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Scalebound (XB1/PC, 2017) Xbox E3 Briefing 2016

Seems like there's no reason to be on foot. Something that's always hard to balance in a game like this. It's like, if I have a weapon that's five times stronger than me that I can use at any time, why the fuck am I walking?


Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Looks really bad so far.


I think the problem is that we haven't seen ANYTHING outside of combat. Like, no wondering around the world, no towns, no RPG elements like character progression, inventory system, etc.


I think the problem is that we haven't seen ANYTHING outside of combat. Like, no wondering around the world, no towns, no RPG elements like character progression, inventory system, etc.
Combat is so important though, especially when it comes to Platinum titles. Beyond that, there's a fundamental distaste for the protagonist that a lot of players (including myself) are having a very difficult time getting past.


I think the problem is that we haven't seen ANYTHING outside of combat. Like, no wondering around the world, no towns, no RPG elements like character progression, inventory system, etc.

Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.


Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

They need to show it. Could have added a short 30-60 second reel after the boss fight to show off those other parts of the game so people got the right idea that there's more to it than the combat we saw in that boss fight.

Not sure who the producer is at MS (Loftis?) that thought it was a good idea to focus on the combat, but s/he needs a wake up call.

E92 M3

Really underwhelming - I think the coop made the game worse and compromised the vision. Wish it was just single player.
Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

Very nice, that E3 showing will not break me!


Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

Sounds like they are really dropping the ball with their approach to showing the game. I had no idea this was rpg-like, which makes the lackluster-looking combat more understandable.

Blows my mind that they didn't want to show that to the public. What's the advantage of a private showing?


I'm ok with the game so far, like people said this is an rpg and there is a lot of things that we have yet to see, but they clearly need to change that fucking awful protagonist.


This game looked real rough. Maybe it's just not my style, but everything about it screamed "trying too hard". I thought the monster design was very uninspired too.

Compare this to the Gears of War footage, which I thought did a great job breathing life into what could have been a stale demo.


yea this looks terrible. not touching this with a ten foot pole

what happened to mgs rising platinum ? they done fell off hard


Sounds like they are really dropping the ball with their approach to showing the game. I had no idea this was rpg-like, which makes the lackluster-looking combat more understandable.

Blows my mind that they didn't want to show that to the public. What's the advantage of a private showing?

Private showings are completely normal - normaly they are extended versions of what was released to the public and that's exactly what happened with Scalebound, too. It was a live demo of what you've seen in the official gameplay video from Gamescom where he is running around in the grassy fields but we had, like, 30 minutes instead of 10, so they were able to go into way more depth. The thing is: Normally they release that footage at a later point. That just never happened here.

Just one small example: There are different weapon types that seem to play completely differently. HUGE Claymores, spears, that kind of stuff, Monster Hunter-style. They are breakable (and even repairable if I remember right? Has been almost a year...) of which I am not a huge fan of, but yeah, this is a roleplaying game. As to why they still haven't shown off these systems? I have no idea.

Why ask for a Platinum Game and then meddle with it? Dammit, still want to give it a shot.

Kamiya has often said that this is his dream game, the project he has been trying to get going for years: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/xbox-one-exclusive-scalebound-was-shelved-twice-or/1100-6431046/ This is all about messaging.


Hoping this isn't a Monster Hunter-like game. I don't want to be whacking at a monster for a long freaking time with the game completely unbalanced and boring in single player. It ruined Lost Planet 2 and it ruined Peace Walker. Let this game be a tight experience for single player.


Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

Does what shown compare favorably to Dragon's Dogma, which had great combat, in your eyes?
I was very intrigued by Scalebound when it was announced. I was impressed by the reveal, and I expected to be blown away by future demos.

This E3 showing didn't really do much for me. I still expect Kamiya to deliver a good game, but I don't know what Scalebound is really about right now. I knew about the RPG mechanics from the beginning, but they haven't been showcased well.
Did they have invincibility turned on?

Didn't seem like the guy was taking damage. Looks nice, should've picked a better section though


Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

Agreed. It's not an action game, it's mostly an RPG.

Astral Dog

yea this looks terrible. not touching this with a ten foot pole

what happened to mgs rising platinum ? they done fell off hard

ask Konami.

Bayo 2 was very good, but it seems without that template and proper budget/time Platinum struggles.


Neo Member
It's a shame that they showed this demo on stage. They should have shown some more stuff about the game itself instead of only action. To quote windowscentral: " Scalebound isn't just a hack n' slash; it's a full-blown action RPG with an inventory, loot, non-linear exploration, NPC cities, weapon durability, currency, in-game economies and more." But I still think this game has huge potential tho!

And i still think a lot of people don't know that you can fully customize your own dragon:

So it could look something like this:



Sounds like they are really dropping the ball with their approach to showing the game. I had no idea this was rpg-like, which makes the lackluster-looking combat more understandable.

Blows my mind that they didn't want to show that to the public. What's the advantage of a private showing?

You could say......they enix'ed there approach to showing a demo
I honestly don't know without playing it myself. However, try rewatching the Gamescom footage because I think that actually gave you a way more representative look into the game, inlcluding picking up loot, ressources etc.


Yeah, watching the initial showings was confusing/disappointing as the combat really threw me off.

Going back to that video you linked to, having read that it's meant to be a proper RPG, makes me feel better about the game. They've done a really poor job of showing the game off so far though, not surprised so many people are being negative.
Different strokes, I guess. The after school brotagonist seemed like it might have been MS informed, but overall it looked pretty cool to me. Action RPG with wild encounter scale and saturday morning, sugar rush craziness. I wish I could play it when it comes out, but it's outta my laptop's league and I don't own an X1.


Oh my god. The main character is unbearable. The game looks like it has the potential to be a lot of fun.. but the dialog and random "intense!!!!!" "Lets go big guy!!!!" "comin for you ugly!!!!" was truly awful. So bad it made me laugh. Maybe it's the voice actor because he screams every line out. It reminded me of watching the Power Rangers.
Yeah, I was really confused by this reaction until your post made me remember that I actually got to see a large part of Scalebound never released to the public during GamesCom. There's an inventory system, there are towns, character progression, dragon customization etc. etc.

This is a RPG and I feel like this is why so many people here are disappointed.

Scalebound doesn't compete with Bayonetta, it competes with Dragon's Dogma. It's another RPG with action-oriented combat in that vein and that's why I'm so incredibly excited for it.
If you'd compare Dragon's Dogma's fighting system with Bayonetta's it wouldn't end very favorable for DD. It's great for a RPG but lackluster if that'd be all there is to it. However, combined with all the different possibilites provided by the fact that this is a RPG, the fighting system suddenly seems pretty damn great.
That's what this game should be compared to. This is not a character action game, even though it still has quite a few of the genres influences.

Dragons dogma has excellent combat though?


I had my doubts when it was first revealed - not the CG trailer, but the first gameplay footage - but yeah. It doesn't look like fun. You can cherry pick a bunch of games it borrows ideas from, but the result is mashing them all together into a lumpy, unfocused mess.

At least with Souls, with Monster Hunter, with Bayo, they are built from the ground up around the core fighting mechanic. You could plonk your character from Souls/MH/Bayo into any level, any world, any game, and the core combat would still be fun.


That was just... a terrible demo. I was watching the conference from home, which was overall pretty well paced, and while I'm not into most of their games, MS did a solid job. But this demo was just, so bad. I actually started laughing.

My roommate, who was pretty excited about the game, cancelled his preorder, even knowing he could switch to a digital copy and get it on W10. He likes his Monster Hunter style games too, and his Bayonettas, and so on. Seeing the combat system so completely underwhelming on what was supposed to be such a big scale thing was really deflating for him.

Now I'm looking at answering questions about this game in store (not that it comes up almost at all, maybe more once advertising really starts closer to release), and I guess I'll use the Dragons Dogma comparison, even though that game seems to do everything related to combat so much better (at least for now... They haven't shown anything combat related that would in any way challenge that though. )


what the fuck at this and Gears 4. I mean at this point, I may just wait for reviews on Gears 4 because I honestly don't have as much time for games these days and so I'd rather spend time playing something fun or playing the best games. If Gears 4 ends up flopping, I won't bother getting the Windows 10 version... probably just the ultimate edition. Scalebound I was interested in before, but this definitely turned me off.


Blame PG for their incompetent communication and presentation. However I believe that there are some people are being intentionally obtuse.
They've been saying it's an RPG with big monster battles and coop from the beginning and they never said it was a character action game. But people seem to want it to be. It's silly.


Ehhhh just saw the E3 gameplay demo. The fight with the monster seemed like it completely lacked tension.

Like, you're on top of a dragon. Shooting fire. At a giant monster. And yet somehow it seems boring.

Also the MC is annoying as fuck.
Man I had to watch the E3 gameplay again to wrap my head around it. This game is looking so fun. I can't wait to explore this world and battle goliaths. Day fucking 1.
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