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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.


I really wish you could just
Kill the Savage Shop Keep since it'd be well within Lara's established character to do so, and take all of his shit. I need that Item Crafter, damnit!
Can't believe this game has lighting like this and not in a cut scene



I needed to ask whether it was possible to craft the additional outfits? I saw them in the menu earlier but now that I have unlocked many new outfits I cannot see them anymore.
If I recall correctly from my XBO play through, the lore explanation is that
the immortals that "die" are regenerated at the eternal source

Welp. That changes
literally nothing about how you approach them. They're just ancient goons instead of modern goons.
Unbelievable lol

Is Lara
wiping out legions of insurmountable historic magical legions going to be a recurring thing now? She killed dudes that entire WW2 battalions couldn't fuck with the last game.

I could ignore the game being completely bonkers if it wasn't busy being up its own ass.
Welp. That changes
literally nothing about how you approach them. They're just ancient goons instead of modern goons.
Unbelievable lol

Is Lara
wiping out legions of insurmountable historic magical legions going to be a recurring thing now? She killed dudes that entire WW2 battalions couldn't fuck with the last game.

I could ignore the game being completely bonkers if it wasn't busy being up its own ass.

They could be killed in this game. If you get the collectibles it explains it. They were killed and each day they re awoke and remembered who had killed them. One guy near then end talks about how he kills one over and over again

I thought the game was great.


Pretty sure I am close to the end, having just
encounter the first Deathless Ones to fight, which oh god these guys are basically Stormguard 2.0 aren't they?

Meh story has been okay thus far, better than TR2013 I think. Least there more characters that feels a bit fleshed out.


I thought the story was perfectly fine.

Just finished the game, there were some intense battles towards the end, especially if you are playing on harder difficulty. And holy shit it never stopped being gorgeous from beginning to end.
I'm 15 hours in and I have to say TR 2013 was a more enjoyable game. The side tombs started off promising but as I played more of them they never got more in-depth. They are better than the ones in 2013 but are still short af teasers.

TR 2013 just has way better pacing. Collecting stuff was actually fun in that game whereas in ROTR there are a bazillion pace-breaking audio diaries and relics strewn within a minute of eachother even in tense shootouts and linear sections with characters speaking. There's just far too much stuff everywhere and I can barely ignore it because completing a tomb gave me an upgrade that makes every collectible shine and glitter.

And man am I ready for Lara to actually become the Tomb Raider already. Give her the dual pistols, badass attitude, and gymnastic movements (she shouldn't be clumsy like Nathan Drake). And tell Camilla to stop overacting, she has a melodramatic tone for like everything she says.

And gimme a game actually centered around tombs. Not boring town hubs with stupid NPCs and quests (eeeeeww). Gimme tombs! Make whole levels tombs again like they were in previous games. And just litter them with soldiers and animals to kill to satisfy the action cravers. Or make action sections optional and the tombs the main thing (hilarious how they did the opposite in a game called Tomb Raider).

The story is balls.

All in all, I still enjoy the game and got my money's worth I just want an actual Tomb Raider game with long tombs that is replayable and I don't spend half the time face-palming.


Hmmm, is the messenger bird side mission still bugged? Can't find the damn thing even though it should show up highlighted in vision.


Hmmm, is the messenger bird side mission still bugged? Can't find the damn thing even though it should show up highlighted in vision.

Lol, I must've been so lucky. I took the quest, left the house and it was right there. I instantly went back to the guy and Lara said "found your bird.... finally"


The last game had a lot more combat. I just played through it before Rise.

TR13 has quicker aiming, enemies that react more to your shots (making guns feel better), a generous stun move (pocket sand) and invincible finishers. This effectively allows you weave through enemies with crowd control and on-the-fly decision-making in a way you simply cannot in this game, where you're basically locked to one or two specific covers, or abusing awkward invincibility perks (one after a stealth kill and one after healing). You can get killed quite easily meleeing or even executing an enemy.
I could've sworn that enemies in TR13 were more into melee combat too. I remember that I actively went into hand on hand combat just because I liked the counter kill move but in ROTR I only managed to pull it off once so far and that was with one of these armored shield guys who only do melee and granades. Enemies just seem to continue shooting at you even if you stand in front of them lol

But maybe I'm just misremembering. Or there were more melee-focused enemies in the last game that made it seem like that. Oh well


TR 2013 just has way better pacing. Collecting stuff was actually fun in that game whereas in ROTR there are a bazillion pace-breaking audio diaries and relics strewn within a minute of eachother even in tense shootouts and linear sections with characters speaking. There's just far too much stuff everywhere and I can barely ignore it because completing a tomb gave me an upgrade that makes every collectible shine and glitter.

And man am I ready for Lara to actually become the Tomb Raider already. Give her the dual pistols, badass attitude, and gymnastic movements (she shouldn't be clumsy like Nathan Drake). And tell Camilla to stop overacting, she has a melodramatic tone for like everything she says.

While I listened to all the diary entries from TR2013, about halfway through ROTTR, I just started canceling out of them because they were just everywhere, and completely killing the momentum and urgency of the situations in the game. The last section also has a comically large number of campfires for you to chill at with serene music while complete and utter chaos is going on all around you.

I also can't wait for badass Lara. Please stop trying to make her into a "relatable" emotionally fragile doe-eyed bleeding-heart humanist while strapping deadly ice picks, compound bow and automatic weapons on her.

edit: as an aside, I laughed out loud at the beginning of the game where she's battling harsh snowstorm winds, perilously crossing a mountain ridge while she's hugging her trembling sides and trudging forward. That's not how you traverse mountains brah


And man am I ready for Lara to actually become the Tomb Raider already. Give her the dual pistols, badass attitude, and gymnastic movements (she shouldn't be clumsy like Nathan Drake). And tell Camilla to stop overacting, she has a melodramatic tone for like everything she says.

Who knows how Lara will harden up, but it's unlikley to be towards classic Lara. New Lara doesn't seem to have a gymnast background, nor the same wit or pistol flair. Instead she's climber and bow hunter with a serious demeanor. I don't dislike new Lara, but they're still struggling with mixing harsh survival theme with hard action with vulnerable lead. It can work, but the writing and directing aren't helping.


Unconfirmed Member
I also can't wait for badass Lara. Please stop trying to make her into a "relatable" emotionally fragile doe-eyed bleeding-heart humanist while strapping deadly ice picks, compound bow and automatic weapons on her.

Very early on the game hints at Lara being an obsessed, traumatized sociopath, and that could've been interesting, but they never go anywhere with it (Haven't quite finished it yet).

But yeah the writing in this game is atrocious. It's offensively generic and poorly acted cliche trash.


Hmmm, is the messenger bird side mission still bugged? Can't find the damn thing even though it should show up highlighted in vision.

I think it was fixed. I finally found the thing yesterday. Detective vision from a slightly elevated area, see small bird far away, shoot it.
Who knows how Lara will harden up, but it's unlikley to be towards classic Lara. New Lara doesn't seem to have a gymnast background, nor the same wit or pistol flair. Instead she's climber and bow hunter with a serious demeanor. I don't dislike new Lara, but they're still struggling with mixing harsh survival theme with hard action with vulnerable lead. It can work, but the writing and directing aren't helping.

Would have much preferred a hot-headed, entitled, rich-kid young Lara instead of what we got. That'd kind of be what you're left with if you removed her maturity. Someone a bit rough around the edges but you could see how she gets to being a debonair explorer. This Lara has no edges, she's made out of putty (characterization wise). In no way do I see this character transforming to the Lara Croft of old unless there are another 4 or 5 games of build up. 2 games and not even an inkling. I think they were afraid of making her too much like Nathan Drake when Drake is literally a boorish version of Lara Croft.

But yeah the writing in this game is atrocious. It's offensively generic and poorly acted cliche trash.

You hit the nail on the head so hard the nail went straight through and the hammer exploded


Finished the game.

The Good:

-Graphics, art design in general is fantastic.

-There's lot of good bits: Platforming, shooting, tombs, some of the setpieces all improve on TR 2013 (the shootings the same). There's more puzzles outside of tombs as well and they did away with most QTE's. Even if it wasn't the most sophisticated platforming ever you had to think a bit, you had to time jumps, there was rhythm to it.

I also like how aggressive the enemies are with rushing you and all the tools you get to fend them off in the heat of things.

The Bad:

-Pacing: The good bits mentioned above don't always fit together well. The first half is also much, much slower than the second. The fact that Tombs are still sidelined as extra content is a bit baffling, They are short enough they could easily replace some of the bloat of the open areas. There's lot's of good bits here but they really need to mix them differently.

-The collectathons / open Areas:
There are too many things to collect and craft and the reward for it is so small they should really cut 75% of it. I was doing more busywork than in Fallout - and that's an open world game that actually benefits from all that. Having fewer would make finding them much more rewarding. As is, it's just checklist design at its worst. It doesn't fit the game. I felt the same with the metroidvenia elements, they could be good but CD doesn't manage to pull it off.

For better or worse, the game is at it's best when it's a linear rollercoaster with the action broken up by puzzles / platforming. I liked the second half much more than the first (mostly because i felt the need to do collecting, which broke the pacing).

The Ugly:

-The story has got to be one of the worst in recent memory. And the stuff it leaves open doesn't make me confident it'll get any better in a sequel. It's not just Lara itself, the whole plot, all characters, the dialogue.. just.. ugh.

Overall i liked the game, the pieces are there to make something really good but at the moment it's still got quite a few faults.

Pretty much nailed it. They really need to fire whoever writes the story and dialogue and get someone who has a clue. This game and the reboot have some of the worst story/dialogue in recent memory. Oh and the game is too fucking easy.


I said it years ago when TR2013 came out and I'll say it again, Rhianna Pratchett cannot write to save her life. Everything she touches ends up being bland, boring and makes no sense. First Mirrors Edge and then both Tomb Raider games that she was lead writer for.

So glad she's not involved in the Mirrors Edge sequel.

If you need any proof that talent isn't inheritable - there you go.


Ludonarrative dissonance highlight of the game: As I was shooting at some statues that some challenge asks you to destroy, Lara actually said voiced how surprisingly well preserved these ruins were.

She needs to embrace that she's a treasurehunting, flagburning, thrillseeking, grave robbing douchebag.
I said it years ago when TR2013 came out and I'll say it again, Rhianna Pratchett cannot write to save her life. Everything she touches ends up being bland, boring and makes no sense. First Mirrors Edge and then both Tomb Raider games that she was lead writer for.

So glad she's not involved in the Mirrors Edge sequel.

If you need any proof that talent isn't inheritable - there you go.
I'm not a fan of the writing in this game either (I'm probably going to start a drinking game with the word "resolve") but jeez! Seems like you've got some real bones to pick with that lady.

Anyway, I ended up restarting my game on Survivor and I'm enjoying it a lot more. Using wood to start campfires actually makes sense.
The only problem is that I play with Screen Effects off, which makes it a little difficult to tell if I've been injured.


Unconfirmed Member
I said it years ago when TR2013 came out and I'll say it again, Rhianna Pratchett cannot write to save her life.

I remember thinking the reboot was pretty well-written in how it built Lara up from the beginning and set her up for future adventures, but obviously that was squandered. And possibly I gave it too much credit at the time.

But yeah, even within the limitations of Pratchett having to write to fit a certain story progression this game is going for, that doesn't excuse the awful dialogue and characters and bad voice direction. It's just all bad, top to bottom. Something's gotta give here if they do another one of these, but if sales are "disappointing" again who knows if that's a given?

She needs to embrace that she's a treasurehunting, flagburning, thrillseeking, grave robbing douchebag.

No but don't you see, her father, something something! Trinity! They're bad! It's so goddamn dishonest. Every single place you go to in this game gets blown to hell because it's cool, but it's all framed as "well the bad guys did it/made her do it" rather than "Lara is a grave robber who doesn't give a fuck about archaeological preservation".
I said it years ago when TR2013 came out and I'll say it again, Rhianna Pratchett cannot write to save her life. Everything she touches ends up being bland, boring and makes no sense. First Mirrors Edge and then both Tomb Raider games that she was lead writer for.

So glad she's not involved in the Mirrors Edge sequel.

If you need any proof that talent isn't inheritable - there you go.
You do know that Rhianna isn't given very much freedom like, at all when writing tomb raider? Everything she writes has to be run past multiple people to make sure that it fits within the confines of "acceptable for Lara" - which might be why stuff like the therapy and obsession elements that were shown during the original reveal and hinted at throughout the story never really come to a head.


Could somebody please tell me at which story point/location you have all necessary gear to enter all tombs?
It's getting kinda frustrating to find an entrance just to be greeted with a "lel, you need some gadget to pass" message. I decided to do hub exploration after I finish the game for now. I'm currently at 40% and just arrived at the Aqueduct ruins for reference.

Also lol at the Xbox twitch app note on the left. Or is there such thing for Windows 10 that I don't know of?


Could somebody please tell me at which story point/location you have all necessary gear to enter all tombs?
It's getting kinda frustrating to find an entrance just to be greeted with a "lel, you need some gadget to pass" message. I decided to do hub exploration after I finish the game for now. I'm currently at 40% and just arrived at the Aqueduct ruins for reference.

if you go to the map, it shows you how many tombs are available in an area. IIrc. 2 tombs in the geothermic Area need aditional gear and you . You have that gear by
the second time you arrive in the valley, after the attack on the village
. By the time you get to the last one you have all the gear anyway.


if you go to the map, it shows you how many tombs are available in an area. IIrc. 2 tombs in the geothermic Area need aditional gear. You have that gear by
the second time you arrive in the valley, after the attack on the village
. By the time you get to the last one you have all the gear anyway.
Yeah, I found these two which I couldn't access. Thanks for the heads up, I thought I'd had to back-travel before I wrap up the story.


Neo Member
So I had pneumonia this past week and basically did nothing but play this game. It's amazing, and had I been able to play it last year, it may have been my GOTY.

I do have a question, though, and I'm sorry if it's been answered in the previous 19 pages. 2 times now, during extensive play sessions, my PC unexpectedly powered off. I'm at work right now, but when I get home I can post my settings and rig specs. I'm just wondering if some of you think this is something serious I should get my PC looked at for, or if it's just a case of the game pushing the PC a little too far.


So I had pneumonia this past week and basically did nothing but play this game. It's amazing, and had I been able to play it last year, it may have been my GOTY.

I do have a question, though, and I'm sorry if it's been answered in the previous 19 pages. 2 times now, during extensive play sessions, my PC unexpectedly powered off. I'm at work right now, but when I get home I can post my settings and rig specs. I'm just wondering if some of you think this is something serious I should get my PC looked at for, or if it's just a case of the game pushing the PC a little too far.
Probably the latter. Maybe your PSU is too weak and can't handle the load, game really pushes your hardware especially if you're using higher settings.


Hmmm, is the messenger bird side mission still bugged? Can't find the damn thing even though it should show up highlighted in vision.

Did this yesterday, the bird was outside the green circle I was looking in and just happened to see him with highlighted outside of it and finished it.


Neo Member
Probably the latter. Maybe your PSU is too weak and can't handle the load, game really pushes your hardware especially if you're using higher settings.

Which I am, because it looks so amazing hahaha. Any suggestions on what to tone down?

Thanks :)

Edit: Or maybe look into a new PSU if I'm going to continue playing games on this rig?


While I get this isn't 90s Lara the changes to her backstory I do not like.

Also I did get a feeling of the old Lara at the beginning with the huge temple, even though it was very linear. As are the puzzle tombs I've found.

One funny thing was Lars enters a tomb and remarks sadly "in a couple decades the water will wash all this away". And then she proceeds to flood the heck out of it.


Which I am, because it looks so amazing hahaha. Any suggestions on what to tone down?

Thanks :)

Edit: Or maybe look into a new PSU if I'm going to continue playing games on this rig?
I'd verify first that it's the PSU before throwing money at it. Just sounds to me like a power issue, could also ask in the PC building thread around here. Maybe run a benchmark simulateously that stresses GPU + CPU for a prolonged period of time and see if the same shutdown happens.

Which parts are you currently using btw? (CPU + GPU + PSU)
Right. Just bought this on the Windows 10 store and played about five minutes before I needed to reboot (unrelated to the game) and now every time I load it up I get the Xbox Logo followed by 'can't sync with he cloud' and I'm given two options 'play offline' or 'try again'. Clicking both leads me back to the same menu so it seems that playing offline isn't actually an option - my computer is connected to the internet, that's how I'm writing this - so it's quite annoying and googling the issue gives me no results.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Junior Member
£30 game and £16 season pass from GreenManGaming with their 20% off voucher :)

As far as I know this wasn't a pre order bonus on PC, PC had the Whiteout outfit and the Sparrowhawk outfit.

I got the game, pre-order bonuses, and the season pass for ~$65 after GMG's 27% voucher a few days before release :) (a couple of more bucks than you paid after converting currencies).


Neo Member
I'd verify first that it's the PSU before throwing money at it. Just sounds to me like a power issue, could also ask in the PC building thread around here. Maybe run a benchmark simulateously that stresses GPU + CPU for a prolonged period of time and see if the same shutdown happens.

Which parts are you currently using btw? (CPU + GPU + PSU)

I'll try to send you a PM when I get home from work with some info as to not clutter the thread. Thanks for all your help! Much appreciated.


So I had pneumonia this past week and basically did nothing but play this game. It's amazing, and had I been able to play it last year, it may have been my GOTY.

I do have a question, though, and I'm sorry if it's been answered in the previous 19 pages. 2 times now, during extensive play sessions, my PC unexpectedly powered off. I'm at work right now, but when I get home I can post my settings and rig specs. I'm just wondering if some of you think this is something serious I should get my PC looked at for, or if it's just a case of the game pushing the PC a little too far.

I used to have a similar problem when my old PSU was going bad. The PC would just power off completely whenever I tried to draw more power than the PSU was able to produce at the time.

Not sure this is whats wrong with your PC, but your case does sound similar enough.


Just finished it, still want to go back and do some of the side stuff, but I really enjoyed it. Played excellently on keyboard and mouse like TR2013 did. It looked utterly fantastic too, one of those games that had me constantly taking screenshots.
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