

So Zampella is in a way mirroring the feelings of the random PS4 user through his tweets?


The way I see it:

EA signed a contract to be Respawn's publishing partner. EA then only makes discs for consoles that they want to. They aren't "stopping" Respawn from making a Ps4 version, they just won't send it to retail, and the Respawn/EA deal prevents Respawn from shopping it to a different publisher until their contract with EA is terminated, since they DO own the IP and the code for the first game.

Still shitty.

If respawn challenges that EA got an "incentive" from Microsoft and didn't cut them in on it, EA can just say it was an unrelated deal and they just chose to not proceed with a Ps4 SKU.
They can easily get a sequel out in a year, especially if it stays multi-only. The engine and everything is done. They just need some new weapons/maps. They won't be starting from scratch. Far from it actually.

The Japanese approach of 'release an updated version of the game next year with extra map packs'? That depends how the contracts are written, I guess.

Besides, Respawn is still a small team. Unless they hire an extra 20 people to be dedicated map makers while the remainder work on sequel, they wouldn't be able to have the resources to make 'Titanfall : Sigma.'

After this news reveal, I don't think we'll get a PS4 port of the original Titanfall anytime soon, since any rerelease of this game on PS4 deems it being major enough to be considered a different game from its current iteration.
Respawn has always said that they were happy with MS. Even before E3, Respawn was singing the praises about MS.

If this deal has been reached between Respawn and MS directly, would anyone actually be surprised given the previous statements from Respawn about its relationship with MS?

They always said they wanted the game on as many platforms as possible. Doesn't mean they weren't happy with MS.


A guy with his history shouldn't have to gamble unless the cards in the game industry are stacked so heavily for the pimps. Gaming industry needs to change if things are this bad. Vince should have decision making power and should be getting a cut of anything made. When Cameron makes a movie he has a say in everything. A guy like Vince should have the same power in the game industry.

Every entertainment industry in existence is stacked in favor of the pimps, especially for big budget blockbusters. He could have gone the kickstarter route if he wanted complete control of his intellectual property, or signed onto a lesser Publisher that isn't so hands on, but he's coming off of COD: Modern Warfare 1 & 2, and it's clear that Respawn/IW wanted to stay within that realm of development and continue to play with the big boys. That comes with a price if you can't afford to foot the bill yourself.


Didn't Gies say in the last month or so that people he spoke to had pretty much assured him that Titanfall would never be on PS4?

God, it would be so shitty if Gies knew before Respawn...

Recently is relative. EA also probably didn't want to announce total exclusivity in a Financial earnings report/conference call. They probably were waiting to do this big PR push, and now that won't happen, at least specifically with this.
How can this be possible? Aren't the developers getting any money from this exclusive deal?

(I mean more than 5% which seems to me as a joke amount)

It rarely works that way.

Developers are typically paid for each milestone delivery. Whether a game is successful or not... doesn't impact that. It only will, in the sense that it will affect if your studio gets a subsequent game from that publisher (their choice).

Here's an example:
I worked on a game; which ended up getting cancelled during our last milestone (right before the set release). We had our last milestone delivery paid off (our contract stated that if the project is cancelled; we should be paid for the milestone it happens). We ended up making just as much money without release; as we would have if the game actually shipped.

As a publisher; you're putting your money on the line and contracting a studio to deliver a product. The publisher then profits from their investment; while the development studio gets paid for their work noted in their contract.

When Respawn settled on a contract for this project; it would have detailed milestone expectations and platform targets. If we even go so far as to assume the PS4 was originally in the cards; the only thing this changes, is one less platform to deliver.

Similarly; when I was working on the Publisher end. We had a project that was not localized and destined for North America only. After completion; we went on to localize it (not even with the original developer) and distributed it to the rest of the world. It ended up being a hit in Europe and our profits exploded. The developer didn't see an extra dime.

It's not all perks for the publisher. Imagine if the game tanks. The developer is safely paid for their work; with the publisher taking the hit for the failure in sale expectations. It's their monetary risk; as such, it's their reward.

I've worked over a decade between publishing and developing.


Why? EA own exclusive publishing rights. It's up to them to do as they please, as long as Respawn get the money/minimum royalties they were promised in the contract they signed, then I what exactly is actionable?

if EA made a deal with MS for more money and Respawn didn't get any, Respawn could sue for for a cut or even void the contract. Respawn might have been working under the assumption that the game would eventually become full multiplat and expecting royalties from the other platforms such as ps3 and 4. if they didn't receive any money from the full exclusivity deal then they can argue that they lost money because of the deal made by EA and that EA profited from their loss in future royalties.


If y'all think EA is only going to shit out a battlefield every 3 years instead of every 2 I would like to sell you a bridge

spring - fall game + spinoffs
Yea I mentioned a 3 year cycle earlier with Battlefield, Titanfall, and Battlefront since thats what was alluded to recently. But with Titanfall releasing next spring, I can't see them go through next holiday season without another title in this cluster of games.


This guy left EA to go to Acti to get treated like garbage while making the biggest series last gen just to go back to EA and get "screwed over" again? Either this guy is ultra naive or he knows exactly what's going on and just wants to get paid. I'm assuming its to get paid because if someone went through what he did with Acti and get involved with a multimillion dollar lawsuit, I'd think they'd watch what they sign a bit more closely.

Oh well. It will be a shame to see what becomes of this title with not just EA, but MS looking over their shoulder as well lol.


That probably wasn't the best analogy.

The best way I can explain my perception of it is:

While Sony invests a lot of both time and money so that their first party studios output quality titles, Microsoft shops around for the output of other publishers, and just dumps tons of money for other quality titles.

Short term, I could just think "hey, I'm getting great games either way, why should I care", right?

Well, by supporting this practice (i.e., buying said games), you are sending to publishers the message that they should do this. Long term, this means that the amount of third party exclusives grows to a point that games simply get published on the platform of the highest bidder.
In which case, if a manufacturer can't buy games for his platform, it dies (the term "exclusives" even becomes redundant then).

Finally, we are left with a monopoly. At which point, the spoils (control over the market) go to the platform holder who simply had the most money from the beginning.
And this is the worst bit: in order to compete, any other company who wishes to do so, must be able to outspend the current monopolist (barrier of entry). And as is common knowledge, not all companies currently in gaming are equally difficult to outspend...

Which is why I think full exclusivity money hats are a bad thing in general.
I do tolerate DLC exclusivity moneyhats, because they don't really make a big difference, and are a compromise that offers one platform value over another, without preventing anyone from playing a game.

Just my two cents.

Great post! This is market distortion and the logical extension is monopoly. I don't know if MS will risk going full bore because they have been under scrutiny for monopolistic predation before, but yeah, fuck moneyhats.
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