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Scalebound Gameplay Demo [extended IGN First demo in OP]

What game does Scalebound most remind you of?

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Have they ever gone for a more open world RPG style like this is though? I'm interested in seeing how it plays out. I always wondered why there were no open world RPG games with flashy/stylish/deep/fast combat systems along with deep RPG mechanics.

Well, the closest thing they've done to this (based on what very little footage we've seen) would be Okami but even that's quite different, and Okami was based very much around Zelda-esque exploration elements as well.

And I think the reason you don't really see big open world games with that kind of gameplay is that it requires a ton of effort to design combat of that depth and skill ceiling, and that only increases exponentially as the size of the world goes up. Probably the closest two games I can think of to what you're talking about are Dragon's Dogma and Darksiders 2.

The last Gu... ehm... Scalebound
I wonder when we're going to see the protagonist in the The Last Guardian using his devil bringer and vorpal sword.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
The last Gu... ehm... Scalebound looked seriously cool. Definitely my highlight of the show. That games wasn't really on my radar, but it definitely is now.

Ploid 3.0

For the poll it the game it reminds me of isn't on the list (Devil May Cry with a pet like Nero.



I was expecting GAF to go apeshit, but in the opposite way... what is going on? xD

Funny 'cause I can't stand Platinum games, but I think this looks interesting. The main character is atrocious, though. But what I saw of the combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma a bit and that's a good thing. Too bad there's no character creator.

Slow combat? Bland? WTF? Was Dragon's Dogma slow and bland too? xD

Maybe it's just the frame rate, but the combat looks a fair bit slower than Bayo 2.
So a 8 minute gameplay demo has so much hate. People are hard to please these days I guess!

I can't wait for more info to come out on IGN FIRST.
AH YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

gimmie gimmie.

That mini map showed how big that area was... oh man oh man.


I think it looks great visually, but the combat looks very clunky for a platinum game. Hopefully next build they can fine tune it.


Visuals looked nice, but it didn't feel like it had that sexy-fast/smooth/flashy PG-combat feel to it. I was expecting more pizzaz. Also was kinda hoping it would be a single-player game (considering none of my friends own an xbone).

Hopefully that comes in time, cause it still has a while in dev. Also the framerate lol.


Platinum games are renowned and revered because they serve a niche that nobody else can fill. This is not that. Poor looking combat/ uninspired movesets. In a Platinum game. Think about it.


People might diss me for this...


that character design...


I'm not even kidding. I rike it. It's unique and different than most bland characters these days. I don't even care if it doesn't make sense or whatever, it's like a slightly cooler Nero and yes, I EVEN LIKED THE MUSIC PLAYING DURING COMBAT.

I can tell why people don't like it, though.
The extended demo ended on a great note, that was pretty exciting.
So that was Kamiya playing? I dunno if he is good at playing his games...

Protagonist seems like Dante more than Donte. Plus, customizable?


I don't see why everyone's so outraged about the framerate. Like Okami, this is supposed to be a Zelda tribute - running at the same framerate as the PAL N64 version of Ocarina of Time is just part of Kamiya's vision.

Ploid 3.0

A pet? Nero's summon is just the devil trigger with a neat visual effect. It's not something you command on the battlefield.

Yeah, a extra thing other than the main character. I call them pets. It reminded me of that more than anything, especially the options on the poll.
People might diss me for this...


that character design...


I'm not even kidding. I rike it. It's unique and different than most bland characters these days. I don't even care if it doesn't make sense or whatever, it's like a slightly cooler Nero and yes, I EVEN LIKED THE MUSIC PLAYING DURING COMBAT.

I can tell why people don't like it, though.

I like everything except for how his face looks. The headphones are tight af.


4 player coop is gonna be insane btw. Holy shit it probably gonna be more madness then Sunset Overdrive.

You're right, his face was a bit of a letdown compared to the rest of the design :c

True. But much can change. See Quantum Break for example haha.
I enjoyed what I saw during the briefing. Have yet to see the extended demo

Framerate issues aside, which undoubtedly will tidy up before next holiday, I really liked what I saw.


You think in ONE gameplay session of a couple of minutes, Kamiya showed everything you could do combat wise?

In a demo on stage you show the best and not "some segment". I expected even more than what was shown^^ But still - It looks great and knowing Kamiya ... He always delivers in the end.


The gameplay seems a bit boring. The ability to grapple huge monsters is awesome but there doesn't seem to be any challenge or tension in these fights. Hopefully it's just set on some super easy mode for the demo.
Platinum games are renowned and revered because they serve a niche that nobody else can fill. This is not that. Poor looking combat/ uninspired movesets. In a Platinum game. Think about it.

I can definitely see how Microsoft meddled in the game design, let me tell you!


I'm finding my initial response to what i've watched as indiference. I can look past the terrible framerate since its still early gameplay. But the design (not only the main character which is abysmal) and how uninteresting it looks to play just makes it hard for me to care. I'll decide closer to completion. But right now it's not for me.


The gameplay seems a bit boring. The ability to grapple huge monsters is awesome but there doesn't seem to be any challenge or tension in these fights. Hopefully it's just set on some super easy mode for the demo.

How you climb the enemies in games like Shadow of the Colossus, Dragon's Dogma and Monster Hunter is part of the challenge and fun.

The grapple in Scalebound really dumbs this aspect down imo. Just aim, shoot and voila, you're on the enemy.


The gameplay seems a bit boring. The ability to grapple huge monsters is awesome but there doesn't seem to be any challenge or tension in these fights. Hopefully it's just set on some super easy mode for the demo.
It's made by Kamiya and Plantinum Games, it'll be challenging enough ;)


people talked shit about Bayo when it was first revealed, Vanquish, MGR (when it got rebranded to a platinum game), W101

i used to do it too and then i realized i ended up loving them all, so ive just decided to trust platinum and kamiya by this point

this is gonna be great when it comes out


Wow... to me this game looks absolutely amazing. Reminds me of a mix between Final Fantasy, Monster Hunter and Devil May Cry.

Not sure if it's enough for me to buy a Xbox One... but this game is definitely making me reconsider.
So, I watched the extended trailer of Scalebound and I really have to negative points that'll probably be in the final game:

- The main character, I just don't like his design. I don't particular dislike the dialogue.
- The music when he is in fight. It sucks.

Everthing else looks promising.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
So, I watched the extended trailer of Scalebound and I really have to negative points that'll probably be in the final game:

- The main character, I just don't like his design. I don't particular dislike the dialogue.
- The music when he is in fight. It sucks.

Everthing else looks promising.

Agree. They guy looks and sounds like a douche. I am digging the big ass dragon, though.
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