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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Last time with the Wii U GAF had to pay to have the chip analyzed, myself included, and the company threw us a bone by giving us a much more detailed scan than what we actually paid for.

I can't imagine Nintendo will reveal much beyond the basics. They want to focus on games and I can't blame them.

They used to reveal specs, they stopped doing that with the Wii for obvious reasons.

If this console is more powerful than the PS4, then they really have nothing to hide and they will show the specs, although not in their E3 presentation.


That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.

Perhaps they would, but maybe the rumored ports are the only morsels they were able to get. Besides, I'd rather Nintendo reveal the new, big stuff themselves. Gives us all something to get excited about once they finally decide to reveal everything on their terms.
That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.
No offense but I hope you realize how ridiculous you are being. You complaining about non existent info from a leak that may or may not be real. And what you actually want may or may not even exist. And even if it does you have no idea if the leaker would actually know about this.


That's assuming they would know.

Chances are Nintendo is developing new titles and focuses on hiding their launch lineup which aren't ports the most. Considering how much stuff is leaked I bet new titles would at least be the one surprise they'd want to keep to themselves by all means.

Internal nintendo dev teams (EAD, etc) and treehouse are locked down SUPER tight. I think it's safe to assume if there are leaks, they do not come from there. Ports can be outsourced or can have external teams involved, which is why it's possible the ports have been leaked.

We won't likely hear about first party NX exclusive titles until nintendo wants us to hear about them.


Perhaps they would, but maybe the rumored ports are the only morsels they were able to get. Besides, I'd rather Nintendo reveal the new, big stuff themselves. Gives us all something to get excited about once they finally decide to reveal everything on their terms.
New IP's are usually handled by internal dev teams from Japan and retro. Nobody gets leaks from there. It's usually third party devs handling ports or Remasters and third party devs. Rarely, like in Trev's case, you get a treehouse leak (NoA branch).

That's why you're likely not gonna hear new IP leaks.
fact is, to me, that Nintendo needs to significantly INCREASE the release of games for its consoles.
the possible integrated OS or library among its HWs could help; second party or third party licencees too (like Hyrule warriors, for example); better third party relationships too (even if it's harder).
But then, if you put even just some of your resources into Wii U ports, this is an issue, for me as a Wii U owner, for a possible launch window purchase.
Of the four, Zelda will be a new game for anyone that purchases a NX at launch.
Smash is smash, and the other two are up in the air.
Ports to fill in the line up while they get development up and running seems better than no ports.
RIght now having ports isn't bad news in any way since something not leaking does not mean it doesn't exist
Seems lots of people have put stock in the more powerful than PS4 rumours. Perhaps best to keep your expectations in check, lest we end up with another Wii U situation all over again. Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a nice, powerful machine, but at the same time I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it is less powerful than XBO/PS4.
Seems lots of people have put stock in the more powerful than PS4 rumours. Perhaps best to keep your expectations in check, lest we end up with another Wii U situation all over again. Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a nice, powerful machine, but at the same time I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it is less powerful than XBO/PS4.


Seems lots of people have put stock in the more powerful than PS4 rumours. Perhaps best to keep your expectations in check, lest we end up with another Wii U situation all over again. Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a nice, powerful machine, but at the same time I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it is less powerful than XBO/PS4.

The Wii U situation would be assuming that the NX would go toe-to-toe with the PS5 though.


That's fair enough.

Although, if you were that person. The leak ground zero leaker. Wouldn't you tease the tastiest morsels you could?

Perhaps the lack of new exisiting IP titles speaks for itself.

Hard to know the psychology of the leaker. Could also be that they aren't privy to that information, that they only leak what they are reasonably sure can't be traced back to them, etc.

Could also be that the NX has a disappointing software lineup, but we rarely ever have the full picture leak ahead of time so it's probably a bit premature to judge the software lineup of a console we truly know very little about.

People would rather commit Sudoku rather than leak from internal dev teams.
What sick monster would play Sudoku willingly?


New IP's are usually handled by internal dev teams from Japan and retro. Nobody gets leaks from there. It's usually third party devs handling ports or Remasters and third party devs. Rarely, like in Trev's case, you get a treehouse leak (NoA branch).

That's why you're likely not gonna hear new IP leaks.

I agree. Much easier for leaks to occur outside of Nintendo's impenetrable fortress. As it stands, it would probably be easier to infiltrate Fort Knox than it would Nintendo HQ.


People would rather commit Sudoku rather than leak from internal dev teams.

I know if I worked there I would never. Not even to family. It'd go against my own livelihood to leak anything, which doesn't make a lot of sense. Staying employed at a company I like > making internet fanboys happy.


El Capitan Todd
I figure Nintendo is going to position these titles just as Sony has with the PS3 => PS4 releases - the Wii U base was small & these games are for the new market on NX. Those with a Wii U that jump to NX may not double-dip on a title like Mario Maker or Splatoon, while Zelda or Smash could be enticing purchases. I haven't been a fan of Sony's remaster release lineup or their first-party output thus far, because to me Sony has only released 2 great games since PS4 launch - Bloodborne and, hopefully, Uncharted 4.

Yep, with the main difference that PS4 had/has ALL the third party support


Been trying to follow this thread, but it's all over the place. Can't wait for some new rumors to discuss...or a reveal...that would be nice.


I agree. Much easier for leaks to occur outside of Nintendo's impenetrable fortress. As it stands, it would probably be easier to infiltrate Fort Knox than it would Nintendo HQ.
I'm gonna sleep with every Nintendo employee in Japan and see if they feed me any leaks.
Nintendo needs to announce their next mobile game soon, I think their investor's meeting is probably where they'll do that and we'll have to wait a few more weeks for NX news


Unconfirmed Member
Are we still getting nx info this month?
I am confident based on Mr. Kimishima's comments during the Q&A session of Nintendo's Third Quarter Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year Ending March 2016 that we will receive NX info by the end of the month in conjunction with Nintendo's FY 2015 Fiscal Year Earnings Release/News conference/Financial Results Briefing:

As for new businesses, we will present further information when we go into details about our forecasts for the next fiscal year. We do not plan to speak about NX today. We continue development and planning efforts for NX in preparation for launch, so it will require additional investment.
Source: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/160203qa/03.html

As for any other potential event I've heard nothing part from the rumors already posted.


I decided to look through r/NintendoNX on a whim, someone brought up the idea of Mario Maker being the packaged game this time around which I think is brilliant. Assuming the controller has a screen it's a game that actually shows off why having a screen in the controller is useful, and it's a callback to the NES/SNES days when Mario games were packaged with the console (SMB/Duck Hunt was an NES pack-in for a while, SMW was an SNES pack-in at launch).


Seems lots of people have put stock in the more powerful than PS4 rumours. Perhaps best to keep your expectations in check, lest we end up with another Wii U situation all over again. Don't get me wrong, I hope it's a nice, powerful machine, but at the same time I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if it is less powerful than XBO/PS4.

But the WiiU is more powerful than the PS360. The only thing it has lower is the CPU speed.

And since everyone has the PS4 as this mythically powerful machine, please remember that the Xbox One CPU is actually faster than the PS4 CPU.


Have you heard the podcast? He says that he spoke to some engineers working on the NX and they told him that it's not going to be weak by any means, but not a powerhouse either. He added that they were very vague because they weren't supposed to say anything, but "not being on par with ps4" sounds very specific, so when he said that it was his take on what he had been told, not something that the engineers told him.

I've listened to that section of it several times yes :p

He says specifically, "What they were saying is that, you know, it's not going to be weak by any means, but they're definitely not trying to be a powerhouse competing with PS4. That was kind of the general sentiments of what they were saying in regards to how powerful it was."

The comment about them being "vague" was in regards to the unique aspect of NX that "no one has ever done before."

Maybe the part about PS4 was extrapolation on his part, but I don't think you can be certain of that based on his comments in the podcast. I remember his twitter posts too: https://twitter.com/doctor_cupcakes/status/617098268674273281

Definitely implies this info is something he heard rather than opinion.

Of course, Tamaki doesn't have a perfect record by any means and his rumors have even been banned on gaf (making threads for them, anyways). I'm just relaying the history behind his rumor.
I decided to look through r/NintendoNX on a whim, someone brought up the idea of Mario Maker being the packaged game this time around which I think is brilliant. Assuming the controller has a screen it's a game that actually shows off why having a screen in the controller is useful, and it's a callback to the NES/SNES days when Mario games were packaged with the console (SMB/Duck Hunt was an NES pack-in for a while, SMW was an SNES pack-in at launch).

Mario Maker isn't a very good case for why someone needs to buy a Nintendo box, though.

SMB/Duck Hunt were the best home arcade games in their class, and defined the identity for NES going forward.

SMW was the new shiny Mario game in town.

Mario Maker isn't either of these things.


People would rather commit Sudoku rather than leak from internal dev teams.



Rösti;201066188 said:
I am confident based on Mr. Kimishima's comments during the Q&A session of Nintendo's Third Quarter Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year Ending March 2016 that we will receive NX info by the end of the month in conjunction with Nintendo's FY 2015 Fiscal Year Earnings Release/News conference/Financial Results Briefing:

Source: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/160203qa/03.html

As for any other potential event I've heard nothing part from the rumors already posted.
I'm trying to keep the excitement in check but dang...waiting for NX info is like waiting for Hangar1 to expose a UFO bomb. The secrecy is crazy, Nintendo is crazy, the fans are crazy(?), this thread=crazy. I'm just glad I'm along for the ride lol Mostly browsing and lurking because I don't have the knowledge or savvy but the speculation is pretty interesting to say the least :)
I wonder if NST is doing some of the ports since they did so much of the VC/digital stuff. They rarely lead new games these days.

Also, does anyone remember NERD? They built development tools right? Hopefully they are contributing heavily to the rumored easy to work with SDKs


Unconfirmed Member
People would rather commit Sudoku rather than leak from internal dev teams.
Which is why I find that Gamnesia podcast comments about communications with engineers a bit fishy. The NDAs are, as previously established, very strict and do not allow general comments about NX.
fact is, to me, that Nintendo needs to significantly INCREASE the release of games for its consoles.
the possible integrated OS or library among its HWs could help; second party or third party licencees too (like Hyrule warriors, for example); better third party relationships too (even if it's harder).
But then, if you put even just some of your resources into Wii U ports, this is an issue, for me as a Wii U owner, for a possible launch window purchase.

They don't need to significantly increase their output. If they're doing what I expect they're doing then I can see a lot more games being made from them. What they need is third party games. There's a whole lot more third party developers and there's only one Nintendo.


But the WiiU is more powerful than the PS360. The only thing it has lower is the CPU speed.

And since everyone has the PS4 as this mythically powerful machine, please remember that the Xbox One CPU is actually faster than the PS4 CPU.

1. The Wii U is part of the Ps4/XB1 gen.

2. Don't go down the console wars stuff. It's bad enough people drive by here to say stupid shit lol. Especially since nobody thinks the PS4 is this "mythically powerful machine."


New IP's are usually handled by internal dev teams from Japan and retro. Nobody gets leaks from there. It's usually third party devs handling ports or Remasters and third party devs. Rarely, like in Trev's case, you get a treehouse leak (NoA branch).

That's why you're likely not gonna hear new IP leaks.

The only Nintendo remaster I can think of that was western was TPHD. It would be very strange if Smash NX was handled by a western developer.


Don't think a Sonic artist would be privy to this knowledge either, unless he was talking to some people at Sonic team.

I don't see why not. It seems a bunch of random people are getting their hands on knowledge. Trev was just a youtuber and he ended up with budget info.


As in "Heathcliff"
The only Nintendo remaster I can think of that was western was TPHD. It would be very strange if Smash NX was handled by a western developer.

Strange enough, we got some leaks about Smash for 3DS and Wii U so I guess Namco-Bandai is pretty bad with secrets.


As in "Heathcliff"
I think the biggest leak was from Nintendo with the esrb guy.
I wonder what happened to him, I imagined sued to hell but we never heard about it

Yep, but I'm talking about Gematsu leaks. It was pretty spot on almost everything. Chorus Men and CHrom didn't make in final product but there are few evidence that they were planned.
The Wii U situation would be assuming that the NX would go toe-to-toe with the PS5 though.
Not necessarily. People were expecting significantly better than PS360, not that it would be going toe to toe with PS4.

But the WiiU is more powerful than the PS360. The only thing it has lower is the CPU speed.
Yes, by the numbers perhaps it's better but can we really are much of a difference? Nope.
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