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[RUMOR] Paul Thurrott: Xbox 720 is expensive: $500 or $300 for sub model, 5/21 Unveil


PS4: $400, $450 with the Eye
720: $500 with Kinect, $300 sub model

War has changed

I'll take the
PS4: $300 with 2 year required PSN+

Seriously though, I hope a lot of this isn't true. One it's very anti-consumer. Two competition is good. Though if it does crash and burn at least it crashed and burned for the right reasons.

I need a drink.


Either there is something more to the hardware than everyone expects, or the $500 estimate is simply way off, or Microsoft wants to make mad profits day 1 on this system. I can't think of any other explanation.


The last week was for the next console war what the assassination of Franz Ferdinand was for World War I. It's on!

So far PS4 definitely has more positive buzz surrounding it, however we don't really know anything about the Nextbox that will actually make people want to get it. If Microsoft have a successful reveal and E3 then all of this will be forgotten and forgiven. I would even dare say that most consumers would be willing to overlook the always-online thing if it is done cleverly and means that the subscription model is relatively cheap.


needs 2 extra inches
+ Words from virtually every developer on the planet about the massive change in philosophy toward helping devs and having a friendly, easy development environment.


Preferring a console over another is totally fine and dandy, but wanting a console to succeed over another is treading fanboyism. Every thread I've seen you in you've come to MS defense or made snarky comments about Sony, I don't understand the logic, can your brain not process the idea of two consoles being good or enjoyable?

I have seen a few posts in this very thread outright insulting xbox owners and people that play halo. Seems fanboyism is ok here depending on what console you happen to root for.


That's a fucking DANGEROUS way of doing things. You run the risk of poisoning the well and setting a perception in the consumer zeitgeist that no amount of good press after the fact will shake.

Dangerous yea. But they can always come out and quash the rumours. Bad publicity after the reveal however is usually very hard to shake off.
I want it to succeed just because of how delicious the irony would be.

Of course it'll succeed, the 360 is a beast right now and has alot of the mind share this gen. At the end of the day we should be hoping both consoles succeed and that both don't prevent consumers from doing the most important thing with their machines, which is playing games. Always on, no used games, 599.99 charging for online play are all awful things to me and make the barrier of enjoying and supporting these games that much harder.


I'm not surprised at this price. Are people forgetting the current market price of systems that have been out for years? I find it pretty ridiculous the PS3 is still over $200.

It may not be tech you want, but it's tech that's going to be there when you buy it that adds to cost. Kinect by itself was a $150 add-on at retail, Kinect 2.0 is probably similar pricing but included in box would eliminate the need to sell it as an add-on and include functionality in all games (while likely decreasing costs somewhat).

How did we get to thinking consoles weren't going to be upwards of $450? If you think they're crazy enough to take a huge loss these days with iPads selling for $600 every year that's just nuts.
That's a fucking DANGEROUS way of doing things. You run the risk of poisoning the well and setting a perception in the consumer zeitgeist that no amount of good press after the fact will shake.

Yeah, I don't really buy those theories that MS are leaking stuff to test the waters, it just creates bad will that MS will have to go out of their way to dispel should they not choose to go that direction. It's especially dumb when there's a rival console receiving a tonne of good publicity.
I have seen a few posts in this very thread outright insulting xbox owners and people that play halo. Seems fanboyism is ok here depending on what console you happen to root for.

That's wrong too and if I came into the thread and saw those peoples post I would have made a similar comment.


There is zero chance that PS4 launches at a lower price than durango.

You know this for sure how? Unless you are some well-informed industry insider with connections to and sources in both Sony and MS who can that safely with confidence.

Also, good post Amirox.


Even with Kinect 2.0, that price is a bit high for the "rumored" specs. I'm guessing it is more powerful as that's the only logical explanation for that price.

And if always online is true, imagine if they're planning a massive cloud-computing console where every Xbox connected helps power the next?


They can't be this stupid.

I wouldn't label it as stupidity but more about having blinders on.

Remember, they priced the Surface RT and touch cover to be around 600 bucks. Consumers had no incentive to get one over an ipad and the thing has sold poorly. MS thought it had something more interesting to people than an iPad - but it didn't

If MS thinks they have a console that they can sell for $500, they'll try.

I think any console from any manufacturer will fail at $500 these days. But doesn't mean MS won't give it a shot.
What's with all the people claiming that there Not going to buy the system because there isn't any backwards compatibility? You obviously own the Xbox 360 right now, why not just keep It plugged in? People really like to make phony claims on the site. You know yourself that you're still going to buy the next Xbox or the next PlayStation.


Well I've said it before and I will say it again if this is true and if the next xbox requires on line only than it's dead on arrival.


So is there any good news on the Xbox? I mean good god, what company would just screw themselves over before the product is even out/announced?
Of course it'll succeed, the 360 is a beast right now and has alot of the mind share this gen. At the end of the day we should be hoping both consoles succeed and that both don't prevent consumers from doing the most important thing with their machines, which is playing games. Always on, no used games, 599.99 charging for online play are all awful things to me and make the barrier of enjoying and supporting these games that much harder.
I can honestly say I hope it doesn't succeed, because I believe companies pushing anti consumer stuff like should be rewarded as they end up making the industry worse for everyone in the long run.

Despite that, it probably will do reasonably well since the anti consumer crap in Sim City didn't stop it selling well.
What's with all the people claiming that there Not going to buy the system because there isn't any backwards compatibility? You obviously own the Xbox 360 right now, why not just keep It plugged in? People really like to make phony claims on the site. You know yourself that you're still going to buy the next Xbox for the next PlayStation.

Go reread the millions of posts people have made over the years about why they value BC. This isn't a new thing.


Dangerous yea. But they can always come out and quash the rumours. Bad publicity after the reveal however is usually very hard to shake off.

Considering that the rumored reveal is at least a month and a half away and the mandatory online has permeated EVERY news source at this point, it may be a too little too late scenario already, the seed is planted. That's the funny thing with consumer opinion: you don't always get to control your message.
What's with all the people claiming that there Not going to buy the system because there isn't any backwards compatibility? You obviously own the Xbox 360 right now, why not just keep It plugged in? People really like to make phony claims on the site. You know yourself that you're still going to buy the next Xbox or the next PlayStation.

Same reason they bumped a 2 month old PS4 will not have BC thread two days ago.
No BC? I'm out.

If you want to play old games why don't you, you know, spend the next 8 months playing them and then hold onto your old console if you still have the urge? BC this next-gen is pointless. It was at least valuable on 360 because it upscaled, but the resolution isn't changing. Adding BC would be a huge cost that almost no one uses that wouldn't provide a better experience than buying a $99 360. It makes no sense for anyone.
Because neoGAF is not a massive circle jerk, that's why you didn't realize it.

The problem for your nonsense is that we didn't reach some 'conclusions', there have been a neverending stream of rumours from very reliable sources that have echoed a litany of similar features all of which are extremely negative on average for the consumer. As neoGAF is a community filled with consumers, it's no surprise why the majority would react harshly.

As for anyone 'heralding the end of Microsoft', I'm a consumer. 360 was my favorite console until Microsoft released that Kinect abomination. Then I just disliked all the consoles. But there's no doubt PS4 is far more exciting as a consumer than the new Xbox sounds to be, and this is not 'jumping to conclusions' it's simply evaluating what we know about PS4 versus what we do know about Durango and then combing through the most reliable rumours we have.

PS4 has been designed so far in every way to be extremely friendly for developers, indies, consumers. There has genuinely not been a single shred of negative news about the system except maybe that their initial reveal could have used more exciting videogames, which most of us know we'll see at E3.

And why wouldn't we be excited for PS4? it's a gamers dream machine.

But that's not all they have said. JUST from the initial reveal we got more news than that ->

+ Words from virtually every developer on the planet about the massive change in philosophy toward helping devs and having a friendly, easy development environment.
+ Words from any Indie that has bothered to comment about how great PS4's indie philosophy is in every conceivable way, with considerable detail about why it's so great
+ Words about how massively powerful the system is going to be, and what it's potential is now considering its unprecedented amount of super fast RAM.
+ Words about the SHARE button, which is one of those innovations that genuinely have huge implications for games without being a pointless gimmick.
+ Details about every aspect of the controller, from its touch pad and color indicators.
+ Details about the new PlayStation store and the various ways the new interface will be changing the game
+ Details about the new downloading schemes: start playing games as soon as you start a download.
+ Details about the new online infrastructure and what it will mean for games
+ Details from weird creepy Crash Bandicoot guy about the extensive change in approach toward courting anyone who wants to make anything on PS4.

In short, we got a plethora of information that gave us a massive idea about exactly where Sony was going with PS4.

I'd only agree with you that the current slate of game announcements was rather unimpressive (except that Drive Club game), but I hardly expected them to reveal very many of those before E3, which will be their big show. The important thing was understanding the philosophy behind the system, who is supporting it and what their outlook is, and we got all of that with the PS4 unveil.
Lesson over.
What's with all the people claiming that there Not going to buy the system because there isn't any backwards compatibility? You obviously own the Xbox 360 right now, why not just keep It plugged in? People really like to make phony claims on the site. You know yourself that you're still going to buy the next Xbox or the next PlayStation.
People expect their digital purchases to carry on over to new devices; when a consumer buys a new iPhone they expect all their digital content to carry over so it's not a surprise.

I own a PS60gig and I think the BC is invaluable; I still play old PS2 games on it. It definitely factors into purchasing decisions.


I don't think $500 is expensive this day an age for a console.

Maybe if the world economy wasn't in such a mediocre state, I would be inclined to agree with you but as it stands I don't see that many customers en masse who are not hardcore gamers that are really going to be all that enthusiastic in paying $500 + tax for a new video game console. That is a lot of money to some people. That may not include any games at all or additional controllers or accessories either.

I hope I'm wrong though because it doesn't bode all that well for the industry if this happens.
Considering that the rumored reveal is at least a month and a half away and the mandatory online has permeated EVERY news source at this point, it may be a too little too late scenario already, the seed is planted. That's the funny thing with consumer opinion: you don't always get to control your message.

The current opinion is among the really hardcore audience only. What Microsoft cares about the mass market coverage. They want something on the Today show, not on Kotaku. The difference is an audience of 10 million versus 300,000. The new Microsoft strategy is to go after the big numbers, they want stuff that appeals to the mass market, not stuff that appeals only to gamers. Sony went the other direction, it will be interesting to see how it plays out.
Maybe if the world economy wasn't in such a mediocre state, I would be inclined to agree with you but as it stands I don't see that many customers en masse who are not hardcore gamers that are really going to be all that enthusiastic in paying $500 + tax for a new video game console. That is a lot of money to some people.

I hope I'm wrong though because it doesn't bode all that well for the industry if this happens.

You're absolutely right. The current market won't support a $500 console, it simply won't and more importantly, can't support such a price point. $400 is a good entry point, but $350 would be ideal.


I can't help but feel like $100-150 of that $500 price tag would be for Kinect which most people don't even want to use.
If Durango can operate as a set top cable box then the subscription model would allow you to ditch the cable box and use that monthly fee for Durango and Live.

Could work


You're absolutely right. The current market won't support a $500 console, it simply won't and more importantly, can't support such a price point. $400 is a good entry point, but $350 would be ideal.

I really think $350 is a pipe dream. Though I agree with the $400/$500


Because neoGAF is not a massive circle jerk, that's why you didn't realize it.

The problem for your nonsense is that we didn't reach some 'conclusions', there have been a neverending stream of rumours from very reliable sources that have echoed a litany of similar features all of which are extremely negative on average for the consumer. As neoGAF is a community filled with consumers, it's no surprise why the majority would react harshly.

As for anyone 'heralding the end of Microsoft', I'm a consumer. 360 was my favorite console until Microsoft released that Kinect abomination. Then I just disliked all the consoles. But there's no doubt PS4 is far more exciting as a consumer than the new Xbox sounds to be, and this is not 'jumping to conclusions' it's simply evaluating what we know about PS4 versus what we do know about Durango and then combing through the most reliable rumours we have.

PS4 has been designed so far in every way to be extremely friendly for developers, indies, consumers. There has genuinely not been a single shred of negative news about the system except maybe that their initial reveal could have used more exciting videogames, which most of us know we'll see at E3.

And why wouldn't we be excited for PS4? it's a gamers dream machine.

Well said.
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