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Scalebound Gameplay Demo [extended IGN First demo in OP]

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Hard to ascertain much from the demo. The dragon seems to be doing most of the heavy lifting and outside of the stun grenade I am unsure how your input affects what the dragon does.

Need to see more of the world and characters outside of battle to get a gist of what this really is. Combat is only one component of a RPG, even combat heavy RPGs like dark souls have a rich lore and settings and fairly developed characters.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I was expecting GAF to go apeshit, but in the opposite way... what is going on? xD

Funny 'cause I can't stand Platinum games, but I think this looks interesting. The main character is atrocious, though. But what I saw of the combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma a bit and that's a good thing. Too bad there's no character creator.

Slow combat? Bland? WTF? Was Dragon's Dogma slow and bland too? xD
Who cares how long it's supposed to be until it releases? If they didn't want criticism they should have waited until it was more stable to show off their product. But even alphas need constructive criticism to help improve the product. Game is looking fantastic right now, but I'm not going to sit here and not point out the frame rate issue.

"The gameplay of your trailer has framerate problems"

"It's 18 months out"

"Yeah but framerate problems though..."

Truly constructive. Definitely adding value to the discussion.


In the demo the character kept getting skill points.

I can't even imagine the abilities in an open world Kamiya game with a dragon.

Dragon skills, weapon skills,armor skills ,flying skills

Lots of weapons.. The coop player had a giant weapon. Bows, short and boards

The prompts indicated he could have gone on the dragon's back at anytime

Man I'm hyped
Can't wait for more info

Also it reminds me of Dragonheart with Sean Connery


I was expecting GAF to go apeshit, but in the opposite way... what is going on? xD

Funny 'cause I can't stand Platinum games, but I think this looks interesting. The main character is atrocious, though. But what I saw of the combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma a bit and that's a good thing. Too bad there's no character creator.

Slow combat? Bland? WTF? Was Dragon's Dogma slow and bland too? xD

People weren't expecting Dragon's Dogma. They were expecting Bayo with Dragons.


I thought the demo at the conference looked really good, but the extended video at IGN less so.

It's too early to judge tbh , I doubt we will see much more until E3 2016 so they have plenty of time to address the technical issues.
So that wasn't anything like I expected it to be. I can't tell if im really disappointed because its not at all what I envisioned or if its because it actually didn't look good.
I like that there seems to be a variety of weapon types - since the other coop players spawned in with a giant sword and a spear respectively. Would be cool to see how much customization you have over your look, equipment and dragon.
I was expecting GAF to go apeshit, but in the opposite way... what is going on? xD

Funny 'cause I can't stand Platinum games, but I think this looks interesting. The main character is atrocious, though. But what I saw of the combat reminded me of Dragon's Dogma a bit and that's a good thing. Too bad there's no character creator.

Slow combat? Bland? WTF? Was Dragon's Dogma slow and bland too? xD

Well, I think a lot of Platinum fans were hoping/expecting this to be the game that sold them on the Xbox One, so it makes sense people are going to be disappointed that it's not what they'd expect from the company.

Aside that the current animations and enemy hitstun/reaction don't look nearly as good as what's in the Dragon's Dogma combat.


Nero's similarities are too obvious to ignore. Looks like something I can enjoy, barring a few changes in the models, and a 60 fps.


I always wanted a playable version of full metal wing. Is there any chance Kamiya seeks outside funding from headphone manufacturers? Those headphones deserve the Beats branding, IMHO.

Solid demo and I'm excited for the full game.


I was expecting GAF to go apeshit, but in the opposite way... what is going on? xD

Kamiya directed Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Comparing it to those games the combat looked rather generic (like Witcher 3) and not like something from the master of character action. But there is still time. Especially to fix the framerate. Was still very rough.

Mory Dunz

Environments look amazing

FPS looks horrible, but it's far from release.

gameplay seems like near the beginning of the game, so I can't say anything.


Kamiya directed Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Comparing it to those games the combat looked rather generic (like Witcher 3) and not like something from the master of character action. But there is still time. Especially to fix the framerate. Was still very rough.

Though Okami was significantly pared-back as well, as far as depth and complexity goes - with the focus on multiplayer and a larger world, it seems inevitable that the game would go in that direction. Even if Anarchy Reigns did manage 8 characters with decent movesets at once on last gen consoles...


OK just watched the extended IGN demo. Really not digging the combat against normal mobs at all. Protagonist combat seemed slow and there was a lot of "here attack this dragon" stuff which doesn't really do much for me. The combat against the big monster was much better so I hope there's more stuff like that.

As for the MP it seems like there's co-op for the story which is great but I'm worried there's no separate MP component like MH that I was really hoping for.

All in all not the best first showing but I still really want to find out more! Give me all the info IGN, my Xbox purchase is riding on this! :D
The dragons looks amazing, the main character looks horrible, design wise and visually.
I like the idea of fighting alongeside a dragon, but the gameplay looked very off. I also thought everything except the dragon looked pretty meh. Should be 60FPS.

But this still has a lot of time to improve. Its late 2016 iirc.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Looks meh.

Platinum are much better at straight action games with a lot of scale, or tight focused experiences. They don't have to have multiplayer or be focused around open worlds. That's why i liked Bayonetta so much...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Kamiya directed Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Comparing it to those games the combat looked rather generic (like Witcher 3) and not like something from the master of character action. But there is still time. Especially to fix the framerate. Was still very rough.
That combat looks nothing like Witcher... :S


I hope there is Kinect function in the game.
Pointing and shouting attack would be more fluid for the dragon command while you are in control of the MC with the controller.
60 fps and might give it a try at a friend's house.

lol I love this kind of comments :

"1 euros sale and I might touch it with a stick"

On topic, I don't really know what to think about this game. My hate for the main character is jamming my perception. It's as if microsoft told Platinum "now you got to create a character that wil appeal to the western male demographic" and platinum thought "ahem.... OK... let's try this"
Looks meh.

Platinum are much better at straight action games with a lot of scale, or tight focused experiences. They don't have to have multiplayer or be focused around open worlds. That's why i liked Bayonetta so much...

Have they ever gone for a more open world RPG style like this is though? I'm interested in seeing how it plays out. I always wondered why there were no open world RPG games with flashy/stylish/deep/fast combat systems along with deep RPG mechanics. I know the combat doesn't look that fast or flashy yet, but maybe it could evolve into something like that as your character progresses.

Am I optimistic that this is what the game will be? No. Just curious.

Wasn't he one of the main characters in The Wonderful 101, as well?



Kamiya directed Wonderful 101, Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. Comparing it to those games the combat looked rather generic (like Witcher 3) and not like something from the master of character action. But there is still time. Especially to fix the framerate. Was still very rough.

You think in ONE gameplay session of a couple of minutes, Kamiya showed everything you could do combat wise?


Have they ever gone for a more open world RPG style like this is though? I'm interested in seeing how it plays out. I always wondered why there were no open world RPG games with flashy/stylish/deep/fast combat systems along with deep RPG mechanics. I know the combat doesn't look that fast or flashy yet, but maybe it could evolve into something like that as your character progresses.

Am I optimistic that this is what the game will be? No. Just curious.

You should really play Dragon's Dogma.


is responsible for the well-being of this island.
I tried to like it, I truly did. But I couldn't. I was super goddamn excited to see this game, MGR and Bayonetta are my favorite action games and I was so ready for the next Platinum masterpiece. But fuck me that combat looks like something out of a budget title, I don't care if it's an "action RPG" or not, it just looks bad and sluggish to me, something I'd expect from Bound by Flame 2.

I have no problems with the main character, and I love how the world looks, but unless they overhaul that combat system, I'm not touching it.
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