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SEGA 3D Classics Collection hitting retail in North America (April 26th, $29.99)


They're perfect ports with added save states, and there are way more of them. I don't see how these ports could be much better. And can you really have the "best-looking version" of anything on a 3DS screen?

Aww 3DS? Oh well, nothing too interesting on here.

The Sega Genesis Collection on PSP is way better than this, and only $10.

I'll pass to be honest. I don't need another version of Sonic The Hedgehog.

3DS only? Why?

3DS....nuff said

SEGA is the masters of just absolutely being able to disappoint at every single turn.

wall of shame continues to grow

lol what a fucking disappointment. why even hint at Shenmue ports for PS4 if it was going to be this

when did they even hint at that

they put out like

one post


they even put "classics" in the post

seriously, that's all we got, and this is that!

This is really apples to oranges. Would I like a superior redux of Sega games, absolutely. Barring that, would I rather have an easily playable collection of games most people actually want to play, bugs and all, rather than this...YES.

I keep seeing these quotes stating anyone who doesn't want work from M2 doesn't know what they are talking about. I call BS on that. Just because someone would prefer an easily usable re-release on current consoles vs redone relatively obscure games doesnt mean they dont know what they are talking about. If you want Maze Walker and Power Drift more power to you, but I would rather have Phantasy Star and Shining Force.

nah, you're asking for backbone-ported garbage, and we've had that several times over. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is literally going for peanuts these days, and it's got the titles you're aware of, with save states.

this has the legit classics that built Sega's house, many from their arcade days - your lack of knowledge on them isn't their fault, and frankly, given the readily-available ports of those common ones everywhere this side of steam, you should be excited to learn about these greats, with superior design & updating too.

to put it more succinctly:

Comparing M2's masterful port work to Backbone's half assed garbage?

There's "simply mistaken" and "profoundly ignorant". This falls in the latter catagory.
This is really apples to oranges. Would I like a superior redux of Sega games, absolutely. Barring that, would I rather have an easily playable collection of games most people actually want to play, bugs and all, rather than this...YES.

I keep seeing these quotes stating anyone who doesn't want work from M2 doesn't know what they are talking about. I call BS on that. Just because someone would prefer an easily usable re-release on current consoles vs redone relatively obscure games doesnt mean they dont know what they are talking about. If you want Maze Walker and Power Drift more power to you, but I would rather have Phantasy Star and Shining Force.

The more obscure is what has my interest. If anything, I was a bit disappointed when the Sega 3D Classics line began dipping into Genesis games, because that part of Sega history is already well-preserved. I'd love to see more arcade ports, especially of games like Outrunners that has never had a true port. Or SegaSonic the Hedgehog over yet another Genesis Sonic game. Or Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder. I can keep going on like this, but I'm glad to see they went with something like Power Drift over another Genesis game.


I don't think it's an age gap thing.

For me, it's a case of wanting them to port some games that really need them because they are great and deserve more love. I can probably think of a few SMS or Genesis games that need ports (or Saturn games, though some of those are near impossible to port for many reasons; a really good Saturn collection is probably the big thing SEGA will never be able to put forth that is really needed) too. Comix Zone has limited ports, IIRC, for example, and could use a fresh one. (Side note: I do appreciate the two releases that are coming stateside for the first time on this compilation.)

I also didn't mention this in my post, but it's coming out on 3DS, which does nothing for me personally. I still might give this a look if it were on PS4.

the stereoscopic 3D work wouldn't work there though, and again those Genesis ones are on steam/PSN/tons of places. i feel you on wanting the Saturn ones, but emulating that is still a bitch at times, and worse yet, original source code to stuff like Panzer Dragoon Saga is lost to the ages.

this really is the best thing to happen with the teams they've got there, honestly.

The more obscure is what has my interest. If anything, I was a bit disappointed when the Sega 3D Classics line began dipping into Genesis games, because that part of Sega history is already well-preserved. I'd love to see more arcade ports, especially of games like Outrunners that has never had a true port. Or SegaSonic the Hedgehog over yet another Genesis Sonic game. Or Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder. I can keep going on like this, but I'm glad to see they went with something like Power Drift over another Genesis game.

amen, every arcade title got me happy! and Revenge of Death Adder, god that'd be amazing
i love this mentality - it's why i sought after stuff like Memorial Selection 1/2 on the saturn - i want the kinda sega stuff ive not yet experienced & can only find on a hardcore gaming 101 page!
I guesses the first 3D Classics Collection, so I was almost right!

It makes me sad that everyone is so disappointed, because SEGA puts tons of love into their game remasters. Even as someone who doesn't even like classic Sonic or Puyo Puyo, I am looking forward to this.
the stereoscopic 3D work wouldn't work there though, and again those Genesis ones are on steam/PSN/tons of places. i feel you on wanting the Saturn ones, but emulating that is still a bitch at times, and worse yet, original source code to stuff like Panzer Dragoon Saga is lost to the ages.

this really is the best thing to happen with the teams they've got there, honestly.

amen, every arcade title got me happy! and Revenge of Death Adder, god that'd be amazing
i love this mentality - it's why i sought after stuff like Memorial Selection 1/2 on the saturn - i want the kinda sega stuff ive not yet experienced & can only find on a hardcore gaming 101 page!

Speaking of the Memorial Selection, I'd also love to see some of the mid-80s Sega arcade games ported via 3D Classics, like Seishun Scandal, I'm Sorry, Flicky, Pengo, Teddy Boy Blues, Ninja Princess, but I know that's probably of relatively niche interest so I won't get my hopes up.


wall of shame continues to grow

when did they even hint at that

seriously, that's all we got, and this is that!

nah, you're asking for backbone-ported garbage, and we've had that several times over. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is literally going for peanuts these days, and it's got the titles you're aware of, with save states.

this has the legit classics that built Sega's house, many from their arcade days - your lack of knowledge on them isn't their fault, and frankly, given the readily-available ports of those common ones everywhere this side of steam, you should be excited to learn about these greats, with superior design & updating too.

to put it more succinctly:

Wow, this is some elite tier e-penis bravado. Lack of knowledge is bullshit. If you want to be all hipster about liking sega for all their old titles, go ahead. No one is impressed. The fact that we have different game tastes does not mean I do know know or appreciate a classic game, I just dont want to overpay for shit I will play once.


It's weird because this is actually Volume 2 in Japan. So, I hope we get their Volume 1 at some point, which will become our Volume 2 lol

I'm guessing they did that as a quick way to get powerdrift and puyo puyo out? Does seem a bit odd, but holding digital releases hostage to a more expensive bundle wouldn't surprise me (would annoy me though)

look at all these games that dont come with it

streets of rage 1 and 2, space harrier, outrun, super hang on, shinobi 3, gunstar heroes, after burner 2...

Sega, WTF man.

Yeah, that's a bit of a bummer. It's nice that the ports are phenomenal and it includes the 3DS themes they've released, but those 9 games for 30 bucks isn't particularly appetizing, especially considering two of them are pretty much duds and one of them is an inferior version of a game already in the package. I'd rather have a collection with all of the games they've released so far or even just get five of the 3D Classics on the eShop separately for the same price.


Wow, this is some elite tier e-penis bravado. Lack of knowledge is bullshit. I you want to be all hipster about liking sega for all their old titles, go ahead. No one is impressed. The fact that we have different game tastes does not mean I do know know or appreciate a classic game, I just dont want to overpay for shit I will play once.

it's pretty hipster of me to point out that the games you want to play so bad are not only a dollar on steam right now, but ported to every console in existence? and you haven't played these classic games, but you're sure you'd only play them once, so $30 for amazing remasters is "overpaying"? we're talking about games that weren't just contemporaries of the phantasy/shining/etc ones you're moaning about; in many cases, they were developed by some of the same teams.
and hey, if i was really on that hipster/e-cred thing you're pointing at, wouldn't i want fewer people playing these classics, rather than more?

at least we agree that your lack of knowledge is bullshit!

That's because of Sony and you're deluded if you think that was SEGA's doing.

yeah, sony is legit the only way we got Yakuza 5 so i suspect you're not wrong in them having a hand here

I wish this had the Streets of Rage games and Outrun.

agreed (and OutRun's work is just fantastic), i feel confident we'll see those on volume 2 of this later though!


Batteries the CRISIS!
I wonder if M2 could emulate VectorMan's title screen music for the first time in fucking history. That would be nice.
I wish this had the Streets of Rage games and Outrun.

It's still weird that neither of the JP retail volumes have Super Hang On and After Burner II.

I have nothing but praise for the Sega 3D Classics ports themselves, but the retail releases could have been more thorough.


It's still weird that neither of the JP retail volumes have Super Hang On and After Burner II.

I have nothing but praise for the Sega 3D Classics ports themselves, but the retail releases could have been more thorough.

They could still do a third collection couldn't they? I mean none of these have had retail releases:

After Burner II
Streets of Rage 2
Gunstar Heroes
Super Hang-On
Sonic 2

That's only one less than the first collection had (not counting the bonuses), so it's not impossible.
lol, in the other thread people were thinking this announcement was going to be an EA Access-like service that included Genesis titles, and even Saturn Games.


Mother fucking Puyo Puyo 2 and Power Drift!

Now, I'm just hoping they comment about whether or not they'll be releasing them on the eShop individually...
Nintendo or Sony...Anyone...Please buy the fuck up Sega and take real advantage of the IPs of them,the ones that were made when they used to be a real top videogaming company...and not the nowadays bullshit!"
"Authentic"? I want games, not weird phrasing. And i don't even know or care about that the game you named. I've never heard of it now have i known it ever existed.

I can't even tell the difference between my old Genesis copies and emulated versions, but i want a huge compilation collection and i want it NOW x(

This thread is a shit show.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
An amazing collection of brilliant games. Definitely going to grab this when it hits. I have Out Run and it's a beautifully done port. Can't wait to play these and am looking forward to volume 2!

Also totally flabbergasted at the negative reactions to this. Just wow!
man some of these posts are just disappointing

Anyway, nice. Definitely picking this up.

I'll take a collection like this, developed by one of the most thorough porting studios around over a shoddy 40 game collection with shitty emulation. (Though ideally, the dream is a collection of that size done by M2. It's nice to want things, though.)


It's still weird that neither of the JP retail volumes have Super Hang On and After Burner II.

Almost like they're holding those for a third and final collection... Those two, the last three Mega Drive games, plus a couple bonus games would make for a decent third collection.


lmao this could have been Jet Set Radio Future, Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon Orta "classic pack" on PSN/XBLA/Steam

But instead it's more shit. Wow, thanks Sega!
It pays never to get your hopes up with Sega announcements nowadays. Even as a Sega fan that collection doesn't interest me in the slightest, 2 titles we've seen a million times before, a couple we've rightfully never seen (because they suck), an unlocalised Puyo Puyo (not the one people actually want) and a few highly niche titles that are pretty decent at best.

Streets of Rage 2? Gunstar Heroes? Outrun? Shinobi 3? Of course not, they remain e-shop only.
lmao this could have been Jet Set Radio Future, Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon Orta "classic pack" on PSN/XBLA/Steam

But instead it's more shit. Wow, thanks Sega!

Was there any indication that it could've been the 3 games?

As usual, fans hype things up to the point where people get mad when their unrealistic expectations don't been met.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Was kinda hoping this would be a compilation of all the 3D Classics that have been released so far, like Gunstar and SOR2. Still, cool having a retail release for these games, and M2 continues to do the lord's work.


it's pretty hipster of me to point out that the games you want to play so bad are not only a dollar on steam right now, but ported to every console in existence? and you haven't played these classic games, but you're sure you'd only play them once, so $30 for amazing remasters is "overpaying"? we're talking about games that weren't just contemporaries of the phantasy/shining/etc ones you're moaning about; in many cases, they were developed by some of the same teams.
and hey, if i was really on that hipster/e-cred thing you're pointing at, wouldn't i want fewer people playing these classics, rather than more?

at least we agree that your lack of knowledge is bullshit!


Yup, lack of knowledge:

"ported to every console in existence?" Nope, not easily available on my PS4 or Xbox one

"you haven't played these classic games" Wrong again

"$30 for amazing remasters" You have ZERO clue what this particular collection will be like, only assumptions.

Take the elitism, made up assumptions, and lack of understanding to some other Junior because I'm not buying it.
lmao this could have been Jet Set Radio Future, Skies of Arcadia, Panzer Dragoon Orta "classic pack" on PSN/XBLA/Steam

But instead it's more shit. Wow, thanks Sega!
I don't know what kind of shit you'd have to be smoking to think they'd bundle all of those games in one collection

They didn't even feel comfortable selling those independently, hence Skies HD getting shitcanned


Yup, lack of knowledge

again, glad you're owning this

"you haven't played these classic games" Wrong again

you literally just said that in a prior post; forgive me for not keeping up with your personal tastes i guess?

"$30 for amazing remasters" You have ZERO clue what this particular collection will be like, only assumptions.

except these games (all but a few) are readily available from the eshop, so we know the level of quality here
if you weren't talking from your ass, you'd also know this

Take the elitism, made up assumptions, and lack of understanding to some other Junior because I'm not buying it.

soon as i see another in as dire need of it, i shall!
Yup, lack of knowledge:

"ported to every console in existence?" Nope, not easily available on my PS4 or Xbox one

"you haven't played these classic games" Wrong again

"$30 for amazing remasters" You have ZERO clue what this particular collection will be like, only assumptions.

Take the elitism, made up assumptions, and lack of understanding to some other Junior because I'm not buying it.

Um, people already know what this particular collection will be like. Most of these ports have been released individually, and the retail version with Power Drift and Puyo has already been released in Japan.
Yup, lack of knowledge:

"ported to every console in existence?" Nope, not easily available on my PS4 or Xbox one

"you haven't played these classic games" Wrong again

"$30 for amazing remasters" You have ZERO clue what this particular collection will be like, only assumptions.

Take the elitism, made up assumptions, and lack of understanding to some other Junior because I'm not buying it.
The collection has been available in Japan for months, and I'm pretty sure Irish imported it (or at least downloaded it) since he's a regular poster in the main Sega 3D Classics thread

So maybe you should chill with the assumptions too, bruh


Awesome! I've been wanting to try a lot of these games out for the longest time, finally get a chance to play them Sega classics like Puyo Puyo 2. Also I kinda want to play Maze Walker...
Yup, lack of knowledge:

"ported to every console in existence?" Nope, not easily available on my PS4 or Xbox one

"you haven't played these classic games" Wrong again

"$30 for amazing remasters" You have ZERO clue what this particular collection will be like, only assumptions.

Take the elitism, made up assumptions, and lack of understanding to some other Junior because I'm not buying it.

Oh lord I can't believe this guy.
Very few people in this thread seem to know what this compilation is which really is a shame as this series is one of the best things to grace the 3DS.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Did you even look at the game list?
What might the list of games reveal about the port quality?

To answer your question, I own all but 1 of the 3DS Classics, as well as the Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection. There is absolutely no question as to which ports are superior.
HELL YEAH, I very much wanted this. However, I'm not crazy about the games selection. Where is my After Burner II, motherhumping Shinobi and Space Harrier, Sega? You better release the 3D Classics Collection 2.

I'm aware these games have been released multiple times everywhere, but I want them multiple times everywhere.
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