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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.


Seems like sometimes the Steam Overlay doesn't load with this game, which means no achievements unlock (had it happen to me). Don't know if there's any way to unlock the missing ones after the fact.

Would that be why i can't take screenshots?

Also check your achievements because mine weren't popping but once I closed the game they were there.
Would that be why i can't take screenshots?

Also check your achievements because mine weren't popping but once I closed the game they were there.

If the "press Shift+Tab to access steam community" notification didn't show up at launch, it means Steam overlay didn't load, you can also notice that by the absence of framerate counter if you had that enabled.
Is it possible to swan dive in this one? I'm in an optional tomb with a ton of water and I'm getting swan dive withdrawals here. Doesn't help that the tomb has the same name as a level from TR1


Is it possible to swan dive in this one? I'm in an optional tomb with a ton of water and I'm getting swan dive withdrawals here. Doesn't help that the tomb has the same name as a level from TR1

Yes. Not sure how you do it on PC, but on Xbox you tap the left trigger right after you run off.


Not too far into the game, but a few quick thoughts:

- Controls are overall fairly similar to TR2013
- Story seems interesting
- Runs fantastic, super good port

- I still hate the new face for Lara. Vanilla TR2013 Lara's face > all
- Lots of awkward groans, again
- Controls, while familiar, feel...off somehow
- I wish I didn't have to read comics to get caught up in the story
This game got me like:

...I'm really bad at screenshots


Not too far into the game, but a few quick thoughts:

- Controls are overall fairly similar to TR2013
- Story seems interesting
- Runs fantastic, super good port

- I still hate the new face for Lara. Vanilla TR2013 Lara's face > all
- Lots of awkward groans, again
- Controls, while familiar, feel...off somehow
- I wish I didn't have to read comics to get caught up in the story

The comics did nothing to catch you up. I just finished them and Anna comes out of fucking nowhere, and there's not even mention of Sam's situation, or Reas' for that matter. In fact, the only thing from the comics is Trinity, and Lara seems to act like she's never dealt with them before in the game, so the comic to sequel story is pretty disappointing to me.
Not too far into the game, but a few quick thoughts:

- Controls are overall fairly similar to TR2013
- Story seems interesting
- Runs fantastic, super good port

- I still hate the new face for Lara. Vanilla TR2013 Lara's face > all
- Lots of awkward groans, again
- Controls, while familiar, feel...off somehow
- I wish I didn't have to read comics to get caught up in the story

Its a shame you cant choose between the 3 versions of lara (ie Rise, vanilla TR and Definitive Edition TR)

Had to google how to change outfits - its under weapons in the camp menu. Some of the outfits give bonus abilities
What are all these cards with modifiers listed on them for? Is that for some separate mode, or do I somehow make use of them during the normal story mode?


Holy shit this game is amazing and I am pretty sure I only finished the tutorial part. Anyone who complains about the gfx of this game is either trolling or blind.


Combat has definitely taken a hit. It's more-so standard gunplay now, altho now enemies require a couple hits before they react, and execution moves aren't invincible. Also, pocket sand is gone. Not as bad as Uncharted, but hovering the in that ballpark.

Basically took all of the fun out of combat.

Stealth is a little better than Wolfenstein's but also super cheesy.


Really like the facial expressions/animations, good job CD.


Combat has definitely taken a hit. It's more-so standard gunplay now, altho now enemies require a couple hits before they react, and execution moves aren't invincible. Also, pocket sand is gone. Not as bad as Uncharted, but hovering the in that ballpark.

Basically took all of the fun out of combat.

Stealth is a little better than Wolfenstein's but also super cheesy.

My biggest gripe is that the camera speed is ass with a controller, takes like two days to spin around.


People called Romanes they go the house?
So, not exactly sure what upgrade brought it about, but does anyone know what the pink 'longhorn' symbol when you use survival instinct is?

I think it has something to do with
Possible locations for enemies to spawn
, but I'm not quite sure atm.

Also, Carmilla sounds noticeably different, and the complete absence of Sam (and intro then subsequent desertion of Jonah) in all of this, along with the new motivations, has me raising an eyebrow.

Game's still fun and pretty though, so I can't complain overmuch


There's actually far less of that in this game compared to TR2013. A lot of it has been replaced by exploration. It's on right at the beginning and the last 20% where the game is like what you're describing.

So far in my beginning of the game in the first hour or so,

  • an
    avalance was triggered, ice sheets and walls
    are falling down,
  • then a
    Hind D
    showed up and b
    lasted the car with Lara in it which then skeets off a cliff which
    Lara somehow survives,
  • then
    she enters an old temple which is blown up by detonations and everything gets flooded,
  • and then she gets
    attacked by a huge bear
Crystal Dynamics have no restraint and think that they just need to throw scripted explosions at the player in order to keep them entertained. The problem is that you just become numb after a while because you know that (1) Lara has plot armor galore, (2) the writing is poorly done so you don't care about Mass Murderer Lara as a character at all, and (3) everything is just expensive scripted presentation without much player input


what's the cheapest this is going on pc? i held off when it was £22.99 on cdkeys since it was being bundled, but it seems to have actually increased in price in the last week or so.

FWIW I ended up getting this for ~£14 yesterday - Lunaniem is/was selling bundled nvidia keys in the buy/sell/trade thread here for $20.


The comics did nothing to catch you up. I just finished them and Anna comes out of fucking nowhere, and there's not even mention of Sam's situation, or Reas' for that matter. In fact, the only thing from the comics is Trinity, and Lara seems to act like she's never dealt with them before in the game, so the comic to sequel story is pretty disappointing to me.

Who wrote the comics?


Quick question:
Is it worth upgrading the early weapons like the self made bow or the first revolver? I kind of want to hold on to upgrade materials for later weapons but I've no idea how rare they are.


Quick question:
Is it worth upgrading the early weapons like the self made bow or the first revolver? I kind of want to hold on to upgrade materials for later weapons but I've no idea how rare they are.

You kind of shouldn't. You have a low cap on how many materials you can hold, so to maximize how many materials you gain from boxes, you should be spending some.

Have 10 of X, 20 (cap) of Y.
Open a crate and get 5 of X, and 4 of Y.
Have 15 of X, and still 20 of Y.


Quick question:
Is it worth upgrading the early weapons like the self made bow or the first revolver? I kind of want to hold on to upgrade materials for later weapons but I've no idea how rare they are.

Upgrades apply to all weapons in the same category.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Hey, it could be worse. I accidentally took that when I was trying to get a shot of the scene but while also trying to avoid getting the closed captioning in the shot.

It's impossible to take a screenshot of that scene and not have it give the impression that Lara's been caught with her hand down her pants.


I played the first hour. It's really, really gorgeous. Now that the game is opening up a bit, I expect more fun to be had (although what I've played was fun on a purely cinematic level). Just a damn shame they didn't switch writers between games.


It's impossible to take a screenshot of that scene and not have it give the impression that Lara's been caught with her hand down her pants.

Haha, alright, suddenly I don't feel so bad about the unfortunate timing!

Edit: Just noticed how much darker your image is compared to mine. I wonder why. I'm thinking mine may have been before I turned the AO from "On" to "HBAO+" or something.

Dr Dogg

mapping the survival sense to the elite controller's paddles.. so good

True tomb raiders don't use survival instinct!

Actually I think it's disabled entirely on the higher difficulty. Though there are some small gameplay upgrades for it later on.


The Birthday Skeleton
First impressions from my wife: "It's like the classics Tomb Raider, I'm loving it!"

Yes, the game feels like the classics, you're faced with a huge room and tasked to reach a point from there. There are mechanics you have to unlock, traps, hidden relics, etc. This is way better than the previous game so far.

Yeah, this is why I like it a lot so far. There's tombs and you raid them like in the good old times.


Haha, alright, suddenly I don't feel so bad about the unfortunate timing!

Edit: Just noticed how much darker your image is compared to mine. I wonder why. I'm thinking mine may have been before I turned the AO from "On" to "HBAO+" or something.

That's because I'm using ReShade mod.
So far in my beginning of the game in the first hour or so,

  • an
    avalance was triggered, ice sheets and walls
    are falling down,
  • then a
    Hind D
    showed up and b
    lasted the car with Lara in it which then skeets off a cliff which
    Lara somehow survives,
  • then
    she enters an old temple which is blown up by detonations and everything gets flooded,
  • and then she gets
    attacked by a huge bear
Crystal Dynamics have no restraint and think that they just need to throw scripted explosions at the player in order to keep them entertained. The problem is that you just become numb after a while because you know that (1) Lara has plot armor galore, (2) the writing is poorly done so you don't care about Mass Murderer Lara as a character at all, and (3) everything is just expensive scripted presentation without much player input

I laughed so hard when her driver says
I told them not to shoot or some such then a he's shot (obviously). Then Lara busts out and just barely manages to get a hold with her axe at the edge of a cliff for the fourth or fifth time within the space of an hour.

Michael Bay would struggle to keep a tempo like these guys. The action dial is stuck on 11.


I hear you. I don't believe in refunds unless the game in question is downright broken, so I'll give it the fair shot it deserves. Then, (hopefully) I'll kindly let my brother-in-law know he pulled the trigger way too soon. ;-)

My brother-in-law says he played it for about 90 minutes before requesting a refund, and he loved the reboot, so I don't know what to think.

The game doesn't really become the game it actually is until you get past the bear and the first Russian camp thing.
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