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RUMOR: Sony E3 Conference Details Leaked: Uncharted, The Order, Guerrilla and more

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Good lord... I find this very hard to believe because of just how incredible it sounds.

I mean seriously, this isn't firing with both barrels - this guns in both hands, two triggers on the big toes, and a blowgun in their mouth. It would be tremendously huge.
Honestly, if this turns out to be fake,Dualshockers should be banned...

The good thing about their leak is that it's somewhat safe. There's nothing in there that we didn't know. Developers are making games, surprise!

Well except for Wipeout and Syphon Filter.

And their "detailed info" is anything but. There's no detail or actual information in their leak.


Sony who were tighter than a ducks butt last year let something like that leak, yeah no but an easily believable and logical list.


A lot of that is probably true, but I doubt they'll show it all at E3. No need to blow the first-party load just yet.

Still, no doubt Sony has a lot of exciting shit in the works and Project Beast is proof of that.



Because if true it will be the best E3 presentation ever created... I can't see Megaton after Megaton after Megaton being showed like that.


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
I wonder what kind of fanboy wrote that list
Sounds boring as hell honestly. Hopefully it isn't true.


Definitely reads like fanfic. Seems like way too much content for an hour and half, especially since other publishers are going to be involved. Although, I wouldn't be complaining if it does come true


We don't have to back up the dreams of 12 year old boys, they are the ones that have to provide evidence that it's true if a ridiculous list like this is to be believed.

Think about it, how can you fit all of this in one conference?

How come there's NO mention of any indie games?

Why do all the new games have the same vague description of how it "looks"?

Whoever wrote this spliced their own imagination with other, previously known and more likely rumors to give it more credibility. That doesn't make it double sourced, it just means that they read GAF.

Conference is 90 minutes. Trailers and game teases last 2-3 minutes max each. Still PLENTY of time for indies and Vita news.


None of that would surprise me. Sony and Microsoft are going to be slinging games like they grow on trees.

Interested in Uncharted and that Guerrilla Games RPG.


Well, now I understand why people are disappointed once the actual conferences roll around.

Wow at a vast, vast number of reactions in this thread.


On one hand, The Last Guardian invalidates the detail leak... on the other hand, anyone putting so much detail and effort into this would know that The Last Guardian automatically disqualifies it from being true, therefor the inclusion of TLG actually confirms that it's real... unless the person who did this knew that we knew that they knew that TLG was grounds for dismissal and that we would extrapolate that its addition to the list would prove it was real, therefor it's fake... however...
I want ALL of that to be true (except that Heavenly Sword 2 thing, that makes zero sense for all parties involved)

EDIT: The Heavenly Sword comment makes me think this is false


Seems reasonable and believable.

They forgot to mention Shenmue Trilogy and Crash Returns and a very likely $100 price cut on the PS4.
You know, regardless of whether this is all horeshit or not, I would love to see what Ninja Theory's got planned next. Tameem did appear in that sizzle reel all the way back during the PS4 reveal event, so they could well have a PS4 exclusive in the pipeline.

probably multiplatform though, which is fine obvsly.


The leak seems fake, but it's reasonable for most of that stuff (minus Gran Turismo, GoW 4 and Sony London new IP) to show up.


Wow, what a stupid fake leak, it gives absolutley no new info and just plays it safe, and lists all the Sony WWS.

I hope the MM info won't be right... What a disappointment

How do you mean? This is most likely what they will be doing. The Morpheus part does not mean the game cannot be played without it, but it will be great addition, just like Move was to the LBP.


You know actually most of this isn't impossible other than The Last Guardian and TLOU teaser. I don't even know how you would fit this into a press conference though.


I'm not believing this list, even though everything just sounds as a fairly predictable list of games.

For people that don't believe that TGL is coming, you need to stop that. Yoshida confirmed countless times that game is alive. They will need to get that out of the gates before end of 2015 for sure. 2014 is also possible,
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