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Scalebound (XB1/PC, 2017) Xbox E3 Briefing 2016


What's up with those sucky demos lately? That demo doesn't do Scalebound any favors, same for Final Fantasy XV and other games.

I know most games will be awesome but seriously if you want to have games look super impressive and fun, make demos to show that.


combat looks really bad :/ and thats saying something considering its a plat title.

That bow looked very underwhelming.


The demo we saw last year was really good so I feel they just chose a weaker section to demo this year. I still have faith in Kamiya.
Look, he has headphones around his neck. Sunset Overdrive levels of cringey try-hardness going on here. Why do they do this? Who thinks a dude with headphones hanging on his neck and speaking like a stoned surfer is cool? Hands up. You must be out there.


Gold Member
And yeah like another poster said, if this was coming on PS4 too, we all know the reception here would be warmer.

seriously disagree. this demo would be a disappointment no matter how many platforms it was coming to. the combat's dull, & the lead character's obnoxious. which's absolutely not 2 things one expects to see in a platinum game :) ...
Look, he has headphones around his neck. Sunset Overdrive levels of cringey try-hardness going on here. Why do they do this? Who thinks a dude with headphones hanging on his neck and speaking like a stoned surfer is cool? Hands up. You must be out there.



Rolling Girl
There is nothing else like Scalebound out there, a game mixing ation, RPG elements and dragon riding. The soundtrack and main character mannerismas might not be for every one but it's undeniable how original and technically beautiful this game looks. It doesn't have to be Bayonetta just because it's from Platinum.

And yeah like another poster said, if this was coming on PS4 too, we all know the reception here would be warmer.

Nah I can play this on PC and I'm still disappointed. It looks really boring combat-wise for something like this.
There is nothing else like Scalebound out there, a game mixing ation, RPG elements and dragon riding. The soundtrack and main character mannerismas might not be for every one but it's undeniable how original and technically beautiful this game looks. It doesn't have to be Bayonetta just because it's from Platinum.

And yeah like another poster said, if this was coming on PS4 too, we all know the reception here would be warmer.

Fuck out of here with this fanboy bullshit. I have owned every platinum game on release day and even bought a fucking WiiU for Bayonetta 2 and TW101.


Whether it is on Xbox one PS4 or fucking Sega genesis.


Why would it be intentionally played so oddly?

Why would you just shoot arrows at the hard shell and not the weak point?

Surely players won't be that stupid (or at least anyone here on GAF).

It was more of a showcase of its abilities rather than an efficient fight, IMO

Not Spaceghost

These huge bosses that are mostly well timed jumps and things to avoid dying never make for the best show pieces of gameplay.

I really hope the smaller scale fights are very different because I was honestly not excited by this.
There is nothing else like Scalebound out there, a game mixing action, RPG elements and dragon riding.

Tons and tons and tons and TONS of games mix action and rpg elements. It's hard to find a AAA game nowadays that doesn't.

Dragon riding I'll give you, but that's weirdly specific.


Looked like everyone else was flying around on their dragon having a blast and he stayed back to shoot from a distant that his character couldn't hit...

Still looking forward to this!
Why would you just shoot arrows at the hard shell and not the weak point?

Surely players won't be that stupid (or at least anyone here on GAF).

It was more of a showcase of its abilities rather than an efficient fight, IMO

This is obviously the case. It's mindboggling to me that people are dogpiling this when FFXV thread has more widely admitted that the game was just played poorly -- regardless of whether or not that's true.
Not a good showing for me. The second showing in the last two E3s. It's making me concerned now. This seemed like such an easy win but I can't find the hook or the fun. If Kamiya's name wasn't tied to it I would have checked out of this game by now.
This was just a really poor demo. I was hesistant to pick the game up after the first showing but after this one, I'm definitely in the wait and see camp.


that uh...
certainly didn't incite any excitement for sure.

is this really kamiya game? or is he just 'supervising' someone else's work. Maybe Kamiya needs to take a break.
I think it was just a poor part of the game to demo. I don't think it's going to be a bad game or anything, although the combat looked thoroughly underwhelming. Hopefully they'll show a lot more before launch and we'll see some exploration and combat against smaller foes who aren't so tedious to battle.


Looks good. More Okami than Bayonetta from a combat POV, which is somewhat disappointing but doesn't mean much when potential overall quality is concerned. I'm sure more experienced gamers will get far more out of the combat system than this demonstration shows. Doubt we are forced to rely that much on boring bow action.


Look, he has headphones around his neck. Sunset Overdrive levels of cringey try-hardness going on here. Why do they do this? Who thinks a dude with headphones hanging on his neck and speaking like a stoned surfer is cool? Hands up. You must be out there.

It's cool character design in how try-hard he is. He's annoyingly cool. I found it funny and a blast in the videos we've seen so far, I have no idea why so many people here can't stand him.


Poor showing was my most hyped game now not so much. When he got on his dragon I'm thinking time to fuck shit up and then nothing. Like he blasts fireballs and that's it, come on bite the creature or something, show us something new. It just doesn't look fun.
This was really disappointing, zero excitement.

But hey, it was just a short bit. Hopefully the rest of the game is much better because I love the whole dragon thing.


The same day we know we´ll get this on PC we get this trailer :S

Combat looks really underwhelming, this wasn´t what I was expecting from a P* title. Also the MC is as generic as they come, I was expecting something much more unique.

I guess I´ll wait after release to hear people´s opinions on this.


Damn this did not look fun.. and that fckn bow!! LoL let's ignore the sword and the dragons and oh wait hold on let me put my headphones on cause I need to show I'm cool by listening to a rejected Dmc track lol.

I wanted to like this game


When I think about this, fighting a giant spider boss with a dragon by your side should exuberant coolness but then hey use this bow to do massive damage! What a shame as this has hit my hype, the last showing was more impressive (Though had yet to sell me on the game)
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