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Shadowrun: Hong Kong |OT| Little Trouble in Big China


Every cast member gets like a fucking novella.

Except Chung. Chung was surprisingly underdeveloped for being your boss.

Auntie Cheng would like a word with you, drek. Something about having Mr. Bao showing you a favourite collection of his.


I really don't think spending a lot more time reading than doing anything else is a pacing issue. That's just the type of game it is. So far (13 hours in) I still love it. Mission variety is great and the overall story remains intriguing.

I don't think the game has "too much dialogue" at all. But there is a text presentation problem. This is something they should really consider tweaking at some point. The game is extremely dense with text descriptions, but that's mixed in with the dialogue as well, and it can be a bit hard to read when they're all one huge paragraph and placed on the right side of the screen in a small window. A larger text window which is centered would feel much better.
I agree with this though. Having the text flush to the right doesn't really give you anything over the traditional central placing, and it makes it annoying to read on large monitors.
Thanks for the heads up, might have to jump in at that price.

You guys think they'll be a Hong Kong directors cut somewhere down the line?

I wouldn't count on it. Dragonfall was really well received and shackled to the mediocre Shadowrun Returns, which Harebrained probably figured was hamstringing peoples' interest in the series. So they used Dragonfall's critical acclaim as an excuse to remaster it into its own game, improving everything around it and improving the game's regard even further. Fortunately for them, it worked as intended.

By comparison, Hong Kong's reception has been a lot cooler. Their engine hasn't improved much, the story isn't as fulfilling, and, most critically, the minicamaign is waiting to resolve some dangling (minor) story threads, which gives it this constant feeling of "what could have been," even though the minicampaign probably won't change much at all. Dragonfall's popularity took some time to gain traction, but I don't see Hong Kong matching it--whenever someone thinks to mention Shadowrun games, Dragonfall will always be first on their mind.

Director's Cut or not, Harebrained has to overhaul the engine for the next game. Mercenary development is great, but they've really gotta aim higher now that RPGs (in general) are flowing good and free in the marketplace. Their writing talent alone won't be enough to stave off a lukewarm reception; I think Hong Kong is proof enough of this.
Well, after all the trouble I'd had earlier with the
ASIST mission matrix section
, I restarted the mission, this time with is0bel. And I managed to
disconnect Raymond in three turns
. Insanely easy when you have a novahot decker and not my wannabe character.
finished the game last night. I had so much trouble with the endgames of Returns and Dragonfall, I kept the game at normal difficulty. But between HK being quite a bit easier than returns and DF, and street samourai being horribly unbalanced, I don't think the last boss lasted more than two turns. And all its attacks missed, which means I literally suffered zero damage in that fight. Embarrassing :)

I was reading the wiki for DF last night, and discovered there was an ending (and god what an ending!) for
collaborating with Vauclair
. SR lore gets silly at times (when it tries to be too grandiose), but still, that's pretty fun writing for a CRPG :)


I wouldn't count on it. Dragonfall was really well received and shackled to the mediocre Shadowrun Returns, which Harebrained probably figured was hamstringing peoples' interest in the series. So they used Dragonfall's critical acclaim as an excuse to remaster it into its own game, improving everything around it and improving the game's regard even further. Fortunately for them, it worked as intended.

By comparison, Hong Kong's reception has been a lot cooler. Their engine hasn't improved much, the story isn't as fulfilling, and, most critically, the minicamaign is waiting to resolve some dangling (minor) story threads, which gives it this constant feeling of "what could have been," even though the minicampaign probably won't change much at all. Dragonfall's popularity took some time to gain traction, but I don't see Hong Kong matching it--whenever someone thinks to mention Shadowrun games, Dragonfall will always be first on their mind.

Director's Cut or not, Harebrained has to overhaul the engine for the next game. Mercenary development is great, but they've really gotta aim higher now that RPGs (in general) are flowing good and free in the marketplace. Their writing talent alone won't be enough to stave off a lukewarm reception; I think Hong Kong is proof enough of this.

I think the main problem with Hong Kong is that its story is undercooked. It feels like an expansion pack playing at being a sequel, and sort of failing at both. It's not bad. It simply needed way more time in the oven.
I think the whole game feels rushed, not just the story. The cinematics are too few and far between, and too short. There's a ton of typos and it bugs out way more than either of the other two (having my character load in their T-pose half the time is just embarrassing). And yeah, the story and sidequests I think need more polish.

Definitely pushed out to meet the deadline they advertised in the Kickstarter, for better and worse.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
I feel people are really playing up how bad the main story is. I've played plenty way worse than this. The only real problem is a lack of interaction with any of the primary players until the end. The sidequests are pretty great. Really good variety.


I think the whole game feels rushed, not just the story. The cinematics are too few and far between, and too short. There's a ton of typos and it bugs out way more than either of the other two (having my character load in their T-pose half the time is just embarrassing). And yeah, the story and sidequests I think need more polish.

Definitely pushed out to meet the deadline they advertised in the Kickstarter, for better and worse.


I'm not too phased.

Ill just finish my replay of the original, and I'm sure a few of these things will be ironed out before too long.
Aaaand finished. I still think it felt a little rushed, and I had a few minor troubles with it, but overall I enjoyed it. If I'd not played Dragonfall and gone straight from Returns to this, I'd have said it was killer. But, it just felt like another lap of Dragonfall, but not quite as polished. In isolation, I did enjoy the mission variety and missions themselves, and there were a few good characters (Gobbet was my favourite, I found Is0bel and Duncan a bit dull, Cheng was a more memorable fixer for me than the Dragonfall dude).

Probably unfair to compare a polished Director's Cut against an original release, but that's what I'm doing.

Dragonfall > Hong Kong > Returns.


omg finally time to play again

time to just make my dreamboat ork mage

e: wow, these aren't promising impressions.

It's a good game. Personally I expected it to be better than Dragonfall, but only the matrix is better. Otherwise I preferred Dragonfall in plot and characters, outside of the russian rigger. He's extremely interesting.


omg finally time to play again

time to just make my dreamboat ork mage

e: wow, these aren't promising impressions.
Don't worry too much about it. There's plenty to love in Hong Kong, and some of the issues (e.g. scripting errors) have already been addressed through patches.
Is it just me or were the three people playing Go at the hub all portrayed by the same portrait? Very jarring.
I think there's a bug here where it only shows one portrait, or else it's just written/scripted wrong. There are three portraits, but I noticed once that it didn't cycle through them properly.


I think there's a bug here where it only shows one portrait, or else it's just written/scripted wrong. There are three portraits, but I noticed once that it didn't cycle through them properly.

It's three very different portraits for me, so yeah, that was probably a bug.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Just started Dragonfall, remind me what stat dictates your skill slots again? I need more drones :(


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I loaded an old DF save to check, and yes, it's the same, Ranged Combat 3 gives the additional weapon slot. You also need Drone Control 4 to use two drones.

I have drone control 4 and am using 2 drones now instead of..well my rifle and a drone. I'm sure I used 3 in Returns tho, so I guess I need that ranged combat 3


Anyone tell me how many mainline quests there are?

I think there are around 5 or 6 but there is some wait time between them which you're forced to take some runs on the side. I'm not sure if they are specific runs though.

From memory:
Deliver message to
Obtain information on and
interrogate masked man after kidnapping him
(I don't really consider talking to Izzy's friend a separate quest)
Go infiltrate Tower to
rescue Raymond
Finish things up in
Walled City

There is a noticeable gap between the first and second. It may have some specific side runs to trigger it but I suspect it is just the number of runs rather than specific ones. I might be wrong.
Just started this and it seems fine. Chose a troll Street samurai with a focus on ranged weapons (shotgun and rifle).

Playing on easy as I don't want a challenge at all. I have had terrible experiences with harebrained schemes games and customer support so far so I just want to finish it before my saves eventually get wiped.


The bugs are really creeping up on me as I finish out the game. Returns was also buggy as shit. Wasn't an issue with Dragonfall but I waited for the DC to play that, and kind regretting not doing the same here. Disappearing icons, had one NPC escape and my only options refer to them as having been killed, had one mission where there were a bunch of neutrals and they bugged out their turns, taking forever.
Yeah.. polish-wise Hong Kong is closer to Returns than I feel comfortable with. The clunkiness of the engine and scripting glitches/typos are both real shames. I saw several typos and had one or two glitches that forced me to reload, as I recall.

Dragonfall was a much smoother experience, for the record. Pre-DC version.

JC Sera

Its really weird cause dragonfall bugs killed progress for me and I had to redo about 15 hours worth and I just lost all momentum, while hong kong had no game breaking bugs, and was nice and smooth


Just finished the game. I played as a decker + rigger, otherwise I mostly put Karma into charisma. I really enjoyed that I could talk or hack my way out of many situations.
I didn't really like the new Matrix, though. The controls feel too rough to navigate stealthily. And then there's the hacking mini-game, the pattern recognition part is OK, but I could have done without the number sequence memorization part.

I somehow completely missed Is0bel's quest, she never really talked to me at all. Should I have brought or on some run, or did I say something wrong right at the start?

Overall, I really enjoyed the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Its really weird cause dragonfall bugs killed progress for me and I had to redo about 15 hours worth and I just lost all momentum, while hong kong had no game breaking bugs, and was nice and smooth

I encountered about the same amount of glitches/bugs in both Dragonfall and Hong Kong. While it wasn't as bad as what you experienced, the glitches in the director's cut version of Dragonfall caused me to lose an hour or two of progress during the APEX Rising mission. That never really happened during my Hong Kong playthrough, fortunately. It's all down to luck, I guess.


You missed Is0bel's quest? Are you sure? I didn't think that was even possible given that it
unlocks her memories of life in the Walled City
which I thought would be necessary for the plot to continue.

JC Sera

You missed Is0bel's quest? Are you sure? I didn't think that was even possible given that it
unlocks her memories of life in the Walled City
which I thought would be necessary for the plot to continue.
no its necessary to
get the good but optional ending
Should I upgrade the cyberware section? I'm a street warrior guy using rifles /shotguns/grenade launchers specialising in ranged combat.

Is it necessary for decent weapons/armour/upgrades?


Should I upgrade the cyberware section? I'm a street warrior guy using rifles /shotguns/grenade launchers specialising in ranged combat.

Is it necessary for decent weapons/armour/upgrades?

Necessary, no, but there are some really good upgrades available there. If you can spare the Karma to get some Cyber affinity and get an additional essense point, you can boost even a magic class with a bioware upgrade or two.

For a basic ranged street samurai character, there are some really snazzy upgrades available. The early ones are a bit shit, but the ones that come available mid game and later include some really useful stuff.
Necessary, no, but there are some really good upgrades available there. If you can spare the Karma to get some Cyber affinity and get an additional essense point, you can boost even a magic class with a bioware upgrade or two.

For a basic ranged street samurai character, there are some really snazzy upgrades available. The early ones are a bit shit, but the ones that come available mid game and later include some really useful stuff.
Do I need the karma upgrades to use these ones mid game? I've put no points in so far and I can still purchase a few things but it's basically armour +1 or body +1...

I don't use magic/decks or anything like that with my own character.


There's a new update on Kickstarter:

Shadows of Hong Kong Mini-Campaign
The Shadowrun writing, design, and art teams are moving full speed ahead on the upcoming Shadowrun: Hong Kong mini-campaign. Set in the weeks following the events of SR:HK, the mini-campaign will give you - and your team - the opportunity to turn the tables on the corrupt cops who once hunted you. Through layers of corporate greed and urban strife, you will contend with powerful enemies, uncover a deadly conspiracy, and cement your reputation as a Prime Runner... assuming that you survive, of course. The SR:HK mini-campaign is due to launch early in 2016, and will be free to all Kickstarter backers at the $15 level and up.

A New HBS Shadowrun Series Wiki!
For our UGC creators (or wanna-be UGC creators!), alongside the release of the game, we also launched a new Wiki! You'll be able to find information covering all three Shadowrun games, the Level Editor, and User Generated Content (UGC). The core game sections have information regarding the missions you'll run, the NPC's you'll meet, items that can be acquired, and much more. (Beware of spoilers if you haven't finished your first play through!)

The Wiki also includes tutorials and information about the Shadowrun Level Editor. While we've covered the basics, the more interesting tutorials have always come from community members trying things that we never imagined! If you’re interested in trying to create your own mission, this is a great place to start.

Digital Rewards
In addition to the mini-campaign, we’re also working to make sure the remaining digital rewards are delivered on time. Mel Odom is making good progress on the eNovel and our friends at Catalyst Game Labs are working on both the Panorama Poster and the Sourcebook. In the meantime, we’re pulling together the Audio Commentary, Digital Map and the annotated version of Into the Shadows. We’ll let you know when they’re available in your BackerKit account so you can download them.

Physical Rewards
We’re also happy to report that the Messenger Bags and SR:HK Figures are on a ship making their way to our fulfillment house. We anticipate they will arrive toward the end of October and then we’ll begin to ship them out. If all goes well, everyone should have their bags and figures by the middle-to-end of December.

In preparation for this, we’ll be sending out an email from BackerKit soon so you can confirm your shipping address. After you receive it, you’ll have 48 hours to confirm or make changes before we lock down that information so please don’t delay in responding.
Not surprised to see the mini campaign slip a tad into early 2016---the more time they can wring out to get a greater number of polish and fix patches into the base game, so much the better.


Not surprised to see the mini campaign slip a tad into early 2016---the more time they can wring out to get a greater number of polish and fix patches into the base game, so much the better.

It's been the plan all along. January-February 2016 was the original estimate.
Ah, my mistake---somehow I though it was December at one earlier point. However much time they need, which may also have something to do with how Battletech shakes out soon enough here---their results are totally worth taking it.


Took me a month but I finally finished it. Liked it, but I think the writing could use some trimming because everyone is a little too chatty. Liked Gobbet and Racter, Gaichu was alright, Isobel was meh - preferred Blitz. Duncan would've been more interesting if he was a bit more adversarial, but as it is the characterization is a bit too needy and subservient.

The NPCs outside of the Big Texas were pretty darn good, though. Interesting cast, though their liveblogging could have been paced better.

Combat also felt worse - sluggish and the AI seemed more prone to standing in the open than before. And that magnet arm trivializes like the only thing that was dangerous about the enemies.

Had fun building my character, though; ended up with a shotgun-toting ork with almost every part of his body cybered up.
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