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Rumour: Nintendo aiming for Zelda BotW release on June 16 (EUR), Switch release first

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Mario Kart 8 & Splatoon say hi, though they were technically released in late May 2014 & 2015 respectively.

Mario and Zelda are the crown jewels. These are the titles to launch a console with, but I suppose if it launches with a 3D Mario game all is well in the land of Nintendo.


After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!


After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!

If Zelda is at launch I fully expect Mario to be delayed.

Both at once plus Skyrim and whatever else they've got would be probably the greatest launch lineup in history, but I fear that the cumulative impact would be less than the sum of its parts.

Diminishing returns, if you will.
After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!

Do you think a Nintendo localizer would openly admit such, then divulge info?

Regardless, I'm not sure why Laura and Emily potentially being wrong on one thing means "they have no idea what they're talking about."
A summer release is pretty shocking actually. I can't remember a major console Zelda that didn't launch in November. I figured if not launch then 4th quarter for sure. I skipped the Wii u gen but might hop back on the Nintendo train for a new Zelda.

The best thing is that if Mario and Zelda come out in March/June, that means that Nintendo has another big game up it's sleeve for the holidays. Retro would have had nearly 4 years of development time at that point... What an amazing year it could be.
A summer release is pretty shocking actually. I can't remember a major console Zelda that didn't launch in November. I figured if not launch then 4th quarter for sure. I skipped the Wii u gen but might hop back on the Nintendo train for a new Zelda.

Wind Waker was March in the US


Zelda is a bad launch game. The only good thing about Zelda as a launch game is that shows the graphics potential of the machine.
A Zelda demo would make much more sense.

Nintendo need people to take the switch out and show it to friends and family.
Mario Kart makes a lot more sense.

Thats why TP only sold 8m copies right?
After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!

We know for a fact this person actually is a Nintendo localizer because...?


We know for a fact this person actually is a Nintendo localizer because...?

We don't. But it seems about as legit as the other "rumors" floating around out there. Plus, the "Nintendo localizer" is providing a concrete date and event which will apparently shoot her theory down. Can't imagine why someone would post this unless they know something she doesn't. Makes sense to me, anyway.


We don't. But it seems about as legit as the other "rumors" floating around out there. Plus, the "Nintendo localizer" is providing a concrete date and event which will apparently shoot her theory down. Can't imagine why someone would post this unless they know something she doesn't. Makes sense to me, anyway.

And she had people leaving comments back in September saying NX was going to be revealed on such and such a date and it would be AMD powered. Saying the date of a known presentation doesn't mean much.


We don't. But it seems about as legit as the other "rumors" floating around out there. Plus, the "Nintendo localizer" is providing a concrete date and event which will apparently shoot her theory down. Can't imagine why someone would post this unless they know something she doesn't. Makes sense to me, anyway.

Yeah why would someone go on the internet and just lie?

There's zero reason to trust comments on blog posts or youtube videos or anywhere without credibility or evidence. If you want to go believing random comments then there are plenty of other "insiders" replying to all sorts of Nintendo rumors.
We don't. But it seems about as legit as the other "rumors" floating around out there. Plus, the "Nintendo localizer" is providing a concrete date and event which will apparently shoot her theory down. Can't imagine why someone would post this unless they know something she doesn't. Makes sense to me, anyway.

My uncle commented anonymously saying he works for Nintendo and that the anonymous person claiming Emily Rogers' source is wrong is wrong.

I seriously don't get how Emily can have predicted so much about the Switch down to the dot and apparently random anonymous commenters making vague, non-committal statements are now as credible as she is.
After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!
I'd be shocked if they aren't being fed misinformation. Most if not all major leakers run into that.
And she had people leaving comments back in September saying NX was going to be revealed on such and such a date and it would be AMD powered. Saying the date of a known presentation doesn't mean much.

I forgot all about this.

I think SMD even latched on to one of the comments as "evidence" too.

Confirmation biases running amuck in here.



there's another 'mario game' set for launch in the rabbids rpg, mario kart will probably hit even earlier than mario to help sell the multiplayer aspects of the machine, and 3d mario is a pretty big bullet to use later on for a mainstream audience versus zelda. i think mario is going to be a summer title, like sunshine and nsmb2 were.

I don't see how a Mario Rabbids RPG out beats a 3d Mario. Mario Kart for sure, but as I said, if they have two games, a 3D Mario and a Zelda, the 3D Mario will be the one. More marketable and sells more.


Zelda seemed perfect to push the console through the midyear (~3 months after launch in my imagination) leading to strong mind share approaching Christmas.
I've been annoyed with Nintendo many times and for many different reasons, but this is the first time I'm truly disgusted with them. Its pathetic that they delayed Zelda beyond the life of the Wii U. They've never gone a generation without a zelda game. I'm not sure they've ever gone without a metroid game either. And When the success of your system is dependent upon 1st party games, it's not surprising that the wii u struggled without one of its biggest sellers. What a bunch of gits.


I've been annoyed with Nintendo many times and for many different reasons, but this is the first time I'm truly disgusted with them. Its pathetic that they delayed Zelda beyond the life of the Wii U. They've never gone a generation without a zelda game. I'm not sure they've ever gone without a metroid game either. And When the success of your system is dependent upon 1st party games, it's not surprising that the wii u struggled without one of its biggest sellers. What a bunch of gits.

I don't think they just delayed it to push the Switch. This is easily the most ambitious game Nintendo has ever produced. It's MUCH larger then any other Zelda and took a much larger development team to make. I really don't think Nintendo kept delaying the game intentionally. It just worked out that way.


I'm going to be a bit upset if this happens considering the whole reason I got a Wii U was for this one game. I've enjoyed a few other games, but it's really all been leading to Zelda.
I've been annoyed with Nintendo many times and for many different reasons, but this is the first time I'm truly disgusted with them. Its pathetic that they delayed Zelda beyond the life of the Wii U. They've never gone a generation without a zelda game. I'm not sure they've ever gone without a metroid game either. And When the success of your system is dependent upon 1st party games, it's not surprising that the wii u struggled without one of its biggest sellers. What a bunch of gits.

The life of the Wii U was 2015.


Nintendo never released two or more new AAA 1st party games for the same console in the same month(don't forget that Splatoon port might even come out on launch too). And its for a good reason. Its dumb. Its gonna cannibalize sales of other 1st party and even 3rd party games, so its good to spread it out on different months, which also helps against droughts. Not to mention, Switch's 3rd support has already double of what Wii U at launch. More than likely the Switch will get much better and more games than the Wii U ever did at launch.

This is a brand new platform coming from an extremely vulnerable company, utilizing a wildly new product and marketing strategy. Using what Nintendo has done in the past to predict what they'll do next to such a specific degree is senseless.


We don't. But it seems about as legit as the other "rumors" floating around out there. Plus, the "Nintendo localizer" is providing a concrete date and event which will apparently shoot her theory down. Can't imagine why someone would post this unless they know something she doesn't. Makes sense to me, anyway.

Anyone could say that because we all know the event and date. LKD and Emily have been pretty spot on. At this point in time I'd trust them over anything posted in these forums by an unverified employee.


I don't see how a Mario Rabbids RPG out beats a 3d Mario. Mario Kart for sure, but as I said, if they have two games, a 3D Mario and a Zelda, the 3D Mario will be the one. More marketable and sells more.

just thinking about strategy.

they want early adopters to create a big buzz about the system, and their sights aren't set on record sales (2m worldwide). zelda does that better than mario - especially an open world zelda that's been getting huge buzz already thanks (or in spite of?) three years of promotion.

with mario rabbids rpg, i don't think there's any better time than to release it at launch. that's the sort of thing that's a weird novelty and needs the launch window to sell. people might pick it up as though it was a mario platformer instead of the one that's coming later. they sort of did the same thing with super paper mario and super mario galaxy in 2007.

and i think it makes sense to keep that ball rolling with mario kart a month or two afterwards. regardless, within six months it sounds like there will be three mario games. something in the summer to keep momentum up is probably better from their standpoint than to shove all of the original games into launch and have only wii u up-ports through the rest of 2017.


I'm going to be a bit upset if this happens considering the whole reason I got a Wii U was for this one game. I've enjoyed a few other games, but it's really all been leading to Zelda.

How about next time you wait until the game you want is out before buying the console for it. Sounds like a good idea right? Then you won't have to be upset ever again.

I can't see how they won't have Zelda ready for launch what with all the marketing stuff being only Zelda. It'd be crazy to put up all the store promos at this date and still have a delay.
It's just... you know actions speak louder than words:

Zelda was the Switch game demoed a few weeks ago on Jimmy Fallon
Zelda is the game on the Switch screen in all official marketing materials
Zelda was demoed at the Game Awards and was given a new trailer

Zelda is still the only officially confirmed Nintendo Switch game coming from first-party (but obviously the ones in the reveal trailer are all-but-confirmed)

So after Fallon, I started to wonder if maybe Zelda really isn't a launch title. Then, with marketing materials starting to show up at various retailers and Zelda is the game being played on the screen...just seems like why always pick that game if it's not what you want people to get pumped for?


June's not too bad. I was afraid they pushed it to the second half of 2017.

This game was in development concurrently with Skyward Sword. It's not like they're optimizing code for bleeding-edge tech. Release a product already!
After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!

These Ladies had been right with very specific details, so they definitely have some sources. At least they are more believable than a random quote from a guy who post a comment on Twitter...


This game was in development concurrently with Skyward Sword. It's not like they're optimizing code for bleeding-edge tech. Release a product already!

it wasn't? skyward sword was finished in the early parts of 2011. they were still experimenting with the look of breath of the wild in late 2012, which is what led to tww hd.

edit: as for the release date, i can imagine that if nintendo was trying to get the game out with efigs, that it would definitely screw with the release of the game. i bet that saying '2017' and not setting sights on 'march' in particular was a way to hedge bets just in case the game had to be pushed back.

El Topo

It's their big flagship title and it has been the focus of their marketing. Of course it will have a simultaneous global release.
After Emily Rogers posted her article saying that the game would miss the Switch launch window due to localization issues, a person posted this as a comment on the article:

"Believe what you want, but as a localizer for Nintendo I can tell you that you may be misguided. I guess you will have to wait for our upcoming event on January 12th."

And now we have Laura Kate hem and hawing over something she had originally heard from an inside source. It sounds like neither of these ladies know what they are talking about, "inside sources" or not. Guess we'll find out soon enough on January 12th!

This is like the Smash roster leak that was almost 100% right but had a little bit wrong so everyone started saying the person had zero idea what they were talking about.

Both of these people have proven they have reliable sources time and time again. Being wrong once in a while doesn't negate everything they've said. I find it laughable that you'd believe a random poster with no history that *says* they're a localization member over someone who has consistently broken accurate news.

From what I understand, Laura's sources are mostly NOE, and that's where her info that Zelda wouldn't make launch came from, and even then it was a *might not*.


March (Launch)
Super Mario 128
Wave Race
Spla2oon (Pack in)
Monster Hunter XX
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim
Borderlands Handsome Collection
Trine Trilogy
Just Dance

Mario VS Rabbids RPG

Mario Kart Switch
Tekken 7

The Legend of Zelda BotW
Injustice 2

Fire Emblem Warriors
Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Xenoblade X

Pikmin 4

Mario Maker
Sonic 2017

Pokémon Stars
Rare New IP

Lots of enhanced ports but enough new games to not complain. We have Mario 128, Zelda, Rare New IP and Pikmin 4 all in one year.


I'd definitely be cautious about the rumors until the event. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo themselves are spreading false rumors to leakers to confuse or stop them from leaking too many things. I don't know how likely that scenario is, but if I was running something so leaky, I'd probably sanction something similar


This is like the Smash roster leak that was almost 100% right but had a little bit wrong so everyone started saying the person had zero idea what they were talking about.

Both of these people have proven they have reliable sources time and time again. Being wrong once in a while doesn't negate everything they've said. I find it laughable that you'd believe a random poster with no history that *says* they're a localization member over someone who has consistently broken accurate news.

From what I understand, Laura's sources are mostly NOE, and that's where her info that Zelda wouldn't make launch came from, and even then it was a *might not*.

And I find it laughable that you find it laughable. Look, you believe who you want and I'll believe who I want. Deal?

Perhaps I spoke out of line with my earlier post, so my apologies to Emily and Laura and all those posters whose feathers were obviously ruffled. Let the speculation and rumors commence/continue!
I would like Zelda as soon as I can get it, so I'm not complaining. If it isn't a launch title, well, that's what we were operating on, anyway. Just ten days until the presentation!


They've been showing too much Zelda lately and I don't think that's because they have no other announced game to show.

I think and hope that, at least NOA, will launch it in march
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