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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.

These levels seem very massive. I've been at Soviet Installation for hours now, doing all the optional side missions and trying to find everything. Were the levels in the last Tomb Raider this big - I don't remember.


After three or four hours I'm wondering what all of the rave reviews were about. The game design is the worst checklist, committee-driven mess I've seen in a while.

As someone said on the previous page, all of the upgrades and crafting materials are so spread out and granular that you never feel like you're actually improving your equipment. There needs to be fewer, more significant upgrades so give you a real sense of accomplishment at certain intervals instead of dragging you along a trail of breadcrumbs.

The number of collectibles and junk destroys whatever pacing the game might have had as well. It's just bloat, in content and systems, that pads the game to try and make you feel good about your $60 linear single player purchase, and it's absolutely not needed because the core mechanics and systems are good enough to carry it.

Then there's the writing. The bad guy seems fairly well written apart from being a simple zealot at this time. By that I mean he's genuinely quite fearsome I suppose - we'll see how this goes later. The worst thing yet is Lara's character and the fact that the premise is so boring. Lara hasn't progressed from the first game, she's just the same except she's taken on the obsessiveness of her dad for some inexplicable reason (was she obsessed over him in 2013?). This is compounded due to overacting by Luddington who takes everything so seriously all the time. Maybe this is an issue of writing and direction that I shouldn't put at her feet though. The whole premise seems at odds with what a second story should do - in 2013 she already became the Tomb Raider. So why is she just now Rising as one? This was the opportunity to bring elements of old cocky, powerful, iconic Lara into the reboot but they've just dodged it by stretching the characters growth from game 1 into game 2.

Despite these criticisms I am enjoying the game. As I said, the core mechanics are enough to carry it and it's a fun world to traverse. I just wish there was less bloat and that they had actually taken on criticisms of the first game (like many reviews seemed to claim they had...). I was always a fan of Tomb Raider as a kid but this new series is so forgettable to me - and not because it isn't a modern take on those titles, but because it's so by the numbers at what it tries to be.

This could obviously change drastically as I proceed ... but reading others comments here, I'm doubtful.
This is really amazing. Is it with Very High textures?

It SHOULD be. I turn that down for gameplay, but try to turn it back on for shots.

Some DLC shots:





Just beat the game yesterday. Pretty much more of the same from the reboot; not that I didn't enjoy the game because I did. Story/dialogue is still terrible though like the last one.

I'm playing endurance mode turorial stage right now and keep dying from hypothermia. Does anyone know how to build a fire? Do I have to find a proper site to build one or do I have to gather wood or something to make it? The game doesn't explain.


Enjoyed the game for what it is...but I want the old tomb raider back with exploring and the feeling of isolation.

May try to finish up the tombs but I think I'll be done after that.

So glad I got this for $20.
I'm liking this a lot so far but I'm tired of all the collectibles scattered around the environment and the random fetch quests people give out. I'm at least glad to see they put a lot more focus on Tombs this time around. Seems to be a lot more exploration than actual combat which is nice.
After three or four hours I'm wondering what all of the rave reviews were about. The game design is the worst checklist, committee-driven mess I've seen in a while.

As someone said on the previous page, all of the upgrades and crafting materials are so spread out and granular that you never feel like you're actually improving your equipment. There needs to be fewer, more significant upgrades so give you a real sense of accomplishment at certain intervals instead of dragging you along a trail of breadcrumbs.

The number of collectibles and junk destroys whatever pacing the game might have had as well. It's just bloat, in content and systems, that pads the game to try and make you feel good about your $60 linear single player purchase, and it's absolutely not needed because the core mechanics and systems are good enough to carry it.

Then there's the writing. The bad guy seems fairly well written apart from being a simple zealot at this time. By that I mean he's genuinely quite fearsome I suppose - we'll see how this goes later. The worst thing yet is Lara's character and the fact that the premise is so boring. Lara hasn't progressed from the first game, she's just the same except she's taken on the obsessiveness of her dad for some inexplicable reason (was she obsessed over him in 2013?). This is compounded due to overacting by Luddington who takes everything so seriously all the time. Maybe this is an issue of writing and direction that I shouldn't put at her feet though. The whole premise seems at odds with what a second story should do - in 2013 she already became the Tomb Raider. So why is she just now Rising as one? This was the opportunity to bring elements of old cocky, powerful, iconic Lara into the reboot but they've just dodged it by stretching the characters growth from game 1 into game 2.

Despite these criticisms I am enjoying the game. As I said, the core mechanics are enough to carry it and it's a fun world to traverse. I just wish there was less bloat and that they had actually taken on criticisms of the first game (like many reviews seemed to claim they had...). I was always a fan of Tomb Raider as a kid but this new series is so forgettable to me - and not because it isn't a modern take on those titles, but because it's so by the numbers at what it tries to be.

This could obviously change drastically as I proceed ... but reading others comments here, I'm doubtful.

Agree with this from what I've played so far. I'm completely puzzled by the reviews and reactions I read from when it released about being more of a return to form and things like that. It's an improvement over the reboot, but only marginally. There's been less cover based third person shooting, which is nice, but the rest of it is the same by the numbers collectable hunting and auto platforming with the constant exasperation sounds from the voice actress.

The constant 'survivor' motif and 'urgency simulator' stuff going on is really tiring. It's like she falls down a hole or off a cliff every 5 seconds.


This game is awesome! so far from what all ive played this is the best Tomb Raider game ever. The story telling and world all feel so alive and they really did an amazing job with their cinematography.

Microsoft really screwed Square and CD over big time with their timed exclusivity deal. This game seriously deserved to be multiplat day one and a much better timed release date. This game would have sold so well if it was on PS4 at the same time as XBONE, or atleast a few weeks later. It still has a chance to gain the numbers it deserves but it will be nowhere near what they could have achieved without the timed exclusivity.

Playing this after voting for the 2015 GOTY really makes me wonder how much different my list would have been. Only gripe so far is theres no crouch button. Not a fan of the dynamic cover/crouch system but I get why they choose to go that route.
Whichever designer came up with that
orrery jumping puzzle
can die in a fire, alongside the one that came up with the
fight where you have to stay underwater and just hope enemies get close to the hole so you can drag them in before they shoot you
. Moments like these are hard because they rely on the game's weakest points.

I presume there will be a camp clearly marked "point of no return" at some point, like in TR13, so I can go back and sweep?

leng jai

Whichever designer came up with that
orrery jumping puzzle
can die in a fire, alongside the one that came up with the
fight where you have to stay underwater and just hope enemies get close to the hole so you can drag them in before they shoot you
. Moments like these are hard because they rely on the game's weakest points.

I presume there will be a camp clearly marked "point of no return" at some point, like in TR13, so I can go back and sweep?

That jumping puzzle was fine and pretty cool. That underwater section was indeed horrible on all counts, and didn't even make sense. Those guys have to be dumbest soldiers ever.


Neo Member
I presume there will be a camp clearly marked "point of no return" at some point, like in TR13, so I can go back and sweep?

I was also under the impression (from reading people's comments here), that after you finish the game you can just reload your auto-save and free-roam and mop up any collectables etc as well :)
I hate the open world parts, with its busy-work collecting stuff. But I adore the tombs. I hope the game just focused on the tombs. Just make it more linear, back to the roots.

I hope they can nail it on the next installment. More tombs, less open world.


That jumping puzzle was fine and pretty cool. That underwater section was indeed horrible on all counts, and didn't even make sense. Those guys have to be dumbest soldiers ever.

Guys had no chance against the OP Poison arrows, didnt even really need to hide underwater lol


Well this runs much better than I thought it would on my 290X / i7 920 @ 3.4Ghz combo,it stays closer to 60 fps instead of 30fps like I assumed.

Graphics are quite impressive and works great with 360 controller.

Finished it today. I really enjoyed 2013. I enjoyed this one too and think it's a good game, but I have to echo the comments from those being confused about the overwhelming praise. Wonder if this is just a PC / Console perspective thing.

It's a great improvement over 2013. Far fewer QTES and grotesque death sequences. More tombs, more exploration. Some solid equipment additions that enhance the platforming. Cons would be too many collectibles and some of the encounters near the end just being silly stupid.

I'd like to see them put in more quiet moments of raiding tombs and exploring into the main story of the next game. Space out the combat bits more. Calm down with the collectibles. Add some color. Figure out better melee options. More Jonah.
Just beat the game with 100% had a lot of fun I just wish I had played it on Survivor difficulty instead of the second hardest difficulty. The story was way better then the first game, I loved the environments and I really enjoyed the hunting. My two biggest complaints are the optional tombs and the platforming.

The optional tombs shouldn't be optional the developers need to forget about doing set pieces and instead incorporate the tombs into the levels. I don't necessary think the set pieces need to be completely remove from the series but the tombs are what differentiate this series from others. The developers even put a tomb as part of the level in the Orrery Level and I thought it was one of the best parts of the game.

The problems I have with platforming in this game applies to almost every AAA game that has platforming. The first problem I have with the platforming is that the game does the platforming for you. The best way I can describe this is it is like auto-aim in shooters so that means platformers these day will basically levitate you mid jump to were you need to go and that isn't very fun.

This isn't even the biggest problem which is the level design that mostly consists of ledges and vertical platforming. The ledges in this game makes the platforming very slow and not fun this also leads into my next problem. Most of the platforming in the game is vertical platforming basically climbing up using ledges or climbing walls to get to the next area. A lot of the horizontal platforming is done by using your rope arrow or ax swing(I liked the ax swing) and all of this is mostly automatic there is very little challenge. Horizontal platforming can be done as proven by the previous Tomb Raider games for example there can be traps and other obstacles in the way and/or moving platforms all i want is some variety with the platforming.

Some small things that should be change are that the survival caches and coin caches should be removed they were way to tedious. Also gun upgrades should be removed they were just busy work I notice no changes to the guns when I upgrade the stats. Instead gun upgrades should just be new guns and additions that can be obtain by doing side missions or maybe keep the finding of gun parts collectibles and crafting new guns instead. Also the after the credits cut scene was stupid it felt rushed and not to the same quality of writing as the rest of the game.


Guys had no chance against the OP Poison arrows, didnt even really need to hide underwater lol

The bow is ridiculous, special arrows can trivialize everything. I started sticking to normal arrows and guns to actually fight the mobs. Found some love for the bolt action.


This game was so damn good that I regret beating it so quickly. It's also the best looking games I've ever played. The set pieces weremail fund to interact with. Each tomb had unique puzzles. There so many little things they did with the animations for this game it's just ridiculous. There are so many subtle things that happen in this game. I can tell some love went into this character. Lara skimming her hand across the wall, or drying her hair when getting out of water. Her desert outfit from the beginning of the game even has the fabric of her pants crease and de-crease when she sits or stands up. I thought they were just texture to make the pants have wrinkles, but nope! It happens dynamically.

Man the cut scenes were in real time as well. It's amazing. It was pretty cool seeing different outfits and weapons in scenes. I just remember pausing the game and turning off graphic setting to see if it was actually in real time.

This game is such an overall better product than the last game.


Just did my first *real* tomb, Cistern Cavern

Pretty fun, excited to see how they build on it with what are (I assume) increasingly complex ones

I wouldn't get my hopes too high. There is maybe one or 2 more of comparable quality and that is a stretch. Most of them are short and small in comparison and contained in one room except for two in the next area.. Not saying they are all bad but don't expect them to build from there or become more complex. I would have rathered 4-5 increasingly complex tombs like the Cistern rather than what we ended up with.
I wouldn't get my hopes too high. There is maybe one or 2 more of comparable quality. The rest are small, short one room puzzles.

Oh man, that's a bummer :(

That was my main problem with the first game's tombs and I assumed they would fix it with this one.

Still, I guess better to adjust my expectations now than be let down later.
I finished it some days ago and the tombs were pretty easy, it is still hilarious that they show you that a tomb is located nearby.
The ending was not very satisfying either, Lara isn't likable at all to me.
I'm a TR fan since the Core Design games but still something bugs me about the TR Reboot and this one cannot say exactly what it is.
The game was decent on PC, but it is missing essential stuff what made Tomb Raider so great. But yeah maybe I'm just not going with the times.
I finished it some days ago and the tombs were pretty easy, it is still hilarious that they show you that a tomb is located nearby. The ending was not very satisfying either, Lara isn't likable at all to me. I'm a TR fan since the Core games but still something bugs me about the TR Reboot and this one cannot say what. The game was decent on PC, but it is missing essential stuff what made Tomb Raider so great. But yeah maybe I'm just not going with the times.

I don't actively dislike Lara but she feels like she just has zero personality, I can't get attached to her at all. I don't know if that's the acting direction, the script, or just me.
I don't actively dislike Lara but she feels like she just has zero personality, I can't get attached to her at all. I don't know if that's the acting direction, the script, or just me.

Her personality is not really there. Also the constant moaning and panting is annoying, I know realism and all but I think this is a little bit over the top.
It was also annoying in TR 2013. Lara's humor isn't great either, she is missing that British personality, yes her VA is British but I dunno.
I could play this game with Nathan Drake and it wouldn't make a difference.


That's REALLY disappointing. I was also hoping they would get larger and more complex. Sigh....

Oh man, that's a bummer :(

That was my main problem with the first game's tombs and I assumed they would fix it with this one.

Still, I guess better to adjust my expectations now than be let down later.

They aren't bad just keep expectations in check. They are all atmospheric and aesthetically pleasing. There are a few decent ones and the puzzles are still better done than the previous game and are worth doing but they really should have built up from the Cistern.
Still enjoying this game a lot. It's a real refinement and improvement on the largely successful formula they introduced in the first game. It is, for the most part, exceptionally well designed and executed and utterly gorgeous to look at.

Unfortunately, the story is arguably even more ridiculous than the first game. I'm fine with the quasi-religious and historical prophet stuff - in fact I like it - but the whole lost civilization thing is sold really poorly and totally unbelievably. The incredibly generic voice acting certainly doesn't help. And the game's view of the Soviet Union feels like its from the cold war 80s.

The basic plot is suitably pulpy enough to just about do the job, though, and the other elements of the game are so strong that the game still ends up being pretty great.


Does this game have any auto-aim when playing with controller? I played TR 2013 with a controller and combat parts were just hell trying to aim.


Just finished the game, wish I didn't. What a horrible ending, makes me not want a sequel. Why did this game get so many high scores again? Because of pretty graphics? Awful level design which makes no sense, mediocre janky gameplay, awful gunplay, awful story, extremely short and simple tombs, too much filler content collectathons etc, boring characters and cheesy dialogue 80% of the time. What a waste of money.

but the whole lost civilization thing is sold really poorly and totally unbelievably. The incredibly generic voice acting certainly doesn't help.

Lets not forget the lost cities which could have been easily discovered by satellites because they are in plain sight.


Guys! My game doesn't save :( I tried to manually save and it would never work. I just lost 3-4 hours of progress. When I tried to quit, it told me I would lose my progress since the last campfire I found. I just found one so I was like that's okay, not much progress lost. BUT I just restarted the game and I can't load any game file... only start a new one.

Happened to anyone? I bought the game off the Windows Store. :(
Just finished the game, wish I didn't. What a horrible ending, makes me not want a sequel. Why did this game get so many high scores again? Because of pretty graphics? Awful level design which makes no sense, mediocre janky gameplay, awful gunplay, awful story, extremely short and simple tombs, too much filler content collectathons etc, boring characters and cheesy dialogue 80% of the time. What a waste of money.

Lets not forget the lost cities which could have been easily discovered by satellites because they are in plain sight.

Core design Lara had more humor and locations were far better and more varied.
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