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RUMOR: Sony E3 Conference Details Leaked: Uncharted, The Order, Guerrilla and more

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Incredibly Naive
This sounds unbelievable, it would be the best conference ever if that were all true. I definitely expect a good chunk of those though- UC, TLG, MM some sort of game, Drive club for sure, the order for sure, definitely something from project beast, and a couple others.


I almost would like it if someone leaked Nintendo's Digital Event lineup. On the other hand I still want to be surprised. This rumor is probable false though.

Part of the fun of E3 is the element of surprise. You have denied us this. Yes, we'll still be wowed by the trailers and graphics, but it could have been so much, much more.

Leaker, you are a douche and I hope you get caught and fired from wherever you work.

Calm down dude.
Yeah, some of them are very safe, but that shouldn't save them if Wipeout and/or Syphon Filter aren't shown. Especially Wipeout, this has given me a small glimmer of hope, if it doesn't happen, I demand a scalp.

They're going to say that the old Wipeout screenshot from Liverpool got mixed up with their insider info as their excuse when E3 rolls around.
Did you read the OP?

"The source also mentioned that the following publishers will be on stage: Rockstar (with Grand Theft Auto), Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Konami, Capcom, Warner Bros, Activision, Square Enix, Take Two."
A list of publishers is the easiest thing to come up with, out of everything.


"Going to be"? It already is.
420° blaze it, fanboys.

But really, that was inevitable. It'll be top story for the week probably.
If The Last Guardian is there, I'll eat a very large chocolate hat.

Seems like too much for one show, a lot of it seems obvious and others seem fanboyish.
As a sum, it sounds a bit too much like a fan wishlist.

The problem is some of these things will most definitely happen, as they were already hinted at for a long time or almost confirmed like Project Beast plus obvious things like Uncharted 3 trailer etc.

The "details" are very save bets for the case that the games themselves turn out to be true / be shown at E3. So that's not hinting at it being real at all. I already read pretty much all of this as theories on GAF or speculated it myself.

They try to downplay "take it with a grain of salt" etc. but they have the bolded part confirmed by two independent sources according to them. So if not least ALL of the bolded parts turn out to be true, they would seem to have shitty sources (or simply lied) and should not be listened to anymore here. Mostly to have a higher ratio of reliable "rumor" threads on GAF.


Jesus fuck if this is true then we are in for a treat.

Gone are the days of kinect and wonderbook presentations! (hopefully)
Did you read the OP?

"The source also mentioned that the following publishers will be on stage: Rockstar (with Grand Theft Auto), Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Konami, Capcom, Warner Bros, Activision, Square Enix, Take Two."

That would make the conference at least 5 hours. Not gonna happen. People need to take these rumors with a grain of salt sometimes.


Yawn. Sounds boring as fuck if it weren't so fake. Guess we gotta wait for MS or Nintendo to deliver the good stuff. If this is true though, the leaker just did Ninty and MS a big favor and they will respond accordingly.


No mention of indies? Considering Sony did a huge indie game push last year I'd be stunned if they didn't do it again this year. I don't believe this.
Price drop for the Vita?
hmmmm...well if that's true. I'm might as well hold out till after E3 to purchase a Vita. I have really been holding my trigger finger on that borderlands 2 bundle though.


Reads like something every GAFer could write. Not even a one surprise, everything is based on old and current rumors or speculations.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Aside from this being utterly ridiculous, the thing that most screams fake to me is the fact that it's all based upon rumours we already know about. I love how the Japan Studio section details two titles that are either already announced/leaked, and then the third is mysteriously "shrouded in secrecy". How come that game is shrouded in secrecy and yet the rest of the conference has supposedly "leaked"?

What a load of nonsense.
Damn if that's it, i'll be pretty disappointed. Not much exciting other than Project Beast.

I just punched myself to make sense of your trollish-bitter intervention. If anything, such a conference would DECIMATE MS...annihilate them completely. It is, in fact, too good to be true...
But you need a touch of objectivity to realize it.


The information is great and all but if they end with a sequel to The Last of Us, that doesn't really do anything for people that aren't already diehard Playstation lovers. I would really much rather see a new IP from them. Not that I don't WANT a sequel to Last of Us, its just that to me, in an age dominated by sequels, something new is always more interesting.
I doubt it, not because I don't believe all these games exist, but because the press conference would have to be 3 hours long. I mean stage demos, trailers, new ips. These things all need time, and 2 hours is kinda the maximum here.


Barlog just rejoined SSM last summer. I don't expect his game before 2016.
Not that I believe the leak, but MS and Sony have proved many times that teasers don't mean a game is close to completion. Last year trailer for BlackTusk turn out to be a game in its earliest stages and the same will happen to Gears this time.


Whether it's true or not; these kind of leaks take the wind out of any company's campaign and momentum.

Some of the content sounds quite plausible.
Why? They have two teams.

Announcing both before one is out could hurt marketing. They need to have all eyes on Uncharted 4, and then when it's released announce The Last of Us 2. Even if they are two different games, they are also by the same studio and they are not that much different.


Not that I believe the leak, but MS and Sony have proved many times that teasers don't mean a game is close to completion. Last year trailer for BlackTusk turn out to be a game in it earliest stages.

So early it turned out to be Gears of War.

But what you're saying is true.
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