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Scalebound Gameplay Demo [extended IGN First demo in OP]

What game does Scalebound most remind you of?

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Is there any example where frame rate was radically improved from reveal to release in a game that attempts to push the visual envelope as far as this? 95% (if not all?) release running like shit from my recollection.
So disappointed

Watched the extended video on ign and it just looks extremly bland. I had high hopes for this but now have 0 interest in this game


Really can't decide how to vote in the poll. :-( Zelda U is missing from the options, BTW (the grass). And W101 ("Team! Unite up!"). Want to see some bigger environments to get that Xenoblade vibe.


Looks great. I love the action and the cheesy story, but the frame-rate is iffy. Hopefully they'll have it fixed by launch.

The disappointment of not being able to play this is strong.

EDIT: Also the particles (like when he Sub-Zeroed that dragon) are kind of weird. I'll look past it, it's an ARPG.
Jesus Christ, could the walking/running animations be any worse? I can't be spending 30+ hours of playing this game looking at that jank.

As a whole, right now this game screams "interesting ideas, disappointing implementation". Thankfully it's still pre-alpha.


Is there any example where frame rate was radically improved from reveal to release in a game that attempts to push the visual envelope as far as this? 95% (if not all?) release running like shit from my recollection.
I think PlatinumGames usually have solid framerates (and ass graphics). I'm sure if they are having difficulty maintaining a solid framerate, they won't hesitate to lower the graphics.


Platinum Games, The Prodigy AND Dragons.....what else do you need? I'm in!

Liked the music
Yup :)


I think PlatinumGames usually have solid framerates (and ass graphics). I'm sure if they are having difficulty maintaining a solid framerate, they won't hesitate to lower the graphics.

Oh god, which would mean more.downgrade threads...

Either way, loved what I saw. Glad it's something a bit different for them.


I always wondered if the characters in Japanese RPGs are annoying in the Japanese versions or if it's something that is picked up in the English translation...

Annoying characters is what turns me off of what are otherwise generally great Japanese titles... This looks like it will see the same fate..
I think PlatinumGames usually have solid framerates (and ass graphics). I'm sure if they are having difficulty maintaining a solid framerate, they won't hesitate to lower the graphics.

I think the optimization will come from epic and microsoft given its unreal engine 4.0


The game has potential. It looks like Xenoblade Chronicles X meets Panzer Dragoon Saga with some light hack-n-slash combat.

I'm cool with 30fps for a game of this scale too. Definitely, I'm not disappointed. However, I'm hoping for segments where it's possible to mount the dragon.


So are we talking a dialogue heavy RPG with a strong narrative? That plus some sort of character customizer and this will shoot to the top of my most wanted games list.


The main character design + music combo suffice to repel me from the game. If these two things are customizable, then I'm good, otherwise nope.

Anyway, the game seems interesting.
Is there any example where frame rate was radically improved from reveal to release in a game that attempts to push the visual envelope as far as this? 95% (if not all?) release running like shit from my recollection.

You mean from pre-alpha to release? Of course, it happens all the time.


We know nothing of other environments, enemies, boss battles, how combat evolves or even how deep the mechanics of the game go. Seems a bit silly to say ''it needs to improve'' when for all we know this could be a tutorial level.
So I can't give criticism of a pre-alpha?
Is there any example where frame rate was radically improved from reveal to release in a game that attempts to push the visual envelope as far as this? 95% (if not all?) release running like shit from my recollection.

Is there anytime a games frame rate got better 18 months from first being shown? I don't know let me check...

This thread is exactly what I thought it'd be.


Like Poodlestrike mentioned, streamlined development tools with UE4 will work wonders as well. How much of W101's development was a) figuring out a legitimate use for the gamepad and b) optimizing for the Wii U?
As this footage proves, they have tons of optimizing to worry about with this game as well. Looked like the game slowed down to near 15fps or even lower at some points. UE4 might help them, but it still doesn't mean the development will be problem free and that they can just push out what could be their biggest game ever (unless MS forces them to rush out something short) in less time than their less technically demanding games on past consoles. And again, if this will be some kind of Okami x Devil May Cry (i.e. open world(ish), exploration filled character action RPG), then there's still the fact that they need to create tons of content for the game and even with some help from UE4 being such fabulous an engine, they can't skip that part. They really need to make certain that all the different parts of the game mesh well together and that's no easy job and might require a lot of polishing, balancing & just making sure it all works well. Ground combat, dragon combat, aerial traversal, dragon AI etc. are all things that will require a lot of careful adjusting, polish & testing to get them right. I just don't see them getting the game to a content complete stage in ~12-14 months while also going through rigorous testing so that the gameplay would be the best it can be.


Is there anytime a games frame rate got better 18 months from first being shown? I don't know let me check...

This thread is exactly what I thought it'd be.

Who cares how long it's supposed to be until it releases? If they didn't want criticism they should have waited until it was more stable to show off their product. But even alphas need constructive criticism to help improve the product. Game is looking fantastic right now, but I'm not going to sit here and not point out the frame rate issue.


This is the game that will make or break a future Xbox purchase.

I'm left teetering on the brink. I wanted an MH type MP game and I can still get that judging from the end of the video.

Massive MH fan obviously :p

Please let it have a good MP component. I'll even buy an Xbox for it, I swear :D


don't know..doesn't really convince me that much...gameplay doesn't seem too "tight" for being a kamiya game...but probably the mini-demo isn't enough to judge it on that regard


So I can't give criticism of a pre-alpha?

Sure can, but seeing as it's pre alpha and we have seen so little of the game and the fact that it's Kamiya and Platinum? I mean for a game a year away surely we should temper our expectations from early pre alpha footage.

If the game is shown again next year closer to the release date having all the same problems then the concern will certainly be justified. For now I prefer to think about the potential this game has rather than be down on the few minutes we have seen.

Of course everybody is different though.
Looks a little rough and slow, but Kamiya has the Midas touch IMO so I'm still excited. Totally expected a slower more large scale adventure, and I'm still on board to see where this goes.

Though I thought they were going to show some seamless mounting/dismounting of the Dragon in combat, so it being used as (basically) an off screen fire attack for most of this demo is a little disappointing. Hopefully there's more to it than that. I have to believe Platinum wouldn't stop there.

def sim

I like what I saw. I hope they show a more detailed playthrough though, admittedly, I haven't watched the IGN stuff yet.


The last Kamiya game I enjoyed was Okami. I hated the gameplay in all the games since. Scalebound might actually be fun for me. Pity I don't have room for an Xbox.


Got bored halfway through with the over there comments. Pretty disappointing reveal but hopefully future videos will convince me. Platinum games always seem to struggle to showcase action clearly. A lot of effects hampering framerate with jarring camera angle changes makes the action hard to follow. Felt 101 also had this problem sometimes. If you want to make hyper kinetic action games the camera needs to be top notch.


PlatinumGames is a very gameplay focused developer. I am positive that one of the first things they do when making a game is figure out the combat and how the player interacts with enemies. This game has been in development for more than 2 years. I think what we saw in that demo is pretty representative of what we'll be getting at release (performance issues aside).

Yeah, the demo was probably a realistic showing of the basic combat you can expect at release. The last ~10% of development makes a huge difference to overall polish, though, and that extends to the feel of gameplay. Scalebound is long enough from release that I doubt it's close to that point yet. A lot of the imperfections people found so jarring aren't so odd to see at the stage of development Scalebound seems to be.

Not to mention we're missing a lot of context for what we saw. As far as I know, we don't have much knowledge about the systems at all. Sometimes it's difficult to make a gameplay demo immediately connect with players, and that's partly why we see so many vertical slices that end up being barely representative of moment to moment gameplay. This was a simple demo that introduced us to the basics, and it's not surprising it wasn't super exciting to a lot of people. In this case, the combat also seems much more RPGish than what we've come to expect from Platinum, so by default it wouldn't meet the expectations of many.

Anyway, I understand the disappointment some feel, but it does seem to me that people tend to place too much importance on these showings. It's not easy to come up with a short demo that's properly representative of the full experience, especially before the final stretch of development. Take it as an informative glimpse, feel free to be critical, but keep it in context. Otherwise, it's all too understandable that publishers feel pressured to only show their games in the best possible light.
Delsin was actually clever and funny. He wasn't a douchebag at all either. He may come off that way from his face but if you played the game, you would see that he's actually a good guy. He's basically a more immature Drake. This Scalebound guy is stupid, cheesy and boring.

How could you possibly know that?


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Well, once they get done with Nier, I guess Yoko Taro is at the right place for a full-on Drakengard reboot :D


Nice use of Prodigy, always pleasure hearing one of my favourite songs in a game. Like the environments, not much interest in the gameplay. But it could be a nice videogame.


What the F on the framerate!
But the graphics looks good otherwise.
Can't tell you how the gameplay looks because that looked too staged to be excited.
I didn't see anything in this game that was necessitate downgrading the visuals to achieve 30fps. Yes, it was rough, but I can see the game shipping at 900p with a rock solid 30fps while retaining the gorgeous visuals we saw today. The game isn't launching until November 2016 at the earliest. Have faith, people.
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