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-=-=->S P O I L E R S<-=-=- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Spoiler Thread


I thought it was more like Demise would reincarnate to haunt Link and Zelda's descendants?
only the 3 triforce holders seem to reincarnate through the ages, so it definitely has something to do with demise... or ganondorf's curse at the end of ocarina and the triforce if you are old schooL

EDIT:forgot impa... Although they mainly share the name and little else


Speaking of Impa's various appearances; it was a tiny bit disappointing how similar all of the Sheikah looked when you consider how much Impa herself has varied over the course of the series - Skyward Sword, OoT and the Oracles games' incarnations couldn't be more different. And then you have more minor variations like the ALBW one's purple hair. I can understand that they might want to have the Sheikah share a standardised appearance to establish their identity as a tribe; since this is the first time they've been featured as a society, but that variation in appearance while sharing the same underlying theme was what made the idea of showing their larger civilisation interesting - it would have been amazing if they could have depicted a group in which the previous Impas and Sheik; with their breadth of appearances and clothing styles, didn't look out of place.


only the 3 triforce holders seem to reincarnate through the ages, so it definitely has something to do with demise... or ganondorf's curse at the end of ocarina and the triforce if you are old schooL

EDIT:forgot impa... Although they mainly share the name and little else
And Beedle! He's always the same!


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Turns out Tingle is the real hero and Beedle is Demise's hatred.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


I thought it was more like Demise would reincarnate to haunt Link and Zelda's descendants?

I really don't like how how people have jumped on the reincarnation thing since Skyward Sword. Demise curses those who share the blood of the goddess and the spirit of the hero to be followed by an incarnation of his hatred, but there nothing explicitly saying everyone is reincarnating. Zelda in SS specifically is a reincarnation of Hylia, but her descendants just inherit the blood of the goddess and her powers but are their own people. Likewise, the Heroes are just those that embody the spirit of the hero; ie the most courageous person. They used spirit instead because the Heroes likely aren't all blood-related so instead they are related by being being similar in spirit. It would be weird if all the Links were blood-related because if they hook up with the Zeldas how does it get to the point where the next Link isn't royal blood? Demise just said his hatred would always exist. Demise himself was sealed inside the Master Sword.

We even have examples of multiple Links and Zeldas interacting with eachother. Zelda 2 had 2 living Zeldas at the same time. In Wind Waker Link is not related to the Hero of Time at all and the Hero of Time's spirit left that timeline altogether. In Twilight Princess Link gets lessons from the ghost of the Hero of Time. In Spirit Tracks Zelda prays to Tetra. In BotW the Goddess Hylia talks to you as a separate entity from Zelda.

So yeah, I don't buy the idea of reincarnation.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Yeah, the Wind Waker people got screwed over because they thought the reincarnation theory was true

"We'll just wait for the Hero of Time"



I kinda feel like Ganondorf should just team up with Link and Zelda some point because I bet he's pretty annoyed constantly being reincarnated and defeated due to some grudge of some old dude.
I kinda feel like Ganondorf should just team up with Link and Zelda some point because I bet he's pretty annoyed constantly being reincarnated and defeated due to some grudge of some old dude.

I'd actually be down for a Zelda game that Ganondorf is in, but isn't the villain.


I'd actually be down for a Zelda game that Ganondorf is in, but isn't the villain.

A Zelda game where Link and Dorf begin as student and mentor and they walk diferent paths towards a commom objective but diferent points of view is my Zelda wet dream now.
With the actual wording Demise uses at the end of Skyward Sword, you could argue that literally any main villain Link has ever fought is Demise incarnate (except maybe Link's Awakening?). It's not always the same dude, it's just never ending evil and hatred will always be there to follow Link and Zelda.

I kinda feel like Ganondorf should just team up with Link and Zelda some point because I bet he's pretty annoyed constantly being reincarnated and defeated due to some grudge of some old dude.

I'd actually be down for a Zelda game that Ganondorf is in, but isn't the villain.

Legend of Zelda: Invasion had what appeared to be Ganondorf and Link working together against the aliens. We gotta petition Nintendo to actually make that!!!


I thought it was more like Demise would reincarnate to haunt Link and Zelda's descendants?

That's exactly what it is. I think a few people are just being willfully obtuse about it because the idea of reincarnation in the series bothers them for some reason.

Ganondorf explicitly calls Link "the Hero of Time reborn" in Wind Waker. Zelda in Skyward Sword was explicitly a reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. Hyrule Historia specifically includes a manga that portrays SS Link as the reincarnation of some past Link. Demise's "incarnation of my hatred" phrase is actually highlighted in his dialogue, as if to hint at something obvious like Ganondorf. The Japanese term for Spirit of the Hero is synonymous with "soul". Even Ganon is flat-out stated to reincarnate on multiple occasions officially, even as recently as BotW.

Reincarnation has been a long-running theme in the series for over a decade now.


That's exactly what it is. I think a few people are just being willfully obtuse about it because the idea of reincarnation in the series bothers them for some reason.

Ganondorf explicitly calls Link "the Hero of Time reborn" in Wind Waker. Zelda in Skyward Sword was explicitly a reincarnation of the goddess Hylia. Hyrule Historia specifically includes a manga that portrays SS Link as the reincarnation of some past Link. Demise's "incarnation of my hatred" phrase is actually highlighted in his dialogue, as if to hint at something obvious like Ganondorf. The Japanese term for Spirit of the Hero is synonymous with "soul". Even Ganon is flat-out stated to reincarnate on multiple occasions officially, even as recently as BotW.

Reincarnation has been a long-running theme in the series for over a decade now.
Wind Waker Link literally cannot be a reincarnation because the Hero of Time was completely removed from that timeline. Everyone else says that he has no relationship to the Hero of Time. Ganondorf is obviously being figurative.

None of the mangas are canon.

Demise is sealed inside the Master Sword. You can be an incarnation of something without being a literal magical incarnation of it. Ganon does reincarnate, and it's clear that he's obviously meant to be the same character across his incarnations. Links and Zeldas are all different characters who, as I pointed out earlier, have had multiples coexisting.

Astral Dog

Demise was designed to resemble Ganondorf oer Hyrule Hystoria,look at this dude



Aonuma also said SS would explain Ganon in OoT


HW Ganondorf is such a badass design, probably my favorite for the character yet. It's very clearly based on Demise tho, I found it funny how Ghirahim instantly associates him with "his master".

I wouldn't mind if they used a similar design in a canon game, but people hate SS so much that I don't know if it's possible lol (hell I don't even know if we'll see Ganondorf proper again at all).

By the way, what was there to explain about Ganon in OoT?


HW Ganondorf is such a badass design, probably my favorite for the character yet. It's very clearly based on Demise tho, I found it funny how Ghirahim instantly associates him with "his master".

I wouldn't mind if they used a similar design in a canon game, but people hate SS so much that I don't know if it's possible lol (hell I don't even know if we'll see Ganondorf proper again at all).

By the way, what was there to explain about Ganon in OoT?

It explained how a normal-looking Gerudo dude became the pig monster of the 2D games.


I always thought that if the guy was raised by witches, is green, can float and play energy ball tennis with a cape then he might as well turn into a giant pig when angry. Plus triforce of power.

But hey whatever Aonuma wants.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
"Explain Ganon" is so vague that it could mean anything. I still think he's a guy who inherited the curse of hatred, not a literal reincarnation.


Membero Americo
Wind Waker Link literally cannot be a reincarnation because the Hero of Time was completely removed from that timeline. Everyone else says that he has no relationship to the Hero of Time. Ganondorf is obviously being figurative.

None of the mangas are canon.

Demise is sealed inside the Master Sword. You can be an incarnation of something without being a literal magical incarnation of it. Ganon does reincarnate, and it's clear that he's obviously meant to be the same character across his incarnations. Links and Zeldas are all different characters who, as I pointed out earlier, have had multiples coexisting.

Demise doesn't reincarnate. His HATRED for the Goddess does. That's what his curse is all about, written clear as day in the Skyward Sword dialogue.
First post in this thread. been playing Zelda non stop since i got it.
100 hours of playtime now....

This game man, this game!!!!

I just caught my first Blue horse, Lord of the Mountain. ITS AWESOME.
Any use for him outside of being fast and not being able to register him.


Is Explain Ganon a hidden boss?

That's what the Golden Poo you get from finding all 900 Korok seeds unlocks, you have to throw it at Calamity Ganon to unlock Explain Ganon.

He becomes super confused and through out the battle he's in a panic demanding you to explain why the hell you did that.


I would say that despite his father actually asking you to save her, zelda in this game is not a damsel in distress.. but this has probably be discussed to death already while I was avoiding this thread because I had not finish the game


Every time Aonuma opens his mouth I get sad. Dude is the kind of creator that just can't leave a good thing alone, and pretty much every change he made to MM 3D was to it's detriment. Not surprising that he thought something like SS was necessary to explain OoT's Ganon.


Wind Waker Link literally cannot be a reincarnation because the Hero of Time was completely removed from that timeline. Everyone else says that he has no relationship to the Hero of Time. Ganondorf is obviously being figurative.

None of the mangas are canon.

Demise is sealed inside the Master Sword. You can be an incarnation of something without being a literal magical incarnation of it. Ganon does reincarnate, and it's clear that he's obviously meant to be the same character across his incarnations. Links and Zeldas are all different characters who, as I pointed out earlier, have had multiples coexisting.

"Content in Hyrule Historia isn't canon because I said so! We shouldn't take Ganondorf's statement at face value despite me having no way to substantiate that! Even though reincarnation is a magical concept, people can't reincarnate in one timeline if they move to another timeline because I said so! Demise can't be reincarnated because his body was sealed inside a sword and because it doesn't work with how I arbitrarily define reincarnation and also despite Aonuma specifically confirming that he's Ganon's origin!"

That's what I got out of your post. Honestly it's pretty clear to me that you're just moving the goalposts here and completely disregarding or reinterpreting things that are inconvenient for your argument.

The only time two Links actually coexisted was in Twilight Princess, and that was A) in some other realm which could have been Link's mind for all we know, and B) a game where one Link was a blood descendant of the other anyway.


"Content in Hyrule Historia isn't canon because I said so! We shouldn't take Ganondorf's statement at face value despite me having no way to substantiate that! Even though reincarnation is a magical concept, people can't reincarnate in one timeline if they move to another timeline because I said so! Demise can't be reincarnated because his body was sealed inside a sword and because it doesn't work with how I arbitrarily define reincarnation and also despite Aonuma specifically confirming that he's Ganon's origin!"

That's what I got out of your post. Honestly it's pretty clear to me that you're just moving the goalposts here and completely disregarding or reinterpreting things that are inconvenient for your argument.

The only time two Links actually coexisted was in Twilight Princess, and that was A) in some other realm which could have been Link's mind for all we know, and B) a game where one Link was a blood descendant of the other anyway.

The Akira Himekawa manga aren't canon. Everyone else in WW says the opposite of Ganondorf. Demise doesn't talk about his reincarnation, he talks about an incarnation. Aonuma only said it would explain Ganondorf, which it does. Ganondorf is an incarnation of that hate. Or maybe Chancellor Cole is also a reincarnation of Demise?


The Akira Himekawa manga aren't canon. Everyone else in WW says the opposite of Ganondorf. Demise doesn't talk about his reincarnation, he talks about an incarnation. Aonuma only said it would explain Ganondorf, which it does. Ganondorf is an incarnation of that hate. Or maybe Chancellor Cole is also a reincarnation of Demise?

The manga I'm referring to was specifically created for and included within Hyrule Historia. Why shouldn't it be considered canon? Seems like an arbitrary exclusion.

Nobody in Wind Waker says the opposite of Ganondorf. Everybody says that Link isn't blood related to the Hero of Time, which is obviously true and doesn't contradict Ganondorf's statement.

Aonuma said it explains Ganondorf because Ganondorf is clearly an incarnation of Demise's hatred. That's still a kind of reincarnation and nobody said it was symbolic.


but if he is the same gaonon as in wind waker,why the hell he doesn't transform during the last battle in wind waker'
you would think that he would do a lot more damage as a big giant boar...even though now that i think about it the boar form in breath of the wild is a joke,so probably it's good fot him that he didn't embarass himself with that.
I always figured that he needed to be holding the Triforce of Power in order to perform the transformation. Could also be that he underestimated Link and Tetra. After all, they were just two children around 10 years of age who Ganondorf had easily wiped the floor with previously in Forsaken Fortress completely unarmed.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Demise is more like a force of nature even in his own game, his appearance even changes depending on who sees him. Ganon is clearly his own self.

The manga in HH is not canon (which is kind of dumb considering it's in a lore book, but what are you gonna do)


The manga I'm referring to was specifically created for and included within Hyrule Historia. Why shouldn't it be considered canon? Seems like an arbitrary exclusion.
All of the Akira Himekawa manga are loose adaptations of their respective games, constantly contradicting them. While the Skyward Sword one is slightly different, being a prequel, it still contradicts the game.

Hylia in the backstory given in the game was injured fighting Demise and sent Skyloft to the sky, things that Hylia's Chosen does instead in the manga.


The manga in HH is not canon (which is kind of dumb considering it's in a lore book, but what are you gonna do)

The lore book thing is kind of my whole point though. If the manga is included in and was created for an official lore book written and authorized by Nintendo staff, why wouldn't we consider that manga canon? Where in Hyrule Historia does it say "Disregard this manga we included, it's not canon"?

Just saying it's by Akira Himekawa doesn't say anything.


The manga I'm referring to was specifically created for and included within Hyrule Historia. Why shouldn't it be considered canon? Seems like an arbitrary exclusion.

Nobody in Wind Waker says the opposite of Ganondorf. Everybody says that Link isn't blood related to the Hero of Time, which is obviously true and doesn't contradict Ganondorf's statement.

Aonuma said it explains Ganondorf because Ganondorf is clearly an incarnation of Demise's hatred. That's still a kind of reincarnation and nobody said it was symbolic.

I think the curse is tied to the Triforce. It started with Hylia, her protector, and Demise. And Skyward Sword is the first in the series which has Hylia reborn, a hero and a sealed evil being released.

The first re-incarnation of Hylia emerging within future Zeldas starts with SS;
The promise of future Evil emerging from Demise's hatred begins with SS;
The first Hero features in SS, and the forging of the Master Sword and Fi inhabiting it, setting the precident for future Heroes to be chosen by the Sword.


The lore book thing is kind of my whole point though. If the manga is included in and was created for an official lore book written and authorized by Nintendo staff, why wouldn't we consider that manga canon? Where in Hyrule Historia does it say "Disregard this manga we included, it's not canon"?

Just saying it's by Akira Himekawa doesn't say anything.
Please read my posts.


"Content in Hyrule Historia isn't canon because I said so! We shouldn't take Ganondorf's statement at face value despite me having no way to substantiate that! Even though reincarnation is a magical concept, people can't reincarnate in one timeline if they move to another timeline because I said so! Demise can't be reincarnated because his body was sealed inside a sword and because it doesn't work with how I arbitrarily define reincarnation and also despite Aonuma specifically confirming that he's Ganon's origin!"

That's what I got out of your post. Honestly it's pretty clear to me that you're just moving the goalposts here and completely disregarding or reinterpreting things that are inconvenient for your argument.

The only time two Links actually coexisted was in Twilight Princess, and that was A) in some other realm which could have been Link's mind for all we know, and B) a game where one Link was a blood descendant of the other anyway.

Hyrule Historia does not present the manga as canon, just as a bonus. The manga is created by the same group that made mangas for every Zelda game and none of them are canon. They are very loosely based on the source material and deviate wildly from the games. The Skyward Sword manga is no different and is full of inconsistencies with Skyward Sword. The biggest one being that the Master Sword is in the manga despite it, you know, not existing until it is created in Skyward Sword.

If the spirit that is being reincarnated is completely removed from existence how can it reincarnate? If this is not a problem why does the flood happen in the first place? Was the Hero of Time just being a dick? Why does the analysis of the gods and King of Hyrule not matter? Everyone else says he's not related to the Hero of Time.

To reincarnate obviously a spirit needs to be available to do so. Reincarnating is to take flesh again. Seals are made to trap spirits and prevent this from happening. Seals have to be broken for this to happen in all the games where a sealed spirit reincarnates. Furthermore, Demise does not say HE will reincarnate. He says that an incarnation of his hatred will exist throughout time. Thus SS explains Ganondorf as fulfillment of this curse, as Ganondorf is even more full of hate than Demise was.

Adventure of Link: Generations of Princess Zeldas exist while one sleeps.
Twilight Princess: Double Link action.
Spirit Tracks: Zelda prays to Tetra and Tetra answers the prayers.
BotW: Hylia talks to you and blesses you via goddess statues. Also Zelda's mom and supposedly every female born in the royal family had the goddess powers.


Please read my post.

"With a single swing of the sword, the goddess Hylia rent the earth" - the manga credits the creation of Skyloft to Hylia, not Link.

Hyrule Historia does not present the manga as canon, just as a bonus. The manga is created by the same group that made mangas for every Zelda game and none of them are canon. They are very loosely based on the source material and deviate wildly from the games. The Skyward Sword manga is no different and is full of inconsistencies with Skyward Sword. The biggest one being that the Master Sword is in the manga despite it, you know, not existing until it is created in Skyward Sword.

If the spirit that is being reincarnated is completely removed from existence how can it reincarnate? If this is not a problem why does the flood happen in the first place? Was the Hero of Time just being a dick? Why does the analysis of the gods and King of Hyrule not matter? Everyone else says he's not related to the Hero of Time.

To reincarnate obviously a spirit needs to be available to do so. Reincarnating is to take flesh again. Seals are made to trap spirits and prevent this from happening. Seals have to be broken for this to happen in all the games where a sealed spirit reincarnates. Furthermore, Demise does not say HE will reincarnate. He says that an incarnation of his hatred will exist throughout time. Thus SS explains Ganondorf as fulfillment of this curse, as Ganondorf is even more full of hate than Demise was.

Adventure of Link: Generations of Princess Zeldas exist while one sleeps.
Twilight Princess: Double Link action.
Spirit Tracks: Zelda prays to Tetra and Tetra answers the prayers.
BotW: Hylia talks to you and blesses you via goddess statues. Also Zelda's mom and supposedly every female born in the royal family had the goddess powers.

Hyrule Historia mentions nothing about "canon" at all so I don't know what your point is. If you can provide me with a piece of writing in the book that indicates the manga shouldn't be interpreted in the same official capacity that the rest of the content is despite the manga being included within HH itself, I'll concede. Until then, it seems like you're excluding it for entirely arbitrary reasons.

The Master Sword was never said to be created for the very first time in Skyward Sword. Likewise, nobody in Wind Waker ever said anything that was contradictory to what Ganondorf said. They said he wasn't physically related to the Hero of Time, which is true. The Hero's soul wasn't removed from existence just because it moved to an alternate timeline.

Ganondorf is a reincarnation of Demise's hatred. I never denied that. Doesn't change the fact that he's incarnated from something exclusive to himself.

I'm not stressing that every Zelda was a reincarnation, only that it's a common theme and is very likely true for Link, hence "blood of the Goddess" and "spirit/soul of the hero".
The lore book thing is kind of my whole point though. If the manga is included in and was created for an official lore book written and authorized by Nintendo staff, why wouldn't we consider that manga canon? Where in Hyrule Historia does it say "Disregard this manga we included, it's not canon"?

Just saying it's by Akira Himekawa doesn't say anything.

Are you seriously arguing that the manga should be considered canon, even when the events of Ocarina of Time manga and game are completely different?

Boy...log off and go farm some star fragments.


Are you seriously arguing that the manga should be considered canon, even when the events of Ocarina of Time manga and game are completely different?

Boy...log off and go farm some star fragments.

I'm not arguing that every Zelda manga is canon, I'm referring to the Skyward Sword manga within Hyrule Historia. I don't see the reasoning for why we should pick and choose which contents in the book are more "canon" than other contents in the book. It makes no sense to me because the entire thing is advertised as a lore book and that's exactly what the SS manga provides.


If the spirit that is being reincarnated is completely removed from existence how can it reincarnate? If this is not a problem why does the flood happen in the first place? kWas the Hero of Time just being a dick? Why does the analysis of the gods and King of Hyrule not matter? Everyone else says he's not related to the Hero of Time.
HoT did exist in that timeline at some point, so his spirit or essence could still have ties to it IMO.

The flood happened because people prayed for the Goddesses to help after failing to protect Hyrule from Ganondorf themselves. Maybe Ganon's escape from the Sacred Realm was so unexpected even to the gods that they had not adequately prepared for it by giving Hyrule a new hero in time for the hero to grow up old and strong enough to face the threat. And perhaps OoT's Link was still stuck in the other timeline as Hero's Shade due to his regrets of being forgotten. He could've returned to the timeline where people do remember him, after he got the opportunity to pass his skills to a new hero, as seen in Twilight Princess.

Not all Links are likely reincarnations of the same Link, but I don't see what prevents the Hero of Winds from being the Hero of Time reborn.


Ganondorf/Ganon wasn't the first or only evil to emerge from the curse. Vaati could also be part of that curse, and came before Ganon.

The Master Sword was never said to be created for the very first time in Skyward Sword. .

Did you not play Skyward Sword? The whole plot was forging the Master Sword, from the Goddess Sword, and then Fi inhabiting it at the end.

Breath of the Wild proves that
The Hero is chosen by the sword, and can hear the voice of Fi coming from it.


Did you not play Skyward Sword? The whole plot was forging the Master Sword, from the Goddess Sword, and then Fi inhabiting it at the end.

I don't recall a line in the game that specifically mentioned that was the origin of the Master Sword. I just interpreted it as the Goddess Sword as being returned to its original state.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

Astral Dog

Ganondorf/Ganon wasn't the first or only evil to emerge from the curse. Vaati could also be part of that curse, and came before Ganon.
I think its clearly hinted to be only Ganondorf because thats whats implied here with the title the Demon King,nothing mentions Ganon to be the only evil person in Hyrule.
Though the monsters/moblins that were sealed and not working with Vaati could be Demise as he is the source of all monsters.

But yeah.the only other possibility is Malladus though he could take the title after Ganondorf was killed permanently.

Demise is more like a force of nature even in his own game, his appearance even changes depending on who sees him. Ganon is clearly his own self.

The manga in HH is not canon (which is kind of dumb considering it's in a lore book, but what are you gonna do)
This always seemed super weird to me because he looks like a human form of the imprisoned with horns and flame hair. Very simple,a devil.no doubt he could change forms but the guy you fight in SS is the complete one after absorving holy powers and even looks a bit similar to the crude drawings in the intro

Edit: nevermind its just a moblin :p


Does The Lord of the Mountain have any quests associated with it?
I know he's a very obvious nod to the late Satoru Iwata given the description inn the Hylian Compenduum
I'm kind of affraid unmounting it.
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