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Rumor: Forza 6 and Forza Horizons 3 coming to Windows 10


Insomniac owns the IP...MS owns the publishing of this version (aka if they made a second one...MS doesn't own that). I think it is in MS' best interest to release the game on PC and get some return on their investment of the IP.

Thanks for informing me.


Insomniac owns the IP...MS owns the publishing of this version (aka if they made a second one...MS doesn't own that). I think it is in MS' best interest to release the game on PC and get some return on their investment of the IP.

That makes a lot of sense, so what happened then ?
I think it's justifiable that MS wants to push their store.
But, as of now, it is inherently different to Steam, Origin etc.: The game runs as a Windows store app instead of a regular .exe. This means:

- No exclusive fullscreen mode -> Forced VSync, no way to use GSync or FreeSync
- No SLI/Crossfire support
- No injection for stuff like monitoring or post processing effects (ReShade, Fraps, Afterburner, GeDoSaTo..)
- No graphics driver profiles useable
- No modding

Microsoft really needs to change that.

But it also means some advantages:

- The game uses the store DRM, which is quite good with 10 devices installs, which can all be used at the same time even, and doesn't take any more system resources since it's built in into the OS.
- The package is manageable directly from its shortcut, you don't have to open the store to delete it for instance. They also boot up directly
- The game can be gracefully updated even when your pc is sleeping, again, without having the store open.
- A more secure environment, which is particularly interesting for a cross play scenario. Being able to trick the game into thinking you are playing with a controller when in fact you are using keyboard+mouse is not cool.
- Performance - RoTTR apparently runs better on the store than it does on steam, even without exclusive fullscreen which is a plus as the game becomes more alt tab friendly. Why isn't that getting more talk I have no idea XD

Gsync/Sli/Driver profiles are a bummer, but I can see it being an easy fix, since Ms could workd directly at driver level with Amd and Nvidia to enable that.

Modding and specially injection however I can see never being able, unless dev allowed in the case of mods, though I doubt the PC market as whole feels so strongly about those points (But I agree in some instances like Dark Souls it becomes an absolutely necessity)

You're forgetting that those PC's already exist and already have thriving DD platforms that companies are putting their games on. If Microsoft say "you can make one game in DX12 that can be distributed on both console and PC" the developers will say "ok that sounds great" but are people actually buying games from the Windows store?". If people are not buying games from the Windows store then developers and publishers will keep on doing what they are doing at the moment and that is selling tons of games on Steam and their own DD platforms.
DX12 is not exclusive to the store, but apparently it's super simple to port a dx12 game to a universal game, so if the win32 dx12 version is already done it mostly becomes a case of why not?

I can tell you that until Microsoft sort out the restrictions and problems that are all borne out of them designing the platform/store for mobile/tablet and general non-AAA gaming purposes first then the masses will not be buying anything from there. PC gamers are not stupid, it is a mature market, and we have been here before . So until they sort their shit out it all sounds great in theory, but the current execution leaves a lot to be desired.
It's not about tablets/mobile purposes, there's been pressure for better installing and removing of apps.

The platform is actually quite capable for developing AAA games, the crippling part is about how the games run in a secure environment external applications can no longer interfere with them (And even though there are legitimate users for that there are some advantages as well).

In addition, if there are just 15m projected console sales vs 100m potential gaming (the key word here is gaming in the current context) PC's out there, do you think Microsoft will go through the hassle and expense of R&D and manufacturing just so that their games can potentially sell an extra 15%.
Not even the OG sold only 15m units, 360 was well above that and even xbone has crossed that mark.

A future repurposed device could still sell a lot less than that and become extremely profitable though. If they ever don't feel the need to have a low cost entry point for the ecosystem they could just develop a device designed for profitability like the current surface line.

The way I see it is they are in a tough place at the moment with the Xbox division having invested so much already. The only time they have done well in terms of brand recognition and sales was while they were making a loss and living through a nightmare with the RROD design flaw. They have since managed to famously undo most of the hard work they put in last generation and as a result there is clearly pressure from above as the guys who only look at spreadsheets will be asking what is going on (maybe not so nicely). Considering how much AAA games cost to make these days, I struggle to believe that their 1st party development studios are turning in profits considering the sales of games like Forza and Halo. Hence we have arrived at this junction whereby they are suddenly also throwing everything they have onto the PC as well in order to try and recoup and make up the shortfall whilst also trying to build a viable platform/store for gamers moving forwards. I just find it ironic that they are now scrambling back to the gaming platform they once abandoned, only after other people have proven to them that it can be done.
I dunno, they made tons of money on hardware sales when Kinect came along. Not to mention live subscriptions.

Their actions over the next 18-24 months will make or break them IMO.

That I agree with, they have to be very careful on how they will play this out otherwise they could very well lose on both fronts.

Yes. https://devpreviewsignup.windows.com/

"Project Centennial": This toolkit will enable desktop developers to package and publish their existing .NET and Win32-based Windows applications to the Windows Store. Developers can also use Centennial to call common UWP APIs and services.
Centennial is a tool for bringing win32 apps to the store, but it's done in a way that envelopes the app in a virtual environment, so the app thinks it has full access, but actually is just as protected as any other store app, even bringing games with those the same restrictions would apply.


Gold Member
Those saying the next xbox will be a windows 10 pc are fooling themselves. I've said this every time this comes up for the last year. If you believe this, you have to ask yourself the critical question: will it run steam?

If it doesn't run steam: If the next xbox is locked to the windows 10 store and cannot use steam, gog, etc, then it is functionally no different than the current xbox and does nothing to change the fortunes of the xbox console. They can plaster windows 10 branding on the box but that will likely lead to more confusion than anything positive.

If it does run steam: Well there goes your windows store customer. If they bought the box for gaming in particular, the customer will find that steam is a mature platform that supplies an entire controller friendly interface, thousands of games, great prices and is open to competition by allowing key generation for alternative storefronts. Microsoft would be so lucky if these users even wanted to use the win store to buy xbox only games. They would just be building/marketing/supporting steam machines for valve to make money with.

The xbox as a windows 10 pc doesn't work either way. It's either a console like it is now or a win 10 pc where users can shoo away microsoft's pestering services.

Yes, it will run Steam. It will be a PC. The whole reason why Windows is now the dominant PC platform is because MS was very generous about third party software, that's not going to change. At the same time, Microsoft has used third parties before, they have also copied them until they were defeated (Borland, Netscape, etc.). MS has nothing to gain by locking out Steam but have a lot to gain by getting people to use Windows Store and the Xbox app.
They aren't switching it to PC, the Xbox already runs Windows 10 and runs Windows 10 apps. Look at this quote...

I was talking about the audience; so long as the libraries are distinct (that is, no automatic cross buy), they're effectively Xbox gamers or PC gamers, even if the underlying software is largely identical. Stuff like the QB crossbuy program looks to alleviate that.

I really do think that the thrust of MS' efforts over the lifespan of the XB1 will be towards converting Xbox platoform enthusiasts into Xbox brand enthusiasts, which means playing on PC as well as console.


Have you tried contacting MS support? I've never had a problem getting my software activated after my activations expire (usually because I've been deploying inside Virtual Machines as part of build automation). I seem to remember getting a phone number to call in the past when it's run out of activations.

Yeah I've been down that road. The shitty part is that I bought a new Macbook around Thanksgiving and Office installed and unlocked just fine. The device had an issue and Apple gave me a new one, but then Office said NOPE.

I called in and they asked for the long string of digits, which I provide. Then they ask for some other product code from the screen and then tell me that the product can't be re-validated. I need to buy an Office 365 subscription, etc.

License has been on:
-2008 Macbook pro
-2012 Macbook Air
-2015 rMacbook (broken)
-2015 rMacbook (replacement) - this is the current one

It worked fine up till the final upgrade. Oddly enough I also work with virtual machines daily and haven't had this issue with any product on the Windows side. Office was purchased at a brick and mortar store so it's legit.


Yes, it will run Steam. It will be a PC. The whole reason why Windows is now the dominant PC platform is because MS was very generous about third party software, that's not going to change. At the same time, Microsoft has used third parties before, they have also copied them until they were defeated (Borland, Netscape, etc.). MS has nothing to gain by locking out Steam but have a lot to gain by getting people to use Windows Store and the Xbox app.

They could make it like their windows phones. You can connect them up to a monitor and keyboard/mouse and run 'windows' - but it only runs windows store apps, not any old .exe

So if they made an Xbox Two like that, it could in heart run office and games, but wouldn't run steam.


Gold Member
They could make it like their windows phones. You can connect them up to a monitor and keyboard/mouse and run 'windows' - but it only runs windows store apps, not any old .exe

So if they made an Xbox Two like that, it could in heart run office and games, but wouldn't run steam.

You mean like Windows RT? Didn't work out so well.

I think MS will do what they did with Surface and just fit Windows to the form factor. Yes, Windows 10 is not quite as good on tablet than Win8 but there's time to fix that. And what is Windows 10 definitely missing right now? A nice big screen ten foot UI.


You mean like Windows RT? Didn't work out so well.

I think MS will do what they did with Surface and just fit Windows to the form factor. Yes, Windows 10 is not quite as good on tablet than Win8 but there's time to fix that. And what is Windows 10 definitely missing right now? A nice big screen ten foot UI.

I thought you could enable full Start screen on Windows 10?


So...........confirmation one way or the other today?


Well there goes my reason to buy an xbox one

I was really considering purchasing an xbox one because of Forza Horizons 2 and Forza 6. If the horizons sequel and forza 6 is coming to PC, there is no reason for me to purchase an Xbox One considering I would be able to play both games on PC soon anyways.

And MS may be fine with your decision...

This is all about driving windows store.


You will have to wait until Tuesday to find that out officially, but I doubt it as this event was supposed to be about games for the spring.

Thanks for the reply. Can you elaborate on what you mean by "wait until Tuesday" ?
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