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Scalebound (XB1/PC, 2017) Xbox E3 Briefing 2016


This looks really fun. Makes me want an xbox. I hope edm-style music is in the game for when he puts his headphones on lol
I don't get the excitement for that Scalebound showing. It looked like it took no skill at all, with the character seemingly not having to worry about damage or enemy attacks except maybe one or two times. Plus the MC was shouting exactly what to do most of the time. I mean, from a gameplay perspective, which is the main reason people love Platinum games, the demo looked reeeeaaaallllly bad.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I generally like the idea of what they're going for but I'm not actually sure they're pulling it off and making some odd decisions especially for a developer like Platinum. Why is there little visual feedback for the attacks aside from numbers popping up? Why do things look so stiff and awkward? Just came off as a lot of cool ideas and visuals but as an overall game I'm not sure its gelling together well enough.

Edit: Also I hate how most videogames turn boss battles into people just spamming long range attacks to whittle off health. It was boring in WoW and MMO's and its no less boring in a smaller game.


Wow... erm... errrr.... maybe.... it plays better than it looks? Bad video... right?

This :(
It certainly doesn't look like particularly much fun to play. I really hope that was a wrong impression, but considering the delays, I guess the developement might not have gone smoothly.
Also, is it just me or has the colour drained from the game between last year and this year? Maybe it was just he player, I don't know.


I'm still optimistic for this game. I'll probably get the Xbox One when it comes out.

Him using a bow and arrow on that big ass boss was underwhelming though lol.


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
This is why Inaba left. Couldnt stand by and watch his company make these flop games.

Isn't Inaba still with Platinum? I thought that was the CEO, Minami that stepped down in April.


nethack is my favorite dark souls clone
Why does the character have to narrate every single god damn thing that's happening?

"He fell down!"
"We're shooting it"
"I'm flying on my dragon now!"


No need to buy an Xbone anymore, only exclusive game I was looking for just made me grind my teeth. There's a subtle line between cheesy-funny and cheesy-tryhard and it has been crossed.


This is like demoing Bayonetta with one of the giant boss levels.

That's what it reminded me of. Designing the encounters around co-op (with some big fucking dragons) may make those encounters seem even more spacious and indirect. Aside from that my two big concerns are the power of the dragon (they were destroying it from a safe distance by just pelting it with fire balls) and the effect of a loot system.
Too much Drew not enough Thuban. At least being on PC will help deal with those framerate drops that Kamiya games are known for.

Also, props to the lady for saying Kamiya's name right.
& sounds even worse. seriously: someone shut that fuckin' guy up! :) ...

I can only assume this is the E3 fad of having character talk constantly throughout the demo, despite it not being represented in the actual game.

It doesn't mean he won't be annoying in the full game though.


Whoa this looks like shit. I don't know, I know some people have got a big hard-on for Platinum but these days I'm leaning towards feeling like they just get occasionally lucky.

Maybe the game will be fun, not saying it won't... but it doesn't show well. Terrible voices, animation, and particle effects, and all around really rough transitions and flow.


Really poor showing, they had me at dragons, but seeing actual gameplay I lost all my excitement, what a shame.


Incredibly boring. I'm disappointed by the trailer. I seriously hope the actual game is far more fun than THIS. At least I don't have to buy a new console to play it now, so that's cool.

But EatChildren said this game would be cool

Between this, TMNT, and Star Fox Zero, Platinum fell the fuck off

Pretty sad :/


Looks like a poor man's Monster Hunter in a lot of ways. I really hope this is some early game gameplay because it looked painfully easy. Everything with the bow looked like shit, in fact all the projectiles looked lame, which sucks because almost the entire trailer was the dude pelting Crabzilla with lame arrows and energy bolts. Also the dude talked way too much, which I imagine was just a thing for this demo video, but if that's in the final game then I'm out.

Is there any limit to how much time you can ride around on the dragon? Because it seemed like everything that the dragon did was so much better in terms of range and damage so I can't see why you'd want to stay on the ground. Maybe if the weapons looked more powerful like the ones in Monster Hunter I could understand, but that looked like a normal bow and a normal sword.


Finally saw the footage.

Why is it so slow

Why does he talk so much

Why does it not look as fun as Kamiya's other games


Game looked pretty bad to be honest, really disappointed. This was one of my anticipated games, was expecting a lot when Kamiya + lots of money hats were involved.\

90% of the combat was sniping the monster with a boring bow and arrow plus space harrier dragon combat (aka the Kamiya standard). The other 10% was generic sword combo on giant squishy weak point.


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
I think my big issue is that the dragons are basically just helicopters in this game. They just hover most of the time lobbing fireballs like bullets or slowly move around the arena. I want dragons that soar and fly and move like an actual animal of their nature would, this just treats them like military vehicles with wings and scales, not impressed by that at all. I'm assuming the game would be harder design if Dragons moved like real creatures but the gameplay in this just looked boring. Standing around spamming a bow as the main character, then switch to hovering shooting fireballs at the boss. I expected a bit more from Kamiya and Platinum, this just comes off as generic.


Hey it's a bullet sponge boss with massive health designed for co-op play.

Thanks for obliterating my interest in this game.


It looked so shit. Giant boss battles are boring and shit. I hoped Kamiya got the memo since its mediocre giant bayonetta ones. Apparently he did not.

Also something about the way it animates looks off and jank, I can't pinpoint exactly what and why, but I got a icky feeling about the way it all moves.


First Hideki Kamiya game I'm not interested in :( It's just too much, too big, doesn't seem focused nor necessating any skills in particular, seems to cater to the Xbox audience with online co-op which does nothing in itself for me. Third disappointing Platinum game in a row :(


I'm getting a Dragon's Dogma vibe with the game. Not really what I'm expecting from Platinum game's, but I am still interested.


really happy this is coming to PC..as the game per se,i'll need to try it before any judgement...as of now it seems really flashy but nothing particularly technical or deep..but with kamiya you can never be sure
I'm disappointed. It's not the main character, I know Kamiya makes these edgy yet likeable protagonists, they are always aware. It's the gameplay, it doesn't look fun.


The protagonist manged to get worse. Ugh...

His hair is reminiscent of the "fuck my shit up" guy.

I'm disappointed. It's not the main character, I know Kamiya makes these edgy yet likeable protagonists, they are always aware. It's the gameplay, it doesn't look fun.

It's a fine line to tread with this type of character. This guy strikes me as being on the wrong side of the line.
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