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Rise of the Tomb Raider 20 Yr Anniversary Edition |OT| Hello from the other side


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
just to set expectations here, the devs have said its an unlocked framerate option, not necessarily that it will hit 60 consistently
If its like what I've seen ROTTR is like at 60fps or TRDE, I'll stick to the 1080p 30fps and Enhanced graphics


Hey, can I get some more indepth impressions on Rise, and what you think it still needs to improve on? as a classic Tomb Raider fan I'm super on the fence with this one.

Well for one, while the optional tombs are a step up from the pitiful ones in TR2013 (especially visually), most of them still feel so damn short and easy. Not that I want to have like a hour or more length tombs, but it would be nice to for more optional tombs to have more omph, whether it is tricky puzzles that takes least a bit or thought, some challenging platforming, both or whatever. It one thing with main story tombs, but I think they can push optional tombs even further.

Could use more type of puzzles beyond physics ones too, but Cold Awakened Darkness and Blood Ties did bring in such, whether it is CAD's following directions accordingly or you can screw up, or BT's finding clues in docs and relics towards a answer.

Also I would LOVE to see more traps lol. There only like two kinds of spike traps, and it all slow motion.-_- Hell they are not even used a whole lot beside endurance mode. I not hoping for Temple of Xian level of craziness, but come on, more traps could spice it up a little.

There some other things, like story is okay, through I think the pacing is wonky in this game and the writing could be better, and that I am not too bothered by alot of the hand holding, but it would be nice for Lara to be quiet more in some cases for puzzles or such.

I still enjoy the game quite a bit through, and probably my second favorite TR game from CD behind Anniversary. I am actually pretty impress with the post launch content, in that each major DLC has some ideas that could be looked at again for the next game. Blood Ties in particular is like one of the best levels among the last few TR games.


Yes, Lara needs to shut the hell up when you use survival instinct and she's always saying what she needs to do to progress in puzzle rooms. Like, shut up Lara, I get it. If she says it once alright, but she constantly repeats the same thing whenever you use survival instinct even when I'm trying to just find treasure.


Yes, Lara needs to shut the hell up when you use survival instinct and she's always saying what she needs to do to progress in puzzle rooms. Like, shut up Lara, I get it. If she says it once alright, but she constantly repeats the same thing whenever you use survival instinct even when I'm trying to just find treasure.

To be fair, you can disable SI, but she still say things even without it. There was even in what is a kind of cool platforming section with some timing, which least one point as I am focusing on going down to a platform, and it was right about time, she then goes NOW! Like come on.:x
The input lag issue can't be talked about and repeated enough times until its fixed. I'm getting my copy in few hours so I'll check it out myself and maybe make a video about it comparing it to TRDE.

Good luck with that, seriously. It stuck with the Xbone version, which wasn't a port. It's pretty bad, but far from unplayable.


Those struggling with the input lag, try turning down the aim sensitivity to the lowest setting. I found it much easier to aim after doing this.


If this game didn't have the input lag, it would easily be one of the best in its genre.

As it stands, I regret buying it.

I'm sure the PC version on a capable rig is a top of the line experience.

Edit to give special mention for a AAA TPS without regenerating health.


If this game didn't have the input lag, it would easily be one of the best in its genre.

As it stands, I regret buying it.

I'm sure the PC version on a capable rig is a top of the line experience.

Edit to give special mention for a AAA TPS without regenerating health.

Actually there is regenerating health even in combat, just that it takes a bit, so the option to heal yourself is there to heal you more instantly.


Nightshade outfit is the best one without any doubt, it really suits Lara and it makes me wish February was already here to play Horizon Zero Dawn haha

Btw, I started today the Baba Yaga DLC and I'm liking it a lot, it's a really nice change of ambientation to play between normal story sections.
Nightshade outfit is the best one without any doubt, it really suits Lara and it makes me wish February was already here to play Horizon Zero Dawn haha

Btw, I started today the Baba Yaga DLC and I'm liking it a lot, it's a really nice change of ambientation to play between normal story sections.

She has lot of cool outfits. I like that Nightshadd outfit a lot too. Very tribal.


I love Valiant Explorer, Huntress, Antarctica expedition, and another one you unlock that's like white or grey army colored.
Man, I knew there would be negativity around this game, but this thread is almost depressing at this point.

From what I can tell so far by this thread (maybe a little formulated opinion from the posts as well, lol):
- Not many PS4 gamers picked this up at launch and are playing it (small post amount for a big AAA release)

- Nixxes, CD really didn't make any gameplay changes to the PS4 version to fix the "deadzone/input lag" issue on XB1. Frame pacing also appears to be an issue according to DF, so thanks for the free DLC to make the year wait worth it for PS Gamers?

- Playstation only fans truly are bitter as hell and are not giving this game a fair shake and are easy to denounce anything good the game might be doing, because there are PS Exclusives that do it better

- Once this game hits sub $20/$30, it will sell like hotcakes]

I honestly hope that PS4 gamers who wanted to play this installment do not skip out in spite of the one year exclusivity deal. Support the game or don't get a sequel -- it's as simple at that. I personally would love another Tomb Raider game after ROTR, so I picked up my copy.

As annoying as the input lag/dead zone issues are, I try not to let them detract me from enjoying the overall experience. As someone else mentioned, I turned down the analog sensitivity, which actually made aiming a lot easier. Not the ideal solution, mind you, but will suffice until a much-needed patch for it comes along.

The game actually packs a ton of content for its asking price of $60. Completely justifiable, speaking for myself. You're essentially getting the game itself for $30 along with the season pass that cumulates $30 worth of DLC. Moreover, two of those DLC have just been released for the Xbox One simultaneously with the launch of the PS4 port. You would either need to have the season pass already or purchase that content separately for $10 each.


Input lag comments are weird, played for 5hrs so far and had no idea this was an "issue". Way to blow it out of proportion I guess?
I honestly hope that PS4 gamers who wanted to play this installment do not skip out in spite of the one year exclusivity deal. Support the game or don't get a sequel -- it's as simple at that. I personally would love another Tomb Raider game after ROTR, so I picked up my copy.

As annoying as the input lag/dead zone issues are, I try not to let them detract me from enjoying the overall experience. As someone else mentioned, I turned down the analog sensitivity, which actually made aiming a lot easier. Not the ideal solution, mind you, but will suffice until a much-needed patch for it comes along.

The game actually packs a ton of content for its asking price of $60. Completely justifiable, speaking for myself. You're essentially getting the game itself for $30 along with the season pass that cumulates $30 worth of DLC. Moreover, two of those DLC have just been released for the Xbox One simultaneously with the launch of the PS4 port. You would either need to have the season pass already or purchase that content separately for $10 each.

I plan to buy it, but I'm not paying more than $30. The season pass has like 3 hours of content I would care about.


I just finished RIse. For me Tomb Raider games are supposed to be Raiders of the Lost Ark but with Lara Croft - big mysterious jet-setting exotic treasure-hunting adventures. The reboot was not this, but I could understand why - for me it was like young Lara went on an Outward Bounds wilderness survival program to gain confidence and strength, learning to hunt and climb and use a bow and arrow and kill and fight...and to become Lara Croft. And at the end of that game it seemed she was poised to go on a big adventure in the next game. But with too much of Rise I felt like the developers didn't have the budget to make a proper sequel, so they added snow to the wilderness setting of the first game and called it Siberia, re-using all the same art assets. Both games have the same rustic wood cabins, settlements, saw mills, and towers, and old stone military bases. I have a suspicion that maybe there was a "Winter Wilderness DLC" for the last game, and somehow that got turned into the full game RIse. Anyway, for me, it felt cheap, same-y, and disappointing.

I think the developers knew that if they didn't do something fundamentally different in this same-y wilderness setting, that gamers would realize their cut-and-past job, so they made the first half of Rise be ‘Lara Goes To Far Cry 4’, i.e. an open world, collect-a-thon, she must choose sides between two groups fighting, and has 30 different ways to kill everyone along the way to her next objective point on the map. And for the first 6 hours I was like “why is Lara in Far Cry?” I didn’t get it or like it.

Another problem here was that the the combat and a.i. felt dumbed down. In the last game there was more of a need to strategize - between stealth kills and using the bow, or knocking back a group of guys with a shotgun, hitting explosive barrels, etc. But in Rise I could literally melee kill groups of enemies that surrounded me in a few hits, over and over without dying, even ones wearing full sets of armor, from the beginning of the game to the end.

On the positive, by the end of Rise, the platforming had really opened up with lots of ways to traverse that I enjoyed.

Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition was my game of the year and I would have given it a 10/10. Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration has been my second biggest disappointment this year and I would give it a 6/10
Input lag comments are weird, played for 5hrs so far and had no idea this was an "issue". Way to blow it out of proportion I guess?

Just because it wasnt an issue for you doesnt mean it wasnt for others. I enjoyed it fine on xbox one but I wont write off legitimate issues some have with the deadzones just because they didnt completley hamper my experience.


My screen went dark after a cutscene just now. I closed the application and will try again. I hope that didn't fuck anything up, anyone else experience this? It was after the cutscene where (late game spoilers)
Jonah gets kidnapped


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I love this game, it actually feels more like Tomb Raider.
The locations and Tombs great, shame its one location again, but Lara...She looks great, better then TRDE Lara until see opens her mouth or smiles.
Why did they use the voice actress for face mo-cap? She looks nothing like her and is probably why it ruined it because her face doesn't fit the character, they should have used the actress that she is based off.
oh well
Hahahaha. Thank God that AI isn't very smart. Fighting
4 shielded dudes
would have been a nightmare if one of them wasn't so hell bent on killing others with explosives lol

Literally, all I did was just dodging away and the guy took care of the others for me :)

Also, I've noticed that aiming is a lot worse with Rifle so if you are having problem with input lag (like I do) then avoid using Rifle as much as you can. Right now I'm mostly using Bow in combat sections and even though it's slower than guns, its aiming feels quite superior to other weapons.

I honestly hope that PS4 gamers who wanted to play this installment do not skip out in spite of the one year exclusivity deal. Support the game or don't get a sequel -- it's as simple at that. I personally would love another Tomb Raider game after ROTR, so I picked up my copy.

As annoying as the input lag/dead zone issues are, I try not to let them detract me from enjoying the overall experience. As someone else mentioned, I turned down the analog sensitivity, which actually made aiming a lot easier. Not the ideal solution, mind you, but will suffice until a much-needed patch for it comes along.

The game actually packs a ton of content for its asking price of $60. Completely justifiable, speaking for myself. You're essentially getting the game itself for $30 along with the season pass that cumulates $30 worth of DLC. Moreover, two of those DLC have just been released for the Xbox One simultaneously with the launch of the PS4 port. You would either need to have the season pass already or purchase that content separately for $10 each.
I'm not sure I follow that train of thoughts to be honest. If someone has so little interest in the series that is willing to completely skip this entry due to that stupid exclusivity deal, then I don't think they would really care whether this gets another sequel.

Anyway, yeah I agree. Bad controls and all, RotTR is still a very good game and people who are interested in it should definitely give it a chance. Though, personally I would advice PS4 players who are on the fence to wait for a price drop/sale before jumping in.

A one year old "not so very good" port with frustrating control issues that noticeably affect the gameplay, is not worth $60 IMO.


Neo Member
Yes, Lara needs to shut the hell up when you use survival instinct and she's always saying what she needs to do to progress in puzzle rooms. Like, shut up Lara, I get it. If she says it once alright, but she constantly repeats the same thing whenever you use survival instinct even when I'm trying to just find treasure.
'Must be a way to free another cart'
'Must be a way to free another cart'
'Must be a way to free another cart'


Gold Member
I honestly hope that PS4 gamers who wanted to play this installment do not skip out in spite of the one year exclusivity deal. Support the game or don't get a sequel -- it's as simple at that. I personally would love another Tomb Raider game after ROTR, so I picked up my copy...

so this's replacing 'release the game on all platforms simultaneously, or expect to lose full price sales - it's as simple as that'? :) ...


Really enjoying the game. Minus the story/writing, its on par with U4 for me.

Mostly going bow and stealth kills to minimize gun use.

Is it me or did Lara's head and face get rounder from the reboot modeling?


It happened one year ago. Move on.

People have moved on. Seems like most people just forget about Tomb Raider and moved on to other games. Will be interesting to see if Crystal Dynamics gets to make another one. I know SE were dissatisfied with 6 million or whatever the reboot sold. This one isn't going to be in the same universe as that. Maybe the MS money was enough to make up for all those lost PlayStation sales.


People have moved on. Seems like most people just forget about Tomb Raider and moved on to other games. Will be interesting to see if Crystal Dynamics gets to make another one. I know SE were dissatisfied with 6 million or whatever the reboot sold. This one isn't going to be in the same universe as that. Maybe the MS money was enough to make up for all those lost PlayStation sales.

Have they announced any sales numbers? I believe I recall reading it sold over a mil by Dec of 15.


Have they announced any sales numbers? I believe I recall reading it sold over a mil by Dec of 15.

Nothing since then that I've seen. Guessing the PS4 version won't make the NPD top 10. I'd say they'd be damn lucky to hit 3 million lifetime total.


Finished the final tomb. Kinda lame. Still think Ancient Cistern was the best tomb. They kinda blew their load early with that one lmao. I also find it rather lame that the Tomb Raider trophy is only Bronze. Should've been AT LEAST silver though Gold really would've been most fitting.

Also when you finish the Flooded Archives level, you come up to a new area at the top of the Geothermal Valley. If you don't want to miss a super easy trophy like I did, look for a crowd of people near the camp. Luckily I've fully decided I'm not caring about Platinum but still, an easy trophy to acquire unless you go to the next story marker, in which case you have to replay the entire chapter.
I bought a massive Rise of the Tomb Raider art book last year. Excited to fully go through it once I've finished up my play through


They didn't even try in the last part of the game. A huge retread of the final bits of TR13. It's kind of like an Uncharted situation except
Uncharted's supernatural enemies are way cooler and actually different game to game. The Deathless have no discernible differences from the Oni, barely even appearance wise.


They didn't even try in the last part of the game. A huge retread of the final bits of TR13. It's kind of like an Uncharted situation except
Uncharted's supernatural enemies are way cooler and actually different game to game. The Deathless have no discernible differences from the Oni, barely even appearance wise.


Deathless Ones are okay (have a pretty cool intro via Flooded Archives through), but I hope they add more interesting supernatural enemies. It kind of funny still seeing them post story heh.


Can someone tell me which cards get used up and which cards stay with you no matter how many times you use them? I am talking about coop endurance mode.

I was playing with my friend and the coop was awesome! He said that the cards with gold edges have unlimited use, and non gold edged cards are single use. Is this true?

Also if someone has any tips on the coop mode? For example I noticed that if you are cold you cannot run, and if you are hungry you take a little damage over time and become dizzy.

What other things to know?


Just got to the first camp.

Man Lara's pick axe never works until she's an inch from falling to her death :lol

I'm still getting used to survival instincts being moved to R3.
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