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Rise of the Tomb Raider timed Xbox exclusive for Holiday 2015 (No PS/PC, SE publish)


Welp, the word that is is timed exclusive is getting out now, I wonder if Microsoft goes full on and secures it for lifetime exclusivity.


Honestly i don't care if game is timed exclusive or not. Both are bad. So i will need to avoid spoiler for months like i am doing now for GTA V. Nope i can't support these kind of things. I will buy it on sale.


Every generation of gaming that I can think of from the NES to today has had its fair share of exclusives on one platform versus the other. What exactly makes this situation so unique and upsetting? Serious question here... I'm just not understanding why so much outrage.


Statement from Square Enix:



They only need to say "It's not coming to PS4 nor PC", just that, it doesn't take much and we will let it rest.


I thought it was clear from the wording that it was timed for Holiday 2015.

I really don't understand why MS would shell out for this. is this really going to sell consoles when people know it will be coming to other platforms?

they need something to counter UC4, even though it is just timed exclusive
I think exclusivity is dumb, but come on. You know why. Because Microsoft probably paid them.

It's the same reason Crystal Dynamics isn't going to post a blog post saying "oh by the way that Xbox conference was bullshit, we actually are releasing in 2016 on other platforms" the day of the Gamescom announcement. If Microsoft did pay for timed exclusivity, part of that is the additional PR you get from saying "the game's only coming out on Xbox One!" You can't just turn around and say "actually it's not" because Microsoft wouldn't like it.

That said, this is why I hate timed exclusive announcements like this: because it's bullshit for the consumer. Imagine going out and buying an Xbox One because you heard the next Tomb Raider game would be exclusive, only to find a PS4 or PC version was actually coming a few months later. You'd be pissed if you spent $400 or $500 you didn't actually have to spend. Granted, there might not be that many people in that position, but whatever. It's cheating people out of money.

If you're willing to spend $400 to $500 to play Tomb Raider, then you get what you deserve.

There are far better, real exclusives, coming to X1 that would call for a console purchase in order to play.


Can you people enlighten me ?

Who is crazy buttocks on a train ?

Why you all believe him ?

EDIT Googled it. Got it.

And thank you for answer my question : )


Not trying to defend Crystal Dynamics' decision as I was hoping I would play the game on my PS4, but I can kinda see why they went this way.

From what it looked like, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted 4 were coming out at the same time and, naturally, Sony's going to promote Uncharted 4 over Tomb Raider. In a move that makes sense for CD, they align with Microsoft and have them promote it against Uncharted as competition and as a Xbox One exclusive.

The thing that irks me is that because of this Xbox One exclusivity is that PC owners will have to wait for this game to release as well. Maybe Microsoft learned their lesson from releasing Titanfall on 360 and PC? Who knows.

The better question is this: How many of us here, who're currently complaining about the game's exclusivity, will cave and get a Xbox One the closer we get to launch day. I know that all of us right now are pretty upset about the news, but these feelings don't last forever.


With cboat, shinobi, andy mac, and that stupid official comment from square enix, it's pretty clear this is timed.

what a stupid clusterfuck of a morning, i got up early for this garbage


After an hour to process it, and hearing it's timed ...

not that huge of a deal really. Hopefully it's not a super long wait.

I really enjoyed the last Tomb Raider, but I waited for it to drop in price a bit. I'm ok with timed exclusive. Plenty of other games to bide my time with.


Gold Member
I would laugh my ass off if right at the beginning of the Sony conference Shuhei walks out on stage and announce that TR is coming to PS4 January 2016.
You think all gamers follow this news so tightly like we did here on gaf? They are still getting the game exclusively on Xbox one in that period of time. Negative press? You're making this a much bigger deal than it actually is.

That sounds almost exactly the same as when people were defending the myriad of issues the X1 had. "It's only the internet" "No one will really care"

News spreads very fast nowadays thanks to social networks man.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Lame, but c'est le vie. Uncharted 4 will fill my need for this type of game next fall anyway.


So if I want to play the new Tomb Raider and don't have a new console yet, I might as well buy a PS4? What exactly does MS try to accomplish with this deal? Do they really believe a timed-exclusive (!) Tomb Raider game will be a big system seller?


Every generation of gaming that I can think of from the NES to today has had its fair share of exclusives on one platform versus the other. What exactly makes this situation so unique and upsetting? Serious question here... I'm just not understanding why so much outrage.

It is not upsetting for me, it's just baffling, I don't understand why MS would want to secure the sequel of a title that didn't break even till a re-release (on 5 platforms) as an exclusive, I just want to know the reasoning behind that, I don't care about Tomb Raider, the first game didn't do much for me.
If this is indeed a "Timed" one, and it seems we're closing in on that being the case, this is even MORE of an insane deal for Square Enix to have penned. Piss off the majority of the franchises fanbase, damage sales, all for a one time cash boost in the short term.

On one of the biggest IP's in their stable.

That only benefits the struggling Xbox brand, whose future has recently had doubts raised about its longevity.

Theres just no fucking upside to this for CD or Square Enix. Morons.

I doubt SE anticipated such a big backlash. They figured people would just wait for it to release later. Now they're wondering how much this will damage the brand, which only recently recovered with a reboot. They may come to regret the decision, only time will tell. As someone who was never into Tomb Raider or Uncharted, this doesn't affect me one way or the other.

I do find it hilarious that rather than investing in a new IP, MS is squandering money on a timed exclusive that won't help sell the console. Tomb Raider has only recently regained mindshare in the public. Up until the reboot it was considered pretty dead. The reboot garnered a lot of positive attention, which they basically threw out the window by putting the sequel out on the Xbox One first.

Again, I have no horse in this race. I'm just pointing out how odd a decision this is, both from MS and SE. It benefits no one (except maybe the dev team, who can shelve the PS4/PC versions for the time being and have an easier time concentrating on the Xbox One), and alienates part of the fan base without good cause. Unless MS paid SE a billion dollars, it isn't worth the potential lost sales.
Hey, SE/CD, do you remember what platform Tomb Raider launched on?

Hey do you remember that the reboot sold 2:1 PS4:XB1?

Our friends at Microsoft have always seen huge potential in Tomb Raider and have believed in our vision since our first unveil with them on their stage at E3 2011. We know they will get behind this game more than any support we have had from them in the past - we believe this will be a step to really forging the Tomb Raider brand as one of the biggest in gaming, with the help, belief and backing of a major partner like Microsoft.

This statement is beyond pathetic. Absolutely past pathetic when seen in context.


they need something to counter UC4, even though it is just timed exclusive
How on earth does it "counter" Uncharted? Eesh.

As a primarily Xbox player I really think this is just stupid. If you are going to do this then buy the fucking franchise or something. This half ass exclusive stuff doesn't really do anything, just posses a whole hell of a lot of people off.
This isn't a system seller though. It seems ridiculous to make this a timed exclusive. All you're doing is giving reasons to those who own your console to be glad they own one, you're not going to sell a significant amount of consoles over this. You're alienating gamers.

Destiny isn't even a timed exclusive game, it just has timed exclusive content. No Man's Skies isn't even exclusive to Sony as much as Sony was given a priority because of past relationship and cash. You can't spin this in a positive note unless you want to say "I'm glad as an xbone owner that I'll get to play this"


Ok what's happening?? Who is Cboat? I'm confused. It is a timed exclusive after all?????
CBOAT used to leak a lot of internal stuff about Microsoft early on. I believe it lasted up until Titanfall release in which he insisted on a wrong info despite being proven incorrect numerous times.

Though he's mostly very credible, so I'd say it's pretty much guaranteed that this move by MS/SE is for MS to get all this publicity and maybe a tiny number of sales due to the timed exclusivity, and for SE to avoid competing with Uncharted 4 directly by releasing later on PS4, and obviously to get all the money MS has provided to them.
lol, next time a 3rd party game is announced exclusive who will believe it.

makes sense, I mean who will buy the game if they know it is coming for the other platform later. What a joke.
I forgot who said it, but I'm starting to dig the theory that Square-Enix didn't want to pit this game against Uncharted 4 and Microsoft needed something to compete against it. It seemed like it was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Especially if CBOAT's claim is true, then Square-Enix can release the PS4/PC versions when the coast is clear.
They still have to compete against UC4.

Worst yet they have to add enough value to the XBO to convince people to purchase an XBO and then their game, to compete against UC4 which has the benefit of being exclusive on a system with a much larger install base.


I want more exclusives.

It adds something to the generation, something I feel like the SNES, Genesis, Saturn, PSX etc had that is missing from more recent generations.


This is my new response to these "salt" posts:


I'm totally fine if someone doesn't agree that people should be upset over this. But it's pretty annoying to have a discussion about why you think this is bad, only to have someone come by and say "hur dur you're just butthurt"...pretty much what these posts come off as. But that's just me. Then again, I have my own personal rule about not speaking about GAF moderation. I really do not think that's something members should ever discuss.

But these kind of posts were pretty frequent, and really in poor taste IMO.
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