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Rumor: Crash Bandicoot is back... In Skylanders


As cool as this would be and I can honestly see it happen, don't trust anything he says. When he first talked about it, he said Crash wouldn't have a big appearance at E3. Now he's saying there are three seperate reveals for Crash? Naaaaah
He also says Bethesda will show Quake developed by ID at this E3, I highly doubt that.
Skylanders Crash Edition sells well: "Fans loved Crash in Skylanders, so this year we're bringing him back in Crash & the Skylanders, a brand new game in the Skylanders franchise"

Skylanders Crash Edition sells poorly: "Fans have show that they do not care about Crash as a character", as they put him on ice and reboot the franchise in 5 years.

It's a god damned Kobayashi Maru.

Alright dads, time to get your kids interested in those Crash figures. You're our last hope.
This worked for Spyro, right?


This is great, stole it for my Twitter - hope you don't mind


While this is likely false, take this with a grain of salt. Crash is rumored to not just be in Skylanders but two other apperences.


He says that 'One of the Crash things got leaked :/. Two more to go. #BattleRoyale #CRASH'

So, this implies that Crash will have three major announcements this E3 during Sony's event.
-Crash being in a PS All Stars Sequel
-Crash being exclusive to Skylanders for PlayStation 4
-Crash getting a new game on PS4

Who is the guy with the twitter account? He just joined twitter (literally), any sauce on his credentials?


I'm having a laugh at the reactions in here. It's the level of meltdowns over a franchise that hasn't been good in well over a decade, is still owned by Activison, won't be made by ND and is still getting content in a popular series. It does suck if you are a fan of classic Crash, but people also need to keep their expectations in check or risk having ridiculous meltdowns because of their own overblown hype.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
While this is likely false, take this with a grain of salt. Crash is rumored to not just be in Skylanders but two other apperences.


He says that 'One of the Crash things got leaked :/. Two more to go. #BattleRoyale #CRASH'

So, this implies that Crash will have three major announcements this E3 during Sony's event.
-Crash being in a PS All Stars Sequel
-Crash being exclusive to Skylanders for PlayStation 4
-Crash getting a new game on PS4

Sony is back in "Throw money down the toilet" mode, I see.
This must be the first time I've seen something leak from my country, and from the one shop I always get my stuff from. We're hot news now guys! Singapore doesn't exactly have like a mega chain the same way US and UK have GameStop and GAME, so I'm mighty curious what kind of source they have (possibly their international suppliers).

And absolutely bonkers if it is true.
Sony is not tone deaf like Microsoft, they're not gonna give stage time for something fans obviously don't want. If it gets revealed on stage you can bet they're trolling just to announce the Crash game later in the show, or just after Skylanders.

It's either that or no Crash announcement at all.



Sony is back in "Throw money down the toilet" mode, I see.

....So PS All Stars is shit I imagine? Was going to write up a comment but felt I would be too bitter, so I apologize. Sorry if you did not enjoy the game and feel that it should not get a sequel.


So if I'm understanding this right, Crash is coming to Skylanders and the figure is PS4 exclusive.

That must mean Crash is still owned by Activision, but doesn't mean we're not getting a new game. Sounds like a monkey's paw situation where Sony is gonna get a PS4 exclusive Crash game but Activision is gonna throw him in Skylanders. Jeez.

L Thammy

For some reason, I have the hunch that the Project M guys cancelled that because Sony got them to work on PlayStation All-Stars 2. So if Crash is there, it might actually be a great day for Crash fans (and PlayStation fans in general). But that's just my guess, not an insider.
....So PS All Stars is shit I imagine? Was going to write up a comment but felt I would be too bitter, so I apologize. Sorry if you did not enjoy the game and feel that it should not get a sequel.

It's pretty bad, and the low budget is really apparent.


It could still make sense to have a new Crash game along with 2016 Crash in a Skylanders game. They'd promote each other.

Anyway it's all wait and see. Only appearing in Skylanders 8 years after the last console game would be weird. Compare that to Spyro where Skylanders acted as a reinvention of the franchise following Spyro's 2008 outing.


The only funny thing about this would be announcing this game, and then the real game. Just have short window of meltdown, everyone is happy.

Do you really want another Crash game made by Activision and one of their studios? Really? Do people really not remember what happened to the series on the PS2?
Even if it was true, wouldn't mean that's the only thing happening

Could be part of several Crash projects, a collection is most likely
....So PS All Stars is shit I imagine? Was going to write up a comment but felt I would be too bitter, so I apologize. Sorry if you did not enjoy the game and feel that it should not get a sequel.

I had a lot of fun with it and bought both versions. Spotty roster aside, I always felt like the gameplay was really slick. It just can't be approached with Smash bros in mind lol.


Sony is not tone deaf like Microsoft, they're not gonna give stage time for something fans obviously don't want. If it gets revealed on stage you can bet they're trolling just to announce the Crash game later in the show, or just after Skylanders.

It's either that or no Crash announcement at all.

They literally did that with FFVII a couple of years ago though.


While this is likely false, take this with a grain of salt. Crash is rumored to not just be in Skylanders but two other apperences.


He says that 'One of the Crash things got leaked :/. Two more to go. #BattleRoyale #CRASH'

So, this implies that Crash will have three major announcements this E3 during Sony's event.
-Crash being in a PS All Stars Sequel
-Crash being exclusive to Skylanders for PlayStation 4
-Crash getting a new game on PS4
Who is this and why should I believe them for even a second?


Could be part of several Crash projects, a collection is most likely

A remaster of the original games would be the best case scenario at this point with Activision holding the rights to the series, though it would also depend on who did the remaster.
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