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Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Yr Anniversary Edition |OT| Hello from the other side


Totally ageee. People forget developers work hard and go through a lot to bring games out on time. The game is great and a nice improvement over the first one. Not just another sequel.

That great and all, but it doesn't cause issues people could have to be moot.

I enjoy the game, much better than TR2013, and that it least feels more Tomb Raider-ish, but there still things that has some issues and hope I could improve in the next game.

I don't have issues of input delay, being on PC, but if it causes the gunplay especially to have a sluggish feel, then that could be bad and annoying for what is shown here to be quite a few people. It should be tight but it isn't, and that can affect one's playing of it.
Wow. Worst usage of "privledged" and "entitled" I've seen yet, and there's some stiff competition. Good job dismantling whatever meaning those words still had left.

If we don't talk about this, things will never change. You people are completely overlooking how debilitating this issue is for a lot of us. For some it's straight up unplayable, and for many more it makes the otherwise excellent game a complete chore and drains all the fun out of it.

If we're going to be hyperbolic and ridiculous and throw around words like "privilege" and "entitlement" I'd say you need to check your "not bothered by input lag" privilege and accept that people have problems with this. Don't minimize other peoples issues just because you don't have any. Or rather, that you too have it, but are too imperceptive to be bothered by it.

Please, discuss other aspects of the game. Noone is stopping you. Meanwhile, many of us will continue discussing the lag, as that is the issue that most shapes our experience.

I agree it's an issue for some people and it's fair to criticise the game for it - especially after a year they had to fix any lingering issues.

But on the other hand there will still be millions of people who won't be sursceptible to the lag or perhaps not bothered by it as much and will happily still enjoy it. My two friends (who don't go on forums and critique websites for games like this so have not read about the lag) have played through and finished the Xbox One version and loved it. They didn't once mention input lag issues. These were obviously there but it didn't ruin their fun. They still had a blast.

If you go on the internet it sometimes seems like a game is contender for worst of the year.


You should see some of the tomb raider fans going at it (and the reboot series as a whole).:p

And aw damn it, I thought I would get world map completion done, but I didn't notice the 5 docs I needed to find still. Ah oh well, I do it later today.

Throw in another shot of Bomber Jacket Lara, as she looking at some ruins.

Wow. Worst usage of "privledged" and "entitled" I've seen yet, and there's some stiff competition. Good job dismantling whatever meaning those words still had left.

If we don't talk about this, things will never change. You people are completely overlooking how debilitating this issue is for a lot of us. For some it's straight up unplayable, and for many more it makes the otherwise excellent game a complete chore and drains all the fun out of it.

If we're going to be hyperbolic and ridiculous and throw around words like "privilege" and "entitlement" I'd say you need to check your "not bothered by input lag" privilege and accept that people have problems with this. Don't minimize other peoples issues just because you don't have any. Or rather, that you too have it, but are too imperceptive to be bothered by it.

Please, discuss other aspects of the game. Noone is stopping you. Meanwhile, many of us will continue discussing the lag, as that is the issue that most shapes our experience.

Honestly, there's a difference between discussion of a game's faults and then just complaining about one focused issue while ignoring all other good aspects of a game. Firstly, I didn't use the words "entitlement", "privilege", "input lag" or anything you put into quotes. Secondly, let's say I do think all of that, what difference does it make? A vast majority of this thread is just people complaining about the input lag/dead zone. I came in here to generally talk or read about what gamers think of all aspects of the game. I hate coming into threads on NeoGaf and reading only technical stuff that derails the OT threads from the overall discussion of the game. Pet peeve: 30 vs. 60 fps talks overtaking the majority of a game's OT here on NeoGaf. I get it, 30 fps makes a game completely broken and unplayable for people, whatever. What about the rest of the game? Similar situation here.

I'm more curious about how far people have made it in the game, what did they think of Chapter XX, what about the story, the characters, weapons, etc.

Anyways, just my two cents. Again, for anyone else considering the game, I'd still recommend it. I really enjoyed the 2013 reboot and this game is just that game and more. I personally liked the 2013 game more since it's shorter, but that's because I just don't have as much time for games as I used to.

Hopefully everyone else that can play the game is enjoying it. It's a fun game, one of my favorites from last year.
Honestly, there's a difference between discussion of a game's faults and then just complaining about one focused issue while ignoring all other good aspects of a game. Firstly, I didn't use the words "entitlement", "privilege", "input lag" or anything you put into quotes. Secondly, let's say I do think all of that, what difference does it make? A vast majority of this thread is just people complaining about the input lag/dead zone. I came in here to generally talk or read about what gamers think of all aspects of the game. I hate coming into threads on NeoGaf and reading only technical stuff that derails the OT threads from the overall discussion of the game. Pet peeve: 30 vs. 60 fps talks overtaking the majority of a game's OT here on NeoGaf. I get it, 30 fps makes a game completely broken and unplayable for people, whatever. What about the rest of the game? Similar situation here.

I'm more curious about how far people have made it in the game, what did they think of Chapter XX, what about the story, the characters, weapons, etc.

Anyways, just my two cents. Again, for anyone else considering the game, I'd still recommend it. I really enjoyed the 2013 reboot and this game is just that game and more. I personally liked the 2013 game more since it's shorter, but that's because I just don't have as much time for games as I used to.

Hopefully everyone else that can play the game is enjoying it. It's a fun game, one of my favorites from last year.

I agree. Too many times on forums like this one people just get hung up on one issue and it derails threads. Everything else about the game in terms of discussion particularly all the positive apsects seems to just gets lost and forgotten about.
Never mind all the hours it took to develop the game and the fact Square Enix were hesitant to even greenlight a sequel at first.

It's why I hardly post on here or go on OT's particularly for big releases.

I remember Bloodborne had a similar thing happen to it on here with its frame pacing issues.
The input lag issue can't be talked about and repeated enough times until its fixed. I'm getting my copy in few hours so I'll check it out myself and maybe make a video about it comparing it to TRDE.


Firstly, I didn't use the words "entitlement", "privilege", "input lag" or anything you put into quotes.

Sorry, I was directing that paragraph generally toward you and the other guy I quoted, and they were the one that brought up those terms. The quoting order made it look like I was targeting you specifically, that's my bad.

The input lag issue can't be talked about and repeated enough times until its fixed. I'm getting my copy in few hours so I'll check it out myself and maybe make a video about it comparing it to TRDE.

Please do!
Honestly, there's a difference between discussion of a game's faults and then just complaining about one focused issue while ignoring all other good aspects of a game. Firstly, I didn't use the words "entitlement", "privilege", "input lag" or anything you put into quotes. Secondly, let's say I do think all of that, what difference does it make? A vast majority of this thread is just people complaining about the input lag/dead zone. I came in here to generally talk or read about what gamers think of all aspects of the game. I hate coming into threads on NeoGaf and reading only technical stuff that derails the OT threads from the overall discussion of the game. Pet peeve: 30 vs. 60 fps talks overtaking the majority of a game's OT here on NeoGaf. I get it, 30 fps makes a game completely broken and unplayable for people, whatever. What about the rest of the game? Similar situation here.

I'm more curious about how far people have made it in the game, what did they think of Chapter XX, what about the story, the characters, weapons, etc.

Anyways, just my two cents. Again, for anyone else considering the game, I'd still recommend it. I really enjoyed the 2013 reboot and this game is just that game and more. I personally liked the 2013 game more since it's shorter, but that's because I just don't have as much time for games as I used to.

Hopefully everyone else that can play the game is enjoying it. It's a fun game, one of my favorites from last year.
Sometime less is more - which exactly applies to this game. The 3 more open sections are so bloated with shit, it ain't even funny. CD would have done better to tighten the experience.

I loved TR2103 and finished it with 100% multiple times. Can't bring myself to finish Rise.


I'm having a better time with the controls with the aim sensitivity on max, and I have given up trying to control the camera in any way. It obviously doesn't want me to move it. I don't feel like I am fighting the game so much.
You should see some of the tomb raider fans going at it (and the reboot series as a whole).:p

And aw damn it, I thought I would get world map completion done, but I didn't notice the 5 docs I needed to find still. Ah oh well, I do it later today.

Throw in another shot of Bomber Jacket Lara, as she looking at some ruins.

Hey, can I get some more indepth impressions on Rise, and what you think it still needs to improve on? as a classic Tomb Raider fan I'm super on the fence with this one.


Never mind all the hours it took to develop the game and the fact Square Enix were hesitant to even greenlight a sequel at first.

So what? That's not an excuse for the input lag to be swept under the rug.

People like you are the problem. You want everything to be good and rosy because "Oh think about how much work was put into this!" If we all think like that, problems don't get resolved and we don't move forward.

The input lag is worthy of discussion, especially after the developers had an extra year to fix it but didn't.


When I played the PS4 version of the last game, I encountered a save corruption error upon reaching an autosave. I had to redo everything. I encountered the EXACT same bug in this game, too! It's unbelievable that Square/CD could release a game with such a game-destroying bug twice.

When I loaded up the game up again, it said my save was corrupted and that it would resort to a backup save. Would this be something that my PS4 did using PS+, or does RotR itself do backup saves? Either way, it was a huge relief to not have to start over again.
As someone who thought TR2013 was okay, but was totally unimpressed by the game aside from the atmosphere, I'm enjoying the hell out of this one. The input lag/deadzone/whatever is a shame because it truly does make combat feel awkward, but the Tomb Raider parts of the game are a lot better this time around. I'm still in the Soviet hub, but I've already had quite a few moments of "This is Tomb Raider as hell" from the early encounter with the bear, to fending off wolves sans QTE, and the incredible tomb vistas like the Voice of God which is 100% classic Tomb Raider framing as you approach the temple entrance.

The narrative's still not great though. Maybe for the 3rd game they'll drop the tons and tons of on the nose dialogue, and just get back to a superwoman digging through exotic locations. I appreciate that Lara's way more proactive and no nonsense in this game, but the Poppa Croft story and the way they're maneuvering the plot to facilitate Lara finding herself just doesn't work for me. I'd much rather an event based story that evolves from the central mystery with character details playing the background.


Coming off of Mafia 3, the gunplay here is sorely lacking and that's before you consider the input lag. The machine guns sounds like your shooting at a tin can

I'm also divided on the hub levels, the crafting and collectibles. They basically have me walking around R3-ing everything to see what i can interact with and making sure im not missing anything. I do like how intuitive all the on the fly crafting is though.
So what? That's not an excuse for the input lag to be swept under the rug.

People like you are the problem. You want everything to be good and rosy because "Oh think about how much work was put into this!" If we all think like that, problems don't get resolved and we don't move forward.

The input lag is worthy of discussion, especially after the developers had an extra year to fix it but didn't.

People like me are the problem? All I'm saying is all this talk about input lag is impacting anything else when it comes to discussing it on forums like this. It's not just this game.

Whether it's about gameplay,story, puzzles set pieces etc there's no other meaningful discussion to be found anymore on OT's particularly positive aspects and it just puts you off from even contributing because there's no point anymore.


People like me are the problem? All I'm saying is all this talk about input lag is impacting anything else when it comes to discussing it on forums like this. It's not just this game.

Whether it's about gameplay,story, puzzles set pieces etc there's no other meaningful discussion to be found anymore on OT's particularly positive aspects and it just puts you off from even contributing because there's no point anymore.

I think you're being unfair since plenty of people in this thread said they're loving the game, myself included. The fact that people are mentioning this issue is a good thing, particularly when media reviews are not mentioning it AT ALL.
I think you're being unfair since plenty of people in this thread said they're loving the game, myself included. The fact that people are mentioning this issue is a good thing, particularly when media reviews are not mentioning it AT ALL.

It's good it's being raised especially if they had a year, but when I looked at the OT yesterday all I could see were pages of this input lag problem. After my friends played it on XB1 last year it really drove home the fact that you should enjoy the game and not let others bring it down. They never mentioned input lag and loved the game and I'm sure millions will still enjoy it on PS4.

But if you come onto here you get impressions like it's a broken mess and is abaolutely unplayable which it isn't.

I for one am really enjoying playing it for the first time on PS4. The controls feel different than the original (not worse or better) but it hasn't detracted me from enjoying it. Just takes a bit of getting used to like with any game. I think the input lag shouldn't be there as it's been bought up so much and it's obviously an issue they should have fixed but it hasn't stopped me from enjoying the game, just like Dynasty Warriors repetitive gameplay doesnt stop me from enjoying them.

No game is perfect but if you look at RotTR as a whole package it's really impressive and a worthy follow up with all the DLC included. There's a lot of content and things it does right. Playing it on survivor difficulty makes things more tense. I'm loving it.
Most of my impressions I get are from Neogaf if it's for a game I'm interested in. I don't really care for reviews as they never thoroughly get through the game and judge it properly and don't pick up on nuances like input lag and other technicalities that could affect potential players. I also dont trust them as they might be sponsored you don't know what goes on anymore.

But also when i go on here and forums especially the last couple of years i see so much negativity for games in general where all the rest of a game's merits are lost in the swathe of negativity. It's difficult to sort out the positive aspects to anything anymore.

Like Bloodborne. I honestly thought I'd hate the game and it would be a broken mess with the frame pacing because I heard so much about it on here. Ended up still getting it playing through it and it's one of the best games I've played in years.


Most of my impressions I get are from Neogaf if it's for a game I'm interested in. I don't really care for reviews as they never thoroughly get through the game and judge it properly and don't pick up on nuances like input lag and other technicalities that could affect potential players. I also dont trust them as they might be sponsored you don't know what goes on anymore.

My review of the game is a literal contradiction to everything you just said.


I'm enjoying this game sooooo much, one of my GOTY contender for sure. Yeah, the input lag/deadzone is there and I can understand how it can ruin the whole experience for some people, but I'm 10 hours in or so and I'm having a real blast with the exploration, puzzles, tombs and secondary missions. I'll raise my flame shield after saying this, but I'm having far more fun with this one than with Uncharted 4 (and I'm a really big fan on the Uncharted saga)


Man, I knew there would be negativity around this game, but this thread is almost depressing at this point.

From what I can tell so far by this thread (maybe a little formulated opinion from the posts as well, lol):

- Not many PS4 gamers picked this up at launch and are playing it (small post amount for a big AAA release)

- Many posters actually posting positive impressions are multi-console gamers that have already played the game on XB1 and liked it there first (double dippers)

- Nixxes, CD really didn't make any gameplay changes to the PS4 version to fix the "deadzone/input lag" issue on XB1. Frame pacing also appears to be an issue according to DF, so thanks for the free DLC to make the year wait worth it for PS Gamers?

- Playstation only fans truly are bitter as hell and are not giving this game a fair shake and are easy to denounce anything good the game might be doing, because there are PS Exclusives that do it better

- Once this game hits sub $20/$30, it will sell like hotcakes..

What else am I missing here?

On a positive note, below are some nice gifs I found online:





So far, I'm enjoying the game. Though maybe I'm just playing the game incorrectly but I seem to be having more difficulties killing wolves than enemies with guns. Even if I'm stealth killing them, they should notice when walking around the corner that there is a body on the ground.


I'm personally waiting to see if the game gets a standard edition that doens't have the disk in the artbook. I find it very disappointing.
Hopefully there will be a standard release once this limited edition with the artbook sells out.


- Not many PS4 gamers picked this up at launch and are playing it (small post amount for a big AAA release)

Their loss.

Also NeoGAF =/= world. Many ppl are actually... playing the games, not posting about games online more than playing.

And you forgot about ppl waiting for PS4 Pro.

- Playstation only fans truly are bitter as hell and are not giving this game a fair shake and are easy to denounce anything good the game might be doing, because there are PS Exclusives that do it better

Their loss.
I was going to get Mafia III but i'm going to wait for a sale and get this today instead. Really looking forward to this. I enjoyed the first one.
Finished it.

Honestly? That was pretty disappointing. All the combat in the later parts were absolute dogshit.

The game could have used an extra coat of polish too. Still a fairly solid game, but yeah, I expected more.


Their loss.
Also NeoGAF =/= world. Many ppl are actually... playing the games, not posting about games online more than playing.

And you forgot about ppl waiting for PS4 Pro.

Their loss.

- The game isn't selling at retail either from what I've seen... A good Black Friday sale could really help this along.

- True, it could be, but I have a feeling PS gamers waiting for PS4 Pro isn't what is keeping people away right now.
Finished it.

Honestly? That was pretty disappointing. All the combat in the later parts were absolute dogshit.

The game could have used an extra coat of polish too. Still a fairly solid game, but yeah, I expected more.

I finished it today too, I have the same opinion, the end part plus the ending...not a fan.

I encounter a bug, I had to activate a catapult to destroy a door and and while Lara was going through the animation to move the lever she was getting hit in the back with fire arrows out of nowhere when no enemy was around, I checked youtube and it seems like this bug was also on X1, so yeah good job with the testing.


Finally had time to play. Voice acting and laggy controls aside, it's pretty good. Some animations look dated though (the U4 effect I guess) but it looks very good overall. I'm tempted to stop playing and restart on the pro though. :/ What to do, what to do...


Their loss.

Also NeoGAF =/= world. Many ppl are actually... playing the games, not posting about games online more than playing.

And you forgot about ppl waiting for PS4 Pro.

Their loss.

It may be their loss, but if it stops people buying the game its CD's loss too. Maybe they should treat their consumers better. I never minded the year exclusivity deal, it was the attempt to hide the fact and pretend it was an outright XBox exclusive that pissed me off. Purposefully leaving people in the dark for months about the future of the franchise is no way to treat PS consumers, many who have been playing TR on PS for 20 years.

I'm not a passionate TR fan and can let it go, but if I was I would probably be bitter too.


So what? That's not an excuse for the input lag to be swept under the rug.

People like you are the problem. You want everything to be good and rosy because "Oh think about how much work was put into this!" If we all think like that, problems don't get resolved and we don't move forward.

The input lag is worthy of discussion, especially after the developers had an extra year to fix it but didn't.

And why is that...seriously asking...why do you think they didnt fix the so called input lag.


It may be their loss, but if it stops people buying the game its CD's loss too. Maybe they should treat their consumers better. I never minded the year exclusivity deal, it was the attempt to hide the fact and pretend it was an outright XBox exclusive that pissed me off. Purposefully leaving people in the dark for months about the future of the franchise is no way to treat PS consumers, many who have been playing TR on PS for 20 years.

I'm not a passionate TR fan and can let it go, but if I was I would probably be bitter too.

It happened one year ago. Move on.
I finished it today too, I have the same opinion, the end part plus the ending...not a fan.

I encounter a bug, I had to activate a catapult to destroy a door and and while Lara was going through the animation to move the lever she was getting hit in the back with fire arrows out of nowhere when no enemy was around, I checked youtube and it seems like this bug was also on X1, so yeah good job with the testing.

That whole catapult section sucked. It was an ugly/bland location as well. Everything was just blue.


How should I know? I'm not a developer for Nixxes or Crystal Dynamics.

What I meant is they wont fix it,to them it's minor and isnt worthy of a fix because theres too many factors,for some its their TV not helping,for others its the settings on their TV etc etc...most games have input lag now,it cant really be eliminated 100 %...depending on the type of game you notice it more...Gears probably has the same input lag has Forza but you notice it more in Gears...adjust to it and move on guys lol ;)


Junior Member
Their loss.

Also NeoGAF =/= world. Many ppl are actually... playing the games, not posting about games online more than playing.

And you forgot about ppl waiting for PS4 Pro.

Their loss.
I wouldn't say its their loss if they saved $60 on a year old buggy port.

The fact they have the nerve to sell this for $60 still an year on can easily leave a bitter taste for people.

For me its just them being lazy af and not bothering to fix the bugs such as the Input Lag issue, what incompetent devs.
I wouldn't say its their loss if they saved $60 on a year old buggy port.

The fact they have the nerve to sell this for $60 still an year on can easily leave a bitter taste for people.

For me its just them being lazy af and not bothering to fix the bugs such as the Input Lag issue, what incompetent devs.

It's statements like this coming from gamers that really just make me feel embarrassed as a gamer myself sometimes. If you haven't read the NeoGaf thread focusing on Amy Hennig and the long hours and requirements needed to create games, especially AAA games, then you should find and read it. I hope it'll enlighten you and give you a new perspective, possibly even respect games as a product of hard work. No game is perfect and one issue, especially something like this, shouldn't deter gamers new to the game to try it out.

The input lag and gunplay that people are complaining about, while it may be there, it does not make the game unplayable. Seriously, for people who are saying it's unplayable for them just because of this issue or whatever other issues, you must not have played many games if you consider this game unplayable.

Anyways, to the actual discussion of the game, for those who are playing through it for the first time, what do you think of this game's more open levels compared to the 2013 reboot? I personally found the 2013 game more appealing in the long run because it's more structured and leaves less for me to explore, which leads to me actually finishing the game in a timely manner. In fact, I loved the pacing of the 2013 game so much that I bought and beat the game on PS3, XB360, and PS4's Definitive Edition. I struggled in the last few levels of Rise of the Tomb Raider on XBO last year, but it may be because I was trying to marathon the game in a night and I got tired near the end.


Glad I dodged a bullet for once with this, will pick it up if they ever fix the input lag, but I'm not counting on it.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Glad I dodged a bullet for once with this, will pick it up if they ever fix the input lag, but I'm not counting on it.
I wouldn't say that, even with the input lag I can't think of any other game you should be playing right now but this.
unless you played it already.
Their loss.

Also NeoGAF =/= world. Many ppl are actually... playing the games, not posting about games online more than playing.

And you forgot about ppl waiting for PS4 Pro.

Their loss.

No loss for me. It will be the same game when it hits the $25 to $30 price range in a month or two. Already waited a year so waiting longer because they released it overpriced with a major gameplay flaw is easy.

Hopefully the Pro fixes this.


I wouldn't say that, even with the input lag I can't think of any other game you should be playing right now but this.
unless you played it already.

It's true, the game is great even with the input lag. I just have no real reason to double dip on it until they fix the lag, just because I'd love to play again with better controls.
Finished Baba Yaga DLC last night and I really liked it. It felt like a nice distraction from the main game and the usual fighting/shooting normal enemies. Story was waaaaaaay too predictable and last boss fight wasn't particularity good, but overall it was a very nice experience.

That big puzzle with platforms that they had towards the end was really cool. Best puzzle of the entire game, yet.

Also, the reward outfit that you get after completing the DLC looks really badass on its own but I just can't help but feel that it doesn't suit Lara at all.

What I meant is they wont fix it,to them it's minor and isnt worthy of a fix because theres too many factors,for some its their TV not helping,for others its the settings on their TV etc etc...most games have input lag now,it cant really be eliminated 100 %...depending on the type of game you notice it more...Gears probably has the same input lag has Forza but you notice it more in Gears...adjust to it and move on guys lol ;)

Are you honestly trying to say that input lag in RotTR is just like any other game out there so it isn't a real problem? Seriously man?

Input lag is in there. It is both noticeable and is affecting players experiences in a bad way. Accept it and move on.

Few of you guys should really stop with the whole "it doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother others" attitude that you've got going on right now.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Given that this will to my knowledge be the first game to allow users different game options on the PS4 Pro.

I will certainly go for the 1080p/60fps option.

No doubt.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Given that this will to my knowledge be the first game to allow users different game options on the PS4 Pro.

I will certainly go for the 1080p/60fps option.

No doubt.
Yeah it the only game with all Pro features and VR


Given that this will to my knowledge be the first game to allow users different game options on the PS4 Pro.

I will certainly go for the 1080p/60fps option.

No doubt.

just to set expectations here, the devs have said its an unlocked framerate option, not necessarily that it will hit 60 consistently
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