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RUMOUR: Xbox One version of Call of Duty: Ghosts is 720p, PS4 version is 1080p?

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I for one am glad that Microsoft got a handle on this madness.

1080p is just wayyyy too many pixels - how can anyone appreciate a game that's displayed over 1920 x 1080 aka 2,073,600 pixels?!!! Even if it's only 30FPS that means you have to deal with OVER 60 MILLION PIXELS every second.

Just as the human thumb can't comfortably deal with a screen size any bigger than an iPhone, the human brain can't handle that many pixels.

Sony, you dun goofed! Lol!


Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Here's my question. Is it more that:

1. Oh shit, CoD doesn't even run in 1080p on XBO, how will better games run?
2. IW can't get CoD running in 1080p on XBO because it's a cross-gen game, and the engine is not optimized for the new architecture?

There may be more than one side to this. I'm curious what other devs have to say, what other games are running at. If Halo 5 is running at 1080p 60FPS does that mean this CoD issue was more on IW and their engine?


love on your sleeve
How long till IGN updates their media player with the new quality settings?





I don't give two shits about COD. My concern is the Xbox One having trouble with it. If COD is having issues, then that is an ill omen for multiplats in general. Imagine the more demanding ones.

That settles it. I'm sticking to my original plans and getting a PS4 first and will check out the Xbox One at a price drop down the road. It has some neat looking games, but they can wait. I'm just getting more bad mojo vibes from this console than I am anything positive.


Yes. The PS4 version is still 15 spots higher than the Xbox one version.

Thanks for point that out.

Christ people can post gifs of Ballmer as Dr evil saying he is sabotaging the xb1 and I post a link to amazon, in jest, and people get all offended. I should hit the sarcasm tag "/s" on that.

Ok. I won't do that anymore.

I still refuse to truly believe the rumor fwiw


This stuff is getting so tiresome. If you add up what the internet thinks "casuals" and "the average consumer" don't care about, you end up with a group of people who don't care about graphics, don't care about interfaces, don't care about framerate, don't care about paywalls, don't read internet forums, don't read gaming magazines, don't research $500 purchases, and don't talk to their friends. I'm led to believe that there's millions of non-sapient grey blobs wiggling around and accidentally dropping money at Gamestop who somehow make up the majority of gamers.

Haha, this is so true.
People want to measure the power of Xbox One based on Call of Duty?

That's joke right? It is obvious that if the rumor is true, it's not lack of power.

If it's true, there's no reason to assume the PS4 one had more work put into it. So the reasoning would be that the PS4 has the power to brute-force the poorly optimized engine at 1080p, but the Xbox One doesn't.

OG Loc

This is when Gaf is at its best. When we're all waiting for the other shoe to drop. We had it earlier with the Driveclub delay and it's back again.
I guess this is part of the road to a next gen console launch.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Remarkable that everyone is jumping on the 720p thing, but the OS rumour, which is the far more worrying one, is getting mostly ignored. "Crashes or hangs once per session"? Let's hope that's not true.


How in THE HELL is Ryse pushing 900p with those goddamn visuals then?

Seems to me like we should wait for a full picture.

If true then...idk what to think. It has to be an Activision issue. Forza is 1080p and GHOST doesn't look anywhere as good.

Jesus MS

Exactly, is this an MS issue or an IW one?


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I'll wait for real confirmation before I get too excited.
Lol, why would you be happy? This wouldn't be a good thing.

Happy at the news? No, I don't give two fucks about resolution in games so long as they're not sub-HD.

No, my amusement stems from the reactions of those who DO care about resolution, and imagining how they will be reacting should this prove true.
This. Amazing that they continue to get away with this - even on new hardware.

CoD, Madden, other annualized franchises... They don't push things because they don't need to. Their momentum is more like a sport than it is in innovation. That said, I think it's pretty problematic if that sort of title is leading to performance problems.


Still finding this hard to believe. If this turns out to be true, and word gets out, Sony will have a lot more pre-orders to fulfill.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
its not a shit engine. its just not flashy. its been highly optimised to get good famerates and the engine has always scaled up well on pc's

its pretty shit at this point. the new "next-gen" engine if it has really high pc specs and can only run at 720p on x1 is garbage. it doesnt look good. everyone bagged on it when it was assumed to be 1080p.

i should add that it may be a shit engine for x1, but still, others are getting far better results at higher res


I don't give two shits about COD. My concern is the Xbox One having trouble with it. If COD is having issues, then that is an ill omen for multiplats in general. Imagine the more demanding ones.

That settles it. I'm sticking to my original plans and getting a PS4 first and will check out the Xbox One at a price drop down the road. It has some neat looking games, but they can wait. I'm just getting more bad mojo vibes from this console than I am anything positive.

Don't make any plans until we get this news confirmed or not? Seriously, this is just a RUMOUR for a reason :p

This stuff is getting so tiresome. If you add up what the internet thinks "casuals" and "the average consumer" don't care about, you end up with a group of people who don't care about graphics, don't care about interfaces, don't care about framerate, don't care about paywalls, don't read internet forums, don't read gaming magazines, don't research $500 purchases, and don't talk to their friends. I'm led to believe that there's millions of non-sapient grey blobs wiggling around and accidentally dropping money at Gamestop who somehow make up the majority of gamers.

Heh, it does seem that way, doesn't it? Your imagery at the end of the non-sapient grey blobs was hilarious. I think I'm going to like you, Fallom :D


If true, I think it speaks more to the rushed nature of the xbox one launch rather than anything else.

I find it hard to believe they wouldn't get COD sorted given it is not anything new. After all, 1080p has been achievable for a long time on pretty modest PCs.

That's what doesn't make sense to me either. Then again, the recommended PC specs for Ghosts is quite a bit higher than I would have anticipated (560ti minimum wtf?) so who knows.

If it really is 720p, I suspect it has to do with optimization and not necessarily total console performance (not that it will stop anyone from believing as much). Either way it's a shit show if true.


$10 says Microsoft launches a new console within five years. I mean, if true, this is some shameful shit they won't be able to live through year after year for eight years like they did with the 360.


How in THE HELL is Ryse pushing 900p with those goddamn visuals then?

Seems to me like we should wait for a full picture.

If true then...idk what to think. It has to be an Activision issue. Forza is 1080p and GHOST doesn't look anywhere as good.

Jesus MS
One game is exclusive to one platform. The other is coming out on six.
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