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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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Isis doesn't need to attack the US, you'll just end up killing each other.

Fucking sad. I am also seeing a lot of parallels with the attitudes prior to WW2.


This just broke my goddamn heart.
Things don't just make me randomly cry, but I teared up a bit thinking about this.

Same. I have been holding back a good cry all day, but this broke me. This is what we are teaching our youth. This is the future being built, and this is what minorities have to look forward to. Fuck this country and fuck white privilege.


Isis doesn't need to attack the US, you'll just end up killing each other.

Fucking sad. I am also seeing a lot of parallels with the attitudes prior to WW2.

There never was a terrorist threat that could cripple the US society. The threat was within with the surveillance state, corporate media, increasing inequality, disregard for climate change, colorblind racism, militarization of the police, laissez-faire capitalism, wars in the Middle East, homophobia, and a major political party fanning the flames of fascism.



Black face fun at the University of Oregon (doesn't represent most students, but there are definitely still plenty of 'em around here).

That Trump supporter beating up above is absolutely intolerable, as well. Race War 2017?

This clip needed to go on longer.
What are they even doing the blackface for?
What was the sequence of events that led up to this?

(Trump wins Presidency) -> (Go out on the town in blackface)
I... Can't see a sane, logical progression from A to B.


but ppl keep telling me everything's going to be just fine... fuck this shit

Everything's going to be fine for people who Trump/Pence's "policies" won't directly impact.
...So why are the rest of you complaining so much?

Like, I have a friend who voted for Trump seemingly ENTIRELY on the notion that Trump will be staunchly Pro-Life and stack the Supreme Court with Pro-Lifers, completely ignoring that Trump's been intentionally vague and flip-flopped on that position several times even just in the last 6 years or so. Meanwhile, he's a white, straight, Christian man and he adamantly never wants to have children of his own, so none of Trump's policies will ever actually directly affect him and he gets to pat himself on the back for his black and white Pro-Life "morality."

Every gaffe and offensive word or gesture from Trump was shrugged off as "People just can't stand someone saying mean things."
When Trump and Pence's stance on GLB issues came up they didn't even faze him.
When I brought up how Trump has TWICE been directly admonished by the Department of Justice for blatantly racist and class-ist business practices he came back with, and I'm almost directly quoting here:
"Blacks lower property values. I can understand it from a business perspective."

And he calls me, a bi-racial gay man, a good friend.
I have some serious fucking thinking to do.


This clip needed to go on longer.
What are they even doing the blackface for?
What was the sequence of events that led up to this?

(Trump wins Presidency) -> (Go out on the town in blackface)
I... Can't see a sane, logical progression from A to B.

There was a rally earlier today (that went totally peaceful) and there's supposed to be a march/protest tomorrow (also cited by organizers to remain peaceful). I don't know if this is in response to that or just general jackassery now okayed by Trump. This state, despite its current leanings, has some real white supremacist roots. Not all those families died or moved away and, like most states, things get real dicey in the rural areas.
There never was a terrorist threat that could cripple the US society. The threat was within with the surveillance state, corporate media, increasing inequality, disregard for climate change, colorblind racism, militarization of the police, laissez-faire capitalism, wars in the Middle East, homophobia, and a major political party fanning the flames of fascism.

I agree with you, but at the same time I disagree with you. Because the surveillance state, police militarization, wars, xenophobia, insularism, and general internal discourse are all just some of many ways terrorism has successfully contributed towards diminishing America.

What so many people fail to realize is the goal in terrorism isn't to blow the hell out of another country. The most successful terror attacks have "only" killed thousands. No, the goal is prompt a country to change and destroy itself out of fear - the only way for us to win is to not give into that fear, to stand strong. And with a Trump victory? They've just gotten their greatest victory ever. His success is tangible proof that what they're doing works.



Black face fun at the University of Oregon (doesn't represent most students, but there are definitely still plenty of 'em around here).

That Trump supporter beating up above is absolutely intolerable, as well. Race War 2017?

This is my hometown. I grew up 5 blocks from here. This town is as liberal as Berkeley and this is just distressing.

They sound like HS kids (please not South Eugene HS kids). This is right by the Lillis Business School I graduated from. Sigh.


Seeing after brexit and this, mainland europe will see a serge of this also in the next coming years seeing more neo-nazi's and extreem right taking power. Even in germany there are in a rise and even france.

Also don't forget my country the netherlands, people still see this as a tolerante country but with geert wilders it was already rising and rising. I see more hate and disgusting behavior around me. Our election is next year here in the netherlands, we can vote between parties but a lot still don't vote. But they are just like with trump following geert wilders because 'Muslims' and nothing else.

It is something my dad and mom are very very sad about they are also 60 years old but wise enough to think and not follow the guy that screams. But it is terrible how something happend nearly 70 years ago and slowly returning. And also people not learning from there mistakes that is even worse.

Let on top of that people who don't vote at all and now all of a sudden are screaming not my president? fuck you i say you had a chance to vote and you didn't.

We can fight this yes and we should,we need to stand tall to these fascists,xenophobia,racists people. We stand together be it from europe or america, we need to pull through and really really learn from these mistakes.


Vote communist next time. We're the only ones with the spine to deal with these shit beads.

Haha, I actually think America is in desperate need for some communists. They're atheist for one, and they are always for race and gender equality. Too bad the whole idea of communism is too demonized in the west.


lol@mob beating, car theft, and dragging him with his own car needing context or mattering who posts it. btw situations like this, though not quite as horrific, were happening for months. just go check youtube and youll find plenty of videos of trump supporters getting harassed and beaten when leaving rallies. both sides have a lot of horrible people.

But only one of the sides' deplorable actions has the blessing of the future president.
I disagree. The NRA would gladly take some minority self defense examples. It's basically diversifying their portfolio, if you will.

And there are plenty of non-racists in the NRA too, but we all know how fun blanket statements are.
The people at the top = what most people mean when they say NRA
And a lot of the people below them follow their lead


This is my hometown. I grew up 5 blocks from here. This town is as liberal as Berkeley and this is just distressing.

They sound like HS kids (please not South Eugene HS kids). This is right by the Lillis Business School I graduated from. Sigh.

Yeah, I live here and work in the area near campus. Sharp contrast to the protest earlier today.


2016 has been a very tense year for America in regards to discrimination and violence, with the many shootings, protests and other incidents. I was hoping a loss of Trump would mean that America is NOT okay with this shit, and would lead to a dialogue to try and meld the divisions, improve racial relations, etc. Instead, Trumps victory flipped the switches in the heads of a lot of deplorable bigots (some closeted, some not), and made them think it is okay to openly harass people.

I feel bad for everyone in America, but especially everyone who gets caught in the crosshairs of these cunts.

Thanks Trump

PS: I know there are people who voted for Trump that do not support his bigoted views necessarily, but perhaps his views on other policies (most are not very good either, but that's not the point). But these people should have realized when they cast a vote, you don't vote for just a couple of his/her views when you vote for a president. You are giving this person the power to pursue all those views, including the disgusting ones, and the increasing mass who support the disgusting ones.
I'm very disappointed.


But only one of the sides' deplorable actions has the blessing of the future president.

It demonstrably doesn't matter since it's coming from both sides. Shit, you have people in this thread who need context before making a judgement on a video of a guy getting beaten, jammed in his car window, and dragged along his own car while people yell "he voted trump. don't vote trump."
This is getting out of control.

Isn't there anything we can do about this?

well there is but moderate white people certainly won't be happy about it

hint: it does not involve education or reason, because minorities have tried that for generations and it doesn't go through their heads


Seeing after brexit and this, mainland europe will see a serge of this also in the next coming years seeing more neo-nazi's and extreem right taking power. Even in germany there are in a rise and even france.

Also don't forget my country the netherlands, people still see this as a tolerante country but with geert wilders it was already rising and rising. I see more hate and disgusting behavior around me. Our election is next year here in the netherlands, we can vote between parties but a lot still don't vote. But they are just like with trump following geert wilders because 'Muslims' and nothing else.

It is something my dad and mom are very very sad about they are also 60 years old but wise enough to think and not follow the guy that screams. But it is terrible how something happend nearly 70 years ago and slowly returning. And also people not learning from there mistakes that is even worse.

Let on top of that people who don't vote at all and now all of a sudden are screaming not my president? fuck you i say you had a chance to vote and you didn't.

We can fight this yes and we should,we need to stand tall to these fascists,xenophobia,racists people. We stand together be it from europe or america, we need to pull through and really really learn from these mistakes.
Mainland Europe has been seeing a surge of this for a decade.


Welcome to Sweden 1991
welcome to Sweden 2010

1991 just saw a "small" rise in violent racism. It was negligible.
2010 saw verbal violence cemented as ok.
People"aren't" racist just "fed" up and will throw everyone else under the bus because it's easier to do so than to actually work for something better.

Stay safe, stay strong.

ps. I wish I could write to not take shit from anyone and just smack them all to hell but with all the guns in the States and dumb ass laws that allows you to murder anyone I just can't.

Mainland Europe has been seeing a surge of this for a decade.

Yepp, people just forget, ignore or my favourite phrase to hear "are you sure you aren't exaggerating"* then forgetting again.

* Actually guilty of that myself in the man spread thread. Really couldn't understand how some men are so rude to not close their legs if someone needs a place to sit.


And on the part of "one side is allowed" shit. Do you know how often some of us that lived with this shit for the past 30 years think about suicide, murder or just to go hermit? It's not like I can stop being black. So yeah I think I've earned the fucking right to call these idiots for subhuman waste that don't deserve the air they breath. Or if you prefer one could always go back to the old rules of sticks and stones. Just this time I'm making sure I also have a stick.
Guess they need to update land of the free to include the criteria. This was expected, trump winning justified open racism to a lot of people. Part of me hopes all the decent folks leave America so I can totally ignore America as a racist nation.
Trump supporters feeling the need to downplay this to not feel too bad about your victory, feel free to take pointers from the little brexiters who still don't see how Brexit played a role in racist/xenophobic crimes.
Look, I'm not going to ever suggest that violence against Trump supporters is okay, but it is not the same. One kind of violence is out of fear and desperation, the other is out of arrogance and empowerment. They are both bad, but the solution is not the same at all.


Yeah but protesters are being babies right? When our fucking new President encourages this fucking shit.

Posted by a friend on FB today in fucking NYC:

Got called the N-word on my way home by a white guy on the train "it's cool, Trump's president now" he said as he stared dead in my eyes.


Yeah but protesters are being babies right? When our fucking new President encourages this fucking shit.

Posted by a friend on FB today in fucking NYC:
Sorry but that almost sounds made up. Who would say "Its ok, Trump is president now" after calling someone the N word? If anything that sounds like something a mentally impaired person would say because a hardcore racist would barely explain himself afterwards.


Sorry but that almost sounds made up. Who would say "Its ok, Trump is president now" after calling someone the N word? If anything that sounds like something a mentally impaired person would say because a hardcore racist would barely explain himself afterwards.

Yeah, sounds not real, doesn't it? And yet here we are.


something something rural white voters, economics, rustbelt, anti-establishment, blah blah blah

As someone mentioned this exactly similar to what happened after Brexit in the UK. Racists feel completely emboldened now. Anyone not straight/white is fair game. Fucking horrible. The deplorables have taken over. And with the GOP in complete control, things will get much, much worse before they ever get better again.


It demonstrably doesn't matter since it's coming from both sides. Shit, you have people in this thread who need context before making a judgement on a video of a guy getting beaten, jammed in his car window, and dragged along his own car while people yell "he voted trump. don't vote trump."
It absolutely does matter.

There is a vast difference of moral and societal purpose and coming from when police get assassinated in recent events compared to the murder of black citizens by them.

One comes from a civil resistance and insurrection against tyranny while the other comes from a place of growing authoritarian control.

The U.S. just elected a man spouting fascist talking points to the highest office of power along with control over all of congress, violence and insurrection will get worse before it gets better.

When it does we must focus on when cops die it being a problem with America's institutions. Because the general populace just put a large amount of power into ones who are going to very actively pursue it being a problem with black people.
well there is but moderate white people certainly won't be happy about it

hint: it does not involve education or reason, because minorities have tried that for generations and it doesn't go through their heads

The apathetic white moderates are people who need to finally wake up and get outside of their homes to fight for the rights of minorities, or they'll be one of the main failings of this new USA.


I have been called a nigger at least once under every president since Bush senior.
Not trying to minimize some of these stories but what's stoping this from happing if Hillary had won.
I have been called a nigger at least once under every president since Bush senior.
Not trying to minimize some of these stories but what's stoping this from happing if Hillary had won.

Hillary wouldn't have made a difference but, with Trump, there are people that feel more enabled to do these terrible things now.

And it's what scares me the most.


I have been called a nigger at least once under every president since Bush senior.
Not trying to minimize some of these stories but what's stoping this from happing if Hillary had won.

Nothing, but people are looking to boil over about any and everything on both sides. It wouldn't surprise me if a LOT of the stuff posted isn't even recent, but it doesn't matter at this point - people are trying to incite each other from both sides and it's disgusting.

Hillary wouldn't have made a difference but, with Trump, there are people that feel more enabled to do these terrible things now.

And it's what scares me the most.

And yet, the last page was largely about THAT group doing the same kind of shit. Hate is hate, it doesn't matter which side it comes from. It's all intolerance at a level that we can't afford but we're charging it to ourselves just the same.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Will murder rates rise in the US now that Trump is President? I'm betting yes. It will be quite ironic given how much focus he gave to the rising murder rates in specific urban centers and he somehow blamed Obama on it.
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