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[RUMOR] Marvel vs Capcom Infinite roster leaked


Junior Member
This is the greatest use of this gif that I have ever seen. RIP
There's no licensing issue with the Fox Marvel characters. Marvel can use any of them in video games. They simply don't want to because they don't have the film rights to them and as such profit more by plugging an Avenger, Guardian, etc.

Is Disney so clueless that they think the average gamer doesnt know that the X-Men are part of Marvel comics? I mean the X-Men are synonymous with MvC. Every casual picking up this game is gonna ask "where's Wolverine?" Fans arent going to stop watching X-Men movies because the characters werent in a freakin fighting game. Fuck you Disney!
I hold similar sentiments to everyone here with lack of certain additions no ammy no joe no pw and even though i understand the fox situation no doom is a major bummer :/

The only bit of exciting news is the mh rep and im hoping they look fun to play :/


Junior Member
If what Ryce heard was 100% true (although kinda weird they didn't mind Ryce leaking the entire roster when they could have just done it themselves at their pace/Lupinko was at least cryptic) then maybe we need to learn from the past and just wait for the Ultimate edition with twice the characters.

I have zero interest with as weak as this roster is.
Ultimate edition only came out because of the natural disaster that hit Japan which limited their resources so they made a new game. They have said numerous times that had the disaster not happened umvc3 wouldn't have existed.


Junior Member
Is Ike Perlmutter so clueless that he thinks the average gamer doesnt know that the X-Men are part of Marvel comics? I mean the X-Men are synonymous with MvC. Every casual picking up this game is gonna ask "where's Wolverine?" Fans arent going to stop watching X-Men movies because the characters werent in a freakin fighting game. Fuck you Ike Perlmutter!


Gold Member
No hyperbole, just honesty. Literally just canceled my pre-order. All I really wanted was the X statue, and if this game turns out as disappointing as I'm anticipating Ill bet I can find the X statue on sale individually at eBay for under twenty bucks inside of two months post launch.

Thanks for saving me some major bucks Ryce.



LOL, yup. Never underestimate how a CEO sees the rest of the world. I lived through the Bat-Embargo on the old DC animated shows, we'll survive this too. I'd expect Wolvie, Deadpool, and Doom to be pretty high on the DLC list for the future, at least.
Capcom is a disgrace.

I was okay with the X-Men coming down the line, but there's absolutely NO excuse for their horrendous side of the roster. It's a bad joke.


People talking about "cuts" have me curious, like what, did we really expect this game to start off with the entirety of MvC3's roster? That would have been a pie-in-the-sky expectation to begin with and times have changed a lot, for Capcom and Marvel both, since MvC3 was being made. A lot of this feels very "promotional," which I get. Jedah even being there surprises me considering how dead-ass Darkstalkers has been for so long, I figured they'd think they could get away with just recycling Morrigan as the rep there.

At least there's finally an MvC with some Monster Hunter representation! I don't know if I'll actually play MvCi yet but if I do I'd love to drop some level 3 charged greatsword slashes on some fools.
To be fair GnG reps give more variety to small roster than Dante+Vergil.

Of course you could do something interesting with the second rep for DMC if it wasn't Vergil. Nelo Angelo or something, I dunno.
Nero, Trish, or Lady. There is going to be no way Arthur is not going to play like his MvC3 self.


Doom is one of the greatest villains in marvel history. His omission is really bad no matter how marvel slices it.

Yeah, which is why I said I would understand if everybody was complaining about his omission. Instead we have like 30 posts over two pages asking for different obscure characters like Felicia and Captain Commando.

Don't know how they please people with any roster, seeing what people are upset by.


Such a disappointing list. It's like, 90% returning from MvC3 but cutting most of the interesting ones.

Like, I get why you re-use MvC3 characters, but why then just bring some of them? And why not keep some of the more interesting ones?


Such a disappointing list. It's like, 90% returning from MvC3 but cutting most of the interesting ones.

Like, I get why you re-use MvC3 characters, but why then just bring some of them? And why not keep some of the more interesting ones?

Tournament play had to be a factor. And yet, no Wesker I assume to replace with X.
Yeah, which is why I said I would understand if everybody was complaining about his omission. Instead we have like 30 posts over two pages asking for different obscure characters like Felicia and Captain Commando.

Don't know how they please people with any roster, seeing what people are upset by.
Sales are gonna plummet for this game if they don't have representatives from blockbuster hits like God Hand and Asura's Wrath!


Wait I thought they said possible fan favorites would return. Why the hell do they say this stuff in interviews when they know the roster will be trash anyway?


I feel like 6 more characters in the base roster would have helped, provided that those 6 characters were really interesting and requested ones like Venom, Black Panther, Gene, Captain Commando and maybe somehow Wolverine or Magneto.

both MvC3
and THIS
have been/are $60.
I'm hoping there is more content to make up for the lack of roster.
They're also reusing animations and assets. ughhh I want PHOENIX WRIGHT


loooool I hope this isn't real because this is awful. Who the fuck is Firebrand?

A fighting vet actually.


both MvC3
and THIS
have been/are $60.
I'm hoping there is more content to make up for the lack of roster.
They're also reusing animations and assets. ughhh I want PHOENIX WRIGHT

Considering how much has change in the last few years, cutting content for DLC or the base game is the new normal.
I feel like 6 more characters in the base roster would have helped, provided that those 6 characters were really interesting and requested ones like Venom, Black Panther, Gene, Captain Commando and maybe somehow Wolverine or Magneto.
Yup, and you could save those reveals for before launch. Kind of how IJ2 revealed Joker and Darkseid closer to launch... I don't know how they will keep this hype train going with this roster..
How are people still surprised at the no X-Men thing? It's been Marvel's company wide policy in non-comics media for years now. I'm pretty sure the last video game to include X-Men was Marvel Heroes which came out four years ago.
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