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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.


You should be able to keep a near perfect 1080/60 with a 980 with everything maxed, no reason to lower anything.

Unless you're trying higher than 1080.

Benchmarks were showing around 40fps max settings fxaa in some areas. Then there is the issue with he textures on very high. Not sure I will have that problem with 16GB Ram and installing it on an SSD.


Just the same:

Even though the combat has taken a hit,
there isn't much of it anyway in comparison to the first.

Reminds me of OldRaider in the exploration-to-combat ratio.

It's more focused on environmental puzzles and exploration. Optional tombs are also much better.


Benchmarks were showing around 40fps max settings fxaa in some areas. Then there is the issue with he textures on very high. Not sure I will have that problem with 16GB Ram and installing it on an SSD.

That's very weird then. What CPU do you have? I can't imagine that being the problem tho, because an i5 or above should be overkill for this.

With my 970 I'm 50-60 through most areas, only drops below 50 on intense parts and I've yet to see it go below 40.

The other problem I have is when the game uses more than 3.5gb of vram and everything just goes into single digit FPS for a few seconds. This is a problem exclusive to the 970 tho and it's only happened like 2 times in like 3 hours played.

Your 980 should be able to play this at near perfect 1080/60 with everything maxed out.


Anyone having vibration issues with xbone controller? Worked first time I played, but after that it stopped working. Tried to disable/re-enable in settings, exit program, made sure controller was plugged in before starting.


That's very weird then. What CPU do you have? I can't imagine that being the problem tho, because an i5 or above should be overkill for this.

With my 970 I'm 50-60 through most areas, only drops below 50 on intense parts and I've yet to see it go below 40.

The other problem I have is when the game uses more than 3.5gb of vram and everything just goes into single digit FPS for a few seconds. This is a problem exclusive to the 970 tho and it's only happened like 2 times in like 3 hours played.

Your 980 should be able to play this at near perfect 1080/60 with everything maxed out.

I meant from the geforce guide online. I haven't had any issues yet but Im only in the Wilderness.
Wow, that was a really enjoyable opening couple of hours. They're going full Indiana Jones and I like it. You can already tell they've learned their lessons about the tombs in the first game. The game is giving me the kind of vibe AC used to give me but sadly no longer does.

Absolutely gorgeous too and performing very nicely.
Wow, that was a really enjoyable opening couple of hours. They're going full Indiana Jones and I like it. You can already tell they've learned their lessons about the tombs in the first game. The game is giving me the kind of vibe AC used to give me but sadly no longer does.

Absolutely gorgeous too and performing very nicely.

Yeah, I got that vibe, too. I played it for 3 hrs last night and I was like, damn, this feels like I'm in an Indiana Jones movie! For those who are farther along in the game, does that theme resonate throughout?


Yeah, I got that vibe, too. I played it for 3 hrs last night and I was like, damn, this feels like I'm in an Indiana Jones movie! For those who are farther along in the game, does that theme resonate throughout?

I would say so, although I'm not sure how far ahead I actually am due to all the backtracking and item collecting I've done.


The story in this game is dreadful so far. And does Camilla ever catch her breath? She's panting no matter how relaxed the situation.

CD learned a lot about game design between the last one though. I am yet to see if they've learned anything about encounter design.


Yeah, I got that vibe, too. I played it for 3 hrs last night and I was like, damn, this feels like I'm in an Indiana Jones movie! For those who are farther along in the game, does that theme resonate throughout?
Pretty much. I won't spoil anything but I think the end areas of the game are the best. It gets combat heavy, but using all of the abilities you unlock in harmony is pretty much gaming/platforming bliss.


Pretty much. I won't spoil anything but I think the end areas of the game are the best. It gets combat heavy, but using all of the abilities you unlock in harmony is pretty much gaming/platforming bliss.

Yeah aside from just general openness, this was the biggest change IMO. Lack of QTEs and the 'up to win' action setpieces instead involve you using all of your platforming/climbing/etc skills instead. They're not hard per se, but they actually require you to do the correct things to not die instead of just literally running and SOMETIMES jumping.


Has anyone started the Baba Yaga DLC yet?

I half started it by accidentally stumbling onto the the person that gives you the quest but then I carried on with the main game, as I want to do the DLC after, but now that person isn't there anymore even though the marker is.

Hope it hasn't buggered up.

edit - i'm an idiot. i'd unticked the dlc from steam. derp.


So like... I think I'm misinterpreting glowing enemies. I was under the impression that red meant they were being watched, but I went and cleared out the tower guards in an area, and everyone was still red... I proceeded to stealth them all with no issues, while still looting boxes in-between groups.

Also, there's a bit too much cinematic slow walking and running.



So like... I think I'm misinterpreting glowing enemies. I was under the impression that red meant they were being watched, but I went and cleared out the tower guards in an area, and everyone was still red... I proceeded to stealth them all with no issues, while still looting boxes in-between groups.

Also, there's a bit too much cinematic slow walking and running.


Unless it was from a skill (I don't recall) then yeah red enemies are in sight of other enemies (killing them alerts more bad guys) and gold are pure stealth kills. It might just be that everyone is red unless you have some skill though.


The story in this game is dreadful so far. And does Camilla ever catch her breath? She's panting no matter how relaxed the situation.

I'm about 30% in and agree that the story is pretty forgettable. It's just rehashed macguffin stuff, reminds me of (PS3 game)
Uncharted 2, but without the humor or personality

I've been collecting everything so far because I don't want to miss upgrades/weapon parts, and honestly it's wearing me down. I don't see this game being as replayable as the first TR, the tombs are better but everything else, not so much.

leng jai

I'm about 30% in and agree that the story is pretty forgettable. It's just rehashed macguffin stuff, reminds me of (PS3 game)
Uncharted 2, but without the humor or personality

I've been collecting everything so far because I don't want to miss upgrades/weapon parts, and honestly it's wearing me down. I don't see this game being as replayable as the first TR, the tombs are better but everything else, not so much.

That's your own fault. You don't need them at all.


This game is so gorgeous. Definitely one of the best looking games I've ever played. Also loving the tomb raiding side quests as well; much improved over the reboot.
Heads up: The Windows Store version of this game appears to require you to connect to the internet at least once every time you reboot your PC. When I don't do so, the game simply won't start--I'll click on the live tile, and nothing will happen. Connecting to the internet briefly and disconnecting again fixes the problem.

I'm mildly pissed off about this, to be honest. Internet at my college goes down fairly frequently, and Windows isn't my main OS so I reboot quite frequently. Not sure if this has to do with the game or the Windows Store, but it's very annoying.


I like Lara a lot more in this game. They just dispense with the whole "omg I killed a guy" stuff and just make her realistically smart and capable (at least so far, only 3 hrs in).
I am so impressed with how this game is running and looking on my GTX670 2GB.

Textures on medium but detail high, hair effects on, tesselation on, and it's always over 30fps.

I really didn't expect to be able to turn on most of the features and enjoy it at 30fps, but my trusty 670 still delivers! performance without tesselation, hair effects, and with detail medium was closer to 50fps, instead of the 40 average with the higher effects.

Game feels so much better than it did on XB1. Traded in my copy for $30 after i bought a key for $20 from the BST thread.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Huh. Going off of the story of RoTR as a whole, CD must have really, really felt burned by Sam/'nu-Lara's lack of real transition to the slayer of men she becomes in TR2013.

I wouldn't care as much if Jonah weren't still (somewhat) prominently featured as an important friend, but even with the comic backstory to get her out of the way, (which is terrible, incidentally), they've had to adjust Lara's personality somewhat in response so that she's suddenly overtly daddy-obsessed.

Game was pretty fun, though I feel that it lost some of the pacing of the first, and by this point, all of the Michael Bay-style cutscene explosions that Lara just walks off afterwards feel weird. The first had some weird injury-porn in it, sure, but it at least lent it some gravitas.

Curious to see how/if they try and continue to integrate into the old games somewhat, with Lara's growth herein.
I don't like the combat as much as TR 2013's for some reason. And all the crafting stuff is deeper which is actually worse to me because collecting all this crap to build things is boring as hell. I wish I could just turn off all the map icons for them and just have regular non-upgradeable weapons.

The story is boring as heck, like even worse the reboot. And man am I tired of Camilla's voice. She never sounds chill and makes me feel like I'm watching a CW show (corny, bad-acting hammy crap).

All that said, the side tombs and the relic commentary are awesome and I wish the whole game was built around them.


There's only 9 optional tombs? Doesn't seem like a lot, or are they just more involved? The first one was okay but not exactly much of a headscratcher. I thought there were supposed to be more or did I hear wrong?


Benchmarks were showing around 40fps max settings fxaa in some areas. Then there is the issue with he textures on very high. Not sure I will have that problem with 16GB Ram and installing it on an SSD.

You need vram for textures, not ram. I don't know how much vram the game uses but I don't think it will surpass the 4gb vram limit of the 980.


One thing I don't really like so far is that the game takes itself a bit too seriously. This is supposed to be pulpy Indiana Jones type stuff, only it's played totally straight.

Still an utterly gorgeous game that I'm thoroughly enjoying, though.
This game is pretty good so far. Just hit the valley area.

It's such a shame it takes itself so seriously. Lara is completely devoid of humour. The cutscenes are so over the top serious it's tragic. All the crazy escapes with shit bursting and crumbling everywhere and nothing close to a, "Holy shit!" or "Bloody hell!"

Will Lara finally become a cool customer in the next game?


This game is pretty good so far. Just hit the valley area.

It's such a shame it takes itself so seriously. Lara is completely devoid of humour. The cutscenes are so over the top serious it's tragic. All the crazy escapes with shit bursting and crumbling everywhere and nothing close to a, "Holy shit!" or "Bloody hell!"

Will Lara finally become a cool customer in the next game?

Doubtful. They REALLY try to take themselves seriously with the reboot, and I don't think it works.

This game just reeks of Uncharted 2 so far, specifically the villain.
You should be able to keep a near perfect 1080/60 with a 980 with everything maxed, no reason to lower anything.
No, he won't...

From what I can tell the Soviet Installation is the first area that tanks framerates on almost all cards except maybe the Titan X on 1080p with very high settings. So anyone wanting to adjust 60 fps framerate for the entire game should wait until he reaches that area. I decides to just deal with the occasional drops to 30. Everything else is smoothed out pretty good with GSYNC.

That said, I fucking love this game. Take myself huge amount of time to explore and look at everything. Fully ware that this jeopardizes the pacing of the game but whatever. It was the same with TR2013 where the first playthrough was very slow and then all others much faster once I knew where everything is - and I will certainly finish RotTR a couple of times. This game is such a bliss to play.
One thing I don't really like so far is that the game takes itself a bit too seriously. This is supposed to be pulpy Indiana Jones type stuff, only it's played totally straight.

Still an utterly gorgeous game that I'm thoroughly enjoying, though.
Nah, much humor would just make it look like Uncharted with female lead. It's good as it is.
The Cistern side tomb is glitched on me and I cant complete it. The raft you need to stand on keeps spawning upside down so I cant climb on it. At one point I tried to climb on it and it launched me outside the game map and I just fell forever. Reloaded and its still spawning upside down. So now I cant complete this tomb, nice one CD
Nah, much humor would just make it look like Uncharted with female lead. It's good as it is.

Not saying the game needs to be funny but a bit of levity is needed. The game is a pulpy action story that thinks it isn't. There isn't much life to Lara's performance either. She says things that'd make you think it's Lara Croft: Tomb Raider but there's almost no energy or wit to it.

She's so boring.
The Cistern side tomb is glitched on me and I cant complete it. The raft you need to stand on keeps spawning upside down so I cant climb on it. At one point I tried to climb on it and it launched me outside the game map and I just fell forever. Reloaded and its still spawning upside down. So now I cant complete this tomb, nice one CD
Just did that one actually and had no bugs whatsoever. :-/


So there's a main story part where you have to pick up three mushrooms. I didn't pick up the first one because it was a dark spot and I simply didn't notice it at all, picked the second and third mushroom later on in a different cave. Now how do I get back to that first mushroom? The original route is blocked, I need three mushrooms to proceed that way again and I don't think I can climb back up to the alternative route either, can I?


Mushrooms are normal resources that you can find all over the areas. You should be able to find a third one somewhere else as well.

Pinkish Phoenix

Neo Member
Not saying the game needs to be funny but a bit of levity is needed. The game is a pulpy action story that thinks it isn't. There isn't much life to Lara's performance either. She says things that'd make you think it's Lara Croft: Tomb Raider but there's almost no energy or wit to it.

She's so boring.

I don't get that vibe at all. And having a Humorous Lara or adding levity just wouldn't make any sense, this is a dark game. Not just from the story but from the enviornments, the brutality of the enemies, and the way lara murders people. I can't imagine where any of that would fit into the context of the game. The writing isn't good and the plot is pretty unoriginal but the tone is spot on in this respect.


Mushrooms are normal resources that you can find all over the areas. You should be able to find a third one somewhere else as well.

I've gone through this whole area (well as much as I'm allowed to explore), pretty sure there's nothing more to loot here. It's basically a tutorial mission where you are supposed to loot the exact three mushrooms to learn how to craft something specific.

I also tried restarting from checkpoint but it just takes me back to camp which doesn't help me.
I am impressed, I like that there is a lot more emphasis on exploration. I'm about 4 hours in, and this game feels a lot more open than the last one. The first 30 - 60 minutes was like an on-rails tutorial/cut-scene circus, but after that it opened up a lot.

And exploring feels worth it, it's great that instead of just bumping up the score you get useful skills and weapons from exploring the optional crypts/tombs/content.
I loved TR2013 so I was really excited for this game; I played about four hours last night, and I've got to say... I'm really not feeling it.

The first game was expertly paced, with big, exciting set-pieces interspersed often enough to make the game feel consistently exciting. This one is a lot more calm by comparison, with the exception of the intro in the desert.

I also hate all the constant upgrade notifications.
The first game was expertly paced, with big, exciting set-pieces interspersed often enough to make the game feel consistently exciting. This one is a lot more calm by comparison, with the exception of the intro in the desert.
Well, that's what a massive amount of people requested after TR2013 - especially here on GAF. I think it's ok they put more emphasis in exploration this time, which makes it feel even less Uncharted-a-like.


I'm enjoying this game though it feels kind of weird to just move from hub world to hub world and do filler tasks.

I really miss the isolation and exploration from the original Tomb Raider wish they would go that route for the next game.

Also climbing feels so trivial (it's not just this game, uncharted and AC games are guilty too)...really wish developers could find a way to make climbing in games exciting again.

Also feels weird to ignore the urgency of the main mission and stop and explore tombs.
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