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RUMOR: Sony E3 Conference Details Leaked: Uncharted, The Order, Guerrilla and more

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Sony fanfiction would read like:

Ni No Kuni 2
Dark Cloud 3
Shenmue 3
Yakuza 5 localized!
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Titanfall 2 or Sigma

This list sounds pretty predictable and ho-hum. Wipeout is not Mario Kart; this is what like the 10th game now? Who even cares about Syphon Filter?

you forgot exclusive ff7 remake :p


I read it with a smile until I saw The Last Guardian in there. No way in hell. I really hope it is, though.
So Sony is ONLY going to show 1st and 2nd party titles and exclusives at their conference


Also, the fact that the conference doesn't have destiny is pretty much a tell that this is fake. Sony is definitely gonna spend some time on their co-marketed BIG GAME OF 2014.

It's like people can't read

The source also mentioned that the following publishers will be on stage: Rockstar (with Grand Theft Auto), Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Konami, Capcom, Warner Bros, Activision, Square Enix, Take Two.


If true then I don't know how they'll be able to fit all of that in a single conference and it seems too good to be true... Prove me wrong Sony!


I'd be in the dick
I think this clarifies it.

Heavenly_King ‏@heavenly_King Apr 27
@corybarlog I want GOW4 to be awesome!! :D
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Cory Barlog ‏@corybarlog Apr 27
@heavenly_King me too!
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john boy ‏@johnboy34661029 Apr 29
@corybarlog @heavenly_King will we see a reveal at e3 then?
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Cory Barlog ‏@corybarlog Apr 30
@johnboy34661029 @heavenly_King nothing this e3 for my super secret awesome sauce, sorry. Might be a bit b 4 anything to show.

Barlog just rejoined SSM last summer. I don't expect his game before 2016.
Sony fanfiction would read like:

Ni No Kuni 2
Dark Cloud 3
Shenmue 3
Yakuza 5 localized!
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Titanfall 2 or Sigma

This list sounds pretty predictable and ho-hum. Wipeout is not Mario Kart; this is what like the 10th game now? Who even cares about Syphon Filter? QD already showed the dark sorceror thing last E3. The only real surprises would be TLG in 2014 and an exclusive game from Ninja Theory.



Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
Dualshockers is serious journalism


Lol 2gud2bethru

Syphon filter? Lol
Heavenly sword? Lol
TLG? Lol

While that said i think this is still possible. Maybe they know mgs was going multiplat so they wanter their own stealth game
If they make a Heavenly Sword 2 they better make the art style softer and more graceful.
I loathe Ninja Theory's love for high contrast imagery, all their games look okay at best to me no matter the tech. Also please make it full on Chinese in setting if they are going to reference martial arts or wuxia films.

Give me this:

in gameplay form please. :)

Pipe-dream of mine is for Sony to expand into China and open up a studio that targets purely on the Chinese market with artsy Wuxia and Romance of Three Kingdom games with amazing visuals and art direction. :)
Sony fanfiction would read like:

Ni No Kuni 2
Dark Cloud 3
Shenmue 3
Yakuza 5 localized!
Valkyria Chronicles 4
Titanfall 2 or Sigma

This list sounds pretty predictable and ho-hum. Wipeout is not Mario Kart; this is what like the 10th game now? Who even cares about Syphon Filter?

The fanfic writer wants it to be somewhat believable, that's the whole point of the 'leak'.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
I think this clarifies it.

Heavenly_King ‏@heavenly_King Apr 27
@corybarlog I want GOW4 to be awesome!! :D
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Cory Barlog ‏@corybarlog Apr 27
@heavenly_King me too!
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john boy ‏@johnboy34661029 Apr 29
@corybarlog @heavenly_King will we see a reveal at e3 then?
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Cory Barlog ‏@corybarlog Apr 30
@johnboy34661029 @heavenly_King nothing this e3 for my super secret awesome sauce, sorry. Might be a bit b 4 anything to show.

He's trolling, first he secretly confirms GoW4 and then it won't be at E3?! ...
Oh boy can't wait to spend $400 to play the same games we've been playing for 8 years

I know this isn't real, but just from what was announced here's some new shit to show that you're wrong

The Last Guardian
Guerilla's RPG
The Order 1886
Japan Studios other game
Media Molecule 's new title
Quantic Dream's title
And I even consider the reboot of Syphon Filter new


Seems too good to be true. Also no Destiny presence? Hmmm....

Wipeout coming back? DON'T PLAY WITH MY HEART! I CAN'T TAKE IT!


Looks like someone read neogaf for the last few weeks and compiled a massive list just to see the tears when most of it turns out to be false.


I'm more hyped for GTA than anything else. Maybe because that title would be available within weeks, along with TLoU. Only half the list would still be really exciting to say the least.
Why people are so hyped about GTA V on ps4? This game is not terrible but don't expect a masterpiece. It's the more linear GTA ever made. Believe me, you haven't missed so much.
Too good to be true...

Please be true...

I can't nail down what excites me the most, but i think its got to be Wipeout coming back. even if half are true that's an insane E3


First VC PS4, now this. How much more can we peasants endure?
I want my leaks but not out of someone's ass.

I'm glad this is fake though, GoW4? C'mon SSM, new mythology or gtfo.
The thing that gives it away as fake to me is the Vita price drop part. Doesn't really make sense to drop the price a month after releasing a new SKU.


I don't believe a word of it, every year these little documents always promise a new wipeout, plus I doubt the general public knows or cares about what happened at santa monica so there's no 'negative' stuff they need to dispell. Has Rockstar ever been at a E3? People have them listed for every event and conference ever and they are never there.


Might get a PS4 depending on certain releases. Syphon Filter would be great, for example. Yakuza 5 being localized would be amazing but I doubt its gonna happen. I like Uncharted but my interest in it cooled off even though I still need to beat 3. Same way I got a bit bored with Halo, I guess.
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