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Seeming surge of hate crimes, assaults, intimidation in wake of Trump victory

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As a minority, I will not travel into a red state as long as that orange idiot is in the White House.

My girlfriend said the same thing, but I think it might be better to drill down a bit and look at it by county. There are parts of blue states that even minorities wouldn't wanna go (anywhere in illinois outside of chicago lmao)!~
It's funny how people post macho quotes about liberty being refreshed by the blood of patriots, but when we are in a position where that might need to happen, they are cheering for the wrong side.


Reading all the recent assaults on marginalized people this morning...

Not a damn shred of fucking humanity among Trump supporters. This is what they fucking voted for and said was okay.
I've been trying to stay positive these last two days, but this whole thread hurts me so much. Those tweets are too painful. How can this be 2016? I swear I never knew there was this much hate in people's hearts, at least on such a widespread scale. Fear is never the answer, but fuck is it hard to keep it cool right now...


It's not about red and blue states, but about rural and cities. If you're driving in a rural area, you're driving in Trumpland, and it doesn't really matter which state you're in. The same goes for being in a city. The division in America isn't between north and south, but city and urban. A quick look at the county based voting will show you this.

For example, bluest of blue, New York:

Having lived in the red part of New York, it isn't even that Trump's policies would have affected them more - a lot of the jobs up there are directly from NAFTA, which means that Trump's actually going to fuck those people over. Poverty isn't even the biggest factor, a lot of people there live fairly comfortably even with low wages because the cost of living is low. (I rented an apartment for $325 during my college years a few years back)

The problem is a lack of education and possibly the population density. People are so rural that they never get to talk or meet anyone different than themselves and the culture stays stagnant.
So glad I live/work in CA and my family lives in NJ -- two overwhelmingly blue states.

We will be fine, but can't say the same about middle/southern states. Scary shit.


Yesterday I was talking with one of my coworkers about traveling to the US (We are Mexicans) I was saying that I had no plans to go, and if from my job they want me to send me there, I would say no (at least not now).


I've been trying to stay positive these last two days, but this whole thread hurts me so much. Those tweets are too painful. How can this be 2016? I swear I never knew there was this much hate in people's hearts, at least on such a widespread scale. Fear is never the answer, but fuck is it hard to keep it cool right now...

For years, we have listen to so many people tell us that America has changed. That we are over racism and inequality in this country. That the color of your skin, your sex, and sexuality don't matter. How much has it really changed? Nothing has changed. The election shows that a huge chunk of people are the same and the other portion of the population is willing to accept racism and sexism in an attempt to bring back manufacturing and factories back to the United States.

What does it say about people who are willing to turn a blind eye to racism and sexism because they are angry, fearful, want to vote along party lines, or want to shake things up? Have they changed? To me it is insulting to see Paul Ryan stand in front of America and gloat that the Republican party won. Shouldn't he and the rest of America take the high road and say they will not support this man until he makes an apology to all the people he has offended.

The only thing that has changed are the laws that allow anybody to get a fair shake in this country. As sad as it maybe, Donald Trump needed to be elected to show people how little we have actually changed and far we have to go. It's going to open the door to the real America that now sits in their home whispering to each other "they" are taking our jobs, putting women in power, and destroying marriage. This is going to be ugly, but it is something that America needs to go through to take a hard look at itself.

This man put fear into people. I have always said that the day America gives into fear, into the terrorists, is the day that America is not great. We have given in. Hopefully, we come out stronger for the sake of our children.


Yeah. its getting scary. Much as I hate guns, or weapons. I'm going to have to get something to protect myself from these lunatics. Knife? Stun gun?


It's crazy there's nothing that can be done about this. Of course Dump himself isn't telling anyone to do these things, but it's clear his rhetoric and actions throughout his campaign has caused the net result.

In a perfect world his presidency would be null and void for inciting mass violence and even potential prosecution.


This election is working out great for the NRA. People who are against guns are buying guns just to protect themselves (don't blame those of you who do).


The NRA actually preferred Clinton. Crazy people don't buy as many guns when a Republican wins.

"Don't be silly BritGAF, this isn't anything like Brexit"
Don't be silly Hollande, the brexit scenario cannot happen in the US. They were warned.


To everyone (mostly WHITE people) reading this...

Don't stand for this.

This is most important time in decades to stand up boldly in the face of bigotry and intolerance, both online and offline.

And you bet it's going to hurt to do so. It's going to be scary.

But we owe it to others - not based on religion or race or gender or orientation - but as human beings, to stand up for others for BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

So reach out to someone. Don't tell me you can't find someone, because this ignorance and hatred is so wide-spread that you could hit it if you spit. You don't have to look far.

Be calm. Be smart. Be angry. Be understanding.

This hatred comes from a dark, miserable place in these people's lives - a frustration of their own life choices and their own misconceptions and their own misguided sense of superiority because that makes them feel good when nothing else will. That doesn't justify any of it, but it's important to remember the root of the problem and not just the actions and damage the problem causes.

But please remember, whoever you are, whoever reads this, that you are valuable and worth it. You are worth my time, my attention, and my action to stand alongside you in the face of hatred and intolerance.

And we can only show others lost in that hatred and bigotry that there is another way, another path. To call it when it happens, and to do everything in our power to offset it with our own good works.

Know that every good thing you do makes the world a significantly better place than any act of racist, ignorant, misogynist hatred ever will, and thank you for that.


Yeah. its getting scary. Much as I hate guns, or weapons. I'm going to have to get something to protect myself from these lunatics. Knife? Stun gun?

I don't recommend a knife. It can be a traumatizing thing to look back on if you ever did use it. I recommend a stun gun for home and pepper spray for anywhere else.


I don't recommend a knife. It can be a traumatizing thing to look back on if you ever did use it. I recommend a stun gun for home and pepper spray for anywhere else.

Okay. I mean, I don't have it worse than some. I feel for them. I'm white, and act pretty butch, you wouldn't know I was gay unless I told you. I should blend in.

But everyone else. :( Be careful GAF.


To everyone (mostly WHITE people) reading this...

Don't stand for this.

This is most important time in decades to stand up boldly in the face of bigotry and intolerance, both online and offline.

And you bet it's going to hurt to do so. It's going to be scary.

But we owe it to others - not based on religion or race or gender or orientation - but as human beings, to stand up for others for BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

So reach out to someone. Don't tell me you can't find someone, because this ignorance and hatred is so wide-spread that you could hit it if you spit. You don't have to look far.

Be calm. Be smart. Be angry. Be understanding.

This hatred comes from a dark, miserable place in these people's lives - a frustration of their own life choices and their own misconceptions and their own misguided sense of superiority because that makes them feel good when nothing else will. That doesn't justify any of it, but it's important to remember the root of the problem and not just the actions and damage the problem causes.

But please remember, whoever you are, whoever reads this, that you are valuable and worth it. You are worth my time, my attention, and my action to stand alongside you in the face of hatred and intolerance.

And we can only show others lost in that hatred and bigotry that there is another way, another path. To call it when it happens, and to do everything in our power to offset it with our own good works.

Know that every good thing you do makes the world a significantly better place than any act of racist, ignorant, misogynist hatred ever will, and thank you for that.
If they could not even cast a lever against Trump you think they will raise a finger or do anything?


If they could not even cast a lever against Trump you think they will raise a finger or do anything?


Yes, I do believe that.

Because they'll have to. Because reality is here and its inescapable now.

And because there's never a time like the present to start a movement for change. Be upset, be angry, be sad... but the hard work is just beginning.

And I'm sure as hell going to do my part and ask everyone in earshot to do theirs.


never left the stone age
Fuck man. Why can't we all just get along? Fuck the people doing this and fuck each and every one of you who enabled them.

French and German gaffers, please take heed.
I'd like Swedish people to do so as well. We have our local brand of "Totally Not Neo-Nazi We Just Support Traditional Values" party.

And then members constantly spout nazi rhetoric, strongly imply immigrants should be shot, etc. Luckily we have a great award winning group who keeps constant tabs on the hate they spew. We also have hate speech laws.

Something I feel the US needs hardcore. Not all free speech should be free.


To everyone (mostly WHITE people) reading this...

Don't stand for this.

This is most important time in decades to stand up boldly in the face of bigotry and intolerance, both online and offline.

And you bet it's going to hurt to do so. It's going to be scary.

But we owe it to others - not based on religion or race or gender or orientation - but as human beings, to stand up for others for BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

So reach out to someone. Don't tell me you can't find someone, because this ignorance and hatred is so wide-spread that you could hit it if you spit. You don't have to look far.

Be calm. Be smart. Be angry. Be understanding.

This hatred comes from a dark, miserable place in these people's lives - a frustration of their own life choices and their own misconceptions and their own misguided sense of superiority because that makes them feel good when nothing else will. That doesn't justify any of it, but it's important to remember the root of the problem and not just the actions and damage the problem causes.

But please remember, whoever you are, whoever reads this, that you are valuable and worth it. You are worth my time, my attention, and my action to stand alongside you in the face of hatred and intolerance.

And we can only show others lost in that hatred and bigotry that there is another way, another path. To call it when it happens, and to do everything in our power to offset it with our own good works.

Know that every good thing you do makes the world a significantly better place than any act of racist, ignorant, misogynist hatred ever will, and thank you for that.

Too little.

Too late.

Ya'll had ample time to reject this, and the gop for decades. This didn't happen overnight.
Yep, totally all about economic fear.

Yeah, the Trump supporter apologists were swift and preposterous, even on GAF.

"B-b-b-but liberals should have been more inclusive! They caused this by calling Trump supporters bigots!"

My head has been spinning into fucking orbit reading this type of nonsense.


Oh wow. I didn't expect to see such things showing up in America and see how Americans who supported Trump thought this is what is all about with the new Presidency and America way of life. They got the message all wrong however Trump speeches made to send his messages in such manner. Such pure hate everywhere nowadays.

Now I wonder, after 70 years does WW2 loss of Hitler was actually a loss or a Victory prepared special on a particular future, era, time-line ?
Oh and yes, looking at SFI Marvel films, the thing with Hydra inside America hidden it does show a thin line between that and our own reality.
To everyone (mostly WHITE people) reading this...

Don't stand for this.

This is most important time in decades to stand up boldly in the face of bigotry and intolerance, both online and offline.

And you bet it's going to hurt to do so. It's going to be scary.

But we owe it to others - not based on religion or race or gender or orientation - but as human beings, to stand up for others for BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

So reach out to someone. Don't tell me you can't find someone, because this ignorance and hatred is so wide-spread that you could hit it if you spit. You don't have to look far.

Be calm. Be smart. Be angry. Be understanding.

This hatred comes from a dark, miserable place in these people's lives - a frustration of their own life choices and their own misconceptions and their own misguided sense of superiority because that makes them feel good when nothing else will. That doesn't justify any of it, but it's important to remember the root of the problem and not just the actions and damage the problem causes.

But please remember, whoever you are, whoever reads this, that you are valuable and worth it. You are worth my time, my attention, and my action to stand alongside you in the face of hatred and intolerance.

And we can only show others lost in that hatred and bigotry that there is another way, another path. To call it when it happens, and to do everything in our power to offset it with our own good works.

Know that every good thing you do makes the world a significantly better place than any act of racist, ignorant, misogynist hatred ever will, and thank you for that.

You have my sword.
This is just like Brexit. You put a turd like Trump in the big chair and the dickless scum at the bottom think they've been given the greenlight to take out all their fears on everyone else.


In my area people of color were warned to stay inside this week because there have been threats of lynching, and I live in northern California...

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
It's not about red and blue states, but about rural and cities. If you're driving in a rural area, you're driving in Trumpland, and it doesn't really matter which state you're in. The same goes for being in a city. The division in America isn't between north and south, but city and urban. A quick look at the county based voting will show you this.

For example, bluest of blue, New York:
Ok, this is quite crazy. I knew even "blue states" were red in rural areas, but this is on a level I actually didn't expect. Even Long Island and Staten Island are deep, deep red. Damn.
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