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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later


This post makes no sense. I've read it three times and it still doesn't.
It makes sense, kind of.

He's saying Respawn want to be on everything because it makes the most money, but if MS comps the lost sales with a money hat, they'll make the same amount.

I strongly disagree, but it's a logical position.


You're hinging your arguments on even less: random assumptions Respawn isn't getting screwed on their game suddenly becoming an exclusive after their publisher completes a deal behind their back because reasons.

"Sad face" to me means he's not happy about this. What do you think it means?

Could mean he was sad he wasn't told. Could mean he's sad for the fan who tweeted.


I don't see how EA screwed Respawn in this. Respawn owns the IP, they made a deal with EA to publish the game. EA as a publisher made a deal with MS.

Well Vince Zampella doesn't look so happy.

@HideousGamer Not to read into something. But I have a feeling your not 100% happy with this deal. Not to say Microsoft or EA hurt you...
my point being is that I think you feel with this deal the longevity of TianFall 2 3 how ever many you make gets hurt on PS 4

@VinceZampella : No plans for anything past 1 yet, but I like the way you think =D


So when Sony buys a studio like Naughty dog, that means they are creating their work that naughty dog does from then on? Same people making the same content just under different ownership.

Microsoft buys exclusivity the same way Sony does, with cash. Just Sony does it in a different way. The end result are still exclusive games being paid for with money.

Sony took ND and created a colossus of a developer. That adds to the industry. Microsoft and their history of ruining developers while moneyhatting to gain exclusives does not.


Neo Member
That sucks, i guess they didn't learn from bungie. Now with with Destiny coming out on all platforms it looks like it will be more successful than any Halo game was. With Titan fall competing against Destiny and later with another MS shooter exclusive in Halo it's going to have a tough time not to mention cod which im sure will have dlc ready to up against Titanfall. But Titanfall does look great i just hope they don't get tied up with MS for the sequels.
You don't think Sony does from time to time? I like how some people are really mad about this but would completely lose their shit if Infamous went multi platform.

This just makes me want an X1 even more. For $500, you better provide the exclusives because I'm definitely not going to be playing third party games on it when I have a PS4.

I also find it weird that Respawn sided with EA and Bungie signed a deal with Act., even considering what happen to Infinity ward. Did Sony really not want to pay up for either team? Bungie completely revolutionized online gaming and they certainly aren't a one trick company. IW pushed that envelop a bit more and made a significant impact


I loved Demon's Souls and didn't give a shit that it went multiplatform. In fact, I liked that it went multiplatform because I got to play Dark on PC. I'd actually love inFAMOUS to go PC to fix that godawful unlocked framerate.


For me I wish Respawn would have done it them selves because you know goddamn well they aren't gonna see 5% of the cash dump truck that MS dropped at EA's front door for this one.

How can this be possible? Aren't the developers getting any money from this exclusive deal?

(I mean more than 5% which seems to me as a joke amount)

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
But how did CBOAT know about this deal when the head of Respawn just found out? If you read the tweet at face value, the question was about working on the PS4 in general, not Titanfall.

CBOAT knew about the original deal, which was timed exclusivity. This, perma-exclusivity, is a new deal that MS and EA just struck behind Vince's back apparently.

Was Respawn working on a PS4 version? Do they have devkits?
I just wonder how a deal like this affects any development work they may have been doing.

Yes, this was reported months ago.


listen to the mad man
But how did CBOAT know about this deal when the head of Respawn just found out? If you read the tweet at face value, the question was about working on the PS4 in general, not Titanfall.

You are really confused.

CBOAT said that the plan for Titanfall was a one year exclusive. This was presumably known by many people working on the game and in the industry. That's the extent of what CBOAT said.

Today we are finding out that EA signed a deal for lifetime exclusivity. Respawn is also finding out about this as of right now. IE the situation has changed from what used to be the case.


Power of cloud.



Neo Member
Haha this drama is so tasty. The reason the internet mob have all jumped on the PS4 bandwagon is they want to avoid stuff like this, they've chosen PS4 and they want all the games. Most people only want to buy one console, and so that one must dominate the market to ensure devs port all games to it. I guess its like supporting a sports team, tribal mentality.

Sorry internet but the Xbone is still alive whether you want it or not, competition is good! Sony wouldn't be so lovely to you if there wasn't MS to force them.


Serious question, how much dough are we talking about in a moneyhat of this magnitude?
I mean, all those potential PS4 sales, it has to be a shitload of money, doesn't it?

Yep, it's a straight cost benefit analysis. Based on some amount of data, they have an idea of how many consoles they expect/like to see move from this exclusivity deal. Each one of those buyers has a huge lifetime value on average, due in part to live. They're paying a ton for future potential revenue streams, enough for it to be worth it for EA, both in terms of lost PS4 sales and the inevitable negativity generated by the news.


So when Sony buys a studio like Naughty dog, that means they are creating their work that naughty dog does from then on? Same people making the same content just under different ownership.

Microsoft buys exclusivity the same way Sony does, with cash. Just Sony does it in a different way. The end result are still exclusive games being paid for with money.

1st party means Sony gives endless cash to ND. They do whatever they wish because Sony trusts them. ND has infinite creative freedom but IP is Sony's. (duh)

3rd party dev with some publisher means that the publisher will limit the developer to their own budget/ways/views and may even take the project a totally different direction than the developer intended. Game development suffers.

For instance ND has the ability to take risks with titles such as The Last of Us mean while if they tried to make it with say EA, ND would of had to change a lot of things to please them. End result would of been different and/or have a lesser impact than it did.

2 different things going on, ND may not own their IP's but they get the creative freedom they desire. Win win for both.


Neo Member
Presumably, the reason they wanted to go 3rd party was to get the install base/money of multiplatform sales.

Going to one platform eliminates this, but presumably MS's payment makes up the gap somewhat. MS also takes on risk here.
Is it horrible that despite the fact that I want the Xbox brand to continue to exist so that competition stays alive in console gaming, that every time I see MS money hat like this I hope it turns into a massive ass storm and fail on principle. I feel like if they want exclusives MS needs to invest in people and develop their own talented studios instead of just dropping off armored cars full of cash to take 3rd party games off the multiplat market.


why would I focus on just the end result?

Scenario one: Here's a chicken, I raise them myself, and have surplus, here's one for you...eat enjoy

Scenario 2: Here's a chicken, I stole it from a farmer because I think they have plenty, here's one for you...eat enjoy

I don't want chicken 2!!!

What is hard about that? If MS grew there first parties more, I think most people would enjoy/appreciate that more than exclusives. It's absurd to think everyone reasons that way--only worried about the "end result" I don't do that in any aspect of my life, and entertainment is no exception.

Now, don't go and post me slave workers making PS4's and X1 and all that nonsense, just saying, would rather have studios built.

That probably wasn't the best analogy.

The best way I can explain my perception of it is:

While Sony invests a lot of both time and money so that their first party studios output quality titles, Microsoft shops around for the output of other publishers, and just dumps tons of money for other quality titles.

Short term, I could just think "hey, I'm getting great games either way, why should I care", right?

Well, by supporting this practice (i.e., buying said games), you are sending to publishers the message that they should do this. Long term, this means that the amount of third party exclusives grows to a point that games simply get published on the platform of the highest bidder.
In which case, if a manufacturer can't buy games for his platform, it dies (the term "exclusives" even becomes redundant then).

Finally, we are left with a monopoly. At which point, the spoils (control over the market) go to the platform holder who simply had the most money from the beginning.
And this is the worst bit: in order to compete, any other company who wishes to do so, must be able to outspend the current monopolist (barrier of entry). And as is common knowledge, not all companies currently in gaming are equally difficult to outspend...

Which is why I think full exclusivity money hats are a bad thing in general.
I do tolerate DLC exclusivity moneyhats, because they don't really make a big difference, and are a compromise that offers one platform value over another, without preventing anyone from playing a game.

Just my two cents.


You are really confused.

CBOAT said that the plan for Titanfall was a one year exclusive. This was presumably known by many people working on the game and in the industry. That's the extent of what CBOAT said.

Today we are finding out that EA signed a deal for lifetime exclusivity. Respawn is also finding out about this as of right now. IE the situation has changed from what used to be the case.

Recently =/= Right Now


Okay, if you really insist

Why in the nine hells are people forgetting that respawn has explictly said the servers (for a game that is ONLY MP) were a great deal thanks to MS.

How is this moneyhatting when MS was doing this BEFORE e3 and BEFORE the bad news?

MS ponied up more money to keep it on their platform. Money that could've been spent on developing a new game or expanding studios. It's good for bragging rights, but I'd rather have money spent on games than securing exclusives.

Well yeah, the sequel will come to PS4.

At this rate, even the second Titanfall won't be coming to PS4. I remember during this year's E3, Vince saying something about how Titanfall will be coming to PS4 sometime after they were done with X1,360 and PC versions. Now, it's not the case. Vince doesn't have any control in this so please do take his words as a grain of salt.
Well... not really though, because presumably they didn't go first party so they could keep the sales of both consoles; the reason they're exclusive now is because MS covered the costs to make up that difference.

Your still not getting it Vince did not even know about this .
In other words the person that own the IP had no say and EA is who is getting the money .
He wants to grow his IP on many platforms but EA wants money it's not the same at all .
If you thought the Xbox One was too pricey to get until a price drop, you won't be buying Titanfall on the Xbox One. You will buy it for the 360 if you are a Microsoft console gamer. It helps the Xbox One no doubt by keeping it off the PS4 but this is a much bigger win for the current gen battle than next gen. Titanfall 2 is what will really sell systems if it is exclusive.


Vince needs to get better representation. Screwed with by EA then left. Screwed with by Activision then left. Screwed with by EA again.

Does a person's history of making hits mean nothing in the game industry? I would think Vince is the type of guy that could get good terms.


Your still not getting it Vince did not even know about this .
In other words the person that own the IP had no say and EA is who is getting the money .
He wants to grow his IP on many platforms but EA wants money it's not the same at all .

Theres no way EA keeps all of that money. I don't know how their contracts are structured, but I guarantee you Respawn will get a cut.
How can this be possible? Aren't the developers getting any money from this exclusive deal?

(I mean more than 5% which seems to me as a joke amount)

Doubtful. EA own the publishing rights and are pretty much free to do as they please. I would be surprised if Respawn see a penny of the new MS money.


Very unfortunate to hear. I was looking forward to playing it if it ever had a PS4 release but that doesn't look like it will happen anymore. I guess I could always do PC.


That's what happens when you sign away the rights to your game. As much as it sucks, they made the assumption that their game would be multiplatform at some point in its lifetime, and that gamble backfired.
Sorry internet but the Xbone is still alive whether you want it or not, competition is good!
Competition is great, but god damn it'd be nice to see MS provide actual positive value rather than take their usual tack of adding value through removing access to content for others.

This is a critique I level at all parties though, even though its the status quo.

Yes, this was reported months ago.
So I'd imagine this news being a surprise has mucked up at least some of the works at Respawn.
like I said, I'd rather a team be built up through partnerships with a company rather than doing deals for certain products. Sony has been taking a bunch of risk then because they established 2 new studios this generation. Do I want to see that from MS? You bet. It builds faith in the brand, knowing amazing experiences are coming from in house. People would be upset now that the developers have expressed interest and sincerity in doing there games on PS4. But if it was an announced partnership and Respawn just became a part of MS from the gate, it would be no different from ND making titles for PS4 IMO=NO Hate...

but, regardless, I don't think we even disagree, I think we both feel building studios is better, and TF is a good win for X1 IMO, Hope it sells well and sequels come to more platforms, i'll be too broke to play any of it next year anyway lol...

Yes, building your own studios and trying to identify that game with your brand is great but the consumer only cares about the end product. We have seen many exclusive games not sell that well in the past. I think it is only the real hardcore that cares about the history and partnerships. We are also talking about a studio that is working for EA so I'm not sure how anyone would be upset about this deal to begin with.
Could mean he was sad he wasn't told. Could mean he's sad for the fan who tweeted.

So let's say he was sad that he, the owner of Respawn, wasn't told. Behind-your-back deals usually don't end well for those who don't know, because if it was actually beneficial it wouldn't have been kept a secret.

Do you honestly think Respawn is getting a good deal here? With no say from Vince beforehand about how much of that moneyhat money would Respawn be getting, if any at all?


So what does owning the IP rights mean? Creative freedom?
It means they can make games in the franchise and do what they want with them.

We don't know if EA have the publishing rights to future games, but given his tweet saying only the first is exclusive makes me think EA don't have TF2's publishing rights yet, if that's the case, Respawn can do what they want with it.


But how did CBOAT know about this deal when the head of Respawn just found out? If you read the tweet at face value, the question was about working on the PS4 in general, not Titanfall.
That's not what your quoted said and that's not what CBOAT said. CBOAT said it was a timed exclusive. Your quoted stated the same. We get news that it was a timed exclusive and now made full exclusive. CBOAT was right.... Again.


At this rate, even the second Titanfall won't be coming to PS4. I remember during this year's E3, Vince saying something about how Titanfall will be coming to PS4 sometime after they were done with X1,360 and PC versions. Now, it's not the case. Vince doesn't have any control in this so please do take it as a grain of salt.

The publishing deal was for ONE GAME ONLY as part of the EA Partners Program.

Respawn has absolute control of the IP. Hell, if Vince wanted Titanfall 2 on Wii-U, published by Nintendo, he could do that.


Well... not really though, because presumably they didn't go first party so they could keep the sales of both consoles; the reason they're exclusive now is because MS covered the costs to make up that difference.
They covered the potential revenue to EA, not to Respawn. Big difference.


Well Vince Zampella doesn't look so happy.

Ouch, seems he really wanted his game of the PS4 for the good of the franchise. He's being really open with questions on Twitter which is refreshing wish more developers/founders could be like Zampella in terms of interacting with fellow gamers.


Junior Member

I, for one, really appreciate that he said this publicly, but it makes EA look really bad, and makes MS look a bit desperate that they had to fully lock up a timed exclusive, just for some good PR.

Microsoft really can't catch a break, can they? This was supposed to be a slam dunk "in your face!" story, but then a dev comes out and turns this story on its head and turns it into a story about shady business practices, lol.
It is okay, Respawn. Pump out Titanfall 2 a year later.

Don't count on it. While a sequel will show up on the PS4, don't expect it to be a year later (unless it is developed outside of Respawn)

You are looking at at least 18 months before the PS4 sees a Respawn title, and unless EA wants to pull a Call of Duty and annualize the franchise (Respawn is not putting out 2 games in one year), it will be at least 18 months before they see the franchise.
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