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Respawn: EA made Titanfall deal, only for one game, will work on PS4 later


So let's say he was sad that he, the owner of Respawn, wasn't told. Behind-your-back deals usually don't end well for those who don't know, because if it was actually beneficial it wouldn't have been kept a secret.

Do you honestly think Respawn is getting a good deal here? With no say from Vince beforehand about how much of that moneyhate money would Respawn be getting, if any at all?

A. Theres no way Vince isn't getting a slice.
B. There is significant upside to a deal like this- money up front and you eliminate risk, which is nice when launching a new IP on small install bases.


That's irrelevant, they signed the deal with EA to publish the first game, I am sure that contract allows EA to do this. If not then EA and Respawn will be going to court pretty shortly.

It's completely relevant, it gives Respawn an incentive not to sign with EA for their next game.


If you thought the Xbox One was too pricey to get until a price drop, you won't be buying Titanfall on the Xbox One. You will buy it for the 360 if you are a Microsoft console gamer. It helps the Xbox One no doubt by keeping it off the PS4 but this is a much bigger win for the current gen battle than next gen. Titanfall 2 is what will really sell systems if it is exclusive.

You mean the Titan Fall that is being outsourced? I guarantee that advertisements will be done in such a way where the general consumer will assume that the game is exclusive to XB1.


Why would EA do this behind Respawn's back?

You'd think they would do everything in their power to make sure their relationship with Respawn is solid, so if TF DOES become a huge hit, Respawn will return to EA with little to no fuss. And this is especially true when it's Respawn, not EA, that owns the IP.


Neo Member
How can this be possible? Aren't the developers getting any money from this exclusive deal?

(I mean more than 5% which seems to me as a joke amount)
If EA was able to make the deal without the head of the studio knowing news flash they are gonna keep that money because this isn't your normal exclusivity deal, EA agreed to not publish a PS4 version Respwan didn't make a agreement to only develop a XBOne version.


If EA was able to make the deal without the head of the studio knowing news flash they are gonna keep that money because this isn't your normal exclusivity deal, EA agreed to not publish a PS4 version Respwan didn't make a agreement to only develop a XBOne version.

This is based on what? Theres no way EA can keep all that cash. I guarantee you their publishing deal has language to take care of this.
Is it horrible that despite the fact that I want the Xbox brand to continue to exist so that competition stays alive in console gaming, that every time I see MS money hat like this I hope it turns into a massive ass storm and fail on principle. I feel like if they want exclusives MS needs to invest in people and develop their own talented studios instead of just dropping off armored cars full of cash to take 3rd party games off the multiplat market.

And what sucks the most about this deal is that the exclusivity is now confirmed to just be for the first release. If you are going to take it off the market for PS4, then go all the way. No way MS EDD will be allowed to spend $ on getting the exclusive for the 2nd release, especially since the PS4 install base will be huge.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
How should I know, Vince said "recently" which could be 2 weeks, but generally doesn't mean "right now."

And most people understand that the deal was probably not signed today. But if you are trying to discredit cboat saying that they had 1 year exclusivity only then you are not doing a great job.

Pc it is, then.

Never thought I would see the day when there would be a Gilmore Girl's gif used. Dark times are ahead.


That's what happens when you sign away the rights to your game. As much as it sucks, they made the assumption that their game would be multiplatform at some point in its lifetime, and that gamble backfired.

A guy with his history shouldn't have to gamble unless the cards in the game industry are stacked so heavily for the pimps. Gaming industry needs to change if things are this bad. Vince should have decision making power and should be getting a cut of anything made. When Cameron makes a movie he has a say in everything. A guy like Vince should have the same power in the game industry.


Why would EA do this behind Respawn's back?

You'd think they would do everything in their power to make sure their relationship with Respawn is solid, so if TF DOES become a huge hit, Respawn will return to EA with little to no fuss. And this is especially true when it's Respawn, not EA, that owns the IP.

Money make people do some strange things....
A. Theres no way Vince isn't getting a slice.
B. There is significant upside to a deal like this- money up front and you eliminate risk, which is nice when launching a new IP on small install bases.

A. You're incredibly naive if you think EA is just now going to Vince saying "so we made a deal behind your back. Your product is now exclusive, but rest assured Respawn's getting far more money than you would've gotten if you were kept in the loop all this time!!" "Behind your back" never means "with your best interest in mind".

B. You continue to make wild assumptions about how much of that money is going to whom.
The publishing deal was for ONE GAME ONLY as part of the EA Partners Program.

Respawn has absolute control of the IP. Hell, if Vince wanted Titanfall 2 on Wii-U, published by Nintendo, he could do that.

I would be surprised if EA didn't at least try and secure first refusal on publishing at least one sequel. Though Respawn were in such a strong bargaining position back then, a deal could have gone through without such a clause.
if they just learnt about this recently... and they where working on a PS4 version

man those extra man hours wasted almost as bad as the Rayman Legends guys


A. You're incredibly naive if you think EA is just now going to Vince saying "so we made a deal behind your back. Your product is now exclusive, but rest assured Respawn's getting far more money than you would've gotten if you were kept in the loop all this time!!"

B. You continue to make wild assumptions about how much of that money is going to whom.

You're making assumptions too. But if the shit you say is going down has gone down, well, then they'll be in court soon. So you'll find out soon enough


Doubtful. EA own the publishing rights and are pretty much free to do as they please. I would be surprised if Respawn see a penny of the new MS money.

Oh wow. Well that's really sucks then, no wonder about that Vince guy sad post, I thought he was playing a fool there.


Well sure, for that. I mean in terms of this particular title. And Vince being sad about it which was the context of the post I replied to.

Yea they are more than likely getting money from the original publishing deal. The MS/EA deal is not to publish a PS4 version. The are Paying EA not to publish multiplatform. Thats another deal that Respawn is not apart of
A. You're incredibly naive if you think EA is just now going to Vince saying "so we made a deal behind your back. Your product is now exclusive, but rest assured Respawn's getting far more money than you would've gotten if you were kept in the loop all this time!!" "Behind your back" never means "with your best interest in mind".

B. You continue to make wild assumptions about how much of that money is going to whom.

Also, neglecting the fact that TF is coming out for 360 and PC, which hardly makes it a small installed base to sell on.


I would be surprised if EA didn't at least try and secure first refusal on publishing at least one sequel. Though Respawn were in such a strong bargaining position back then, a deal could have gone through without such a clause.

It's possible, but I really can't see Vince agreeing to it after everything that happened with Modern Warfare. Respawn will almost certainly have anticipated needing an escape in case EA tried to fuck them.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
For me I wish Respawn would have done it them selves because you know goddamn well they aren't gonna see 5% of the cash dump truck that MS dropped at EA's front door for this one.

This is really a Tales From My Ass post.

You don't know anything about the deal, so it's a baseless assumption to demonize MS and EA.

MS seems to have jumped on board Titanfall from pretty early on. They provided money and support, much like a 2nd part. That money and support probably initial meant that it was at least a timed exclusive. MS isn't going to moneyhat and support a pure 3rd part title.

I'm not gonna feel real sorry for the Respawn guys by making baseless assumptions that they are somehow getting screwed here.

If EA had the rights to sign the game off exclusively for life then Respawn had agreed to the contract that allowed.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
If y'all think EA is only going to shit out a battlefield every 3 years instead of every 2 I would like to sell you a bridge

spring - fall game + spinoffs


My crazy take on everything.

EA knew XBO would have that awful DRM.
They decide go drop their online codes.
XBO and Origin would handle all the DRM for them.
Sony to much like Nintendo in this aspect.
EA decides to start emigrating from Sony.
EA will keep on preferring MS, they know DRM will come back.
I will still ignore everything EA.

Tinfoil and cats for everyone!
1st party means Sony gives endless cash to ND. They do whatever they wish because Sony trusts them. ND has infinite creative freedom but IP is Sony's. (duh)

3rd party dev with some publisher means that the publisher will limit the developer to their own budget/ways/views and may even take the project a totally different direction than the developer intended. Game development suffers.

For instance ND has the ability to take risks with titles such as The Last of Us mean while if they tried to make it with say EA, ND would of had to change a lot of things to please them. End result would of been different and/or have a lesser impact than it did.

2 different things going on, ND may not own their IP's but they get the creative freedom they desire. Win win for both.

Sony owns ND. That is not infinite creative freedom. They can shut them down, fire them and hire a new staff, etc. Granted, that hasn't happened and they work well together; probably never will happen. Sony has much more control over a company like ND when they own them, than a company like MS has over a third party like respawn entertainment.

I'll admit that Sony - ND relationship seems to be working to their advantage. I wouldn't suggest otherwise. But that relationship was made out of money, when Sony bought ND, the same way microsoft secured the titanfall deal.

On the other hand, I'd say it is significantly different when Sony founds a brand new studio and hires all the talent, manages everything from the ground up. This is not the case with ND which was founded in 1986. When they found the studio they are creating a new outlet of creativity. When they purchase an en existing studio they are redirecting the outlet of creativity.


This is really a Tales From My Ass post.

You don't know anything about the deal, so it's a baseless assumption to demonize MS and EA.

MS seems to have jumped on board Titanfall from pretty early on. They provided money and support, much like a 2nd part. That money and support probably initial meant that it was at least a timed exclusive. MS isn't going to moneyhat and support a pure 3rd part title.

I'm not gonna feel real sorry for the Respawn guys by making baseless assumptions that they are somehow getting screwed here.

If EA had the rights to sign the game off exclusively for life then Respawn had agreed to the contract that allowed.
This. ESPECIALLY when he tweeted that MS has been a great partner.


Neo Member
This is based on what? Theres no way EA can keep all that cash. I guarantee you their publishing deal has language to take care of this.
Have you ever read one of EA's EULA's what on earth makes you think that their contracts aren't loaded with hidden clauses that say they can turn around and fuck you over with impunity, contracts don't protect both parties whoever is the bigger company with the bigger lawyer get the leverage.
Does Respawn even own the ip? How can he so sure where the direction of the franchise goes? If it belongs to EA they can pretty much do whatever they want with it and do another deal.


Honest question: Does EA as a publisher have to report this to Respawn? EA as a publisher has to go where the money is at. correct?this is not the case of a game getting port, it is keeping the game where is coming out for as an exclusive.
You're making assumptions too. But if the shit you say is going down has gone down, well, then they'll be in court soon. So you'll find out soon enough

Why? EA own exclusive publishing rights. It's up to them to do as they please, as long as Respawn get the money/minimum royalties they were promised in the contract they signed, then I what exactly is actionable?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
At this rate, even the second Titanfall won't be coming to PS4. I remember during this year's E3, Vince saying something about how Titanfall will be coming to PS4 sometime after they were done with X1,360 and PC versions. Now, it's not the case. Vince doesn't have any control in this so please do take his words as a grain of salt.
Take his word as a grain of salt? Thats a new one.

So his words make the truthlies easier to swallow?
I think since PS4 has a small install base the first year, EA would rather take the shit load of money from MS. By the time TF 2 comes out, install base + hype will mean more money if they take the game to all platforms and build on the franchise. Long term it makes sense I guess.


Have you ever read one of EA's EULA's what on earth makes you think that their contracts aren't loaded with hidden clauses that say they can turn around and fuck you over with impunity, contracts don't protect both parties whoever is the bigger company with the bigger lawyer get the leverage.

Tales from my ass? Tales from my ass. I'm a lawyer, so I would know- my specialty isn't in IP or copyright, but I guaranteeee you that regardless of what a contract says, if someone is getting fucked, they will go to court and can win regardless of "clauses."


How is this shady or even remotely a bad thing? It's an EA game. Of course it's going to be multiplat. I bet Titanfall will come to the PS4 a year or so after it comes out followed by sequels on all platforms. Everybody makes money, everybody is happy. LMAO @ the =( face. Should be a tweet from a MS pr guy.
Theres no way EA keeps all of that money. I don't know how their contracts are structured, but I guarantee you Respawn will get a cut.

You mean the same Respawn that did not know about this deal ?
I will say it again this hurts the IP if you want it to grow and getting some extra money might not be worth it for respawn \ Vince .
You're making assumptions too. But if the shit you say is going down has gone down, well, then they'll be in court soon. So you'll find out soon enough

Not necessarily. If Respawn wasn't given explicit permission to decide which platforms to release on, EA didn't break any agreement.

The only assumption I'm making is that this isn't turning out in Respawn's favor. You know, given all the incredibly obvious evidence. Your assumption is that everything is fine and dandy, because EA's under-the-table deals are totally in Respawn's best interest for some inexplicable reason, and that Vince not being happy with the news actually means he's happy they're MS exclusive and he's getting suitcases full of money.
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