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RUMOR: Sony E3 Conference Details Leaked: Uncharted, The Order, Guerrilla and more

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The update adds Rockster, Take Two, Ubi and WB will join in on the fun.

I like to think half of that is bullshit.

Not announcements, obviously. Ubisoft will probably be there for Assassin's Creed gameplay. Warner Brothers was a big partner for trailers last year, too. Take Two/Rockstar doesn't seem too unlikely: Sony partnered up with them last year for advertising + bundles.



Part of the fun of E3 is the element of surprise. You have denied us this. Yes, we'll still be wowed by the trailers and graphics, but it could have been so much, much more.

Leaker, you are a douche and I hope you get caught and fired from wherever you work.
Good stuff if true, but at the same time I see a whole lot of titles for 2015. :( I'd be a bit disappointed with what we're getting in 2014 tbh.
Yosp: Maybe we should leak this.
Boyes: They'll never believe this.
Yosp: That's the point!
Boyes: ...that's gold Yoshida! Gold!

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Sounds too good to be true.


-Wonderbook sequel.
- PS4 PS eye camera project.
-No uncharted.


Uncharted - No interest.
God of War - unless completely new setting and new main hero ( not Kratos) no interest
Gran Turismo - no interest
Media Molecule - Could be interesting, though no interest in Morpheus
The Order - So far no interest in the game, hope the stage demo is good.
Wipeout - Yes please
The Syphon Filter reboot- yes please
Quantic Dream- so far no interest (geez visuals are not everything Sony)
TLG - I would be very mad if it wouldn't be at E3 this year
Project Beast - yes please.
New IPs - yes please.

Where are FF15 and Kingdom Hearts on the list though and Destiny? Edit: Oh the other quote.. no way there are so many on stage plus these games, the conference would be very long with also Vita, Morpheus, PS3 and media services in the show.

Though honestly those third party devs and studios that would be there sound more interesting so far then their first party line up


So Dualshockers went through the Sony E3 Predictions thread on GAF, picked the best ones and made a topic about that.

Hey everyone that posted on that thread are insider sources now. Congratulations everyone.

Even more depressing is that anyone believes this "source" even exist. It is essentially someone throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks.

And let's not talk that if that was true, the conference would have to be 5 hour length considering they have marketing deals that force them to give 5 minutes to Assassin's Creed, 10 minutes to Destiny, etc. Geez.


People can bet their asses that a chunk of the conference will be about Destiny. And with the other 3rd party stuff Sony is supposed to align all the 1st party heavy hitter announcements back to back?

Not in 90 min. People seem to forget the past E3s, where for every announcement, someone is walking on the stage etc. That shit eats a lot of time.

Also Sony will probably show 20 minutes of new Wonderbook DLC :p


This a 100x! It's really a double edged sword. Hell yes but also "DAMMIT! I spoiled it for myself," because there are some really cool reveals in this E3 if it is true.

Yup, watching the conference is like watching a TV show. Spoilers kind of bring it down.

But I couldn't resist.


How a rumor gets "double sourced":

Step 1) Person reads several strong rumors on GAF or elsewhere, that have a decent probability of being true: Project Beast, for example.

Step 2) Person adds such rumor to their own bullshit list, along with half a dozen other things that are completely made up

Step 3) Send it to a website and hope they publish it.

Step 4) Website "double sources" part of the list: Obviously, since the list was partially composed from other leaks anyways

And there you have it. A completely made up rumor sets GAF on fire by simply regurgitating things that already existed and spinning fanfiction on top of it.
ya know, if I were one of the major players at e3, I would actually get someone to pose as an "insider" and spread something like this in regard to the competition, just for the fact that they will obviously never live up to something like this, so no matter how good the conference actually is, if a rumor like this catches on, people will inevitably be disappointed
Too many 'not sures' to be true.

Contacts gave details on some titles but not sure who is developing them and on other occasions gave developers but not sure on the title of the game.

Sounds like fantasy.
They should be banned now for such fanboyish drivel

Hard to disagree with this.

The good thing about their leak is that it's somewhat safe. There's nothing in there that we didn't know. Developers are making games, surprise!

Well except for Wipeout and Syphon Filter.

And their "detailed info" is anything but. There's no detail or actual information in their leak.

Yeah, some of them are very safe, but that shouldn't save them if Wipeout and/or Syphon Filter aren't shown. Especially Wipeout, this has given me a small glimmer of hope, if it doesn't happen, I demand a scalp.


Uncharted - No interest.
God of War - unless completely new setting and new main hero ( not Kratos) no interest
Gran Turismo - no interest
Media Molecule - Could be interesting, though no interest in Morpheus
The Order - So far no interest in the game, hope the stage demo is good.
Wipeout - Yes please
The Syphon Filter reboot- yes please
Quantic Dream- so far no interest (geez visuals are not everything Sony)
TLG - I would be very mad if it wouldn't be at E3 this year
Project Beast - yes please.
New IPs - yes please.

Where are FF15 and Kingdom Hearts on the list though and Destiny?

There are SE and Activision as third party... Anyway is of course fake , no way that this list is real...
inFamous DLC with new powers sounds pretty plausible as well as a few of those things, but others are pretty clearly not going to happen.

Part of the fun of E3 is the element of surprise. You have denied us this. Yes, we'll still be wowed by the trailers and graphics, but it could have been so much, much more.

Leaker, you are a douche and I hope you get caught and fired from wherever you work.

Well. Good thing that list is far from real, and a bunch of the stuff we've known about for ages.
Definitely reads like fan fic, with a bunch of third party publishers tacked on at the end.

Also the lack of indies listed seems like the biggest oversight. Indies will continue to have a big presence at Sony's show.


Might get a PS4 depending on certain releases. Syphon Filter would be great, for example. Yakuza 5 being localized would be amazing but I doubt its gonna happen. I like Uncharted but my interest in it cooled off even though I still need to beat 3. Same way I got a bit bored with Halo, I guess.

The ship may have already sailed for Yakuza 5, but Ishin still has a chance!
Eh, there's plenty of time for Sony to rejigger their show. Most of the stuff listed is stuff we already knew was coming anyway, or was rumored to be coming. Anyone could have put this list together.
Either DualShockers has the worst "Insiders" ever, or this will be one of the greatest E3 Press conferences ever. I am going with the first statement.

I honestly cannot see why DualShockers is allowed. They do have some stuff that is true, but sometimes, they will report ANYTHING. I guess they are here to be the Yin to Polygon's Yang, keep everything in balance. The funny thing is, the PlayStation fan in me would love for all this to be totally true. It would be a fun conference.


Fuck me what a tease and will suck now if it's not true. It's almost everything one could hope for (outside of Crash).

Please, please happen!


So Sony is ONLY going to show 1st and 2nd party titles and exclusives at their conference


Did you read the OP?

"The source also mentioned that the following publishers will be on stage: Rockstar (with Grand Theft Auto), Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Konami, Capcom, Warner Bros, Activision, Square Enix, Take Two."
Honestly, nothing on this list is really surprising or unexpected, save Heavenly Sword 2 amd the Syphon Filter reboot. It's the volume that's hard to believe. I can't remember any E3 conference being so full of new reveals like that. I agree with the guy saying a wishlist would have stuff like Yakuza 5 in it.

But I wouldn't bet it's real. I'd be blown away of it were, and that hasn't happened since the web of lies that was E305.


Why people are so hyped about GTA V on ps4? This game is not terrible but don't expect a masterpiece. It's the more linear GTA ever made. Believe me, you haven't missed so much.

Yeah, one of the biggest and best open world games ever made revamped for more powerful hardware is "not missing much."
At first I was pissed that info leaked, then I realized it was pure nonsense. Oh we'll.

I'd kill villages for a Syphon filter sequel though.

Part of the fun of E3 is the element of surprise. You have denied us this. Yes, we'll still be wowed by the trailers and graphics, but it could have been so much, much more.

Leaker, you are a douche and I hope you get caught and fired from wherever you work.

Did the leaker make you click on this topic too? :p
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