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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.

Nah, you just voted for it.


Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.


Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.

You merely gave presidency to the guy who does.


Sharing my own personal experience from yesterday:

Walking home from work, I had headphones in but nothing playing. It was just one of those days. I was on the corner of State and High in Columbus. For reference, I was directly in front of where our House of Representative's offices are and directly across from the Statehouse.

I took off my work badge and had it in my hand as I opened up my bag to put it inside, and a guy next to me glanced down and presumably saw my name. In a hushed tone he asked his friend, "do you think the kike is upset?" The other guy laughed and said "they have feelings?"

I'm still numb. Never in my life have I experienced anti-Semitism that blatantly. I am in serious fear for other minority groups who can be targeted more easily by their outward appearance.


Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.

Uh but these people are pretty much repeating Trump's words?
Sharing my own personal experience from yesterday:

Walking home from work, I had headphones in but nothing playing. It was just one of those days. I was on the corner of State and High in Columbus. For reference, I was directly in front of where our House of Representative's offices are and directly across from the Statehouse.

I took off my work badge and had it in my hand as I opened up my bag to put it inside, and a guy next to me glanced down and presumably saw my name. In a hushed tone he said asked his friend "do you think the kike is upset?" The other guy laughed and said "they have feelings?"

I'm still numb. Never in my life have I experienced anti-Semitism that blatantly. I am in serious fear for other minority groups who can be targeted more easily by their outward appearance.

Fucking hell. I'm so sorry for your experience. Take solace in anything you can.


The article says the "police" said she made it up "because no witnesses?" I mean wtf kind of conclusion is that?

More here

"During the course of the investigation, the female complainant admitted that she fabricated the story about her physical attack as well as the removal of her hijab and wallet by two white males," the Lafayette Police Department said in a news release.

The incident is no longer under investigation, police said.

The alleged incident had garnered national attention and had drawn the response of the Louisiana affiliate of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Probably bucked under the weight of it going viral.



My partner cannot leave the house any longer and can't go to work. We are unable to afford a car or calling cabs/Uber (also in case the driver is a white vigilante). The bus is too risky as well. We're in the mid-west.

Fuck you if you voted Trump.

J2 Cool

Doesn't Trump at this point have an obligation to denounce this kind of stuff publicly? That he hasn't made a distinction is fucking shameful.

At least on the campaign, you get he doesnt want to deter any voters. Sickening reason. But now an increase in hate crimes, and you stand nothing to gain in being silent.. optimistically I think you start here if you were going to run a respectable presidency.


My partner cannot leave the house any longer and can't go to work. We are unable to afford a car or calling cabs/Uber (also in case the driver is a white vigilante). The bus is too risky as well. We're in the mid-west.

Fuck you if you voted Trump.

If you happen to be in Columbus, PM me.

Dude Abides

Doesn't Trump at this point have an obligation to denounce this kind of stuff publicly? That he hasn't made a distinction is fucking shameful.

At least on the campaign, you get he doesnt want to deter any voters. Sickening reason. But now an increase in hate crimes, and you stand nothing to gain in being silent.. optimistically I think you start here if you were going to run a respectable presidency.

Who says he wants to run a respectable presidency? He's not going to denounce the people who got him this far (and who he'll need in 2020).


Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.

Yes you do, you voted for him. Blood is on your hands.


Doesn't Trump at this point have an obligation to denounce this kind of stuff publicly? That he hasn't made a distinction is fucking shameful.

At least on the campaign, you get he doesnt want to deter any voters. Sickening reason. But now an increase in hate crimes, and you stand nothing to gain in being silent.. optimistically I think you start here if you were going to run a respectable presidency.

He made some fucking token mention of closing the divide during his victory speech but this is a guy who during his entire campaign, from the primaries to November 8th, ran on nothing but hate and anger against everyone who wasn't a white male and/or wealthy.


Not sure if posted but I saw this on Reddit


At one part he tells his girlfriend to "be a woman"

Turned it off at the point where he says that being cut off in traffic proves that black lives don't matter.

Also, as an aside, some Americans seem to have a real problem with being passed in traffic. I visit Ohio once every year or so, and am constantly playing games with people going way too slow who magically press on the gas as I try to pass them on a single lane highway. It will happen 4-5 times on every visit. I don't have that happen to me 4-5x a year in Ontario (despite living in the county and doing a lot of driving).


Doesn't Trump at this point have an obligation to denounce this kind of stuff publicly? That he hasn't made a distinction is fucking shameful.

At least on the campaign, you get he doesnt want to deter any voters. Sickening reason. But now an increase in hate crimes, and you stand nothing to gain in being silent.. optimistically I think you start here if you were going to run a respectable presidency.

He ran a campaign celebrating what a slimeball he is. What makes you think he gives a flying fuck about being a respectable president?


Turned it off at the point where he says that being cut off in traffic proves that black lives don't matter.

Also, as an aside, some Americans seem to have a real problem with being passed in traffic. I visit Ohio once every year or so, and am constantly playing games with people going way too slow who magically press on the gas as I try to pass them on a single lane highway.

Will confirm, Ohio drivers suck.


For you.
Blame the media for their portrayal of Drumpf. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Drumpf to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.

You voted for him. You voted for this platform. You encouraged this. Stop trying to wash away the blood from your hands.
In my area people of color were warned to stay inside this week because there have been threats of lynching, and I live in northern California...

This is horrible. I live in Southern California and if my area got this warning I wouldn't give in to these fucks. I'd walk or drive around doing my daily things strapped I'm not getting pushed around by fear. As much as I hate to say it buy a gun for self defence. I bought one just to go to the range maybe once a year but now I'm kinda glad I did.
Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.
Yes, you did encourage it by voting for him. You endorse racism. Don't pretend you don't.

J2 Cool

He ran a campaign celebrating what a slimeball he is. What makes you think he gives a flying fuck about being a respectable president?

Oh no, I have no delusions he does.

Not sure if posted but I saw this on Reddit


At one part he tells his girlfriend to "be a woman"

Guys an emboldened piece of shit. That your options are limited in what to do in this situation, is a travesty. Driver is a saint to handle it the way he did.
So what happens to actual communities that are heavily minority? Do we stick together even closer, or does it get busted up by smug racists who think they matter?

I come from an area that is predominantly Hispanic, but this area actually voted for trump. Does the minority faction become more inclusive and hide away, or do we try to give understanding to those that hate?

Martin Luther King Jr stated love for our enemies, but I openly wonder if that can help us at this point. At one point it was mainly a group that was marginalized. Now it's everyone that isn't white and straight.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Sharing my own personal experience from yesterday:

Walking home from work, I had headphones in but nothing playing. It was just one of those days. I was on the corner of State and High in Columbus. For reference, I was directly in front of where our House of Representative's offices are and directly across from the Statehouse.

I took off my work badge and had it in my hand as I opened up my bag to put it inside, and a guy next to me glanced down and presumably saw my name. In a hushed tone he asked his friend, "do you think the kike is upset?" The other guy laughed and said "they have feelings?"

I'm still numb. Never in my life have I experienced anti-Semitism that blatantly. I am in serious fear for other minority groups who can be targeted more easily by their outward appearance.
Awful :(

My partner cannot leave the house any longer and can't go to work. We are unable to afford a car or calling cabs/Uber (also in case the driver is a white vigilante). The bus is too risky as well. We're in the mid-west.

Fuck you if you voted Trump.
I thought you lived in Denmark? Why would you leave a decent country to live in the mid-west US? :(

Not sure if posted but I saw this on Reddit


At one part he tells his girlfriend to "be a woman"
Holy shit... this guy... -_-


I kind of feel bad for honorable whites who actually care, these vigilante morons are putting all of you in a bad light I'm sure.


Blame the media for their portrayal of Trump. While some bigoted and ignorant people are using the media's portrayal of Trump to help further their own nasty agendas, not all of his supporters such as myself encourage any of that behavior in the slightest.
Milquetoast. Nobody who supports Trump, certainly not the Republican party themselves, seems interested in policing their (fellow) voters. You may not encourage it, but your vote played a part in activating and enabling it. If you're going to standby and do nothing if and when this happens, you are allowing a precedent to be set.


Sharing my own personal experience from yesterday:

Walking home from work, I had headphones in but nothing playing. It was just one of those days. I was on the corner of State and High in Columbus. For reference, I was directly in front of where our House of Representative's offices are and directly across from the Statehouse.

I took off my work badge and had it in my hand as I opened up my bag to put it inside, and a guy next to me glanced down and presumably saw my name. In a hushed tone he asked his friend, "do you think the kike is upset?" The other guy laughed and said "they have feelings?"

I'm still numb. Never in my life have I experienced anti-Semitism that blatantly. I am in serious fear for other minority groups who can be targeted more easily by their outward appearance.
Please stay safe.

Apparently Trump is not walking back the Muslim ban. How much longer until it is illegal to be Muslim?

Fuck you America. We are a shitty country. It's now official.


It does. The last two days have had a lot of bans. Still, 100k accounts is a pretty big pool of opinions.

Are they purposely account suiciding as a "haha there are more of us than you think! Get ready!" Or is it them just being stupid and thinking its okay now?


Are they purposely accpunt suiciding as a "haha there are more of us than you think! Het ready!" Or is it them just being stupid and thinking its okay now?

A bit of both I would guess. I just assume that all juniors or accounts that havent been used in years are trolling if their opinions are specifically terrible. Burner/dupe accounts arent as hard to make as thry once were.

There are clearly some established posters who think it's ok though.


See the laundry list of "well, Trump won, so now we need to step in line with the white folks that voted for him or SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES".

I'm honestly shocked by it. I always thought GAF was an open-minded forum that encouraged diversity and pluralism.
Trust me, dudes like the guy in the Red Dead 2 thread going off about SJW cuck mods aren't an anomaly. But most are smart enough to know how the game is played. Keep your head down, stay out of any threads related to politics, and your account stays alive.

Trump's win means that not only has GAF's views on liberalism and intersectionalism have been rejected by mainstream America, they've been rejected by the Western world itself. These Gaffers are now more emboldened than ever. At best, they feel like they can say "Hey minorities, shut up and cater to my feelings." At worst they can say whatever they want because even if they get banned, their worldview has been vindicated by society.
Please stay safe.

Apparently Trump is not walking back the Muslim ban. How much longer until it is illegal to be Muslim?

Fuck you America. We are a shitty country. It's now official.

We've been a shitty country for a long time. Only occasionally do we manage to rise above the muck.
Sharing my own personal experience from yesterday:

Walking home from work, I had headphones in but nothing playing. It was just one of those days. I was on the corner of State and High in Columbus. For reference, I was directly in front of where our House of Representative's offices are and directly across from the Statehouse.

I took off my work badge and had it in my hand as I opened up my bag to put it inside, and a guy next to me glanced down and presumably saw my name. In a hushed tone he asked his friend, "do you think the kike is upset?" The other guy laughed and said "they have feelings?"

I'm still numb. Never in my life have I experienced anti-Semitism that blatantly. I am in serious fear for other minority groups who can be targeted more easily by their outward appearance.

That is seriously messed up. But to be fair, seedy and degenerate types are all around downtown c-bus, (esp by the statehouse, i've seen people literally shoot up at the bus stops there in the middle of the day) I always keep an eye open behind me there before this election and after.


We've been a shitty country for a long time. Only occasionally do we manage to rise above the muck.
You are very right but what hurts is we thought we had at least evolved past this.

Whatever I thought about the right I thought most of them would respect minorities. Now I don't know what to think...
Trust me, dudes like the guy in the Red Dead 2 thread going off about SJW cuck mods aren't an anomaly. But most are smart enough to know how the game is played. Keep your head down, stay out of any threads related to politics, and your account stays alive.

Trump's win means that not only has GAF's views on liberalism and intersectionalism have been rejected by mainstream America, they've been rejected by the Western world itself. These Gaffers are now more emboldened than ever. At best, they feel like they can say "Hey minorities, shut up and cater to my feelings." At worst they can say whatever they want because even if they get banned, their worldview has been vindicated by society.

Yep. People thinking this will pass are dead wrong. This is the new normal. "fringe" views have been codified as not only acceptable, but encouraged.

We're taking some large ass steps back.
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