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[RUMOR] Marvel vs Capcom Infinite roster leaked


Junior Member
Even if Nemesis was in RE8 (which really wouldn't fit the current storylines in the games), the game's 2 years off minimum. Capcom's not going to tease that early.

It's more likely that he'd make a cameo in the RE2 Remake than that. But I suspect his inclusion here is just to have a Big on the Capcom side.
Rocket raccoon was in UMVC3 to tease guardians of the galaxy. That came out years later.
I know it's good for business, but I hate the focus on MCU characters. Most of the characters from the current movies are utterly boring(outside of spider-man)
lol lame wasting a spot on shitty Nemesis again, and where the fuck is Wesker? In no Universe should Nemesis be in and Not Wesker.

Also why Monster Hunter character? An Arisen from Dragon's Dogma would be infinitely cooler.

L Thammy

Really amazing list in my opinion. I didn't thing they could possibly be more disappointing than my low expectations.

Jedah/Monster Hunter is a team made for me, though. Bring them to TvC2, Capcom.


lol lame wasting a spot on shitty Nemesis again, and where the fuck is Wesker? In no Universe should Nemesis be in and Not Wesker.

Also why Monster Hunter character? An Arisen from Dragon's Dogma would be infinitely cooler.

They have a Monster Hunter character because that's probably their biggest, and one of their very few successful franchises at this point.
No Phoenix W, Captain Commando or Demitri :( At least Nova (IT BETTER NOT BE SAM) is back and Monster Hunter is interesting, but ehhhhhhh. Totally surprised that both Arthur and Firebrand returned, and that Star-Lord isn't in but Gamora and Rocket/Groot are.


lol lame wasting a spot on shitty Nemesis again, and where the fuck is Wesker? In no Universe should Nemesis be in and Not Wesker.

Also why Monster Hunter character? An Arisen from Dragon's Dogma would be infinitely cooler.

Because heaven forbid Capcom working on more than 6 new characters when they can just copy and paste the code from MVC3.


Junior Member
This roster just screams:


Completely agree


Junior Member
No Phoenix W, Captain Commando or Demitri :( At least Nova (IT BETTER NOT BE SAM) is back and Monster Hunter is interesting, but ehhhhhhh. Totally surprised that both Arthur and Firebrand returned, and that Star-Lord isn't in but Gamora and Rocket/Groot are.
This. It's the one time where I'm okay with porting over UMvC3 assets. Please don't try to cram Sam down our throats, Marvel. Just go with Richard Rider.


This. It's the one time where I'm okay with porting over UMvC3 assets. Please don't try to cram Sam down our throats, Marvel. Just go with Richard Rider.
It's sad when you realize MvCI's base roster would fit entirely within one of the pages on UMvC3's character select screen.


I hope Monster Hunter means narca armour set using bow


Hawkeye is trash
A hunter would give them the opportunity to sell multiple armor sets as DLC. Would be surprised if they didn't just include another guy for such a character, either way.
Boo at the lack of Deadpool! Disney needs to get over this Fox BS and just give everyone what they want upon release. At least they got Dante in on the Capcom side. Still buying day one but really bummed out that something couldn't be worked out for the Fox characters before launch.


It's funny. Ask me what characters I'd want and it'd probably take me quite a while to come up with some outside of Asura and Gene, but ask me what characters I'd need to think the game is a complete cash grab from a husk of a company living on past glories and you'd get the list in the OP.

Taking around half the content of UMvC3, improving the graphics a little and adding a couple of characters to each side isn't the way to get people excited, particularly after the colossal failure that was Street Fighter V. Expecting them to buy the rest through DLC is downright insulting.

At least Arc System Works are upfront about their business practices and re-releasing the same games as super versions. They're even getting slightly better about it with upgrade routes, now. I can give them a pass because it's clear that a lot of effort goes into their games with lengthy story modes, fully-featured arcade modes and single-player content such as trials that actually include useful combos for characters and weird RPG modes like M.O.M mode in Guilty Gear.

Meanwhile Capcom is following up the barebones release of SFV by rereleasing UMvC3 with a coat of paint and half the content, dumping 3DS games on the Switch and trying to port every decent PS3 game they made to the PS4.

If you don't have the budget or talent to do your legacy justice, then just... stop already.


Seems like a pretty implausible list. What's the point of this game if it's basically the same roster of the last title with less characters?


Oof, how disappointing. Might cancel my pre-order towards something on the Switch if true. Damn shame, I loved playing UMvC3 casually.
I fucking love that Jedah is in, but it's not worth all the losses.
Oh well.
And I'm assuming this will follow the same formula as SF5 for its day one content and dlc. What a fucking nightmare.

At this point I literally would have preferred a new version of UMVC3 with just some new characters and stages. Same preexisting roster, graphics, and music from the previous game but injected with new characters, costumes and stages. It's an old school approach, but the modern equivalent sucks when it's handled by Capcom.


Seems like a pretty implausible list. What's the point of this game if it's basically the same roster of the last title with less characters?

Games as a service


The roster I could live with had they switched Nova with T'Challa and Nemesis with Haggar.


Junior Member
Me: Okay, Marvel, here's a lesson on what Nova to put in MvCI.

Marvel: Okay, bring it on.

Me: Repeat after me, Nova

Marvel: Nova...

Me: ...Is...

Marvel: ...Is...

Me: ...Richard...

Marvel: ...Sam...

Me: DAMMIT!! Let's try again. Nova..

Marvel: Nova...

Me: ...Is...

Marvel: ...Is...

Me: ...Richard...

Marvel: ...Sam...

Me: MOTHERFUCKER!!!! Let me try something else. I'll say a hero name, you say their real name. Spider-Man

Marvel: Peter Parker

Me: Captain America

Marvel: Steve Rogers

Me: Captain Marvel

Marvel: Carol Danvers

Me: Iron Man

Marvel: Tony Stark

Me: Nova

Marvel: Sam Alexander

Me:.........Fuck this, I'm out
At least Arc System Works are upfront about their business practices and re-releasing the same games as super versions. They're even getting slightly better about it with upgrade routes, now. I can give them a pass because it's clear that a lot of effort goes into their games with lengthy story modes, fully-featured arcade modes and single-player content such as trials that actually include useful combos for characters and weird RPG modes like M.O.M mode in Guilty Gear.

Meanwhile Capcom is following up the barebones release of SFV by rereleasing UMvC3 with a coat of paint and half the content, dumping 3DS games on the Switch and trying to port every decent PS3 game they made to the PS4.

If you don't have the budget or talent to do your legacy justice, then just... stop already.

Nah fuck Arc System Works and their archaic business practices got burned with Guilty Gear Xrd PC. With SFV I haven't had to buy anything since launch and I can still play with the current community. Fuck Arc. Never buying another game from them again.
This lineup is... bad. On both sides of the spectrum. It's just a really boring lineup. That combined with the not great sounding changes they're making and the debacle that was Street Fighter 5 and I just have zero faith in Capcom delivering something that isn't sub Street Fighter x Tekken


Me: Okay, Marvel, here's a lesson on what Nova to put in MvCI.

Marvel: Okay, bring it on.

Me: Repeat after me, Nova

Marvel: Nova...

Me: ...Is...

Marvel: ...Is...

Me: ...Richard...

Marvel: ...Sam...

Me: DAMMIT!! Let's try again. Nova..

Marvel: Nova...

Me: ...Is...

Marvel: ...Is...

Me: ...Richard...

Marvel: ...Sam...

Me: Nova

Marvel: Sam Alexander

Me:.........Fuck this, I'm out


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