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-=-=->S P O I L E R S<-=-=- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Spoiler Thread


I don't recall a line in the game that specifically mentioned that was the origin of the Master Sword. I just interpreted it as the Goddess Sword as being returned to its original state.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

A legend that will be forged by your own hand

Master, now that it has been tempered by the last of the sacred flames, your
blade has finally revealed its true form. You now hold the Master Sword.

I also think it was explicitly stated that the story was intended to be the origin of the Master Sword.


So you know how in a lot of games you can use a bottle to fight Ganon, and in more recent titles pulling out the fishing rod in front of the final boss causes them to act weird?

Has anyone tried using a really dumb weapon in the Calamity Ganon fight, like a mop, or a ladel, or a korok leaf?
So you know how in a lot of games you can use a bottle to fight Ganon, and in more recent titles pulling out the fishing rod in front of the final boss causes them to act weird?

Has anyone tried using a really dumb weapon in the Calamity Ganon fight, like a mop, or a ladel, or a korok leaf?

If you have the pot lid as your shield and throw seven ladles at Calamity Ganon, the cooking music plays and you get the Ganon Gumbo in your food list, which makes you invisible.

Citation needed


never left the stone age
I also think it was explicitly stated that the story was intended to be the origin of the Master Sword.

Yeah. I mean it goes all into how Link and only Link is the sword's master, hence Master Sword. It's Link's sword and only he can wield it.


"With a single swing of the sword, the goddess Hylia rent the earth" - the manga credits the creation of Skyloft to Hylia, not Link.

Hyrule Historia mentions nothing about "canon" at all so I don't know what your point is. If you can provide me with a piece of writing in the book that indicates the manga shouldn't be interpreted in the same official capacity that the rest of the content is despite the manga being included within HH itself, I'll concede. Until then, it seems like you're excluding it for entirely arbitrary reasons.

The Master Sword was never said to be created for the very first time in Skyward Sword. Likewise, nobody in Wind Waker ever said anything that was contradictory to what Ganondorf said. They said he wasn't physically related to the Hero of Time, which is true. The Hero's soul wasn't removed from existence just because it moved to an alternate timeline.

Ganondorf is a reincarnation of Demise's hatred. I never denied that. Doesn't change the fact that he's incarnated from something exclusive to himself.

I'm not stressing that every Zelda was a reincarnation, only that it's a common theme and is very likely true for Link, hence "blood of the Goddess" and "spirit/soul of the hero".
Hyrule Historia specifically labels the manga as a bonus with a forward by the authors of the manga talking about how they pulled the plot for it out of their asses.

The main premise for Skyward Sword was the origin of the Master Sword. It's the reason why it's the title of the game. Skyward Sword even explains why it's called the Master Sword.

Wind Waker:
Jabun: If you have sought me out...it must mean you have found the Hero of Time, does it not?
KoRL: Unfortunately, that is not so.
Jabun: Then for what purpose have you come to see me?
KoRL: The one I have brought with me has no connection to the legendary one. And yet I sense great promise in the courage that this one possesses.

Demise's curse is not about REincarnation. He said incarnation. Reincarnation means taking flesh again. Using incarnation implies that Vaati and Ganondorf are their own things.

HoT did exist in that timeline at some point, so his spirit or essence could still have ties to it IMO.

The flood happened because people prayed for the Goddesses to help after failing to protect Hyrule from Ganondorf themselves. Maybe Ganon's escape from the Sacred Realm was so unexpected even to the gods that they had not adequately prepared for it by giving Hyrule a new hero in time for the hero to grow up old and strong enough to face the threat. And perhaps OoT's Link was still stuck in the other timeline as Hero's Shade due to his regrets of being forgotten. He could've returned to the timeline where people do remember him, after he got the opportunity to pass his skills to a new hero, as seen in Twilight Princess.

Not all Links are likely reincarnations of the same Link, but I don't see what prevents the Hero of Winds from being the Hero of Time reborn.
The flood happened because the Hero of Time did not show up.

Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he sealed
the dark one away and gave the land light.
This boy, who traveled through time to save
the land, was known as the Hero of Time.
The boy's tale was passed down through
generations until it became legend...
But then...a day came when a fell wind
began to blow across the kingdom.
The great evil that all thought had
been forever sealed away by the hero...
...once again crept forth from the depths of
the earth, eager to resume its dark designs.
The people believed that the Hero of Time
would again come to save them.
...But the hero did not appear.
Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people
could do nothing but appeal to the gods.
In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they
left their future in the hands of fate.

And the Hero of Time's spirit being removed from this timeline is the reason why the Triforce of Courage is shattered and has to be collected.

I don't recall a line in the game that specifically mentioned that was the origin of the Master Sword. I just interpreted it as the Goddess Sword as being returned to its original state, although I'll admit that my memory of Skyward Sword's dialogue is pretty lacking.

If I'm wrong, feel free to correct me.

The manga says that the Master Sword was it's original state and that it was gifted by the gods. But to be used by mortals it had to be reforged. So the Hero reforges it into the Master Sword it already was. And then Hylia slashes the Earth and the Hero plunges the Master Sword into the ground and that raises Skyloft, and the Master Sword takes off into the sky and becomes a pillar holding Skyloft in the sky (what?). It makes absolutely no sense as a prequel to SS.


So, if Zelda and Link hook up in various games etc. Does that mean that the kings/zeldas are all descendants of other Links and Zeldas as well? Or do Zelda and Link never actually get together? Where exactly do the Kings of Hyrule come from? I never see any other nobility really or princes. Is it just a lot of inbreeding?


Guess I need to post this again since there are some people who seem to have already forgotten after 2 page. Wow, how the mind slips!


Opening admitting to sexually assaulting someone(then banning anyone who called him out for it)

Posting revenge porn with their real full names then another admin(a now jailed pedophile) printed the photos and jacked off over them and sent it to the boyfriend.

You're right, how can we even know if he's guilty or not? HMMMM




The flood happened because the Hero of Time did not show up.

Wielding the blade of evil's bane, he sealed
the dark one away and gave the land light.
This boy, who traveled through time to save
the land, was known as the Hero of Time.
The boy's tale was passed down through
generations until it became legend...
But then...a day came when a fell wind
began to blow across the kingdom.
The great evil that all thought had
been forever sealed away by the hero...
...once again crept forth from the depths of
the earth, eager to resume its dark designs.
The people believed that the Hero of Time
would again come to save them.
...But the hero did not appear.
Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people
could do nothing but appeal to the gods.
In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they
left their future in the hands of fate.

And the Hero of Time's spirit being removed from this timeline is the reason why the Triforce of Courage is shattered and has to be collected.

Yes, the hero not appearing led people to praying for the gods:

Faced by an onslaught of evil, the people
could do nothing but appeal to the gods.
In their last hour, as doom drew nigh, they
left their future in the hands of fate.

Nothing you wrote contradicts anything I wrote. I don't know why his spirit should be tied to only that timeline just because he physically left it. What happens after death is beyond our understanding, especially in a fantasy story like Zelda where afterlife, rebirth, etc. haven't been clearly established. All we know is that spirits do exist and can in some cases be reincarnated or resurrected.


I also think it was explicitly stated that the story was intended to be the origin of the Master Sword.

The game does mention the Master Sword did exist previously and was merely regaining its proper form. I was actually really bummed when I noticed it.


So, if Zelda and Link hook up in various games etc. Does that mean that the kings/zeldas are all descendants of other Links and Zeldas as well? Or do Zelda and Link never actually get together? Where exactly do the Kings of Hyrule come from? I never see any other nobility really or princes. Is it just a lot of inbreeding?

It is known that there are other kingdoms and nations outside of Hyrule, more over Hyrule is a United Kingdom of sorts as they are made up of several different tribes with their own culture, language, ruling class, and even military. We just don't see these politics at play because most Zelda games take place during a cataclysm or post-cataclysm. Not really the time for politics between other nations. Plus, why would a little peasant boy like Link even need to know that information.

It's likely that the Royalty Family of Hyrule marries with other kingdoms' royalty, some might marry with the Hylian Knights, and maybe even some of them marry with the other Hyrulian tribes' leaders and nobility (There really doesn't seem to be anything against marriage and love between two different humanoid species in Hyrule, we've seen Zora/Hylian relations, Human/Hylian, Sheikah/Hylian, Gerudo/Hylian, and we have also seen a Hylian have a crush on a Moblin.)

Also, not all Links do end up with the princess. Ocarina of Time Link sure as hell didn't, otherwise his decedent in Twilight Princess wouldn't be a goat-herder living in a tree with a bunch of humans in a small village that technically isn't part of Hyrule. Link in Wind Waker highly likely didn't, there's no mention of him as a King or otherwise in New Hyrule. Link in Twilight Princess has no connections or feelings towards Zelda, they're mostly acquaintances.

Ultimately, I think only Link from Skyward Sword likely ended up with Zelda. Maybe Link from Zelda 2 also likely ended up with Zelda the First too. But outside of those two games... I don't think I see Link and Zelda ever really hooking up in the long run.

Plus, there might be some cases where Link hooking up with Zelda might be weird, like in a Link to the Past where Zelda is his...
So, if Zelda and Link hook up in various games etc. Does that mean that the kings/zeldas are all descendants of other Links and Zeldas as well? Or do Zelda and Link never actually get together? Where exactly do the Kings of Hyrule come from? I never see any other nobility really or princes. Is it just a lot of inbreeding?

I only think Zelda is a descendant of past Zeldas. Link could be anyone.

I also I only think SS and OoT are the games where they have a romantic something. Barely OoT though. Maybe WW too, but definitely SS.


Hyrule Historia specifically labels the manga as a bonus with a forward by the authors of the manga talking about how they pulled the plot for it out of their asses.

Labeling it as a bonus isn't a statement of canonicity. Hyrule Historia also labels the manga as an "Exclusive Zelda comic for the 25th Anniversary". The authors of the manga also never said they pulled the plot out of their asses, only that they wracked their brains trying to come up with something special for Hyrule Historia and the 25th anniversary.

I'm not finding anything in this book that would indicate that it should be mentally excluded from the rest of HH's contents, and no average consumer would intuitively get that impression anyway. As far as I'm concerned it's a part of the book and was intended to be a part of the book.

Wind Waker:
Jabun: If you have sought me out...it must mean you have found the Hero of Time, does it not?
KoRL: Unfortunately, that is not so.
Jabun: Then for what purpose have you come to see me?
KoRL: The one I have brought with me has no connection to the legendary one. And yet I sense great promise in the courage that this one possesses.

I'm aware of the conversation between Jabun and the King of Red Lions, and it still doesn't automatically contradict the idea that Link in Wind Waker is a reincarnation of the Hero of Time.

The label Link was given as the "Hero of Time reborn" is something that was just flat-out stated in the game's dialogue. You can interpret that as a figurative statement all you want, but there's nothing in the story particularly hinting that players shouldn't just take it at face value.

Demise's curse is not about REincarnation. He said incarnation. Reincarnation means taking flesh again. Using incarnation implies that Vaati and Ganondorf are their own things.

You're getting way too caught up in technicalities here. My point was that Ganondorf is incarnated from Demise's hatred. That doesn't remotely imply that Ganondorf is "his own thing", as much as I'd want him to be, because he's literally the physical embodiment of Demise's own hatred.

As far as the Master Sword is concerned, the Master Sword itself has been known to devolve and change form at several points in the series (notably Wind Waker) so I'm still just not that convinced that the Goddess Sword couldn't possibly have taken the form of the Master Sword at some point before the events of Skyward Sword. The fact that it's called the "true form" of the Goddess Sword convinces me of that interpretation even more.

As an added note, Fi herself foreshadows that Link will be reincarnated at the end of the game with "May we meet again in another life". Additionally, in Japanese the word "tamashii" is used for spirit/soul whenever "Spirit of the Hero" is mentioned, which always refers to a literal soul in religious/spiritual contexts.


Link, the godess' chosen hero, savior of Hyrule, slayer of Ganon, possessor of the Triforce of courage, and... part time cross dresser who uses his femenine wiles to score some footware. Awesome.


I only think Zelda is a descendant of past Zeldas. Link could be anyone.
Yeah, and Zelda 2: AoL even has 2 zelda's!

Link, the godess' chosen hero, savior of Hyrule, slayer of Ganon, possessor of the Triforce of courage, and... part time cross dresser who uses his femenine wiles to score some footware. Awesome.

Haven't finished BotW yet (like to take my time) but does Link ever get a part of the triforce in this one? I thought Zelda has the complete triforce in BotW (as the "sealing power") but they seem to be unaware of its true potential power.


Yeah, and Zelda 2: AoL even has 2 zelda's!

Haven't finished BotW yet (like to take my time) but does Link ever get a part of the triforce in this one? I thought Zelda has the complete triforce in BotW (as the "sealing power") but they seem to be unaware of its true potential power.

No, doesn't look like it.
Sorry guys this is a complete noob question and I am sure many of you think I am gaming stupid. But I just started the game, and have only watched friends play Zelda previously.

I beat an enemy with the stick and it broke. There is a point on the map, the first point, the first objective I suppose, and enemy. How am I supposed to be defeat him? Find another stick or weapon? Obviously. Where do I find another stick? LOL. I guess I didn't look around enough.

I've mostly just been a mario and platforming man when it comes to Nintendo. Excuse the rudimentary nature of this please :)


Is there actually any Zelda game besides Skyward Sword where Link and Zelda implicitly hook up? I don't know what happened in Phantom Hourglass with Link/Tetra...


Sorry guys this is a complete noob question and I am sure many of you think I am gaming stupid. But I just started the game, and have only watched friends play Zelda previously.

I beat an enemy with the stick and it broke. There is a point on the map, the first point, the first objective I suppose, and enemy. How am I supposed to be defeat him? Find another stick or weapon? Obviously. Where do I find another stick? LOL. I guess I didn't look around enough.

I've mostly just been a mario and platforming man when it comes to Nintendo. Excuse the rudimentary nature of this please :)

There is an axe very close to the cave where you start, I think near a fire/the old man.


Zelda I and II: nothing in the ending really regarding Link's relationship with the two Zeldas

LttP and LA: Nothing explicit, but considering Link immediately goes on an island vacation and hangs out with a local girl...

Hero of Time: Link pretty explicitly can't hook up with Zelda in any of the timelines. The only one where it would even be possible is the child timeline, but no one knows who the fuck Link is in that one and I think people would remember a king...

Link/Tetra: Maybe?

Skyward Sword: It's pretty obvious they have sex 5 minutes after the credits end.

Breath of the Wild: TBD


Zelda I and II: nothing in the ending really regarding Link's relationship with the two Zeldas

LttP and LA: Nothing explicit, but considering Link immediately goes on an island vacation and hangs out with a local girl...

Hero of Time: Link pretty explicitly can't hook up with Zelda in any of the timelines. The only one where it would even be possible is the child timeline, but no one knows who the fuck Link is in that one and I think people would remember a king...

Link/Tetra: Maybe?

Skyward Sword: It's pretty obvious they have sex 5 minutes after the credits end.

Breath of the Wild: TBD

It looks like nothing happened between Link and Tetra honestly, there's very little mention of Link from Wind Waker in Spirit Tracks, yet Tetra is mentioned and even seen.


If Link did end up with Tetra, you would think he would appear alongside her as the first rulers of New Hyrule, or at least referenced in someway. Hell, I'd say he more likely hooked up with Niko of all people before Tetra, the old man has WW Link's family shield and a secret scroll that teaches a sword move that only WW Link and his old mentor knows.

As for the Hero of Time, highly likely he ended up with a peasant considering his dependent is a goat herder in the middle of the woods. There is a common theory that he likely ended up with Malon because of TP Link's dirty blond hair, his knowledge of Epona's Song, being a rancher, and Epona herself.


It looks like nothing happened between Link and Tetra honestly, there's very little mention of Link from Wind Waker in Spirit Tracks, yet Tetra is mentioned and even seen.


If Link did end up with Tetra, you would think he would appear alongside her as the first rulers of New Hyrule, or at least referenced in someway. Hell, I'd say he more likely hooked up with Niko of all people before Tetra, the old man has WW Link's family shield and a secret scroll that teaches a sword move that only WW Link and his old mentor knows.

As for the Hero of Time, highly likely he ended up with a peasant considering his dependent is a goat herder in the middle of the woods. There is a common theory that he likely ended up with Malon because of TP Link's dirty blond hair, his knowledge of Epona's Song, being a rancher, and Epona herself.

Yeah and TP Link liked Ilia a farmer girl (he probably also started to like Midna or Midna him but Midna knew Ilia fitted with Link perfectly after that Ilia memory quest). The chance of TP link going with Zelda is near 0 probably. At best they become friends but i doubt he will ever hook up with her.

But remember the devs stated in the past unless it's ingame it's open to the player to decide on Link's romantic options or who he liked and what he did (unless there comes a sequel doing otherwise ofcourse). You can't ofcourse do that with Skyward Sword and a few other games like Spirit Tracks or Zelda 2 and possibly a few others i missed a few classic games that i still need to play.
Haven't finished BotW yet (like to take my time) but does Link ever get a part of the triforce in this one? I thought Zelda has the complete triforce in BotW (as the "sealing power") but they seem to be unaware of its true potential power.

Nope, he doesn't get it, and yup, Zelda whips it out of nowhere as a deus ex machina, uses it, and no one even bats an eyelash.


Yeah, and Zelda 2: AoL even has 2 zelda's!

Haven't finished BotW yet (like to take my time) but does Link ever get a part of the triforce in this one? I thought Zelda has the complete triforce in BotW (as the "sealing power") but they seem to be unaware of its true potential power.

Dunno, just threw that in there for effect. I just assumed it follewed the vein where he's basically born with the mark. Guess this game doesn't do that though. Is this limited to one of the time lines?


Dunno, just threw that in there for effect. I just assumed it follewed the vein where he's basically born with the mark. Guess this game doesn't do that though. Is this limited to one of the time lines?

The only Link to ever be born with the mark is Twilight Princess Link, and this is only because he is a blood descendant of Ocarina of Time's Link who carried the Triforce of Courage in the Child Timeline.

Come to think of it, only the Hero of Time, the Hero of Hyrule (ALBW), the Hero Chosen by the Gods, and the Hero of Wind actually wielded the Triforce of Courage. The rest never really had it in them. One was born with it, the other three has to pass a trial to get it.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
The only Link to ever be born with the mark is Twilight Princess Link, and this is only because he is a blood descendant of Ocarina of Time's Link who carried the Triforce of Courage in the Child Timeline.

Come to think of it, only the Hero of Time, the Hero Chosen by the Gods, and the Hero of Wind actually wielded the Triforce of Courage. The rest never really had it in them.
LttP Link and Skyward Sword Link got the whole thing, so they win.

One thing that's always got me...

Young Ganon touches the Triforce and it splits because he isn't "balanced" in all three aspects. Yet, in Downfall, Ganon goes and claims the entire thing, corrupting the Sacred Realm into the Dark World.


LttP Link and Skyward Sword Link got the whole thing, so they win.

One thing that's always got me...

Young Ganon touches the Triforce and it splits because he isn't "balanced" in all three aspects. Yet, in Downfall, Ganon goes and claims the entire thing, corrupting the Sacred Realm into the Dark World.

The Downfall Time splits from the Adult Timeline at this very moment:


When the Master Sword is out of Link's grasps and lands near Zelda, in this timeline, Link couldn't subdue Ganon to grab the Master Sword and Ganon eventually killed him and taken his piece of the Triforce. He also manage to overpower and take Zelda's piece. Afterwards she ran away with the Master Sword and tried to find a new hero, but couldn't, leading to the Imprisoning War.

By defeating and acquiring the pieces from the other two wielders, he was seen as worthy to own all three pieces, even if it split up by his unbalanced heart in the first place.
the theory that its all legends is what i subscribe to now. except botw's hyrule is the real world and the previous games exist as myths and creation stories by the various races in the world. i won't accept any other theory.


the theory that its all legends is what i subscribe to now. except botw's hyrule is the real world and the previous games exist as myths and creation stories by the various races in the world. i won't accept any other theory.

I like that, (I actually really like that) but then where did the master sword come from?
I finally got around to completing this game, and boy was that ending shockingly easy. It just felt like it abruptly ended by how fast and easy it was. Maybe i just over planned it and came over prepared by doing allot of shrines and getting high level gear. On one hand im happy it wasnt his overly frustrating battle that lost all its emotion by having to play it over and over, but on the other hand i was amazed by how easy and fast it was. I didnt even fight one enemy on my way there as i just shot up the waterfall with my swim gear and landed right near a door into the battle. Then the Ganon fight i pretty much did by only getting hit about twice.

Did the finale go this way with anybody els?


I finally got around to completing this game, and boy was that ending shockingly easy. It just felt like it abruptly ended by how fast and easy it was. Maybe i just over planned it and came over prepared by doing allot of shrines and getting high level gear. On one hand im happy it wasnt his overly frustrating battle that lost all its emotion by having to play it over and over, but on the other hand i was amazed by how easy and fast it was. I didnt even fight one enemy on my way there as i just shot up the waterfall with my swim gear and landed right near a door into the battle. Then the Ganon fight i pretty much did by only getting hit about twice.

Did the finale go this way with anybody els?
as everything else in the game, hyrule Castle is almost entirely optional, so you can just go straight to the boss or explore the castle in its entirety.
I did a little of both, found a shortcut a guy at a stable talked me about and entered the castle from there, but then I just went back outside and climbed my way to the boss room


3 shrines in a row i just walk in to a chest waiting for me. so very unrewarding. im at 90 shrines now so its getting harder to find shrines out in the wild so finding one becomes a little exciting. but then im not even greeted with a simple puzzle. "heres a chest with a topaz in it!". getting tired of this.


Just beat the game, really loved it. Ending was kinda meh but the game was brilliant overall.

Also I never completed all of the Kass shrines, what happens when you complete them all?

Edit: Just looked it up. Zelda pls.


I like that, (I actually really like that) but then where did the master sword come from?

My theory is that Skyward Sword and Ocarina of Time are still "real." Breath of the Wild is "real" and because there is at least 10,000 years (likely many more) between the last Zelda game in any timeline, all the games and timelines in between are "legends and myths passed through time" and BotW is a timeline reset.


Zelda and link keep getting reincarnated because of Demise 's curse... IF Ganon disappears, the other 2 go with him.

When the original Hero died Hylia, who fell totally in love with him, promised that they two would be together again for all the eternity being reborn every time Hyrule is in danger.

Demise is only one of the dangers.


Just beat it...145 hrs. Wow. This game was amazing. I almost wish they asked you if you wanted the Champions to use their attack or not before the final boss because it was pretty easy even after I handicapped myself with no Champion powers, no food, and only the Champion Tunic + Hylian Trousers. Despite the ease of the final boss, I still had lots of fun and I enjoyed the simple ending. The music was amazing too.
When the original Hero died Hylia, who fell totally in love with him, promised that they two would be together again for all the eternity being reborn every time Hyrule is in danger.

Demise is only one of the dangers.

It's not even just that, it's that Demise is the danger that we could assume all other dangers came from. It doesn't JUST have to be Ganon, with the way Demise words things you could get away with saying any form of evil that Link and Zelda face is a product of his curse.


Timeline is crazy.

Leveling my armors to level 4... so Link is getting action, right? This is officially the first time we see Link getting laid. lol

Lol, just saw what happens myself yesterday. It's...Difficult to imagine that anything else happened.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Going by the other way giantess fantasies tend to progress, maybe it was just a vore thing?
Why did I click this and put it in my video history

My lack of terminology vexes me yet again


Nope, he doesn't get it, and yup, Zelda whips it out of nowhere as a deus ex machina, uses it, and no one even bats an eyelash.

i really like that zelda had the triforce, but probably didn't understand just exactly what it was. actually, a lot of what they do feels like they're going through the motions. we know what skyward sword, twilight princess, and ocarina of time are, but for the characters in the game, it's words in a ceremony.

for timeline shenanigans, i think it goes something like this:

skyward sword ------------ ocarina of time / alttp backstory (imprisoning war) ------------ twilight princess / tww backstory (ganondorf breaking free of the sacred realm) ---------- tww / alttp - phantom hourglass --- spirit tracks ---------- (other games happen) --------- timeline unification ----------------------------------------- breath of the wild's 100 years ago --- breath of the wild

botw is basically just throwing in all the old games as a reference - it is the 30th anniversary game so that makes sense. but for the headcanon, i am going to run with the idea that the war that happened 10,000 years in the past is ganon becoming calamity ganon after being defeated in all three timelines and doing something that unifies them. by the time we get to botw, it's the far, far future of any other timeline, and the true end of ganon, succeeding what happened in zelda 2, twilight princess, and the wind waker.

skyward sword's story was done that way because it was prior to all the timeline crap. botw is done so far off in the future that nintendo can now make sequels to botw and not have to worry about where fans place things.


I just thought of something. If the 2nd DLC pack takes place post defeating Ganon, it would be great if the Kokiri Forest is no longer magically hidden as the need to protect the Master Sword is gone. When I climb to the top of the Great Deku Tree and look at the forest in its unhidden state, it looks like such a bright, warm place. But as soon as I paraglide toward the edge of the area the gloom and fog set in. I'd love to see this change and the forest become normal again with Hylian travelers wandering to the Kokiri to visit.

In fact, I want the 2nd DLC to show the whole of Hyrule post Ganon. It would be amazing but probably wishing for too much.
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