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Sega 3D Classics Wave 2 |OT| October: 3D Sonic 2

Has it been determined which star level of difficulty matches the default challenge level of the arcade board? Is it one or two stars? Two stars feels right, it can get nasty but feels like I'm honing my skills properly.


I've only picked up Sonic so far. If there was one must-have game from either wave which I should get, what would it be?

Out of the currently available ones so far, that is. Obviously I'm getting Outrun day 1.


I've only picked up Sonic so far. If there was one must-have game from either wave which I should get, what would it be?

Out of the currently available ones so far, that is. Obviously I'm getting Outrun day 1.

They're all great, so ultimately it depends on your personal taste.


- If you like Out Run, you should like Hang On, another excellent racing game. But maybe you don't want another racing game?
- Amongst the Super-scaler shmups, my favourite is Space Harrier because is a simpler arcade game. But other people like Galaxy Force as it has more variables to deal with, with your gas and speed. After Burner is much more frantic, action non-stop, but also difficult.
- Fantasy Zone is a horizontal shmup with more control of your ship and a dash of RPG wish the cash and upgrades. I love it.
- Streets of Rage is a good brawler, imo less than SoR2 but still very good in its own right.
- Super Shinobi 2 is goat action ninja platformer.
- Ecco is a good but punishing "puzzle" game. Best dolphin game with 2.
- Altered Beast is the weakest link, but I dunno I think it has its charm, I personally enjoy it.

So, yep,
They're all great, so ultimately it depends on your personal taste.


- If you like Out Run, you should like Hang On, another excellent racing game. But maybe you don't want another racing game?
- Amongst the Super-scaler shmups, my favourite is Space Harrier because is a simpler arcade game. But other people like Galaxy Force as it has more variables to deal with, with your gas and speed. After Burner is much more frantic, action non-stop, but also difficult.
- Fantasy Zone is a horizontal shmup with more control of your ship and a dash of RPG wish the cash and upgrades. I love it.
- Streets of Rage is a good brawler, imo less than SoR2 but still very good in its own right.
- Super Shinobi 2 is goat action ninja platformer.
- Ecco is a good but punishing "puzzle" game. Best dolphin game with 2.
- Altered Beast is the weakest link, but I dunno I think it has its charm, I personally enjoy it.

So, yep,

Thanks! I'm actually familiar with almost all of the originals, so it's good to hear there's no real duds, port-wise.
Space Harrier and OutRun are arcade classics I used to play a lot being kid so they are my favourites. Now Hang On is good but I've been easily bored with it... short session is best imo for this one.

Then you have Shinobi, a very good action game but it's not my favourite in the series like Street of Rage so I didn't buy these two.

And I've just thought about something reading through the thread and seeing Virtua Fighter gifs... Do you think they could bring it on New 3DS? That would be one of the most awesome thing ever :eek:


I've been really struggling with Stage 5 in Fantasy Zone. Playing it on and off every other day, but I can't seem to beat it. Help... :(


I've been really struggling with Stage 5 in Fantasy Zone. Playing it on and off every other day, but I can't seem to beat it. Help... :(
On the later levels I like to keep the screen moving when I am stuck with the default weapon so I don't get too overwhelmed by enemies. There's no time limit after all. I always buy 7-way shot at any opportunity in the second half of the game. Getting a shop balloon before a boss is too hard / unpredictable so the bosses just need trial and error. I've made it to stage 7 so far playing every now and then.

Fucking up on the boss is basically a death sentence for the entire run though :(


Yeah, keeping stationary is good for the early levels, but after that I keep scrolling, hitting the bases occasionally until one of them explodes. There is no time limit per se, but as time passes the enemies become more and more aggressive, shooting more bullets with more of them appearing. You can't really stay in the first level and make one million $10 at a time by destroying harmless waves of enemies. I think the dangerousness level is carried with you to the following level, though I'm not really sure of that.

I managed to hit a balloon right before the snowmen boss and got the 7-way shot, it's the only way I could pass it. It was down in seconds with this weapon.
If I have never played any Fantasy Zone and only want to buy one, which is better, 1 or 2?
2, as it apparently improves on flaws of the original while introducing a more complex level structure (light/dark worlds, multiple shops/endings, ability to access shop when you die after boss fights, &c.)

On the later levels I like to keep the screen moving when I am stuck with the default weapon so I don't get too overwhelmed by enemies. There's no time limit after all. I always buy 7-way shot at any opportunity in the second half of the game. Getting a shop balloon before a boss is too hard / unpredictable so the bosses just need trial and error. I've made it to stage 7 so far playing every now and then.

Fucking up on the boss is basically a death sentence for the entire run though :(
As long as your wallet remains in the range between the life upgrade you just bought and the one you bought prior (i.e. 50K < x < 100K at last upgrade), you can die and access the shop immediately after spawn. I used this for buying the 7-Way Shot before the snowmen myself, though I can beat 'em without any upgrades now. Keeping the screen in motion without tailing the end of it gets very difficult later on, but I try and do that myself.

Yeah, keeping stationary is good for the early levels, but after that I keep scrolling, hitting the bases occasionally until one of them explodes. There is no time limit per se, but as time passes the enemies become more and more aggressive, shooting more bullets with more of them appearing. You can't really stay in the first level and make one million $10 at a time by destroying harmless waves of enemies. I think the dangerousness level is carried with you to the following level, though I'm not really sure of that.
Difficulty resets per round, but yeah, it gets worse the longer you stay in one. Worse still, the value of coins you can grab from base drops decreases rapidly based on how much time you spend in a round (individually, not cumulative across). I work to finish rounds as fast as possible without bungling so I can get an optimal wallet for later; this will matter less once I've learned the game and can relax. Sticking around to kill for coins gets inefficient once the bullets change to that agitated color and pattern! Later round make that undesirable anyhow, putting you in situations where dodging ain't no joke (I think Polaria's blue-bullets-on-bule-background gimmick is stupid).
Helps that FZII has the Link Loop Mode I've heard cool things about. Both Upa-Upa and LLM are said to be more difficult than either main game, though, and so I'm not ready for either!


Thanks for the tips. Once I mentally adjusted to keep moving rather than stopping and turning back if I fail to destroy a base in a single approach, it definitely got easier. Also, buying a 7-shot and a better engine immediately when I could afford it, made things much easier. Managed to get to the final stage now! The second last stage looks super easy to grind for coin stock too, lololol. Easiest boss... ever?
One quirk I've noticed while optimizing Plaleaf:

The window for activating the shop balloon right from the start depends on how quickly you get the first two bases' coins in relation to the soundtrack. I might destroy both and get the coins right as the first phrase repeats, forcing me to wait for the second phrase to repeat before I can visit. But assuming I get both coins right as the second phrase's ending the first time, the balloon drops right as the first phrase's iteration begins. It's strange how the programmers tied a time-gate like this with in-game music, perhaps to save on processing. For playthroughs, nailing the latter trick allows for a little more coin value saved up before fighting the boss.


2, as it apparently improves on flaws of the original while introducing a more complex level structure (light/dark worlds, multiple shops/endings, ability to access shop when you die after boss fights, &c.)

I'm not a fan of the segmented levels with warp zones, I think it just makes the hunt for for the bases more tedious. The permanent store is a good addition though. I really enjoy both but I may prefer the first one because of the lack of warp zones.
Are you talking about II SMS or DX? I think DX only has the light/dark variants, not warp points like in the SMS game (which, yeah, are gratuitous and tedious).


Interesting stuff, I didn't even realize enemies get more overwhelming as time goes on. I was always wondering why the coin count from the bases goes down so sharply. but destroying a lot with the 7-shot right away seems to be fine for having enough money. Killing the enemies for coins never crossed my mind, the amount of coins they give compared to the bases is pitiful. Risk of dying is too much compared to the amount of coins you would get.

And yeah, I don't think suiciding before a boss to get the shop balloon is worth it.
FZIIDX uses a light/dark warp mechanic untethered to location, so you're just hopping between worlds on a regular horizontal set-up like in OG FZ. It's not anywhere near as confusing as the SMS game.

It seems that, in round 4, you can manipulate where the screen-climbing enemies (they shoot at you once before arcing up a tile) spawn, either to your left or right depending on which direction you're facing.
I finally got past round 5 of Fantasy Zone, I was having a hard time against the boss. I did happen to read about a rather interesting alternative strategy on strategywiki which worked out for me though.

I also foolishly thought money spent wouldn't go into the bank so was hardly buying anything. Money earned goes into the bank (I assume withdrawals are done on a no refunds basis though).

I still have trouble with bombs. Even with rapid fire they seem too slow and the trajectory is odd on them.

It is a good pick up for 10 minutes kind of game.


I finally managed to beat the game today and unlock Upa-Upa. It took a bit of luck too. I've been dying for days against the final part of the final boss. Such a nonsensical and cheap gimmick. In the end I'm not even sure how I won. I was evading the hell out of it while spamming heavy bombs. I'm not sure if a bomb hit it first, or if I actually managed to pull off a move which got it to ram into its own body. The animated went by too quick lol. I'm just glad to be done and over with that and to unlock all the remaining shit in the game. Goddamn.
Haven't reached stage 8 yet, gonna need to iron out random deaths in 5 and 6 before mastering round 7's boss. So far so good, though...I love that feeling of hopelessness I had with Galaxy Force II, where only with perseverance and observation can I find ways to optimize my runs and keep calm.

I finally got past round 5 of Fantasy Zone, I was having a hard time against the boss. I did happen to read about a rather interesting alternative strategy on strategywiki which worked out for me though.

I still have trouble with bombs. Even with rapid fire they seem too slow and the trajectory is odd on them.
I read up on that strategy, need to give it a whirl myself. Polaria's a peak round for the game, it seems, as even Mockstar's getting easier now that I know how to use engines faster than Big Wings. Often I can barely see the bullets when they pass through blue graphics layers, which forces me into the round's bottom half where the base spawns pose a problem. And, of course, this remains an issue fighting against the snowmen who shoot white bullets!

For bombs, assuming you're buying Twin Bombs, which don't run out and raise in price marginally, you need to practice ship momentum at different speeds (affected by engine type) and learn the positions of bases in a round before figuring out ways to quickly bomb them down. Twin Bombs are useful not just for destroying bases. You can use them for speeding up round 2's boss (top-speed momentum flings the bombs horizontally, allowing you to slip them between the orbs) and clean up squadrons.

Don't spoil me on what Opa-Opa's father does! All I know is that he comes after the end-game boss rush.
Check your emails folks, I just got a prize notification for the Fantasy Zone contest

I never win anything so this is exciting!


Gives all the fucks
So that makes, what, 4 members who won a Sega controller hoodie now? Cool to hear more of us are starting to win.
Now I just need to win one of those JSR hoodies...

Actually, the people who won from the 3D After Burner contest SHOULD have their hoodies sent out this week. Last week (on the 25th), I contacted them again to ask if they meant 4 weeks to be sent or 4 weeks is when I should expect it to arrive, & they said "stand by and allow about another week &#8230; they are in process."


Grabbed After Burner 2 lastnight. Wow, I suck at the game!

Anyone dive in and grab Altered Beast? :p Loved the hilariously bad transformations as a kid.


Grabbed After Burner 2 lastnight. Wow, I suck at the game!

Anyone dive in and grab Altered Beast? :p Loved the hilariously bad transformations as a kid.

I actually went ahead and bought evey single one of these I was missing last week... even Altered Beast. It's every bit as shitty as I remember it.
And I absolutely love it.
Super Hang-On is quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Outrun on the 12th, eh? Can't wait.
We'll put the spelling mistake down to over-excitement on the part of the Nintendo employee tasked with updating this page ;)

Is it common knowledge that Opa Opa has an auto-fire on the right trigger? Makes things a lot easier for me.

Man, I love that shop theme. The other game I remember it being used in is Hot Rod, which I think would also work well on the 3DS due to the perspective.. but it definitely would require some sort of online multiplayer component since that's such a big part of that experience.

The two games I desperately want in this series are: Rad Mobile and Outrunners

The cabinet graphics/simulation and atmospheric SFX in some of the games is really neat. It's a shame that the 3D effect in Afterburner seems a lot less accomplished than it is in Galaxy Force 2, and when using the cabinet overlay in Afterburner the HUD elements become extremely fuzzy.. even without using 3D. I guess the screen is just a bit too low resolution.

I don't know why people keep shitting on Altered Beast. It isn't Outrun, but it's a classic game in its own right that is still very fun to this day.
Man, I like 3D Fantasy Zone but I am so, so bad at it. I can't get past the sixth world, even on one-star difficulty. I haven't had this much difficulty with any of the other SEGA 3D Classics!

Can't wait for 3D OutRun. CAN'T FRIGGIN' WAIT.
I have enough funds in my account for OutRun and Thunderblade. Picked up Fantasy Zone yesterday when I bought the New 3DS and boy does it look great in 3D!! I had to redownload the rest of the Sega 3D Classics that were on my original 3DS but they are small in size so it wasn't a big deal. Nice to see my fav game Space Harrier on the bigger screen.
I have enough funds in my account for OutRun and Thunderblade. Picked up Fantasy Zone yesterday when I bought the New 3DS and boy does it look great in 3D!! I had to redownload the rest of the Sega 3D Classics that were on my original 3DS but they are small in size so it wasn't a big deal. Nice to see my fav game Space Harrier on the bigger screen.

Oh wow, Thunder Blade is coming too? So good.
Man, I like 3D Fantasy Zone but I am so, so bad at it. I can't get past the sixth world, even on one-star difficulty. I haven't had this much difficulty with any of the other SEGA 3D Classics!
Fantasy Zone can be a longer or shorter game than Galaxy Force II depending on your playstyle; I've spent at least ten hours more practicing this vs. GFII, partly because the latter game wants you to go a certain speed the whole time and runs are shorter.


Is it common knowledge that Opa Opa has an auto-fire on the right trigger? Makes things a lot easier for me.

Yeah. Go into the options, you can toggle auto-fire speed and reassign keys for everything, including auto-fire for weapon 1 and weapon 2. Makes it even easier!
I think I might get myself Outrun, it looks perfectly 90s in style to me. The colors, the guy with his arm around the girl driving, it's just super stylish and fun to me. I've never played it, it might be dated as fuck and shitty, but whatever, I wanna give it a try.
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