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Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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Spencer doesn't see them as failures, especially Recore.

Sure, "failure" may be too strong of a word. And yes Spencer did state in interviews Recore got criticized harder than maybe it should have. But I don't think any of them did as financially strong as they hoped. There is a good game in Quantum Break and Recore and maybe they dig in and find it with a sequel but who knows.
Look at how many failures MS games had in 2016. Quantum Break. Recore. Dead Rising 4. You have to draw the line somewhere.

depends what you mean by failures. sales wise? yeah probably. review wise? sure. but i'm sure people liked them. QB was top 5 in 2016 for me. I loved it personally. Recore was a decent game for 40 bucks but had it's fair share of issues. DR4 was disappointing as well compared to 3. I didn't care for it like i thought I would. Every company has failure games. but for MS their "creative new IP" games haven't sold well at all. Sometimes I understand like ryse which i enjoyed but by no means was it something everyone should have ran out and brought. But a game like sunset overdrive which was my personal GOTY in 2014 I don't understand why it didn't do better


There it is. I missed that word lol. Nope, just telling it like it is. Where was this level of interest in the actual fucking game? Now all of a sudden people really want to play it and are so broken up about it being canceled. I will repeat what I said. Most of the people making this so large didn't give a shit, and I'm okay with saying that.

People are just giving their opinion because this is the biggest story of the year so far, and will continue to be big for a while, nothing wrong with that.


MS had no say on the scope of our game. We delayed it because it wasn't going to be done in time.

Hot tip about doing animation on ones - it takes a ton of time.

Will it run on my weak laptop? I need some cuphead in my life.

Also as an animator, i agree, it takes time, a lot of time. Especially since your animations are just great.


depends what you mean by failures. sales wise? yeah probably. review wise? sure. but i'm sure people liked them. QB was top 5 in 2016 for me. I loved it personally. Recore was a decent game for 40 bucks but had it's fair share of issues. DR4 was disappointing as well compared to 3. I didn't care for it like i thought I would. Every company has failure games. but for MS their "creative new IP" games haven't sold well at all. Sometimes I understand like ryse which i enjoyed but by no means was it something everyone should have ran out and brought. But a game like sunset overdrive which was my personal GOTY in 2014 I don't understand why it didn't do better

You are in the small minority then.

Because MS can do better. And it would be nice to see more games that dont have halo, gears or forza attached to them by new studios or old ones.


Damn shame this one. Was quite interested in it since I love MonHun and Kamiya's games (see profile pic :p). Deffo was the most interesting game for me coming out of MS Studios (would've gotten it on PC).

Hope everyone affected recovers. An industry without Platinum would suck :(
Man, if only this many people showed some vague kind of interest before the game was cancelled maybe MS wouldn't have canned it.

My heart goes out to Platinum if the development cycle went to hell due to MS making stupid requests.
It seems like both parties are at fault. Platinum couldn't deliver and Microsoft wasn't particularly interested in giving them time to correct the ship.

I'm guessing it's more like Platinum couldn't deliver [because Microsoft changed their destination mid-journey], but unless we find out details from the players involved, it's all speculation.
Man this flipping sucks!

The Wonderful 101 is still fucking incredible.

Hopefully Kamiya can recover and continue to release new games.

I think that is a Nintendo IP
Judging by your posts history, i'm not surprised you say that.

It's ok, you don't like PlayStation but saying KI, which is a game i love and own, is better than anything on PS4 should get you banned. Stop spreading that fanboy nonsense here.

Well check the Post the I responded to. It's clearly a joke.
Also, I do own a PS4 and I do like the PlayStation brand AND I do think that KI is better than anything on PlayStation. That's like someone saying Zelda: Wind Waker is best game ever, yet doesn't appear on Sony or Microsoft platforms so they must be a fanboy.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
MS having trouble creating new IPs.

Again. Not true.

They make them. But they don't GROW them. Games get cancelled all the time. Microsoft's problem is that they expect new IPs to sell Halo numbers out of the gate and when they don't, they leave the IP to die.

It's really fucking annoying.



"Sorry, we cancel the new franchise. Here, have some sequels instead.

What were the best-selling games last month? Go ahead and look...

Gamers are voting with their wallets, and they're voting for franchises. The only significant new IP that had any kind of success lately is Overwatch...
depends what you mean by failures. sales wise? yeah probably. review wise? sure. but i'm sure people liked them. QB was top 5 in 2016 for me. I loved it personally. Recore was a decent game for 40 bucks but had it's fair share of issues. DR4 was disappointing as well compared to 3. I didn't care for it like i thought I would. Every company has failure games. but for MS their "creative new IP" games haven't sold well at all. Sometimes I understand like ryse which i enjoyed but by no means was it something everyone should have ran out and brought. But a game like sunset overdrive which was my personal GOTY in 2014 I don't understand why it didn't do better

SSOD being just an OK game probably has something to do with it. Game got overhyped for simply being an exclusive.


Sad for Kamiya's team but good for my dream of Platinum and Nintendo working more closely together. Their engine is perfectly suited/scaled for Switch too. Their market and design philosophy too.


People are just giving their opinion because this is the biggest story of the year so far, and will continue to be big for a while, nothing wrong with that.
I agree this is a big story and will continue to be but GAF along with every other gaming website and forum are about to essentially get broken come Thursday evening.


What were the best-selling games last month? Go ahead and look...

Gamers are voting with their wallets, and they're voting for franchises. The only significant new IP that had any kind of success lately is Overwatch...

You know franchises were once new IPs right?


I'm guessing it's more like Platinum couldn't deliver [because Microsoft changed their destination mid-journey], but unless we find out details from the players involved, it's all speculation.

Well we know Platinum was having issues due to the engine according to the Eurogamer article so I can't imagine it was just something like a revision of scope unless that change in size resulted in technical issues.

I also find it hard to believe that they would can the entire project if it was something like they couldn't get the multiplayer to work instead of just returning the project to its original size. This is especially the case if we're talking about a game due to be released in the next year and a half.


Neo Member
that sucks, was really looking forward to this game. Sad for MS, the game was probably really underwhelming and a long ways off, only reason I would think Spencer would cancel it.


I bought a Wii U for Bayonett 2 and ot fucking delivered.

All this means is Microsoft isnt reliable and they shouldnt be trusted as a publisher.

Good thing Platinum isnt owned by Microsoft because they would have been shut down right about now.

At the end of the day, if Platinum got shutdown. Would anything of value honestly be lost? Their quality is all over the map.


Seeing a lot of people shocked by these tweets. If this comes to pass, it really shouldn't shock anyone. This is the model that Microsoft CEO Nadella has been working on for years. He was in charge of cloud infrastructure, client services, and overall services. He was crucial in migrating Office from stand alone software to service-based subscription. Enterprise Windows 10 is more of a service than an OS at this point and there's no reason to suspect that they won't be doing the same thing with home versions later on in its lifespan, once the adoption rate is high enough to justify doing so.

Nadella has never really been a big "hardware" guy. Under his "embrace-and-expand" philosophy, he basically undermined ALL of Microsoft's attempts with Windows Phone by taking every major exclusive feature and rolling out similar software versions on Android and iOS (Office Mobile, OneDrive, Xbox, etc.). Migrating to services has been Nadella's entire plan since taking over after Ballmer.
It's not even Nadella's philosophy specifically. It was Xbox' since mid 360. That's when they paired down their Microsoft Game Studios to focus on just Halo, Forza, Gears. Multiplayer focused games that would drive up monthly paying Live Gold members. That's specifically the reason I switched from Xbox to PlayStation this generation, because that model and those few accompanying games didn't interest me.

Then MS did their crash and CEO shuffle and Spencer seemed adamant that nobody was buying Xbones because they didn't have enough interesting exclusive IPs, so he announced things like Scalebound and a number of other games, some of which have since also been canceled. Now it looks like we're back to Halo, Forza, Gears. That's why this thread is blowing up. Not because people are surprised over MS' strategy, but that it took such a short time for them to relapse and ostensibly renege all Spencer's big words when he got the job.


depends what you mean by failures. sales wise? yeah probably. review wise? sure. but i'm sure people liked them. QB was top 5 in 2016 for me. I loved it personally. Recore was a decent game for 40 bucks but had it's fair share of issues. DR4 was disappointing as well compared to 3. I didn't care for it like i thought I would. Every company has failure games. but for MS their "creative new IP" games haven't sold well at all. Sometimes I understand like ryse which i enjoyed but by no means was it something everyone should have ran out and brought. But a game like sunset overdrive which was my personal GOTY in 2014 I don't understand why it didn't do better

Look at my post above. There are parts of these games that are really good. Many people really liked QB despite its narrative shortcomings. I LOVED SUNSET OVERDRIVE and bought it within a few months of its release. But if it's down to $$$, it's hard to know if MS will try again with these games.
What were the best-selling games last month? Go ahead and look...

Gamers are voting with their wallets, and they're voting for franchises. The only significant new IP that had any kind of success lately is Overwatch...

It's easy to forget in all the gamer drama, but No Man's Sky was a massive financial success. One of the highest grossing games of last year and on a fairly small budget to boot.
There it is. I missed that word lol. Nope, just telling it like it is. Where was this level of interest in the actual fucking game? Now all of a sudden people really want to play it and are so broken up about it being canceled. I will repeat what I said. Most of the people making this so large didn't give a shit, and I'm okay with saying that.

It seems you're looking at the pagecount and jumping on some conclusions.

The thread is a mix of

-People arguing over who's at fault for the concellation
-People talking about MS's and Xbox's position in the industry
-People discussing Platinum's future
-And yes, people who were genuinely interested in the game who are genuinely disappointed by its cancellation

Scalebound was a major game, every time a major game gets canceled it attracts a lot of tangential conversations around said cancellation. It doesn't mean people are putting on masks pretending to be concerned about a game they weren't interested in, there's also people talking about this from a bird's eye view. One CAN be worried about the Xbox's future due to this cancellation even if they weren't personally excited about Scalebound.



"Sorry, we cancel the new franchise. Here, have some sequels instead.

Seriously, not to mention that all of those are pretty lackluster.

I'm excited for Crackdown 3 because it's a guilty pleasure, but it's definitely not a console seller.

I really just don't see any reason for MS fans to be excited. MS definitely has a lot of announcements and reveals to plan between now and E3.


I'll be honest, I had very little interest in Scalebound to begin with, but it still sucks to hear it got canned. Hope Nier does well for Platinum's sake.


As an Xbox gamer since the beginning, this isn't just about Scakebound. I wasn't hugely hyped for the game itself, I was excited that MS was putting some effort into something different. Something not Halo, Gears or Forza. I love all three of those franchises, but I would also like something different. I've supported this company since the beginning, back when they showed they gave a shit about the games space.

I've been disappointed over and over again this past gen. That conker tease which turned out to be Project Spark actually hurt, as a huge fan of the series I was legitimately angry that they played with us Conker fans like that.

Then Phantom Dust happens, I was extremely excited and was in shock when it was announced. Of course it gets cancelled or whatever the hell happened.

Fable 4 or whatever Lionhead was working on before Legends sounded so interesting. Canned.

I won't be seeing sequels to games like SSO or Ryse which I actually enjoys quite a bit either.

What are these guys doing? This is depressing as hell for me. I'm just rambling...

Hope Kamiya is alright.


Junior Member
oh well. I wasn't following this game closely. I just vaguely remembered there were dragons you could ride.

BTW your link doesn't work...

If it's the video with Kamiya doing a live playthrough, I can attest that it did look pretty shitty. I just assumed it was rough behind the edges because it still had quite some time before the end of it's development.

I would've still bought it day one though.


There have been so many bad outcomes publishing exclusively with Microsoft that I'm pretty sure it outweighs the positive ones considerably, now.


can't recall a headliner this far along being canned. must be some juicy deets involved

my condolences to platinum, people looking forward to the game. but i thought it looked like boo boo
Savage from Microsoft. The last demo didn't look incredible but the potential of the game was there, Kamiya and Platinum would much likely deliver a quality product.


I am disappointed, but unlike most here, I'm not assuming it is big bad MS's fault. The project was clearly in rough waters, the last few gameplay showings were incredibly underwhelming.

I think Kamiya and PG probably got in over their heads in terms of what they wanted to do with the game, found out a lot of it wasn't as easy as they thought, got overwhelmed, started falling behind.


I agree with this. I mean I can't know for sure of course, but it's also my guess.

As mad in love as I am with Platinum Games, especially Bayonetta, I was never really convinced by the gameplay showings of Scalebound.

I was super hyped by the announcement and CG trailer, but gameplay-wise it never seemed to get to that "platinum feel".
The last E3 demo was the worst, imo a borefest of slow, impactless ranged shooting on a big foe with no hit reaction whatsoever, almost like the polar opposite of what you'd expect a Platinum game to be.

It's true that it can be argued it was too many new things at once (open-world, rpg, co-op, etc), but to be fair even the combat (what those guys know best) never really felt there to me.

I really didn't expect this to be canceled though, quite a shock, but I'm not especially mad that I don't get to play it, aside from the pure curiosity of course.
Annoyed but not surprised. I'm running out of reasons to keep my Xbox One (literally left with Lost Odyessy VC and Rare Replay). I wasn't super hyped for this game after E3 last year but the original concept sounded pretty good and I was hoping it would turn out to be decent.

It really seems like Microsoft's gaming division is just falling apart. Maybe resources are being carried to some huge Scorpio games because right now they just don't have much to offer anymore. I'm really surprised that this got canceled over Crackdown 3 though since we have yet to even really see what the hell Crackdown 3 is even going to be.

Chitown B

Again. Not true.

They make them. But they don't GROW them. Games get cancelled all the time. Microsoft's problem is that they expect new IPs to sell Halo numbers out of the gate and when they don't, they leave the IP to die.

It's really fucking annoying.

They don't create new big IPs often anymore. This is my point.
lol wut

Of course this was a AAA game. Are you being fucking daft? It was announced on stage at E3 and every single piece of marketing has played up the size and scale.

Just because the game was ugly doesn't mean that Microsoft wasn't pouring money into it. AAA refers to the budget.
It's like you only read the bolded and not the rest and automatically hit Reply. How many other games have PG made that have been on different stages? Off the top of my head, according to your reasoning, all. I've seen Transdormers, Ninja Turtles, W101 all at conferences.

I think it's safe to say Scalebound is bigger in terms of staff and budget than their previous biggest, which was TW101.
Well yeah but considering their real last financial successful AAA game was MGR which was multi platform, it's very very very hard for MS to release a AAA success on this day and age. The console landscape is different than it used to be. You need an established fanbase who will buy your game in order to make sales and a publisher who believes in you in order to justify the unlimited budget they're giving you to make a game that realistically is dead on arrival because honestly the majority of people who are interested in Japanese games have already moved consoles. Just look at KH3, that games not coming out in the One in Japan and I seriously won't be surprised when it's Western release is cancelled for that system.


Will it run on my weak laptop? I need some cuphead in my life.

Also as an animator, i agree, it takes time, a lot of time. Especially since your animations are just great.

Haven't nailed down final specs yet. I would be afraid to post something only to have it change down the line when we do more optimizing.

EDIT: On topic, I think a move towards service games is just a portent of gaming's future. Games are expensive and iterating on existing content and incentivizing long term play just seems to be the nature of the beast as game budgets increase.

That said, as more games move towards a specific model and play type (multiplayer, incremental), it opens up the market for others to fill the void. I do think that the 10-12 hour single player game is dying, but I don't think it will ever die; the vacuums will be filled, but they'll likely happen at a lower price point.
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