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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS3/4/Vita/360/XB1/WiiU/PC) Kickstarter [800K/400K Funded]

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Gold Member
Why is this on Kickstarter? Serious question. Isn't a new Shantae game coming out really soon? It seems like WayForward already has a thriving business making Shantae games. I can't imagine they would have any trouble getting this game made sans Kickstarter.
Why is this on Kickstarter? Serious question. Isn't a new Shantae game coming out really soon? It seems like WayForward already has a thriving business making Shantae games. I can't imagine they would have any trouble getting this game made sans Kickstarter.
I've got to imagine the budget for the 3DS sequel is substantially smaller than what they're asking for here, especially given how they can reuse a good deal of the assets from Risky's Revenge with some minor finessing.


This must have been the project WayForward said was put on the back burner when it initially plans to do a Shantae title for Wii U's eshop. Anyway, I'll back it for $5 for now, already supported multiple kickstarters, but if the funding goal gets closer, then I'll see if I can pitch in a little more.


Anyone have any working links to TToB's Shantae art? I tried searching for some, but the links I found were all busted. Never seen it before and I feel like I'm missing something great. :(


I downloaded the original game on the 3DS, and it's a blast! Not got Risky's Revenge, yet. I'll throw in to back. Not a huge fan of the art style change, but it's not bad.

It's okay Magus

She'll have any level of tan for you

In your heart


Is there a version of this with the Risky's Revenge model of Shantae?
Normally I'd be down for the hardcover art book, but I can't justify spending that much on two KSs at about the same time. In my solitary, specific case, their timing cost them around $188.

Yeah, I bet it affects bigger spenders and how much they put down, but in terms of the number of backers and the general ballpark of money made, I don't think there's much in it.

(I could probably find some, like, evidence of this, but I'm tired. :p )


Aftershock LA
Quite the contrary, her hands are the only part unaffected by her vitiligo.

As someone who actually has vitiligo, I found this comment
very funny

Anyway, I've never played the Shantae games, but have been interested. I was also wondering why she was suddenly a few shades whiter. I guess they have to appeal to "dat white demographic?"

Sadly, no Vita version or even stretch goal? Meh. I might back, but we'll see.
Did they make her white? She used to have brown skin :/

Now I can't unsee how white she is now, damn you GAF.

I love my delicious brown dancers

Maybe she's been out of the game so long since Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse after, that the tan wore off.

BTW, this was posted on WF's KickStarter comment page:
Wayforward said:
None of the colors are locked down, and everything you're seeing is work-in-progress artwork. But good observation... she's looking a bit washed out when compared to her "Risky's Revenge" artwork, isn't she? A change wasn't intentional, other than to make it look nice against the background.

So no worries, tan lovers!


I made this logo for them under Matt Bozon's direction. Was wondering when they were going to announce this. For a second there I thought that they were changing the title of the 3ds game to this.


So I asked WayForward about what they are planning to do with the PC version of Shantae: Risky's Revenge now that it has been greenlit on Steam.

WayForward said:
As you may have heard, Shantae: Risky's Revenge was recently greenlit on Steam. We are currently focused on the Shantae: Half-Genie Hero kickstarter campaign but intend to look into porting Risky to Steam once the campaign is done :)



The artstyle for the game is amazing. Love the use of 3d models for the backgrounds. They kid of look like 2d hand drawn art.


Every comment on the KS page is about how white she is. I love it. They gave some BS reason about the design and colors not being finalized, but I'd be VERY surprised to not see her go back to her usual skin tone soon.


Why is this on Kickstarter? Serious question. I can't imagine they would have any trouble getting this game made sans Kickstarter.

Well, this is the developer's first time making an original downloadable HD title for multiple platforms that it is self-publishing.


I feel like this is going to have a hard time making it. I am not a huge fan of the new art style, but I'll help out. They've got my money.


Gold Member
Looks really good. I have never played this series, but i always saw references to it because of that guy called The Taked Out Bandit was always worshiping it. I have never backed a game on KS, but i must admit that it is really tempting. This game and the Minghty No.9 (when they announce next gen strecht goals) might make me join the KS party.
This is so good, might throw money at it. I love the look of both this and the new 3DS game.

I hope the Risky mode gets funded.

EDIT: Done, $12 thattaway.


Reluctant Member
Maybe she's been out of the game so long since Risky's Revenge and Pirate's Curse after, that the tan wore off.

BTW, this was posted on WF's KickStarter comment page:

So no worries, tan lovers!

I actually thought that was the case. As an artist, sometimes you're not really thinking about colors as being anything but colors and how they work together.
Went ahead and backed.

Strange, I just realized that I backed this game but haven't backed Mighty9 yet. Despite the fact that I've played most of the Megaman games and none of the Shantae games.

Maybe under $15 is the sweet spot.
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