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Rumor: Crash Bandicoot is back... In Skylanders


Don't care if this is true because I won't touch it either way but I swear if they waste time on this during their press conference...
You know I want Crash to be legitimately back as much as the next guy...

...but if this is true, hopefully people learn from it. The "evidence" we had for Crash returning to his former glory is laughable at least. Some 2013 sony video that spoofs crash and some guy on neogaf claiming he's coming back.

Yet people told me off for "ignoring all other evidence". What evidence? Is Crash not with Activision? Learn how licensing works.


God, if this is real, I'm sad it leaked early. The reveal at the conference would have been incredible to witness.

oh, if they'd have led it in by having Adam Boyes up on stage with a Crash T-Shirt, then he says something like 'we have been asking fans about what characters they'd like to see back on Playstation. Well, we've been listening, and I'm proud to announce that Crash is back"'

Cue Shinji Hashimoto moment.

Maybe this is more a cross-promotional thing - Activision license crash to Sony for a standalone game in return for some nice co-marketing dollars? Or it'll just be this.

The Flash


Be careful now! Not the only botched revival on the cards


Let me have this


I'm going to jump to conclusions as well.
New Crash is coming this year, near Skylanders date. The rumored PS4 unanounced exclusive that it's coming this year.
"A" simple little throwback?

-That thing in the ps4 trailer.
-Shawn t-shirt
-That easter egg.
And there's probably something else i don't remember.

The last time Shawn teased VibRibbon it led to nothing at first, and then a hastily thrown to they ps1 classic release for PS3 and vita. Not sure why you would read so much into it now when you've let yourself get burned once already. It could very well be that his shirt was just teasing the UC4 thing.


Don't believe it, would've happened sooner.

Hype is still on!

edit: actually if it's PS4 exclusive it could be true, but the rights could still be back at Sony.
Can we at least get crash 1-3 X ps one games on PS4 at least?

If this is the only crash news , good god the reaction from people my age in theaters will be nuts, probably booing


Skylanders Crash Edition sells well: "Fans loved Crash in Skylanders, so this year we're bringing him back in Crash & the Skylanders, a brand new game in the Skylanders franchise"

Skylanders Crash Edition sells poorly: "Fans have show that they do not care about Crash as a character", as they put him on ice and reboot the franchise in 5 years.

It's a god damned Kobayashi Maru.
There is no way all the hinting and teasing is for Crash to be in a fucking Skylanders game.

Skylanders with Crash this Fall in preparation of the standalone title in 2017.
I'm a little shocked to see people in this thread wanting this to be real just so they can watch other people be disappointed.

That's a brand of sociopathy I would expect to see on GameFaqs or 4chan, not here. :\

Yep, the amount of people revelling in the possibility that this is the Crash game that has been teased for so long is really quite pathetic.

"Oh man, I hope it's true just for the meltdowns!"


I haven't really been following the Crash Bandicoot hype train at all, but isn't this what some people assumed would happen for a while now? It makes a sense to just throw him in with Skylanders when they've got Spyro there already.

If this is true though I do feel bad for the people expecting a full game.


Quoting myself from another thread:

"I have the terrible feeling that the new Crash game is indeed real, but it will be a monkey paw situation. I fear that whatever they are doing, is not what the fans expect or want at all..."

Told you.


I was hoping that Skylanders would fuck off completely like Douche Infinity. But... when it didn't, I was ready to go ass-to-mouth. If this is true, I HOPE that it's not the only return of Crash. If it is, then................................................

I'm a little shocked to see people in this thread wanting this to be real just so they can watch other people be disappointed.

That's a brand of sociopathy I would expect to see on GameFaqs or 4chan, not here. :
I can understand someone being disappointed but the people who would seriously be upset by this is just hilarious to me.


This could be like Final Fantasy last year, where they first tease the franchise, then disappoint everyone (that FF chibi game) and then bring the megaton.
Yep, the amount of people revelling in the possibility that this is the Crash game that has been teased for so long is really quite pathetic.

"Oh man, I hope it's true just for the meltdowns!"

Meltdowns are truly funny though.

Reasonable people being disappointed is never fun to watch and I'll feel bad for those folks. But the over-the-top reactions would absolutely be hilarious.

I don't get the hyperbolisch, if anything, chances of a proper reboot just skyrocketed.

I think you mean chances just Skylander'd
Yep, the amount of people revelling in the possibility that this is the Crash game that has been teased for so long is really quite pathetic.

"Oh man, I hope it's true just for the meltdowns!"

Ickle Little Conker says hello.

You act like you're surprised but I'm sure you've been posting on here long enough to see that everyone gets it from time to time.

Defence and Attack are as bad as each other if you ask me.


Any chance Sony and Activision could do a collaboration on a full-fledged game? I mean, for those who are upset. We all knew that Activision still holds the rights, so considering they haven't used Crash in ages and are just now bringing him back, might be considered a good sign?


If this is true, this could be on the level of that FF7 "remake" reveal at PSX if this is the only thing they have.

"We've heard gamers for a long time that they want Crash back. We agreed. He's back now in an all new adventure. Take a look..."

*Only shows Crash in Skylanders*
*Riots break out*
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