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Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (PS3/4/Vita/360/XB1/WiiU/PC) Kickstarter [800K/400K Funded]

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I have some friends at WayForward, but I don't know how down I am to Kickstart for a company that already makes money.

I'd rather spend for indies and stuff.

EDIT: I still backed it. *Sigh*


The art is so bad :/ I wonder what happened. Reward tiers seems to be worse than Inafune's Kickstarter. Here you need to pledge at least 60$ to be able to vote on concepts and stuff for the game.

I'll wait and see for this one.


First tragedy, then farce.
Wish more games would start putting One/PS4 options. I'd like to move my game purchases in that direction.

I'm looking at you Inafune! :shakesfist

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Went ahead and backed.

Strange, I just realized that I backed this game but haven't backed Mighty9 yet. Despite the fact that I've played most of the Megaman games and none of the Shantae games.

Maybe under $15 is the sweet spot.

I backed this and not M9 despite having the exact same preferences because.

1. The game is guaranteed to be on a console I own, not that M9 is going to miss that goal.
2. More importantly I save money getting it this way.

I would definitely back M9 if it had a 17-18 dollar Wii U goal.


I'm not sure I understand the difference between the $12 and $15 brackets. For $12 you get the game at a discount and for $15 you don't have to pay anymore for the full game right?


Reluctant Member
I'm not sure I understand the difference between the $12 and $15 brackets. For $12 you get the game at a discount and for $15 you don't have to pay anymore for the full game right?

They are the same, except one is a discount for early backers (if they take that tier, that is).


Why are they working on this now when the 3DS game is still in development? They should focus on finishing that up first.


I like the idea of hand-drawn sprites for Shantae, though like many others I am slightly disturbed by her sudden change in skin color.


God damn kickstarter, I joined up to kick Mighty #9 and now this pops up 2 days later ? Ah well, They both got some cash from me now.


Why are they working on this now when the 3DS game is still in development? They should focus on finishing that up first.

The 3DS game is likely about done by now and they need to shift some staff over to a different project to keep everyone busy.



Aw yiss lets get dat brown on


They really should add a Vita stretch goal it's coming out to every platform including steam, a Vita port wouldn't be a huge issue and might just be the best platform to play a Shantae game on.


Oh daaaaaaaamn

With the way they're taking Shantae's artstyle lately I expect an NPC to call her moe in-game by the next game, if not even in this one.

I think I'll be in for $60.... depends on what we get to vote on. Otherwise I'min for $45.


Running off of Custom Firmware
In for $90. For great justice.
Without hesitation.

Always up for more Shantae.
And always a shame that we have to see so many licensed projects before one of these gems has a chance to dribble out.

Still less than what I paid for to acquire the GBC original. :(



Aw yiss lets get dat brown on

I don't for a second believe it. "The" background? They have her the same color on a whole slew of backgrounds. All the environments in the game, the white intro and outro in the video, the GIFs on the KS page, all the different reward tier illustrations (on the baby blue monitor and orange-red book). There isn't an isolated piece that they made her whiter to look good on, they changed it for everything.

I don't care that the change was made, and in fact prefer the lighter tone (because yeah, more attractive), but it bothers me that they're making what clearly appear to be inaccurate excuses.

If this is WF's new vision for the character, just say so. Why would the colors not be locked down when there is three games' worth of precedence?


I don't for a second believe it. "The" background? They have her the same color on a whole slew of backgrounds. All the environments in the game, the white intro and outro in the video, the GIFs on the KS page, all the different reward tier illustrations (on the baby blue monitor and orange-red book). There isn't an isolated piece that they made her whiter to look good on, they changed it for everything.

I don't care that the change was made, and in fact prefer the lighter tone (because yeah, more attractive), but it bothers me that they're making what clearly appear to be inaccurate excuses.

If this is WF's new vision for the character, just say so. Why would the colors not be locked down when there is three games' worth of precedence?



Is it that much a problem? At worst they did this to see if it'd get past everyone and it's probably just a case of swapping out the swatches or something to give her Melanin levels back to where they should be.


Her darker skin tone is much more attractive and suits her so much better. So I do hope they return to that. I don't really enjoy when they change a character like this, like giving her/him a new skin tone.


It's completely understandable, at least to me, to only look at how colors are working together and color schemes. It's not something malicious.

Does Wayforward consist solely of art people who look at characters and see only color schemes?



Exactly the point. They made her consistently whiter. If the occasional piece of concept art had her whiter for better contrast or tone, I could totally understand. If they hadn't already animated and illustrated so much, it would be easier to believe that they were still playing around with the look, but this is very clearly a calculated appearance.

The backlash could very well get them to change, but I'd like them to give a more believable excuse.

In fact, as of about thirty minutes ago, they posted again saying that the backlash is causing them to take another look at it. They'll be tweaking it as necessary after the whole lineup of characters is made. That makes sense. You want your characters to be unique, to an extent, but also to match on an overall basis. For example, you don't want Shantae to be the only character with dark skin unless there's a specific reason.


I prefer Shantae's older look so I'm glad they at least acknowledged the change and hopefully this will be rectified soon.

Not sure whether or not to believe though that her change in skin color was a conscientious decision.
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