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Scalebound (XB1/PC, 2017) Xbox E3 Briefing 2016

Beth Cyra

Wow I never thought I'd see a Kamiya game that just bored the crap out of me. Hated the lead but eh he isn't important but between the meh bow and just drag boss fight It couldn't crater my hype any more.

And to think people want Kamiya to direct a DMC 5 over Itsuno.


It's cool character design in how try-hard he is. He's annoyingly cool. I found it funny and a blast in the videos we've seen so far, I have no idea why so many people here can't stand him.

I don't mind him. Back in the day this was the game that made me want an Xbox One(Sunset Overdrive too). It looked pretty boring here though.


I thought Scalebound had a pretty good showing this year, it's coming along well imo, although I hope it works well as a single player game too.


This demo was focused on a boss fight, i liked it, of course the game will offer open areas with exploration and RPG elements, to me it looks a lot like Final Fantasy XV gameplay wise


Bayonetta was a game that was a laughing stock to most people until the first review scores hit.

I dont remember that, what were people saying? I only remember the 'I don't like crazy Japanese designs' complaints about Bayo's physique.


That's "Dr." dofry to you.
Just saw this a minute ago.

- The graphics don't look good. The art style is ok
- The voice acting is bad and annoyed me for the duration of the whole demo
- The headphones cool factor is 0

But I am still intrigued for Scalebound because it's Platinum. And it's Coop. Lets wait and see when this is released.


I know it´s only a small vid, but I can´t understand why MS gets P* for this, a studio known most of all for their incredible and frantic gameplay. This video had none of that. The only thing that gives me some hope is that the dragon made a quick side-dash in the air, that may mean that you´ll need those kind of fast moves in combat as this fight was just not representative of the real gameplay of the game.


Bayonetta was a game that was a laughing stock to most people until the first review scores hit.

mostly because people just saw "sexy witch" and lolled without paying attention,i was chanting masterpiece since the first videos
even angry joe didn't even grace the game with a review,limiting all to a preview where all he did was laughing at the fact that bayo was a sexy witch and there was a one hand easy mode

still one of Joe's lower points
It's cool character design in how try-hard he is. He's annoyingly cool. I found it funny and a blast in the videos we've seen so far, I have no idea why so many people here can't stand him.
Well, there you go. I knew you had to exist. So it's cool? Funny? A blast? Ok. Carry on.
This didn't look nearly as good as last year's footage. Really a shame. Because the game sounds very promising. Hopefully we get to see better footage during GC.
The word I'd use to describe that demo is yuck. Bland, boring and yawn-inducing would also work.

Co-op? Overly Japanese? I think I'll pass.


Dragons and boss looked cool, but the gameplay looked pretty tame compared to what I would expect from platinum. This was going to be the game that was gonna make me envious of Xbox owners, but now I'm not so sure. I want it to be good though, so hopefully it gets better.
The only thing that stood out to me as terrible is the bow, lackluster animations and effects, looked like he was playing with a toy.

Everything else looked ok-ish.
Yeah, this was... not great. Ended up getting bored and didn't even finish the trailer :/

Main character seems really, really low mobility, other than with the Dragon's cooperation. Maybe that'll work out okay, but this was not a compelling argument that it will.


If Kamiya'e name wasn't a "buy no matter what" for me, this demo probably would have unsold the game for me. Looked like a clusterfuck with poor combat. Should have shown something more of the world of the game and such. Intrigue instead of just everything exploding and things flashin on screen.
If Kamiya'e name wasn't a "buy no matter what" for me, this demo probably would have unsold the game for me. Looked like a clusterfuck with poor combat. Should have shown something more of the world of the game and such. Intrigue instead of just everything exploding and things flashin on screen.

Last year after GC they revealed the game was open world with towns and stuff, and nothing of that was shown here. Nothing at all. This wasn't the right way to show it at all if you ask me.


Neo Member
Hmm... I fail to capture Kamiya's charm in the game :(
What a pity, guess I'll wait until the game is completed and the gameplay reviews are out.


Everything was Win10...

That trailer sucked the air out of the hype for this game. Just nothing in it did anything for me at all.
Looking into various interviews and whatnot I'm super baffled now that the dragon will be incredibly customisable while 'Drew' (aka Dubstep may die) will be fairly static.

I really don't understand games that have multiplayer but then force everyone to be the same character, it makes even less sense when they're pretty all-in on making sure you can essentially create your own dragon :eek:


So, it looks kinda like DMC + Panzer Dragoon + Monster Hunter.

How is that a bad thing?

You know how sometimes people try to take a checklist and throw everything including the kitchen sink into an idea and it does none of the things particularly well? That's what the demo looked like.

Bits of Dark Souls, bits of Dragon's Dogma, bits of Devil May Cry, bits of Monster Hunter, bits of Panzer Dragoon, all the elements of kinda there, but none of them seem to work anywhere as well as the games the concepts draw from.

Kamiya's games tend to have a very strong sense of style, timing, and impact. The action flows well, things feel -awesome- even when you're watching. This looks like a terrible demo unfortunately. The motions are sluggish, there's no impact in the action, and a lot of the timing just feels off. It's simply not what people would expect from Platinum Games on their biggest budget title ever.


I have no problem with the character design, the dumb dialogue or music. It's just that the game looks boring. It's a cool concept but the execution has not made me want to play it. Not last year and certainly not this year.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
After W101 and now this, it feels like Kamiya has lost his mojo and doubts himself so he crams all this crap in rather than focussing on a couple core ideas and nailing them.

Saito team stays winning.

Lux R7

Ok i feel lucky here. The character appearence is almost like every char i try to obtain via CC in every argp with a CC (look at my Dogma avatar). PC? I might get this game.


Just gonna keep watching the development of this game. Just glad it's coming out in 2017. Don't know how much is going to change...but jesus. I'll give Kamiya the benefit of the doubt...so we'll see.


If Kamiya'e name wasn't a "buy no matter what" for me, this demo probably would have unsold the game for me. Looked like a clusterfuck with poor combat. Should have shown something more of the world of the game and such. Intrigue instead of just everything exploding and things flashin on screen.

Same here. I will get it Day 1 because it's Kamiya but the demo was underwhelming.


After watching it again...I feel like the player just played weird...why is everyone else on their dragons and this dude chooses to shoot with a bow and arrow. On the plus side...jesus the game is freaking huge. I guess that's where the Scale came from. I'm probably still going to get it. I presume it will be Xbox's "march" game like Quantum Break was since Feb is Halo Wars 2 (like Killer Instinct S3).
After watching it again...I feel like the player just played weird...why is everyone else on their dragons and this dude chooses to shoot with a bow and arrow. On the plus side...jesus the game is freaking huge. I guess that's where the Scale came from. I'm probably still going to get it. I presume it will be Xbox's "march" game like Quantum Break was since Feb is Halo Wars 2 (like Killer Instinct S3).

I assumed 'Scalebound' was referring to the dragon's scales; i.e. the main character is bound to the scales aka bound (linked) to the dragon.


Just watched it again this time with audio and my god is the main character insufferable. He isn't helped by awful facial animations either.

It's not a definite no, but this is probably the worst giant boss battle I've seen for a long while (except FFXV, but that's not really a comparison Scalebound should feel good about winning).

It would be fine if the earlier gameplay had looked awesome but it just kind of didn't ... in fact, aside from the different scenarios, it looked about the same then as it does now - very flacid melee combat, which is like the opposite of what Kamiya should be known for.

Glad there's a W10 version but I'm not sure I'll be picking it up straight away.

Co-op doesn't seem well integrated either since they're all just clones of you (at least, it appears that way?). They should have thought about making good single player game mechanics before making mediocre combat and saying 'whatever, people will have fun when they play with their friends'.


I assumed 'Scalebound' was referring to the dragon's scales; i.e. the main character is bound to the scales aka bound (linked) to the dragon.

It's a play on words. It's both the "scales on a dragon" and "scale of the game". MS mentioned something about that a while ago.


Got some time last night to watch this trailer finally, and I'm not sure what all the negativity is about. Other than hoping you can play totally solo, I think this boss was fine. There were several phases, some cool dragon intervention, and lots of crazy combat fighting a giant crab.

Out of all of the Xbone's lineup, this is definitely the game I'm most excited to play.


Kamiya needs to tweet less and work on fixing this up more /s

The animations lack any sort of impact. I was expecting Dragon's Dogma levels of archery awesomeness, but the bow here is like a toy bow. Then there were the palm fireballs, like... what the hell was that weak-ass shit? Finally, punching the giant weak point on the crab arm, that impact flash effect was laughably bad. It just appears then disappears with no gradation.
The problem is for an RPG focused game showing off a boss battle isn't really a good idea. It's the same exact problem for FFXV. Add to the fact that we haven't really been given an in-depth analysis of how this plays which is why a lot of people think it's a character action game. Not enough dragon rising which appeared to be the strongest aspect of the game.

Mr Git

That was a very bad showing. A mixture of a boring boss fight and watching someone with an uninteresting playstyle probably. The other clips and last year's showing were much better.


You know how sometimes people try to take a checklist and throw everything including the kitchen sink into an idea and it does none of the things particularly well? That's what the demo looked like.

Bits of Dark Souls, bits of Dragon's Dogma, bits of Devil May Cry, bits of Monster Hunter, bits of Panzer Dragoon, all the elements of kinda there, but none of them seem to work anywhere as well as the games the concepts draw from.

Kamiya's games tend to have a very strong sense of style, timing, and impact. The action flows well, things feel -awesome- even when you're watching. This looks like a terrible demo unfortunately. The motions are sluggish, there's no impact in the action, and a lot of the timing just feels off. It's simply not what people would expect from Platinum Games on their biggest budget title ever.

iawtp. it'll probly end up being a fun title, but that demo was all over the place, and the MC is just kinda shit to me so far.


Still haven't got around to seeing new footage. After seeing duckrolls post, this sounds bad. If I'm usually on same page in terms of likes/dislikes as someone it's usually him. Damn. Definitely checking out tonight to know if I should be excited or not. .
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