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Rise of the Tomb Raider PC |OT| Hello... it's me.


Does this game have any auto-aim when playing with controller? I played TR 2013 with a controller and combat parts were just hell trying to aim.

I play with a DS4 and I don't notice auto aim at all.

The game is super easy tho, you won't need it.


I still don't get the people who said the tombs were better. They were the same boring quickly solved tombs from the first game but this time at the end you learn how to shoot your bow better or some stupid shit.
I still don't get the people who said the tombs were better. They were the same boring quickly solved tombs from the first game but this time at the end you learn how to shoot your bow better or some stupid shit.

Some of them are disappointingly simple. The solution is always obvious. I'd like to be challenged but that's probably asking too much.


I still don't get the people who said the tombs were better. They were the same boring quickly solved tombs from the first game but this time at the end you learn how to shoot your bow better or some stupid shit.

They still lack challenge, but they're a definite improvement. They're now in multiple rooms with beautiful and ornate art and more natural level design. They are better.


Still getting my hand held about 3 hours in, just getting to some base or another, and the only thing i can think about is how bad the writing is. Ever since finding out rhiana prachett is terry prachett's daughter, i can't shake the feeling she's projecting in her work. Lara is chasing her dad's work, and can only hope to be as half as good as he is. The cliches are also off the charts in this game, with almost every moment of dialogue beginning or ending with some lame bullshit.
Still getting my hand held about 3 hours in, just getting to some base or another, and the only thing i can think about is how bad the writing is. Ever since finding out rhiana prachett is writing this, i can't shake the feeling she's projecting in her work. Lara is chasing her dad's work, and can only hope to be as half as good as he is. The cliches are also off the charts in this game, with almost every moment of dialogue beginning or ending with some lame bullshit.

Its pretty bad, even for video game standards. And thus far there's not a hint of humour or good character moments to make up for the terribly plain story


And thus far there's not a hint of humour or good character moments
And there never will be.

Finished the game. Overall while extraordinarily beautiful this was really just a highly polished 'average' experience. Perhaps my expectations were affected by the universal praise and GOTY claims made toward the Xbox One version. What game were they playing? Lara is in the exact same place narrative-wise as she was at the end of the last game, what was the point of this adventure? I thought this was a sequel?

TR2013 was the far superior game, and it saddens me to say that. I loved TR2013, I didn't love this.
This game is okay. I can't pin point all my issues with it, but weirdly I feel like having less to do might benefit the game. Keep the tombs and crypts as side missions, but ditch the fetch quests and the coins and it'd be a far more structured, exciting experience.
Yep, locations are simply beautiful.

Just not this one.


One of the ugliest areas I've played in. And it's snowy. What a waste.
Damn, I thought all the areas looked pretty great in RotTR. I guess a couple places were a notch below the others, but I thought everything looked consistently great.

I guess it would be too much to have all that tessellated snow in the Soviet Installation and so they paired it back a bit.

Well, at least the next TR will be fully free from the last gen shackles that this one had.


Can someone tell me how to get ReShade to work with ROTR? I've tried many times now, and I can't get it to work.

I've added the .exe file in Mediator and made a preset, and the ReShade folder and the other files appeared in the ROTR directory. But still, nothing happens. Can't even open the game if I choose DirectX11 in Mediator.



Just finished the game. What an ending.. Jeez. Not sure if I liked or hated that.

Ending spoilers ahead

I guess I liked that it kinda hinted at the location of the next game (and hopefully not the comics).. but.... whats with that horrible after credits scene with the sniper rifle dude aiming at Lara... cringeworthy.

Enjoyable game though, apart from the story.


Just started per say. Production values are great. Art seems top notch. I can see why people are thrown off by the beginning... it's slow and scripted to hell..... no WOW moment from that climbing set piece to be had - and they clearly were going for that. Nothing wrong with a set piece to begin but you have to nail it with execution and it just fell flat. The pro is that I got rid of pretty bird for awhile. Dialogue could improve, they're still using lines "I have a good feeling about this"...cmon now...

We'll see how it progresses.

Also if prophet = Jesus Christ why call him the damn prophet? It doesn't create more intrigue or mystique by calling him the prophet


I still don't get the people who said the tombs were better. They were the same boring quickly solved tombs from the first game but this time at the end you learn how to shoot your bow better or some stupid shit.

I think it's just the fact that the visuals were better in the tombs this time around and there were more of them.

I thought they were ok, and over too quickly. They also kinda felt awkward with the pace of the game.
This game's levels and story were not paced nearly as well as Tomb Raider 2013's. As much as I was disappointed in the lack of quality tombs in that game I will probably replay it at somepoint but I will never be touching ROTR again. This game was either extremely slightly better, equal, or worse in every way to 2013 except for the splendid graphics.

And that ending was so lame. A death of a character no one gives af about, a pointless moral choice (
like why would I waste a bullet on the guy when he's already going to burn to death? And if he wasn't sitting in a pile of flames what reason after murdering countless soldiers would I have to spare his life?
), and once again a cliche
throw the cool ass ultimate power thingy away
because reasons (
I could totally kill all those enemies easily

Then there's the after-credits scene that was just dumb and gave me the opposite reaction it was supposed to give. I don't care about some other
organization seeking to use Lara for some devious reason
(we just did that in this EXACT game!). How about an after-credits scene with Lara standing with her dual pistols at her side about to swan-dive into a lake or something?

And I can honestly say I will not buy the next Tomb Raider game if she doesn't become the Lara Croft she's supposed to be, and it will be easy to ignore it since this game was just nothing special anyway.
This game is seriously boring as hell. I cannot fathom how some reviewers thought this game was better than TR2013 which imo wasn't even that good in the first place. The pacing, writing, characters, bloated "checklist" game design and awful gun combat is dampening my drive to finish this game.
It's odd seeing the reception in here being a bit lukewarm on the last couple pages (myself included). I remember the original OT in November was full of nothing but really high praise.


It's odd seeing the reception in here being a bit lukewarm on the last couple pages (myself included). I remember the original OT in November was full of nothing but really high praise.
That's the underdog effect some of our resident dwellers are experiencing. The game is as average as best, and only if you ignore its heritage.
This is such a weird game. The developers are clearly very competent, but everything seems so uninspired and by the numbers. I don't think I've ever played a game that feels like it's has so much effort poured into it and still feel so average.


Not sure whats changed since the previous game but I seem tone awful in combat.

Also been 3 days with it and I've finally got all the items in the first real area. Not sure why I'm making myself collect everything instead of just getting on with the story.


I finished it yesterday.

While looking great, it definitely needs to swing more towards the giant, free form level design of earlier games built around a solid puzzle.

At least more often that it does now.

There's no high dives, no epic climbs, no moments where the game takes you to an amazing location without you even really noticing as you've been too busy solving puzzles and blasting things.


I just finished it and it was just what I needed. A more linear experience as opposed to all the open world games we have been getting and some nice cinematic destruction / spectacle scenes. I really enjoyed the crafting system. I didn't really struggle for resources so it may have been a bit pointless in that sense, but I enjoyed the way it kept my mind busy by adding more button inputs to the gameplay. Constantly thinking and pressing buttons on the fly is a skill I never really thought I liked in games until just now.

The story was trash, but I really enjoyed the gameplay and exploration. I don't think Uncharted has anything to be scared of. I think the pacing was a bit off in places too. It's well worthy of your time, but due to the performance I don't recommend it at full price.
Dissappointed but then I wasn't expecting much. I really enjoyed the first game but this is average to me.

They made a big deal in the run up to revealing it saying that there will be bigger tombs and more of them. While it technically lives up to the promise I was expecting a lot more from it. Tomb Raider isn't an open world game with small tombs that you can finish in minutes, Tomb Raider is a game where the tombs ARE the levels and I really don't get why this game needs to have 'open world lite' hub areas with metroidvania style unlockable areas.

I get why you start the game with nothing so you can pad the game out with collectibles and unlocks but it makes no sense story wise. Why would she travel to the middle of nowhere with literally nothing apart from a pair of ice axes? Why has she suddenly forgotten all of the things I unlocked in the first game?

That brings me to the final injustice..... the dual USP Match pistols. I was excitedly anticipating getting them in the first game and when I finally did I didn't even get to use them outside of a silly QTE final boss. I finally boot the game up and I don't have any pistol until I finally get a revolver. WHY?

I can't speak for the story as I'm only about 40% through it but so far it seems to be the standard trope of bad guy wants mythical supernatural thing for nefarious purposes.

It's a stunning looking game but it does nothing better than the first game which was a little dissappointing in itself.

Maybe one day they will reboot it a third time and give me levels which are tombs without an RPG lite skill unlock system and pointless pseudo open world hub levels which are mostly empty of enemies.
The game doesn't feel linear at all for me.
It's like their first attempt on the open world, and I wouldn't be surprised if the next TR is actually an open world game.

Maybe one day they will reboot it a third time and give me levels which are tombs without an RPG lite skill unlock system and pointless pseudo open world hub levels which are mostly empty of enemies.

This is what TR fans always wanted. Why can't they just do that? :/


This game was either extremely slightly better, equal, or worse in every way to 2013 except for the splendid graphics.

Can't agree. The game's design on the whole is an upgrade of the previous in every aspect but story. The pacing can be hurt by some busy work, but that aside Rise does the better job through gameplay of realizing the action and hostile environment/survival themes of the reboot. Only the narrative is throwing a wrench in the game's cohesion.

The improvements feel obvious. Whats worse for you?


The game doesn't feel linear at all for me.
It's like their first attempt on the open world, and I wouldn't be surprised if the next TR is actually an open world game.

This is what TR fans always wanted. Why can't they just do that? :/

If this is their idea of a compelling open world, I really, really hope you are wrong.

The side quests, challenges, missions and collectibles are *by far* the worst parts of the game IMO.

Can't agree. The game's design on the whole is an upgrade of the previous in every aspect but story. The pacing can be hurt by some busy work, but that aside Rise does the better job through gameplay of realizing the action and hostile environment/survival themes of the reboot. Only the narrative is throwing a wrench in the game's cohesion.

The improvements feel obvious. Whats worse for you?

I don't see it.

What was the point of the shop? Learning languages? Of NPCs? Of side quests that quite literally only give you a new bog-standard Challenge to complete? The upgrades of Rise at the end of the day are just bloat, if not completely redundant to previous features of the game, save for a precious few new and interesting features.

The survival themes are also completely irrelevant to the game, because there are no survival stakes past the first couple of hours, from the story or the gameplay. I live, I die, I live again. All my progress is saved, all resources are abundant, all hunting is only there to get more knick knacks and this overarching XP. And even the setup of the world itself is filled with NPCs that kill the potential feeling of lonely, wild, harsh survival.

Now, I do feel like the level design has partially improved, especially on the linear parts and the design of tombs. I believe it's a pretty damn good game in quite a few ways, and it's fun to play and see all the different areas. But I see just as many, if not more steps backwards from TR2013.


This game is so damn weird for me. Like I suppose it still a step in the right direction from TR2013 with the more emphasis on tombs even in the story, so it feels like a Tomb Raider game more, but overall I don't feel like it as much of a step in the right direction as I had hoped.

There things that just only feels like it barely better, like alot of the optional tombs and story. The pacing did feel more off in this game really. I also wouldn't mind if they cut down on the open world a bit, or least have less but more meaningful things to explore for, and expand on levels like Flooded Archives, Abandoned Mines, and Syria for the next game.

On the more positive side, CD really makes beautiful places to come upon, the platforming and traversing overall has improved nicely beside some quirks, bow is still fun in particular (through I been liking pistol a lot this time around too), outfits selection is way better and are not all behind DLC lol, and levels like Flooded Archives, Abandoned Mines, and Syria were nice to come by.

So yeah still enjoyable in ways, just needs to be push further in some aspects least and tweak on the open world aspects if they are still going to do that. Definitely not the best tomb raider game nor even GOTY worthy.


I don't see it.

The extra additions of language and coin caches are just flavor, true. The core game, the basic themes, and the player options are what improved markedly. The Reboot tried to show this aspect of Lara in a natural hostile environment, but couldn't complete in the same way Rise does with its hub and predatory animals. It didn't tie in resources to the crafting as well. It barely delivered on the tombs, offering simple rooms with a pulley or two. It's the more linear of the two, laser focused on its poor narrative and with a worse cast. The combat is largely similar but with less options and no crafting. IMO, TR '13 is not Rise' equal, nor its better. It's lacking too much.

I liked both games, but we got a big upgrade in overall design with Rise. You listed that Rise has excess, but it does the basics better too.


The dumbest thing I've come across in this game so far are the "balance" beams. They have no actual balance mechanics so they're just another aesthetic that offers nothing to the the pitiful platforming. Pretty indicative of the whole game.


The extra additions of language and coin caches are just flavor, true. The core game, the basic themes, and the player options are what improved markedly. The Reboot tried to show this aspect of Lara in a natural hostile environment, but couldn't complete in the same way Rise does with its hub and predatory animals. It didn't tie in resources to the crafting as well. It barely delivered on the tombs, offering simple rooms with a pulley or two. It's the more linear of the two, laser focused on its poor narrative and with a worse cast. The combat is largely similar but with less options and no crafting. IMO, TR '13 is not Rise' equal, nor its better. It's lacking too much.

I liked both games, but we got a big upgrade in overall design with Rise. You listed that Rise has excess, but it does the basics better too.

But see, they added the chocolate sauce, sure. And it's some pretty tasty chocolate.

But then they put gummy bears on top.

And sprinkles.

And Reese's cups.

Then some strawberries.

Put in some mangos, why not.

Pop Rocks? Sure, they will fit.

End of the day, the more delicious frozen yogurt has been buried into a mountain of other stuff that shouldn't be there. Sure, I can scrape 'em off, to a point, but bits and pieces will always be there and bring down the overall experience.

Rise reminds me of children combining every single type of soda the machine offers in his cup.
The extra additions of language and coin caches are just flavor, true. The core game, the basic themes, and the player options are what improved markedly. The Reboot tried to show this aspect of Lara in a natural hostile environment, but couldn't complete in the same way Rise does with its hub and predatory animals. It didn't tie in resources to the crafting as well. It barely delivered on the tombs, offering simple rooms with a pulley or two. It's the more linear of the two, laser focused on its poor narrative and with a worse cast. The combat is largely similar but with less options and no crafting. IMO, TR '13 is not Rise' equal, nor its better. It's lacking too much.

I liked both games, but we got a big upgrade in overall design with Rise. You listed that Rise has excess, but it does the basics better too.

The extra combat options don't matter when you can beat the whole game easily with an un-upgraded pistol on Seasoned Raider the supposed "hard mode". It's like Assassin's Creed in that aspect where they give you a huge load of weapons and don't bother in the least at balancing any of it. Plus, the only weapon that feels good to use is the bow.

The predatory animals played almost no part in the game and were dispatched easily with a few bow shots to the face. They weren't scary or felt like they added to a hostile environment.

The tombs had much better presentation but the puzzles were just a millimeter more challenging than TR 2013. Wow you pull the boxcar and attach it to the rope tied around the thingy to block the water so you can enter the room that's so much more in-depth than a pulley /s.

The hubs did nothing but add a whole load of collectibles everywhere and boring fetch quests given to you by NPCs. It is far worse being open-ended than just being laser-focused on the plot and setpieces no matter how bad the story is.


You can finish it less than 1 hr.

and extra costume you gain after defeating is....

I wouldn't say it's worth $10.

Least it had a nice puzzle (even if it another rope arrow one), and boss fight at the end... Bow been fun to use too, but yeah bleh at the costume heh and the "hours of gameplay" is kind of lol worthy.


Rise reminds me of children combining every single type of soda the machine offers in his cup.

TR '13 was labeled junk food in the original OT as well. It's all valid, the bloat in Rise is there, but it doesn't diminish the game for me.

The hubs did nothing but add a whole load of collectibles everywhere and boring fetch quests given to you by NPCs. It is far worse being open-ended than just being laser-focused on the plot and setpieces no matter how bad the story is.

Far worse? Not a chance. It's literally just more gameplay, more exploration, more of the same thing from TR 13 with less of the narrative.
Still getting my hand held about 3 hours in, just getting to some base or another, and the only thing i can think about is how bad the writing is. Ever since finding out rhiana prachett is terry prachett's daughter, i can't shake the feeling she's projecting in her work. Lara is chasing her dad's work, and can only hope to be as half as good as he is. The cliches are also off the charts in this game, with almost every moment of dialogue beginning or ending with some lame bullshit.

Dialog isn't helped by Lara's face looking completely ridiculous and unrealistic emotion wise in every shot. The original TR2013 face and expressions worked perfectly. This game looks like Lara's face wouldn't be amiss on Cartoon Network. And it's a shame, because evidently a lot of work has gone into the facial expressions. They just look ridiculous.


Finished last night. Average game at best.

Having so many tombs so close to each other completely ruins any sense of actual exploration. Earlier games did it far better by having actual levels set in different locations around the globe. Even though they weren't open world like this, the sense of awe and actually being somewhere remote was far greater because of it.

Won't be playing another tomb raider game if they continue with this format.


Finished last night. Average game at best.

Having so many tombs so close to each other completely ruins any sense of actual exploration. Earlier games did it far better by having actual levels set in different locations around the globe. Even though they weren't open world like this, the sense of awe and actually being somewhere remote was far greater because of it.

Won't be playing another tomb raider game if they continue with this format.

I agree about the tombs being so close. It ruins their specialness and just makes you question how they were placed in the world even more.

I feel like a lot of the environments are really confusing in this. They're open, but it's like I feel like I have to use Instincts every 4-5 seconds to find where to go and what to get.

The pacing also picking up a bit too quickly of late for me, so I'm guessing I'm near the end since the first few hours basically had none. Because of it, I was struggling to get Upgrade points and a lot of the Upgrades do feel pretty damn pointless.
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